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Posts posted by Tinydancerxo28

  1. 6 hours ago, GenX88 said:

    Ehh , I’m probably the only one not overly in awe of her . She’s no Holly P or Nicole Hamilton to me 🤷‍♀️

    You’re not alone lol. 

    I’m also surprised Lexie was never point considering her placement the past three years but happy she is the PBC.

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  2. I’m so happy Gina is one of the points. I do think Lexie should have been the other point but I know they wouldn’t demote Rachel. Lexie also has that pop that I don’t see in Rachel.

    love Kleine! I wouldn’t be surprised if she got rookie of the year because she does seem to be a great teammate and even Judy acknowledged that. 

    This may be an unpopular opinion but I’m surprised Amber L wasn’t cut. Her look and dancing kind of remind me of Taylor. I think that if Ava didn’t have the social media issues, she should have made the team over Amber. 



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  3. Glad I’m not the only one who finds this season to be a little bit of a snooze fest. 

    I know Melissa was picked to be a showmanship mentor because of the other shows she’s been on but she was mediocre back in her day. I’d love to see some of the real powerhouses mentor the girls instead. 

    The house tour with Natalie Woods also didn’t sit well with me. I’d rather hear more about how Kleine prepared for DCC, ask Natalie for advice, etc… or just cut the whole scene from the show would have been fine too😜

    I’m glad the show is showing more of the vets than in previous seasons. 

    Favorite rookies are Kaydianna, Tori, Kleine and Ashlinn. 

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  4. 19 minutes ago, Bellisima08 said:

    Wow! When you look at Gina compared to the girls on either side of her (which is easy to do because they are all in basically the same position), the weight difference is so obvious. For example, I can't count Rachel's ribs in this photo, but I can count Gina's. Also, it almost looks like sides of Gina's waist have been scooped out. Now I know in some pictures when she's standing still, one could make the argument that she's sucking in, but she's in motion here and needs to breath. If she was holding her breath to to suck it in while trying to dance, she'd be passing out in short order.

    I couldn’t help but feel concerned about Gina. I’m not sure if she has an eating disorder but I can definitely see how being in an environment like DCC could lead to one. Rachel and Caroline are definitely two DCC’s I never considered “fluffy” until these photos. 

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  5. I wasn’t going to chime in but I’m a POC and I’ve noticed a lot of comments regarding race lately. I disagree that these comments calling attention to the lack of diversity of the team are an attack on white people. Not calling attention to the issue doesn’t resolve race issues.  Saying that POC should be accepted only if they’re qualified ignores the fact that year after year, TPTB have taken girls who are definitely not field ready but fit a certain look that they like. I think that some POC may be discouraged from trying out when they know they already may not have the aesthetic that TPTB are looking for and there is a chance that they could be the only POC or one of few on the team. 

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  6. 5 hours ago, scorpio1031 said:

    I was under the impression that they could only do the one day audition under specific circumstances, and Hannah's concerns weren't included.  Also, it was said that the vets videos were a last minute decision and they received the routines the morning they entered the bubble.  So possible that they just didn't have the time like the rookies did to perfect everything.

    This was Judy’s reply about the one day audition. 


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  7. 3 hours ago, Tuxcat said:

    Good point. Thanks.  I've seen her stories but to me they seem to be about advocating for strong mental health and self preservation during a pandemic - not to mention strong messages for COVID healthcare workers et cetera. So if they think those are directed against DCC - that is DCC's problem. Melissa sucks.

    I couldn’t agree more. MRS was a mediocre cheerleader at best. Hannah was a two time show group member. I know DCC has her come back because she’s been on other shows but can we get someone like Michelle Keys or one of the Jennifers to be the showmanship mentor? Also, she kept saying that Hannah was bashing the organization. I haven’t seen any posts that seem to do that. I do wonder if the cut girls regret not doing a one day audition now and if their outcomes would have been different. I would have loved to see the vet audition videos so we could get a better idea of why some vets were ranked so low coming into training camp.

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  8. Thoughts on cameos: Tess...yikes! For being world class, how did they think that was a good cameo? I wish they had left Armani’s hair alone. 

    I was surprised Kelli personally wished Armani a happy birthday on IG. Has she ever done that before?

    Speaking of IG, the amount of Maddie love is kind of shocking. You’d think she’s the only one who can dance/deserves to be point based on the comments.

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  9. 19 minutes ago, PrincessLeia said:

    1. Charlotte just gets skinnier every year. She needs to spend more time at The Burger House. 

    2. The vet cuts were brutal, and I love that none of them let Kelli off easily. 

    3. I feel sad for this squad. This group of rookies won’t even get to dance on the turf. I feel like this squad should just get to be on the team next year..... how can anyone really improve when you don’t really get to do anything? I hope all of these girls make it back next year. 

    4. Maddie as point is 👎. Retire already. My girl Gina got robbed. 

    I agree! I’m just confused as to why Kelli said Brennan has never been a wow dancer this year but kept bringing her back to training camp. Was Lily ever called into the office this training camp before she was cut? I was also really hoping for Gina to be point. Maddie just doesn’t look mature enough to be up there especially when she’s got Lexie and Gina on either side. Also, Rachel W. is beautiful but I don’t find her dancing to be that exciting. 

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  10. 3 minutes ago, writeme93 said:

    I really don't think Alora-Rose or Jessica deserved to make it over any of the other candidates (rookies or vets) that were cut. 

    I also feel like besides that time Kelli and Judy said they like Sydney's style, we barely ever got to see her dance. I thought she looked good performing after she made the team though. 

    Agreed! Jessica was bland and Alora-Rose had lots of mistakes the first few days. I would have loved to have seen more deliberations about the vet cuts and why those two were kept. 

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  11. 4 minutes ago, realityjunkie771 said:

    The longer hair did wonders for her, I think. She looks great!

    Agreed! I think this is the best Brennan has looked.

    Personally, I thought all of the vets looked good in the dance off. I wish we saw more of Brennan and Hannah during it. I thought it was interesting they used Caroline for comparison and not their beloved Maddie. 

    Kelli and Judy have girls not social distancing and not wearing masks and they’re surprised someone tested positive? 🤔

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  12. Love Armani! IMO, she’s the best rookie.

    Jessica is another blonde blender to me. I’m glad she turned it up a little bit.

    When Kat joked that they should make her point in 3 years, I cringed. She still has to look at others to know what to do😬 Kelcey’s reaction made me laugh.

    I would love to see more of the veterans dancing and more critiques of the veterans. 

    • Love 13
  13. 6 hours ago, Tuxcat said:

    Generally agree except everything is different this year. First, DCC heavily promotes the idea of a sisterhood -not just a profession. They can't have it both ways especially in the middle of a global disaster.Which are they?   Hannah's family is in healthcare and she rightly was concerned. She was not just worried about her own health but rather for the health of the public. Remember this was all filmed when the south was surging. She likely questioned why they needed training camp at all this year. Yes, she chose to go because she wanted to keep something thats been special for her. It's okay to go but still feel conflicted about whether or not it was correct.  If expressing her concerns is what gets her fired - I am actually fine with that-  I just wish they would admit it. If it was truly because she appeared pale, and depressed and anxious then they had the responsibility to be just a touch more empathetic-- especially in the midst of pandemic.


    I don’t blame Hannah for being concerned or conflicted. I thought it was interesting that TBTP told the girls dancing to take their masks off and told the girls watching to leave them on and acted like they’re taking wearing masks seriously when there were vet vlogs of girls clearly not wearing them and interacting with each other. Also, did the vets quarantine prior to entering the bubble?

    • Love 7
  14. On 12/15/2020 at 1:06 PM, CrazyMoon said:

    Kat tends to present herself an airhead...not leadership material, regardless of her scandal issues

    Kat reminds me of Chelsea a little bit. Just over the top and doesn’t seem genuine. Based on her solo last year, I’m still shocked she made it to TC. It was Tinman Vivian level bad. 

    based on last night’s episode I can see why Meredith got cut. I thought it was interesting Kelli made a remark that Kat and Meredith were the last two to make it last year when it was Meredith and Lily who were called in. Kat was horrible last night but they kept her over Hannah and Brennan who are both solid dancers? Someone make it make sense. Also, it bugged me that Kelli said Hannah looked pale and unhappy. Hannah’s skin tone hasn’t changed since her rookie year so that should be a surprise and also I don’t think you need a big cheesy grin when you’re just standing around. I thought Lily and Sheridan actually looked good last night. I wish TBTP would address the board and rankings coming into camp.

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  15. On 12/10/2020 at 12:11 PM, 5678Pixie said:

    Tori is teaching Jennifer Amburn's class this Thursday.  I predict she will make the team next year.  She probably would have made the team this year if it wouldn't have been the year of the WOC.  Jen has a big influence on Kelli.  Lisa kissed Jen's butt before making the team.  Went to all of her classes and took privates from her.  Also ratted out Ashley and Julia to Jen knowing the infor would get back to Kelli.  Lisa is not dumb and she is all about herself.  That is how she gets places because we all know it it not her looks or her wardrobe.  

    Ooh everyone is entitled to their opinion but as a WOC, this comes off as that the WOC on the team stole a white woman’s spot. From what I’ve seen of the WOC TCCs this year, they are extremely talented and worthy of wearing the boots. I’ve seen comments before that someone like Yuko shouldn’t have made the team but Let’s not forget that the TBTP have taken tons of mediocre white girls (Breelan, Ashley P, Jordan C, Morgan, Kaitlyn, etc...)

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  16. My thoughts:

    I probably would have cut Alora-Rose but I’m sure Kelli wants to be able to brag that DCC is such a dream that even a Rockette wants to join. Claire W looked heavy last night. I’m kind of surprised no one has had a weight talk yet. 

    Armani is a standout to me. She just always looks like she’s having fun when she dances. 

    I laughed when Shannon told Kelli and Judy that DCC wasn’t her initial plan. If she auditions again, Kelli will probably hold it against her.

    What was going on with the veteran’s outfits? Rachel W had a cute, matching outfit but Brennan and Lisa?!?! You know you’re being filmed and I thought TPTB said you have to be camera ready. Lisa’s jeans were hideous. 

    I wish we had gotten to see more of the vets this episode. The show seems to always ask the girls on the bubble (Lily, Meredith) about what it’s like coming back as a vet. 



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  17. 11 hours ago, dreamcatcher said:

    I love Danielle, but I can’t stand incredibly selfish people so... and she had out of town guests like Heather (whom I also used to love but...).

    In any case, she seems like a lovely person otherwise and well liked by her teammates. 

    In general I agree with you. Your wedding should be a cherished memory so you should be able to have it the way you want -whether that means save up for years in order to have a huge party or take 5 of your closest friends and get married on the beach. BUT, I don’t think that having to postpone your wedding due to a pandemic is the end of the world. It’s a (hopefully) once in a lifetime thing and something that we need to accept and endure for a little longer. Selfish actions like that is what makes us all suffer.

    I’m sorry if I sound harsh, but we’re entering a second lockdown in my area precisely because people can’t sit their butts down and follow the rules. And it was announced that they are looking into the possibility that there is a mutation already and that’s why the cases have risen so fast, which would make the vaccines currently under testing useless AND mean that we would have to start over. So yes I’m hella pissed because I’ve spent 7 months of my life like this and I hate that so many people decided that having the time of their lives during a pandemic is more important than the common good.

    You have family and friends and the love of your life next to you? Suck it up, stay home and marry them next year, it’s not gonna destroy your life or change much really. Getting people sick or under another lockdown does destroy their lives though.

    I agree with you! It doesn’t matter if you have a “big” wedding or not because COVID doesn’t care. It only takes one person to spread it. Personally, I would have tried to postpone my big day because I wouldn’t want to risk being the host of a super spreader event. She had people from all over the country and no masks interacting🤦🏻‍♀️

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  18. On 9/19/2020 at 2:23 PM, Uk-Eve said:

    Yea lets be honest, good luck with that. I still think that that is too soon in terms of covid going away. Parts of uk is already in its second lockdown (some cities here in lockdown no3 depending on how you are counting it). I do not even think it will be completely gone by November let alone 100% then or gone by christmas but thats me and how I see it.


    And damn I missed her and Jasmine pics together they were cute in pics together etc (does that sound wrong or is that me being tired?)

    I get that this is a tough year for brides but it’s been a tough year for everyone. I don’t think this will be gone by then either. I also hope that she’s at least smart about having a wedding and people wear masks and try to social distance unlike what I saw in pictures from Veronica’s wedding. Personally, I wouldn’t be holding a large event right now. I wouldn’t want to carry the burden of my wedding being a potential super spreader event. 

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  19. 13 hours ago, Jesiklyn said:

    Yeah I can't imagine this is something TPTB will be happy about, it quiet petty really I thought more highly of her.

    If I was them I wouldn't be too impressed as it really isn't a good look from a PR stand point

    At first, I thought it was ballsy than I thought it was kind of hypocritical of her. There were videos when they did the bubble with girls pulling down their masks to talk or that game day bus video with girls clearly not wearing their masks. 

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