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Posts posted by doyouevengohere

  1. I occasionally hate look at ledia's page.  Today it seems she is fighting with Devan.  All these people are trash and it's sad that there are children and a baby involved.  Ledia fights with everyone and doesn't have command of the English language so I can't even tell if she's hating on Devan or Jihoon or Yates or what.  Apparently Devan is threatening her with pictures of Ledia in bed with another man?  It's probably true and Ledia texted her pictures of her sleeping around when they were BFFs.

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  2. The whole Ludo/Violetta plot felt silly and ridiculous, but if you read the Inspector Morse books, some of the storylines are quite ridiculous and a stretch as well.  What I found silly was that young baby Morse seemed irritated and morally offended at the professors and don's sexist remarks and actions, but in the books he would have felt in a similar way- he was a right randy old fart in the books and they were full of him being a sexist jerk and making off colour remarks and he loved porn movies.  The Inspector Morse tv series cleaned him up a bit , and the Endeavor series makes him thoughtful and downright respectful of women.

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  3. I think the story about love is definitely between Morse and fred/all the Thursdays.  Violetta is not his great love and she's sort of a skeeze. Also I thought several times that Ludo was seducing Morse.

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  4. She's really stuck on weirdly not liking black people lately, or blm, and trotting out black people that support Trump to make it seem like she loves all people.  The more she goes on about stuff the more I think she and Eric met on some  online hate group or white supremacy online group.  It doesn't make sense but it does.   And she's the kind of horrible person we don't need more of in the US. yikes.  Also, it was her kid's birthday a few days ago and she made the comment that she missed him; so who knows where that kid is at ?  Hopefully with Eric's dad and stepmom who seem more normal and away from the apartment of filth and hate.  He definitely came back to the states with her.

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  5. Tom (and Lois!) are just so unlikeable.  I'd rather the story focus on their dad and how he is handling everythig.

    Webster?  Why didn't he help his boyfriend escape? Why?  I was hoping the boyfriend would flee on his own before the Germans got him.  Maybe Web will marry the nurse to get her out of Europe?

    Poor Kasia.  And the German mother and Hildy.  I was so hoping that Nancy was going to be able to get them out somehow......pull some strings , have a high up from American help.  That was so heartbreaking.

    I'm bored with Harry.  He's a drip.

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  6. I hate Lois and her brother.  And Harry.  He was okay in Warsaw, but he's a total drip in England.  I hope Lois dies giving birth and her brother AND Harry die in the war.  Then Kasia is able to come to England and be reunited with Jan, Harry's mom loves her and also decides to marry Lois' dad and they all live together in the big house raising the baby.   

    Helen Hunt's face is very distracting.  She looks like a lion.

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  7. Crazy is claiming that she is leaving for Indonesia to take care of her mom (who had a surgery) in April.  Um, I'm pretty sure international flights are cancelled.  Someone asked her in her comments if she's a doctor couldn't she help out in her community right now.  Potato replied that she is a doctor but is in self quarantine right now so she can fly to Indonesia.  LOL  I guess at this point Eric just goes along with her bat shit crazy claims and doesn't upset her delusions.

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