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Posts posted by Aqua

  1. 4 hours ago, hoodooznoodooz said:

    If someone wearing not one stitch of clothing walked up to me, sitting on a bench in a locker room, I would stand up.

    I think Grace was too insecure to do that.

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  2. On 11/3/2020 at 5:38 PM, Bulldog said:

    So, do we now think Grace's visions of what happened are just her imagination or an actual recollection of events? 


    I think she is imagining all these things, like when she was imagining Jonathan and Elena having sex.

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  3. On 11/1/2020 at 11:14 PM, txhorns79 said:

    I had a similar thought.  If I knew my spouse was on a business trip and wasn't responding to my calls, the first thing I would do would be to contact their office to see if they had a way to reach them. 

    When she walked into her therapy office she asked her secretary to phone someone at the hospital but we never heard the result of that.

    On 11/2/2020 at 12:27 AM, peach said:

    But I'm still kind of intrigued by the blonde friend, and various other aspects of the mystery. Maybe Grace acts like she does because she does have some kind of psychosis.

    The blonde friend (Sophia? Sylvia?) was over-the-top distraught about Elena's murder, actually interrupting a law firm meeting to get up and call Grace, which I thought interesting, but then it makes sense when you hear that she was representing Jonathan in a case regarding the murdered girl.

    On 11/2/2020 at 7:10 AM, Chaos Theory said:

    My biggest gripe is that Grace let the police take her to the police station without a lawyer.  Which was incredibly stupid.  

    As a lawyer I can say this happens in real life way too often. People think they can talk themselves into being removed from the suspect list, and they often believe if they bring in a lawyer they'll look more guilty.

    On 11/2/2020 at 2:34 PM, Pop Tart said:

    And that she immediately called the police and reported him? Also a nice surprise.

    I am so glad they didn't do the tired old trope of she believes him at first and then slowly over a series of episodes starts to suspect him again.

    On 11/2/2020 at 9:51 PM, One Imaginary Girl said:

    It's nothing important, but it grated on me that she didn't have a purse when she left the police station. She still had a phone, and then her keys when she got back home, but I think a woman like her would carry stuff in an expensive bag, not just her coat pockets.

    Agree, that was odd but I guess it shows she was thinking it would be just a quick trip to the police station to get everything straightened out and she'd be back at her father's in a half hour.

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  4. On 10/26/2020 at 2:28 PM, iMonrey said:

    I was confused at the end. So Grace's husband left his cell phone behind, right? That's what she found in the drawer? And she started calling different hotels trying to find him and got some guy whose voice she didn't recognize? Same name? Is her husband an imposter or something? Who goes out of town to a convention without even telling his wife where he's going to be staying?

    He mentioned the Hyatt Regency and made a comment about needing to stay overnight to get the points and a free breakfast. But he didn't specify which one, which is why she had to try a few before she found one that had a Jonathan Fraser staying there.

    On 10/26/2020 at 5:03 PM, Bulldog said:

    It never occurred to me that Jonathan could be an imposter, although I guess anything is possible.   We did have the flashback of him with the sick patient.

    I thought of a possible imposter angle but I think he is Henry's bio father so that would be a like  14-year impostership going on. The flashback with the sick patient was to identify the child who he had to leave the fundraiser for to attend to because he had a medical emergency. It was the same name, which escapes me.

    On 10/26/2020 at 5:03 PM, Bulldog said:

    Maybe Grace and Jonathan aren't as well off financially as their lifestyle would lead you to believe. Or, maybe I misinterpreted the whole thing. 

    I wondered about that too but not only do they have a very high-end SUV, they also have a private driver which is way over the top in Manhattan even for a couple very comfortable doctors.

    On 10/31/2020 at 11:45 AM, catsitter said:

    But they wouldn't have a sample of Grace's DNA to compare it to. 

    Unless they already have it for another reason.

    So far I find this show overall quite delicious.

    I think I'm in the minority in that Hugh Grant really annoyed me, maybe for the afore-mentioned bumbling Englishman thing. I was hoping he'd be dead by the episode's end but maybe he'll stay missing for a while. I think the dog story and the crying over the dead patient was possibly to show him as a sympathetic character so we don't suspect him of anything too soon.

    I did think, however, that Grace's annoyance at not being able to track him down at a hotel seemed to be not the first time something like this has happened. Did he cheat in the past and she's catching him again? She seemed perturbed to me but also like this was somewhat familiar.

    J & G's son Henry starts off as the quintessential precocious NYC kid with the hair to boot but as the episode progressed, the actor showed some range, so that was refreshing.

    Did that second scene in the locker room where Elena questions Grace really happen and was repressed? Or was that her using her psychologist skills to imagine the subtext of what Elena said? 

    Regarding the kiss in the elevator: I rewound it a couple times and Grace definitely kissed back or at least leaned in; she was not taken aback and may in fact have been wanting such.

    I don't think Grace acted like she knows something more; I think she's unnerved that she seems to be a suspect and so she's inadvertently acting suspicious. Did anyone catch the cop sneak a peak at the papers on her kitchen table? They were definitely doing the good cop/bad cop routine with the Latino cop playing the heavy.

    Nicole is very pretty but I think she looked better in Big Little Lies. I did notice the freeze-face a bit but I agree as mentioned above the character needs to as a psychologist to maintain an appearance of objectivity so it could be intentional.

    • Love 2
  5. The new Kraft Macaroni and Cheese commercial where the mom chases her child, screeching "You're having one more bite!"  I guess they are unaware pf the more modern consensus that force-feeding kids is cruel and leads to all forms of disordered eating. Brings back memories of lima beans and liver for me.

    • Love 11
  6. Okay enough with the Bonnie and her mother drama. A second tease with the pillow? Really? This silliness is not something that can be explained away by change in creative control, re-editing of scenes, etc. It is just bad writing, period.

    Madeline and Ed continue to annoy me and thankfully, for the last time. 

    Did anyone notice that in the ride to the courthouse, the twin on the left was not wearing a seatbelt? I thought for certain there was going to be an accident and him tragically killed. Is it possible this was the original plan and got shelved? To me it was very pointed and obvious that the belt was not around his should like his brother's.


  7. I thought this was a very choppy episode that didn't hang together all that well and I can't imagine how they're gong to tie up all these loose ends in the finale.

    Did anyone catch the name of the song that was playing when Jane was driving over to Cory's? Sounded like Depeche Mode from the early nineties.

    I'm a lawyer too and almost threw something at the TV when the lawyer brings out the diagram. Objection to relevance, lack of foundation, need an expert witness to authenticate and explain the diagram and no, the lawyer doesn't get to testify to what the diagram shows, that is what witnesses are for.

    And what's this about the judge ready to rule before hearing both sides? Like Celeste's side is an afterthought and is only considered when she jumps up and says hey, what about me? And no, absolutely no, Celeste doesn't get to suddenly play lawyer in her own case. This is not a pro se criminal case. Her lawyer is the one calling the witnesses. She is not just a potted plant.

    Mary Louise being shown tapes of the women's interviews at the police station? Nope, improper, would never would happen.

    The strangle-with-the-pillow-not-really was very hackneyed and silly. It's treading in the area of crying wolf and I may never believe you again when you present a dramatic scene. Then the later thing with the journal was no great reveal and a letdown.

    Ed and Tori scene, waste of space. I think I am the only person on this forum that finds the Ed and Madeline storyline completely boring and annoying. All their scenes seem like filler to me.

    And while most people seemed to like the Renata in-the-car-with-Gordon scene, honestly her exasperation with him is getting a little old. Maybe some other emotion could be taken out of the toolbox. And no way she stuffs paper into his mouth while he's driving unless she fancies the idea of him losing control and driving over a cliff.

    Much as I bitch about this show I am really going to miss it. What to watch when this is over?? Suggestion?


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  8. On 7/19/2019 at 9:08 PM, ferjy said:

    lol My friend who is a single mom says she wouldn't wish it on her worst enemy. And she's in her 30's. Can't imagine single (grand)parenting in your 70's.

    I spent a weekend with my sister babysitting her three grandchildren ages 5-8. Those 2 1/2 days produced a type of exhaustion unlike anything I'd ever experienced, and this was as an athletic person in my forties. I would think that a decision into a person's stamina to take on custody would be highly relevant no matter the age of the would-be caregiver.

  9. On 7/17/2019 at 11:17 PM, peggy06 said:

    Regarding this episode, it is a definite that Juliette's "stress management" services were sleeping with Gordon. The severance of $72,000, as stated upthread, seems to be based on the length of time she was employed. The $160,000 was the payoff for the hanky-panky. Keeping that from Renata would be a major concern for Gordon, I would think, and worth a bundle. 


    Are we to believe Gordon deferred payment of this $160,000 til an undetermined date? Juliette comes across as well-spoken and cunning at the hearing. Hard to believe she'd be so naive as to put up with letting Gordon rack up such a huge debt. And $72,000 seems a highly excessive severance pay for a nanny, even for a wealthy family. 

  10. On 7/8/2019 at 5:44 PM, Razzberry said:

    Did I miss something or is that schoolyard bully incredibly insightful?  When hearing that Ziggy and the twins have the same father he immediately says "That means your dad's a rapist!" WTF?  Why would anyone, let alone a kid, draw that conclusion right off the bat?


    I think that was bad writing. The response should have been "Yeah, everyone knows your dad's a rapist."

  11. On 7/8/2019 at 1:32 PM, LibertarianSlut said:

    Also, it seemed strange to me that Nathan was able to come to the hospital to collect Skye to take her to school.  When I was growing up, my dad was self-employed and I can count the number of times he dropped me off at school on one finger. I just think TV parents are constantly "around" these days, to impart wisdom at every turn, to shop, to be sitting on the couch when their kids come home from school, and that may be the experience of some parents these days, but it is not true of my experience, or the people I know, and it always takes me out of a scene when the parents both seem so hands-on, yet someone is clearly working full-time, and probably closer to an 80 hour week than a 40, and usually both parents are working, if we're being realistic.  

    I know they need the parents there to make the show work, but it would have been so much more familiar to me if Nathan picked Skye up from the hospital and said he would drop Skye off on the way to this or that job (I don't know what he does for a living), and that he would see Bonnie later, at 10 pm.  Just one throwaway line would have changed the whole dynamic for me.

    It was Skye's grandfather that picked her up at the hospital but otherwise I agree, the parents don't seem to really need to work like most people do.

  12. On 7/7/2019 at 11:53 PM, SHD said:

    I agree. I’m not really sure what’s going on, but that doesn’t seem plausible. My thought was that he got pulled in for some offense and we saw him being released. Or maybe pulled in to be questioned because of his relationship with Jane, not that he was set up to get involved with her. Honestly, I’m kind of worried that he has some offense concerning minors in his past, just because of how quickly he wanted to meet Ziggy.

    I also saw him as a witness leaving after an interview and not a UC cop.

    On 7/8/2019 at 12:43 AM, HollyG said:

    Yes, Bonnie was walking up to the police station when she stopped because she saw Corey coming out. 



    Did Bonnie ever meet Corey though?

  13. On 7/7/2019 at 11:18 PM, ferjy said:

    Apparently they do, they can go deep undercover and hook up with a partner and live the lie for months. Thing is, it's usually done to take down major drug cartels, not for lowly custody battles. 😀

    I don't think it's for custody, it's to find out what really happened with Perry's death.

  14. On 7/7/2019 at 10:07 PM, humbleopinion said:

    Who was watching Tory pushing her rack into Ed’s face...at the table, seated in the dark?

    Madeline’s cheat? So dark couldn’t see clearly....

    I wondered about that too.

  15. Great episode with suspenseful ending! 

    The scene with Renata and Celeste: Laura Dern is brilliant and hilarious.

    Nicole lapsed into her Australian accent in the scene with the lawyers.

    I still find Madeline and Ed to be completely boring as well as the ongoing rivalry between Ed and Nathan, but the last scene in the bar at least adds some spice to that storyline. 

  16. On 3/27/2017 at 9:34 AM, vibeology said:

     The dinner and vomiting did amuse me though and everything about Maddie/Ed was really well done.

    I laughed hysterically at the vomiting and how it kept happening. I have not laughed that hard in a long time and I normally hate vomit scenes. In fact I am laughing right now just thinking about it and can't stop.

  17. On 7/4/2019 at 12:43 PM, DrSpaceman said:

    I treat patients with botox all the time, mostly for migraines.  If she is paying $4500+ for injections, she needs to find a new doctor.  Way overpriced.  That would be more than a year's worth. 


    Did she actually say it was Botox? I think maybe she had a facelift. 

  18. On 7/1/2019 at 7:17 PM, Armchair Critic said:

    I realize that,  I just meant that actor plays creepy well so that's what has me suspicious of him. She did call him "Dad" last night but I figured he was her stepfather.

    I believe it's her real father. In the restaurant scene a few episodes ago he recounted a story about something she used to do with her food as a child.

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  19. On 7/1/2019 at 6:47 AM, Melina22 said:

    As for Celeste, I just assumed she'd been blackout drunk the night before and didn't remember what she'd done till it was too late. Ambien certainly wouldn't help. 

    I don't get why she'd take an Ambien anyway. She picks up the bartender and takes him home for sex. Does she really need an Ambien to get to sleep afterwards? And why didn't the guy just hide out in the bedroom when he heard ML and the kids come in. Why walk through the apartment shirtless? Who does that? Unbelievable and just a plot device to get ML to react.

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  20. On 6/23/2019 at 11:04 PM, Ms Blue Jay said:

    There is no reason Jane should ever be even 1% mildly friendly towards Mary-Louise after the sick shit Mary-Louise said to her, absolutely zero reason and if Jane spends any time with her Jane needs serious help.  Plot contrivance.


    I found that photo-sharing scene creepy and non-believable. 

  21. On 6/23/2019 at 10:02 PM, mojoween said:

    Also, am I crazy, or is teaching second graders that Charlotte’s Web is about sustainability insane?  Also also, Teach, why didn’t you notice that Amabella was missing before she fainted in the closet?


    That sustainability thing with second-graders was unrealistic and preachy and over-the-top PC. And I'm an environmentalist! Isn't there someone in the room when they're writing these episodes with a believability meter?

    Yeah I don't get the fainting in the closet thing. 

    This episode irked me on a number of levels.

  22. On 6/23/2019 at 9:58 PM, CleoCaesar said:

    Even the therapist needed to slow her roll.

    I thought the therapist was really bitchy this episode! And since when did Madeline and Ed start going to her?

    On 6/23/2019 at 9:58 PM, Penman61 said:

    Is it my imagination or have they turned Renata into a non-stop raving idiot?

    I mean, she always idled at 11, but IIRC her outbursts were always targeted (and funny). This episode she was just full-throttle stupid and shallow angry.

    I agree, I think the writing in this episode is off. 

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