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Posts posted by Bali

  1. Well, that isn’t easy for a show that has a character who has been pregnant for 5 years, but I would say screen time with another character where things about Muriel having a life outside of baking things for Doc are revealed. 

    • Like 1
  2. Episode 31-

    Yeah- Danny to the rescue and almost the end of the creepy porn storyline. Jade will take Danny to dinner and possibly eat some crow there.

    Speaking of creepy, Joe is basically stalking Kelly at this point.

    Ted and Laken were cute. Ted putting the celery on the table instead of flowers, "The night blooming celery, the exotic dessert flower." Ah-young love. I wish they had gotten back together. 

    Mason and Veronica. Mason, "You'll be running until you catch me." I feel like he wouldn't run very fast. Then he says they're the poor side of the family. The Augusta and her strange outfit barges into his date.

    Augusta: Does she DO 90 words per minute?

    Mason: I wouldn't be so quick with the snipe, Augusta. After all, a secretary is a step above where you were when you married Lionel.


    Then finally, this gem:

    Lionel: Where have you been?

    Augusta: Baying at the moon. I'm surprised I didn't see you there. 

    I love these early episodes. The characters criss and cross with each other. They're allowed to have friendships outside the relationship TPTB were trying to force. It felt more like family then than when it becomes "Cruz is only allowed to interact with Eden. Ted is only allowed Haley."


  3. On 8/1/2023 at 10:27 AM, Shirlaine said:

    Episode 30:

    - I still don't like Santana and Cruz together. And them kissing, yuck! Fortunately, this all will change soon.

    - Cruz says that he and Santana are good friends but wasn't it so that they haven't seen each other in years? An interesting definition of good friends.

    - Augusta just lies about Joe without even blinking.

    - Why couldn't Joe just tell Kelly the details in stead of driving her away..

    - I repeat the same thing I've said ten times: Jade is so selfish and superficial!

    - I still don't like Mason. He is unreasonable about the Presidental suite. Not the Mason I love.

    - Ted and Laken's storyline is sweet but a little boring.

    - At the beginning of the show, any character can be in any episode. Later on, after watching the first 5 minutes of an episode, you can tell which characters are "on" and which not. I like the earlier times better, as with 1986-1987, I often understand soon after the episode begins, that there won't be anything interesting in the next 40 minutes. Then I just sit it through, nothing to wait for.

    - The two-way mirror seemed like a sick request. Who would have that installed and who would agree to do so without confirming it from the boss..

    - It was just right for Jade that Danny didn't want to come rescue her once more.


    About 1987: 

    - I like Pamela. In fact, the more the others (especially CC) dislike her, the more I like her. It wasn't fair that CC and Sophia kept Mason from her and that CC even hid the letters from her. And every other character is defending his actions.

    - I finally got through the Cruz trial, conviction and escape. Didn't like it at all, didn't remember much of it from my teen years. Kirk was a nice addition, but he was used so quickly and even at the end, he didn't refuse telling Keith that Cruz didn't kill Elena. No, he admitted it eagerly. A poor ending to a way too long storyline.

    - I really don't like Jake. He is always whining and pressuring Hayley to do things/marry him/work with him/do this and that. Not a very attracting quality. I wish Ted and Hayley would get back together, but I know that won't happen.

    - I dislike the pace of the show. It always goes like this:

    1. A couple is happy

    2. They have hardships, difficult times

    3. They get over the hardships; get back together/married/you name it

    4. From the next episode on after the phase 3, New hardships begin.

    An example of this: Kelly and Jeffrey. When they finally got married, they started to argue right away. I know it's a soap and I know we have discussed this before but still.. it feels so stupid and pointless not to let the couples be happy for a while sometimes.

    Instead of whining more, I'll go and watch an episode. :)

    I'm not a fan of Cruz and Santana either. They didn't click. It feels very forced. I prefer her with Mason. Instead, we're about to be forced to witness her with CC- which is more wrong.

    Still love Danny. Jade's story is really gross though- especially since she's only 17. And then there's "My name is Rusti Nayl." Yeah Jade even at 14 I realized THAT was a porn name. Shudder

    Peaches and her bf for the save.

    Sophia wears La Vie perfume. I look forward to her real arrival. But first I'm going to have to suffer through Burke's CC and Santana. That's worse than Rusti Nayl. 

    Lionel's jealous of Joe and Augusta. Uhm- Lionel, there's a word for that. Can we say "Hypocrite?" Ah well, he's still so much fun to watch. 

    I wasn't fond of Joe's pushy behavior at La Mesa. Joe, she said no- keep your hands off.

    That 2 way mirror comes in very handy. But I'm surprised that they left it there. So creepy in real life, but so handy for plot progression. 


    About 87- yes. I feel like the constant breaking up of couples drove the audience away. Let them be happy for at least a week. 

    Not a Pamela fan. She didn't have to stay away from Mason. She chose the money. Once he was an adult, she still ignored him. I'll never forget the early episode where he's calling everywhere trying to find her. That's on her- not CC. I mean CC pulled that whole you can't see MY children thing with Sophia, and her reaction was, "uhm, yeah, they're mine too, and I'm going to see them. Deal."

  4. On 7/19/2023 at 8:32 AM, Shirlaine said:

    Episode 29:

    - Ted has his shoes on when he is on the bed. I've seen this same with characters in movies and TV shows, when they are on the couch. Is this regular in the USA? Feels strange to me as when I get home, my shoes stay next to the door.

    - Nice to see other angles of the Capwell Mansion than just the few that will be seen later on. I'm referring to the scene in which Kelly and Peter talk in the "lobby".

    - If Joe's presumed innocence affected Kelly's feelings towards him (that is, she would like to get back together with him, she loves him), then she doesn't really care for Peter. Which we of course already guessed. And right away, when she doubts Joe again, she goes back to Peter. He must feel like a second choice at this point.

    - Lionel and his love potion! Crazy!

    - Why did the writers make Kelly so stupid that she believes and agrees to whatever lies Mason tells about Joe?

    - It sounds so corny when Joe says "Oh Cruz". Well, he is a good-looking guy..

    - Cruz eyeing the woman in the restaurant feels so wrong. And why doesn't he defend Joe when Kelly accuses him of lying?

    - Ted seems like he was drunk when waking up..

    - Augusta is so over dramatic and it doesn't seem believable that she would suddenly change her mind about her actions concerning the poor cooked pigeon. I like her pearl necklace, btw.

    - And again, I hate John Perkins. His attitude is so sick.

    - I don't like Mason using law on his own purposes (the house search in Lockridge Mansion).

    - Minx sitting with a crop in her hand is the best part of this episode.

    I've read some posts of the actors in FB (I even have some of them as my friends there - years ago I was bold and asked them :D), but it didn't occur to me that they could be here, too. Then again, I have no idea of how popular this discussion board is in the USA, I just ended up here at some point when someone linked this on a Finnish discussion board and I wanted to read the latest news on 90 Days Fiancee. :D

    I think shoes in bed are mostly a TV thing because it helps protect the actor's feet on the soundstage. No one wants to step on nails. 

    Lionel's love potion made me laugh. I loved that insane character. Then, Minx listening to the "love sounds" after Lionel convinces Augusta to enjoy the beneits of said potion. "Ah, yes, Lionel is back." She looked great in that nightgown. And in her pearls. Louise Sorel could wear a pillow case and look great.

    Kelly, you know what your heart is trying to tell you. Listen to it.

    Who DID knock Joe on the back of the head? Should we assume that was Marcello? Hmmm

  5. On 7/18/2023 at 8:23 PM, Carlos Abad said:

    Just watched episode 4. These is what I think about this ep.

    -And a mystery that was never resolved. Who thrown the bomb on the Perkins house? They never addressed that subject.

    -This is the first episode of Dominic and while Judith is for me the one and only Sophia I think Rosemary Forsyt is a lot better playing a man than Judith.

    Actually, it gets addressed in about 120 episodes. When Augusta hires the men to take the Contessa Armonti to the barn, she tells him that he will do this for her and do a better job than the explosion at the Perkins House. So- Augusta did it.

    Judith is awesome, but she's so teeny that she doesn't pull off the Dominic as well. But she's still my favorite, so I don't care. 

  6. On 7/17/2023 at 4:00 AM, Shirlaine said:

    Carlos Abad, I'm sure you'll catch us! Our pace is not very fast. I haven't had a chance to watch an old episode in days, but will try to do so today, as I want to see more. 1987 isn't so great.

    I wasn't disappointed that they didn't develop a relationship between Warren and Jade. Though maybe those two would have deserved each other, as they both seemed quite superficial.

    Brandon's birth is hard to understand for me, too. And I didn't realize that Santana was supposed to be pregnant in the 1979 scene. It all confuses me.

    I also love If Ever You're in My Arms Again but I felt it was silly sometimes when they played it all the time. It felt like a parody. I think the use of the couples' music gets better later on.

    I'm not going through fast either. Except that I'm into 85, and I tear through that: Who is Brick, Who killed Channing, Mason and Channing... it's so much better once Bateman shows up. Even better when Jed does, but Bateman is better than his predecessor. More and more Sophia, Lionel, CC and Augusta. Yeah.

    Then I think about the shock of February sweeps- which was the conclusion of the Carnation Killer- and realize that ain't got NOTHING on the next sweeps. "I KILLED MY...." (SPOILER)

    One thing though- I was 14 in 84, so that's probably why the teen scenes don't bother me. Nostalgia. I remember watching these episodes at my grandma's, watching the TV in my uncle's room. Good memories from a much different time. I love Danny. Hate what the show did to him. Jade was very green at this point- but we know the actress grew. Different show, but I love Jennifer Horton. 

  7. On 7/20/2023 at 10:10 PM, norcalgal said:

    I don't understand the whole dumping on Bill thing - especially from Doreen. Maybe I need to rewatch S1 & S2, but didn't Doreen willingly and knowingly have an affair with Bill?!  So why is she acting like her ish don't stink, while carping at Bill for wanting to be a father to his own kid?!?! 

    I understand Isaac wanting to protect his friend Doreen but WTF with Isaac's hostility in Bill's office?  Correct me if I'm wrong, but Bill didn't know about Isaac's existence, right?  Why is Isaac acting like Bill was a deadbeat dad to him? Where's this same hostility toward his MOM who gave him up for adoption (instead of fighting to keep him) AND never told Bill they had a kid?!?!?! 



    It wasn't a specific incident that is making Noreen dump on Bill. She was excited about everything  when the show started. But then, she watched Bill dump on Kyle because Ty's Baseball was more important. She got close to Kyle. Then, Bill ignored Noreen during the whole pregnancy- to the point of essentially saying I've been here and done it, so I'm not excited. Bill was rude to her brother. Bill never stopped trying to get Maddie back. So, when Bill promised Kyle that nothing could keep him away from Kyle's play, and then didn't show, Noreen just saw Bill for the worthless nothing he is.

    As for Isaac, he just sees Bill for the scumball he is.

    • Like 6
  8. 18 hours ago, Carlos Abad said:

    Episode 2 is not as good as the series premiere.

    -The presentation of Santana and Augusta feels like cheating. In this episode we see that Santana wants to kill Joe with her gun and in the previous one we saw Augusta ordering her goons to kill Joe. And this killer attitude is only for these 2 episodes because Santana and Augusta are not able to kill anybody during the rest of the show. They are not killers!

    -I like Marissa. I know she doesn’t do anything remarkable during the show. But the actress is natural, just the opposite of her husband John who IMO, is a terrible actor and a bad written character.

    -And speaking of acting talents, I don’t like to be hard with the actors because I know some of them are reading the posts here, on Facebook, Instagram, etc. But there are at least 4 actors whose acting is not very good. In fact I think they are sometimes bad and for this reason I cannot take some of their scenes very seriously.

    -I love Philip the butler and Breeze the dog, but I know they don’t last on the show. Sad! ☹

    -I like Mason later, but in these episodes he’s not very likeable.

    -I love Augusta’s outfit. She’s one of the best actress/characters from the beginning.

    -One of the best parts of Santa Barbara are the soundtracks. The music is amazing, except for the big Santana and Rosa scene where the soundtrack is terrible. Sorry!

    -The fights between John and Joe are terrible scenes. Bad acting by both actors! The actress who plays Marissa in the only one who is acting well in those scenes.

    -We don’t have as many locations (which I really love). I guess Sunset Beach was the soap with the most locations because they have locations in almost every episode. Still we have Peter and Kelly on the helicopter, island and yacht. By the way, Steven Meadows and Robin Wright work well together even if we don’t have to root them as a couple. We also have the exteriors of the Lockridge home with Ted.

    Mason turns into my second favorite, but you're right, at the beginning he's just a one-dimensional weasel. 

    I also adore Breeze. 

    Augusta is definitely the best at the beginning. Minx is also awesome. They both elevate the skills of the characters they are in scenes with.

    Santana's thinness at 8 months- the culprit is most likely that terrible Soap Opera Math Syndrome. It's similar to Rapid Aging Syndrome, but is more of a wibbly wobbly time distortion where a day can last 3 weeks or 3 weeks can last a minute. 

    I'm with you John was the weak link in the cast. He could have been a great character, but between the writing and the acting, just no.

    • Like 1
  9. On 7/4/2023 at 12:08 PM, Shirlaine said:

    Episode 28:

    - This version of Laken is so sweet and innocent compared to the one of 1987. Really hard to believe it's the same girl. But nice to see her still go against her parents in 1984.

    - Joe's parents are always so awkward together. Marisa seems like she has constipation and John is just weird. Though in this episode, he was a bit more tolerable. He could have been a nice character if they didn't use him only for being angry at Joe.

    - Rosa trying to pair Santana and Cruz.. "He looks at you in a special way". Yeah, well, soon he'll be looking Eden that way and there will be no end to that.

    - Speaking of Santana, it was so hard to watch when she was lingering in front of CC. And he looks like her father or grandfather. Eww.

    - As if Augusta didn't notice that there is someone under the blanket!

    - A funny detail, Ted inventing the name Mr. Spielberg when checking into the motel.

    - It was so nice to see Nicolas Coster. So sad to hear of his passing away.



    Lionel after Ted and Laken run of of the Capwell Mansion: Well, Augusta, I am more and more convinced what a great relationship you have with your daughter.

    Augusta: The two most powerful men in Santa Barbara and you can't even control your own children!

    John Perkins: You think I enjoy turning my son in?

    Well, yeah.

    I hate John Perkins. 

    Lionel has the quote of the day. Augusta goes have such a wonderful relationship with her daughter. Eyeroll...

    Mr. Spielberg. Giggle

    Lionel and Augusta arethe best part of this episode. They carry a lot of the beginning episodes though. They are both so charismatic and play well off each other.

    Cruz and Santana don't feel natural together. I’m glad TPTB ditched that thought early because there's zero chemistry there.

    I prefer kind Laken too. TJ ruined everything. Turned Laken into the hose beast she was in 87. Sophia and Kelly- enough said about that. But that's a different and much worse year, so let's get back to the beginning. 

    • Like 1
  10. 20 hours ago, cleo said:

    Yeah it's a shame about Nicholas Coster. It was nice knowing he was still here.

    I agree, Cleo. I'm not sure why it hit me so hard. It was fun seeing his FB posts and reading his stories. He really seemed SO alive that it feels shocking. 

    • Like 2
  11. On 6/18/2023 at 4:00 AM, Shirlaine said:

    Episode 26:

    - I'm glad Laken stands up against her mother and Lionel orders Augusta to leave!

    - Danny rehearsing with Laken is awkward. Also, the kissing sounds that Laken makes are awful

    - Mason is disgusting for trying to benefit from Laken

    - Good for Danny to concentrate on the electronic game (does anyone know what game it is, btw? Can't recognize it but I love retro electronic games), but bad for him to finally give up and try to approach Jade. And Jade is stupid to lead him on.

    - Laken has a point in that Lionel should stay at home with his loved ones more

    - Lionel "beating" Augusta and forcing himself to kiss her.. not very acceptable nowadays, I would think

    - The phone call between Mason and the Lockridges is funny, otherwise the episode wasn't very interesting.

    - When Joe is on the phone, he looks like he's wearing eyeliner


    Episode 27:

    - Lionel's hat is funny

    - Again, Jade teases Danny although she doesn't want him

    - The scene with the two patriarchs standing next to each other was probably meant to seem serious but I thought it was pretentious and comic

    - I hate Lionel talking crap and not getting into the point. I would be as irritated as CC



    Mason to Peter: Lionel, do you know him?

    Peter: Just slightly

    Mason: Not quite the same way you know Augusta. Let's all be grateful for that


    Mason to Peter: Don't be such a boy scout

    Peter: I'm not a boy scout

    Mason: I second that


    About 1987.. no, no, no, no, no! So much is wrong! I know the later years will have worse storylines but still, no!

    - The endless did he/didn't he kill Elizabeth of Kelly and Jeffrey. I loved these two at the beginning, but first the whole revenge on CC thing caused endless fights between them and now the whole first wife case. And the indian chasing them naturally makes Kelly to believe Jeffrey wants to kill her. Argh!

    - The baby stealing storyline. This seems also lasting forever, Brick is an ass towards Jane and blames her, everyone is investigating the disappearance of Johnny, Keith tries to cover up his part in the baby selling business (by forcing Paul Marshall to give a false destimony), Victoria is a nervous wreck, and Mason, of course, captured by the indian. I really, really hate Keith's character now. Yes, he often does things which are in the grey area, but this is too much.

    - The endless "sign this or you'll be dead - and when you sign, you'll be dead" -game between Mason and the thugs.

    - Cain ending up being a sadistic abuser; locking Eden inside the cabin, locking her inside the closet, tying her hand into the bed, forcing himself on her (well, luckily only kissing but still).. getting in rage, going to try to kill Cruz.. I mean, I liked Cain later on and especially with Andrea, but I didn't remember he was a sick bastard. I can't understand how the writers justified writing Eden wanting him to stay at the Capwell mansion helping her.

    - And then there's Elena. I really can't stand her, smiling and lying constantly and throwing herself on Cruz. And in an episode I watched yesterday, Cruz kissed her! I kind of like Elena as a bad guy but I can't stand the way she is with Cruz or rather, that they wrote him to take her into his life. And I can't stand Cruz's sister Carmen. Cruz should have sent her back as she is out of control and also interferes with his love life.

    There is so much wrong in the episodes around 700-750. Too much happening to everyone, problems last way too long. But guess what? Yesterday I watched the episode 753 and Eden is free from Cain, on her way to Santa Barbara. Finally! I know Cain will kidnap her etc., but NO.MORE.THAT.CABIN. 

    I loved Lionel's hat.

    Stiff CC in the background as the Lockridges are at it in his livingroom. Wait a minute, she cooked your pet pidgeon. "Yes, we're out of food at our house." CC "It is slightly barbaric." Understatement of the year. 

    Jade and Danny trying to learn how to flirt. It amused me. Poor Danny. I do think he deserved better.

    Hothead Ted, Laken you're not going home. Gee- that's going to help the adults figure out that you're mature. 


    Not a fan of a lot of 87, but I still think 88 was worse.

  12. On 6/18/2023 at 4:00 AM, Shirlaine said:

    Episode 26:

    - I'm glad Laken stands up against her mother and Lionel orders Augusta to leave!

    - Danny rehearsing with Laken is awkward. Also, the kissing sounds that Laken makes are awful

    - Mason is disgusting for trying to benefit from Laken

    - Good for Danny to concentrate on the electronic game (does anyone know what game it is, btw? Can't recognize it but I love retro electronic games), but bad for him to finally give up and try to approach Jade. And Jade is stupid to lead him on.

    - Laken has a point in that Lionel should stay at home with his loved ones more

    - Lionel "beating" Augusta and forcing himself to kiss her.. not very acceptable nowadays, I would think

    - The phone call between Mason and the Lockridges is funny, otherwise the episode wasn't very interesting.

    - When Joe is on the phone, he looks like he's wearing eyeliner.

    Joe is going to hide in the trunk. Brilliant move. I've tried, but I don't like Joe. 

    I enjoyed Laken letting Augusta have it. I'm kind of "Go Laken! GO! "

    Lionel's, "I love life" speech from this episode is so much more poignant today. Rest in Peace Mr. Coster. "Life is magic. It is. I love life. I have a passion for life. It's something I've always wanted to pass on to you." I'm crying.

    I'm glad she called him out on being gone so much. 

    Mason: He can't be in love with her. She's a child. He's a child for that matter. I have sympathy for anyone who lives under the same roof as Augusta Lockridge. 

    Laken, I also don't understand your parent's marriage. But both of Augusta and Lionel like the freedom of their marriage. They are very different people than I am.

    Joe was probably wearing eyeliner. It's normal on a set. High def makes it more visible too. 

    Jade and Danny. Enough said 

  13. On 6/2/2023 at 1:44 PM, Shirlaine said:

    It has been a busy week, two trips of which one made me particularly happy as I could meet my friends and visit my parents' grave. But no SB for a while. Finally, today, I had some time for the episodes! How is your knee situation Bali? Three episodes per day? :D


    Episode 25:

    - Of course we have to see that kiss again.. everything between CC and Santana is just so wrong. I can't imagine Jed Allen's CC behaving that way. All the hand-holding and stroking, whispering, flirting, puppy-like looks at each other.. yuck. Makes me so uncomfortable. And the whole scene with Santana, CC, Cruz and Santana's parents in the hospital room was so awkward.

    - The old lady at the pool among the porn boys was somewhat disturbing.

    - I can't stand Jade's behaviour. First she calls Danny for help and then tells him to leave. Argh! Doesn't Jade understand that there is no fastlane to the stardom?

    - A nice detail to show Lionel through the mirror while Augusta was on the phone with Laken. And how sick was that when Augusta served the pidgeon to her family..

    - It was funny when the nurse pulled the hospital bed from under Mason's and Peter's asses.

    - Rosa was right in questioning Santana's motives concerning CC.


    Santana to CC: I've been watching you.. riding, playing polo.

    Santana to Rosa about CC: I'm not trying to manipulate him.

    Yeah, right.


    The 1987 episodes are getting more tolerable, or maybe it's the week off the show that makes it feel so. I do hate Elena. And I'm glad the Lucy storyline (girl who had been raped by her professor and came back to haunt her) is over. Ted and Hayley go round and round, nothing ever comes out of it. Keith is pathetic and Gina and Alex Nikolas have, well, some kind of a relationship. Eden is whining and Cain is being annoying. At least in two episodes, Kelly and Jeffrey will get close. Finally.

    Knee replacements are extraordinarily painful. I sleep a lot more than I thought I would. I'm not looking forward to going through it again. I'm getting whiney. 

    So about episode 25:

    The pigeon is something I remembered from my childhood. I'm not sure why this stuck with me, but it did. Augusta was just so proud of herself. The thing is, for the life of me, I can't see Augusta killing and defeathering a bird of any sort. 

    Cruz and Santana at the hospital was weird, and Rueben came off as a stuffed shirt. Rosa questioning Santana was dead on the money.

    Jade is very immature, it's true. But so are most 17 year olds. She hasn't even started her senior year yet. She's also a virgin who is playing like she isn't. 

    Granny the lemonade lady was extremely disturbing and the whole thing is pretty gross.

    On to 26!

  14. On 5/23/2023 at 1:08 PM, cleo said:

    Beginning to find 1990 a slog. I'm just not into Kelly and Robert. 

    The shaman stuff- the less said about that the better.

    I'm so tired of Terry Lester. It's not personal, he's just not Mason and he has zero chemistry with NLG.

    Yesterday I watched a 3rd Rock from the Sun ep and LD was on it. So nice to see.

    Yeah, that part was pretty hard to live through.

    • Like 1
  15. On 5/19/2023 at 8:00 AM, Shirlaine said:

    Episode 24:

    - Jade is so nosy and curious and Danny just keeps drooling after her

    - Did Santana walk all night?

    - Ah, Augusta talking about a floppy disk! And Lionel pulling her on his lap! :D

    - What a static water there is behind Warren when he is talking to Lionel, his back towards the sea..

    - CC just shoots at the direction of the snake and Santana is right next to it

    - I was afraid that the poor CC will drop Santana when he was carrying her

    - The make-up on Laken and Jade is.. wild. So Peaches was teaching them do this?

    - It is nice to see Ted so happy and light-hearted, as 1986 and 1987 are such torture and gloom to him

    - Poor Jake Dodge was left waiting behind the door

    - Jade looks like a Barbie doll again

    - CC and Santana's kiss.. nooooo..



    Laken about being out with Ted all night: Oh, we didn't sleep all night

    Danny about Ted: What a guy!


    Jade: I'm a big girl, I can take care of myself

    A while later she is calling Danny to come to rescue her..


    Peaches taught Jade and Lakin how to do punk makeup. She might have done similar makeup while fan dancing? The guys probably weren't looking at her makeup. 

    CC and Santana. Ahhh. Nnnoooo! My eyes. My poor eyes. Frankly, he would have been better off if he'd shot her.

    I still love Danny. But his dad, Rueben is a different story.

    My husband was in the kitchen when Jade said she's a big girl, I can take care of myself. He yelled, "No, you're a little girl. And no you can't. How much trouble is she going to get in here?"

    Lionel's floppy disk happens a bit later. ;)

    • LOL 1
  16. On 5/19/2023 at 8:00 AM, Shirlaine said:

    Episode 23:

    - Finally we see Lionel!

    - The set where Santana is laying down looks just like that, a set

    - Jade is so jealous it's annoying

    - The scene in which Mason and Kelly walk through the Capwell mansion is nice. But why do the people always end up talking in front of the fountain..



    Kelly: Daddy, Santana is missing

    CC: What do you mean?

    Kelly: She's missing

    That must be one of my favourites so far. :D


    Minx about Lionel: He sent me a coffin

    I wish Santana had stayed missing. 

    The coffin was something I remembered from the first time. Still makes me laugh. Or it could be the painkillers which are definitely helping me.

    At least Jade recognized that she's jealous and tries to overcome it. 

    I'm tired of Laken whining about mom dating Joe Perkins. It also bugs me how overprotective Warren is with Augusta. I'm not even sure that's the right word. But Warren and Augusta don't have a normal relationship. 

    Lionel's first line, "You have a gorgeous derriere." 

  17. Episode 22-

    Cruz is still defending Joe. It's nice that someone is! 

    Augusta's pantsuit is AWFUL! The most unflattering thing I've ever seen her wear. 

    Santana just can't be friends with Cruz because he's friends with Joe. But she's going riding alone. Not a smart move. 

    CC wants Augusta to fire Joe. This is the same guy who is wearing too much eyeliner. It looks terrible. Augusta, "Rattle your sabers at the rest of the world, CC. You don’t scare me." 

    Boy Mason hitting on the secretary is why we had to sit through so many videos at every job I've ever had. 

    The teens tracking down Peaches lost sweetie was actually kind of sweet. 

    I'm full of painkillers and am fading fast. 

    Laken walks into Jade's dream career. That would sting.


  18. On 5/3/2023 at 8:47 AM, Shirlaine said:

    Episode 21:

    - The writers try so hard to make Cruz seem a women's man. Doesn't feel natural. Though for me, it only feels natural when he's with Eden. Why can't she come to the show already?

    - Why does the porn producer waste his time with Jade? One would think there were easier girls to get into the business

    - Yay, we hear Lionel's voice!

    - Danny is annoying, although he is right about the producer

    - Augusta should stay out of Joe's business and she is stupid to claim that she cares for him or that she thinks he's seeing an other woman

    - Mason has a flimsy excuse for getting Santana out of Cruz's place

    - Minx is great!

    - Why didn't Ted and Danny just tell the waiter they don't have enough money?

    - Laken is so much smarter and more mature than Jade. And Jade is always hinted to be more experienced than Laken, especially when it comes to boys

    - With what money will the teens pay their food when they used all their money on Ted and Danny's restaurant bill?

    One step closer to Lionel. 

    I could have shipped Mason and Santana, but never Cruz and Santana. Cruz decor DOES need to match blonde. And we know which blonde.

    Peaches won't let the kids starve. But it was a jerk move on the part of the producer AND the waiter to saddle them with a big bill.

    Jade's story is strange. But happens daily. It isn't so much Why is he bothering? As much as he's grooming her. And he's good at it.

    I loved the bit between Minx and Augusta. The best scene of the episode. Hands down


  19. I'm FINALLY finishing episode 20! 

    I like Rosa and Santana's talk. Go Rosa! Again, why didn't Santana want that kid earlier? Ugh

    Minx: She’s a kitten now, but one day she'll be a tiger.

    And the heavy situp board was moved to the atrium because- why?

    Joe, you'll never catch Dominic. Roll credits

  20. On 5/3/2023 at 8:47 AM, Shirlaine said:

    I haven't been able to watch SB in nearly a week (first visitors/geocaching, now physical rehabilitation because of my CFS), but fortunately, I had written down some notes on episodes 20 and 21. Maybe I will try to watch one episode today. I really need my dose of SB, don't like the extra exhaustion that extra things cause me.


    Episode 20:

    - Peter celebrating sleeping with Kelly was funny (though, yuck)

    - Danny and Ted are so funny again and Jade has to come in and spoil it

    - Joe and Augusta together is so wrong, but at least someone gives Joe some "attention"..

    - Joe talks about leaving his home and living somewhere else but he doesn't?

    - CC jumping rope is so strange, because I can't think of Jed Allan doing so

    - Santana tries to talk and CC just keeps playing the piano..

    - A dramatic ending!


    CC jumping rope was both impressive AND disturbing.

    Other disturbing things include Santana hitting on CC. Joe and Augusta. And the skeezy producer. 

    Ted and Danny getting into a real fight, but getting the job was amusing. 

    I've been trying to watch this episode for 2 weeks. I'm getting a knee replacement Tuesday and have been training someone to do my job. My husband and I have an agreement that after every exercise session, I get one episode and he isn't allowed to complain. Little does he know that I'll have to exercise 3 times a day. Mwaahaha

    • Like 2
  21. On 4/26/2023 at 12:05 PM, Shirlaine said:

    Episode 19:

    - In ep 18, Kelly & Joe's kiss is long and passionate. In this episode, it's very brief and she slaps him

    - We see John Perkins after a long time and he's as idiot as always

    - It's annoying how Mason jumps into conclusions about Joe and Kelly doesn't correct him

    - Yuck, Kelly and Peter together..

    - Why couldn't Jade just leave it to that with the porn producer?

    - Danny talking to Laken about Ted is funny

    - Nice for Cruz to defend Joe and for once Joe keeps his mouth shut when he should.

    Yeah, the difference in the kiss is pretty extreme. 

    Peter is SUCH a ninny. How did a gigolo from the streets become a physics teacher? Especially one so stupid he can't figure out that Augusta can't talk now? And he's gross with Kelly.

    I do like how Mason's protectiveness of Kelly comes out when he sees she was hurt. Too bad the rest of the self centered Capwells don't see how much he DOES love them.

    Cruz defends Joe-again. 

    John does not. He's really a jerk. But I loved how they cut from the producer telling Jade to get naked to John asking if Joe's sister is in trouble. More trouble than you can imagine, John. Meanwhile, his other daughter is getting impregnated at the dentist's office. Lol

    Augusta to the police, "It's not my custom to be precise with time." I really need to incorporate that into my everyday language. 

    Nice that Ted apologized to Lakin, but he should also apologize to Jade.

  22. 23 hours ago, Shirlaine said:

    Episode 18:

    - CC claims Eden looks just like Sophia. Well..

    - Cruz stretching looks funny

    - Seems the writers are trying so hard to create chemistry between Cruz and Santana but I just can't feel it

    - Jade should appreciate Danny's support more

    - Cruz Day in Santa Barbara?! :D

    - Joe is potting plants at Lockridge's. Can't Augusta do anything herself?

    - Santana couldn't keep her mouth shut about Brandon's gift, could she?

    - It's rare to see Cruz in shorts and tennis socks. And his earring is back!

    - In these early episodes, Santana is more normal and not desperate to have Cruz. He seems more pushing towards her

    - THAT kiss of Joe and Kelly!




    Augusta to Joe: My hand looks very good on your arm


    Joe to Dominic: You killed Channing Jr! You're the killer, it's all making sense!

    Well, he's right about that.

    Episode 18- 

    It made me wonder if Joe knew Kelly was there and that's why he kissed Augusta. 

    Dear Danny, don't loan other people's valuables to third parties, even if she IS a cute blonde. 

    I have never thought Eden and Sophia looked alike- beyond the blonde. (Ooh- Beyond the Blonde would make a great book title)

    No Augusta can't do anything except pet the dog and- speaking of Augusta, my husband saw her staring at Joe and yellef "Cougar alert! That's a MILF. Gee you can tell what's on her mind." I laughed and said, "She's one of the best."

    Cruz's shorts were short. And that position on the couch looked as uncomfortable as possible. The director was like, "Ok, A, lay half on your back, half on your side, leg propped onto the back of the couch, now curl into it." 

    I just don't care for Eva and A. Zero chemistry. 

    I liked this exchange

    Augusta to Joe: You're like Chinese water torture, drop by drop.

    Joe: And you’re the Inquisition. 

    I'm not even sure I fully understand that, but I loved it

    I also loved Ted in that dorky uniform whining about girls not thinking it's cute.

    • LOL 1
  23. On 4/17/2023 at 2:40 PM, Shirlaine said:

    Episode 17:

    - Jade is extremely selfish again, waking up the guys and neighbours.

    - Suddenly, Kelly doesn't want Joe to get caught? Make up your mind already!

    - CC, Peter and Mason march into the room like a mob family, even the music suits it.

    - Cruz hasn't got his earring anymore?

    - Mason is so obnoxius at Cruz, almost makes me dislike him.

    - Ah, Augusta's reaction when Joe comes to work and she had hoped he got caught..




    Danny: What, an eartquake?

    Ted: It's not an earthquake

    [Just wait for 60 episodes guys..]


    Mason: I don't really give a damn

    Cruz: I know you don't


    Cruz: I think I'm being threatened

    Mason: I think so, too


    Peter: You're the most devious woman on the face of this earth

    Augusta: How sweet.

    The loud music is just normal teenage stuff. But it would be annoying. Jade was almost an only child the past several years. It shows. 

    Ted yelling about her brother, the Murderer, while she was on the other side of the door was very rude. Although I see his side too. 

    Mason vs. Cruz is so bizarre to watch, since they were on the same side later.

    You caught the best quotes, especially the delivery. 

  24. On 4/15/2023 at 4:40 AM, Shirlaine said:

    Episode 16:

    - Ted and Danny rock with their choreography again!

    - Jade is so naive.. well, she'll learn soon. Maybe this was supposed to be a kind of a lesson to all young people considering a career in acting: be very careful.

    - This must be the first time Kelly and Santana talk to each other. I like these kind of scenes.

    - The fur on Santana's shoulder.. what is, how is it used and what part of you is it supposed to keep warm?

    - Once again, Mason is pressuring Santana in an awkward way.

    - And.. Kelly repeats the hidious fight between Channing and Joe once again..

    I think the fur is just her hair? I'm not seeing fur. 

    Ted and Danny continue to make me laugh. 

    It is very important that viewers know that Joe and Channing fought.

    This isn’t going to end well,  Jade

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