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Posts posted by Julia67

  1. On 10/17/2018 at 9:10 AM, proserpina65 said:

    nor did they play for the Baltimore Orioles in the 70s & 80s.

    Shout out to another long-suffering Orioles fan!  My mom grew up in Baltimore and my dad always followed the team.  We lived there for 15 years (until last summer) and started following the team closely a few years ago.  It's tough being an Orioles fan!  Now we are watching the play offs just to see former Orioles--Machado, Schoop, Miley, Pearce.  Hoping for better times ahead!  Let's go Os! (leaving out the apostrophe because the grammatical inaccuracy of it makes me crazy!)

    • Love 3
  2. On 10/3/2018 at 12:10 AM, louannems said:

    I watched the first kiss again.  At least Kendra's dad, who also officiated her wedding, had the decency to look away during the first kiss.  But Lauren's creepy dad was peering over Josiah's shoulder trying to see Lauren's face.  Creepy.  And Josiah did wipe his mouth.  Very noticeable and childlike.

    I loved that Si went in for a second kiss and was rebuffed!  Hilarious!

    • Love 2
  3. On 9/24/2018 at 11:33 PM, Irlandesa said:

    With Huell's situation, she was methodical but she was basically freewheeling and reckless with the law.  On the other hand, with Mesa Verde, she was conservative when Kevin wanted to be somewhat reckless.

    Haven't read all the comments but has anyone else noticed that Kim's ponytail was "free" for a few episodes there and now it's all tight again??  A hidden message perhaps?  Or it could be that while her arm was broken, she couldn't style it properly?  Either way, I love that they cover those details in this show!

    On 9/25/2018 at 12:52 AM, thuganomics85 said:

    Baptists actually call it the Lord's Supper instead of communion, so I wonder if that slip by Jimmy could end up being costly if the D.A. remains suspicious.

    Baptist born and bred:  we definitely called it communion more than we called it the Lord's supper .

    • Love 5
  4. On 8/28/2018 at 1:19 PM, RebeccatheWriter said:

    The cooking thing baffles me as well, because at the end of the day it really isn't that hard. You can buy frozen veggies that steam right in the bag. Mashed potatoes, rice and pasta are easy. You can season chicken and pork chops and toss them in the oven. Why do these girls act like they're splitting the atom when they're asked to make a basic meal? 

    If you can read, you can cook.  Simple as that.  

    • Love 6
  5. 2 hours ago, Squirrely said:

    I don't know if this is something that started from religion or a certain generation, but I still hear it spouted as marital wisdom quite often. 

    This is actually straight from the Bible, Ephesians 4:26 to be exact.  I know a lot of (legalistic) people take it literally, but I think the principle/point was just to not let things fester and grow.  Take care of issues as soon as possible--even if that means the next morning when you've both gotten some sleep and can converse clearly.  But the Duggars probably take it literally.

    • Love 10
  6. 2 hours ago, Ravello said:

    didn’t buy the turned away at the hospital story.  Who has an elective induction at midnight. 

    This does happen.  I'm not sure if the induction would have started at night but they could have admitted her at night and then started the induction very early the next morning.  Also, I have several friends who were scheduled for (non-emergency) inductions and had to call before leaving home to find out if the hospital had a bed for them.  It happens.

    • Love 2
  7. On 8/9/2018 at 3:54 PM, floridamom said:

    How is it that an expectant mom can have both an ob/gyn AND a midwife? Who has the authority over the mom's case? Who does she see at her appointments? I would think the doc would need to examine and monitor her. What if their opinions clash?

    I can speak to this.  I've had four children, three were delivered by midwives, who were affiliated with OBGYN practices.  I always saw only the midwife and the midwives delivered each of my babies.  I wanted the personal care of a midwife and I didn't want to take whatever doctor happened to be on call.  That being said, my deliveries were all in a hospital and, had I had any issues during pregnancy or delivery, one of the doctors in the practice would have been consulted and, if necessary, I would have continued under the doctor's care instead.  I could have had an epidural if I had wanted one, and I received the same level of care (I actually think it was higher care and more personal) that I would have from seeing a doctor:  ultrasounds, regular prenatal checkups, etc.  Maybe it's not for everyone, but I loved it and would highly recommend it.

    My question:  insurance?  That had to be one hefty hospital bill and I imagine the Vuolos don't have health insurance. They probably have a medical sharing type plan.  That will be one fun bill to dispense!

    • Love 9
  8. On 8/8/2018 at 1:23 AM, Sew Sumi said:

    How she missed Giddy being breech is inexcusable. 

    Edited August 8 by Sew Sumi.

    Do we know it was missed?  I don't remember hearing/reading that but I, admittedly, don't pay terribly close attention.  I assumed they knew it was breach but Joy was still going to try to have a home breech delivery.

    I was surprised at how little of the birth we saw.  It was almost like "Why bother"?  I understand not wanting everyone in there but, if that's the case, just skip it altogether.  Why "film" it but make viewers read almost everything that happened.

    Is there really no decent hospital closer than 2.5 hours?  Did she drive that distance every month/week for check ups during her pregnancy?  I hope there's a pediatrician that's closer!

    Surely they didn't allow Jeremy's dad in there for the actual delivery?  Eewww.  I had four children.  We never even told anyone we were going to the hospital with any of them, except for my sister who kept the older kids.  I didn't want anyone standing outside pacing or waiting on the other end of the phone line for a call.  Way too much pressure!  And I had four quick, easy, unmedicated deliveries.  But, no thanks!

    I have said it before but I really like Jeremy.  I don't see the domineering/headship minded guy that many others think he is.  I feel like he and Jinger are much more a "team" than other couples.  I mean, good grief, they didn't even get pregnant for a year after their marriage!  And they admitted they wanted to wait.  That's major progress!

    I do find the supposed relationship between Jeremy and Ben very strange.  I don't think they could be more different.  Jeremy has lived a lot in the real world:  upbringing, public school, secular college, professional soccer.  Next to him, Ben is pretty much "uncultured swine". Maybe Jeremy just puts up with Ben because Jessa and Jinger are so close but it seems very strange to me.  

    Jinger may be wearing pants but her fashion sense hasn't improved a whole lot!  

    • Love 8
  9. On 8/6/2018 at 10:39 PM, Bryce Lynch said:

    t seemed like he was pulling back from becoming Saul, but now he seems to be Saul.  His reaction to Howard was the most evil we've seen Jimmy on BCS.

    I felt like Jimmy's reaction to Howard was more relief than cold.  It seemed almost like Jimmy felt absolved of any guilt he may have felt for what happened to Chuck because he realized Howard had fired him and THAT was the real reason Chuck relapsed.  Just a theory..... 

    • Love 8
  10. On 8/1/2018 at 10:31 AM, Straycat80 said:

    What is it with these girls naming their babies compass directions? Southern? That’s worse than North. 

    THIS!  I was actually coming to the board to see if I'd heard wrong.  That poor kid!  

    Secondly, I wonder if Matt is as bad as he comes across or if that's amped up for drama on the show?? I mean, why would Jamie want him portrayed that way??  Unless, of course, they have since split up and she's getting some sweet playback.  Also, she probably doesn't have any say on how the show's edited but good grief!

    The triplet mom will likely drive me nuts.  I mean, you signed up to FILM YOUR LIFE!  There's gonna be germs around your babies!  She seems very "dim"to me.

    • Love 4
  11. I will (sheepishly) admit that I love Jeremy and Jinger.  I think Jeremy is VERY good looking, and I think they genuinely love one another and will do their best to "shake off" the Duggar crap!  They are smart to stay farrrr away from the compound and I saw Jinger in an IG story/question last week respond that they never planned to move back to Arkansas!  Good for them!  I do wish someone would explain to Jinger how to properly apply eye liner, however!  Yikes!

    What does Joe do for a living?  That house and furniture was lovely!  Very stylish and trendy!  Where do they get the money for that when A&J live in a hole??  The contrast is frightening.

    • Love 16
  12. 16 hours ago, woot said:

    I thought the exact same thing - her parents did not seem as excited as you'd expect for first time grandparents - perhaps they also didn't appreciate being told with the entire Duggar crew in tow. 

    I got the impression that her parents already knew, which makes sense.  I can't imagine she'd wait a while to tell her mom!

    • Love 8
  13. 23 minutes ago, Triple P said:

    Outside of Bryn Mawr, I haven't met many people who know that Nike is not just an athletic apparel brand,

    Well, I didn't go to Bryn Mawr and I know next to nothing about Greek gods, but I did know Nike was one.  I graduated from college with honors and consider myself fairly smart and cultured, and I don't think I could have named more than 2 or 3 Greek gods.  I studied them (I have an English degree), but I hated it and didn't bother to retain the information.  Not knowing them doesn't seem like that big of a deal to me.  While I agree that the Duggars don't know about a lot of things because of their uber-sheltered lives, not knowing the names of Greek gods doesn't seem like terribly important information to retain, in my humble opinion.  I'm certainly no Duggar fan but, to be fair, those kids know an awful lot more about cars, home repairs, real estate, etc. than many of us who have college degrees.  It's still knowledge, it's just different.  Realistically, knowing how to repair is a car is much more practical than being able to list the Greek gods.  

    I thought Jessa was lovely this episode.  She is beautiful and well-spoken, and I think she and Ben really do love one another and have more of an equal marriage than some of the other couples.  

    • Love 18
  14. A few observations:

    Kendra's perfect teeth remind me of chiclets gum.  And her laugh is beyond annoying.

    Do these kids get to choose their honeymoon destinations or does TLC pay and send them.  It's interesting to me that they've all chosen foreign travel and all somewhere different??  They seem more like the Pigeon Forge, Branson, camping in the mountains types.  (There's nothing wrong with that but all the foreign travel is interesting to me.)

    I also thought Lauren's hair looked awful at the wedding.  But her dress was stylish and pretty and not typical, which was nice to see.

    It was interesting that Jana and Joy were the only Duggar girls in the wedding.  I assume most of the bridesmaids were Lauren's sisters--they looked more like junior bridesmaids though.

    The bridesmaids dresses looked stylish, too.  Or at least they didn't look like they were ordered from some modesty website and then added to so they were uber-modest.

    The mother of the bride and groom dresses were AWFUL!  And why do they always wear the same color as the bridesmaids?  Is that a regional thing?

    The violin playing the hymns was awful.  Who comes down the aisle to "All Hail the Pow'r of Jesus Name"?  Weird hymn choice.

    Was that Lauren's baby sibling in the car seat?  OMG  Make it stop!!

    I thought Lauren was refreshing and seemed to have her own mind.  Should be interesting!

    • Love 4
  15. 17 hours ago, Clanstarling said:
    On 7/22/2018 at 12:11 PM, Prevailing Wind said:

    "  (Have you ever wondered how disappointed parents must be when they name their kid "Christian" and s/he becomes an atheist?)

    Or, if they named the kid ironically, and s/he becomes born again. LOL.

    Our son is Christian.  We never gave that one thought when choosing his name! Just liked it.  We are religious, so we would be disappointed if he chose atheism, but for many other more-important-to-us reasons than that he wasn't "living up" to his name! LOL!

    • Love 5
  16. You could literally (said in my best Chris Traeger voice) see the air go out of Ryan as the game went on.  He was arrogant once again during his interview (who DOES that on national television??  I was embarrassed for him!), and I thought he seemed very "pouty" and most ungracious as they rolled the credits.

    Emily was lovely--except that her left fake eyelash was falling off a bit, and I wanted to reach into my TV and fix it during her interview!

    Dave was impressive--and fast with that buzzer!  Go Dave!

    I, too, guessed "Atlas Shrugged" for FJ.  At least those of us who did are in intelligent company!

    • Love 5
  17. Caitlion??  Seriously??  She was like a statue.  Never moved her body, only her eyes.  DH and I surmised that her given name was "Caitlin" but  she had an "epiphany" at some point and now sees herself as some lioness warrior out to solve the problems of the world--and by "problems" I mean that pesky little fact that REAL cheese must contain dairy.  #eyeroll

    I thought the pun category was a reach.  They weren't really puns as much as plays on words.

    I thought you were allowed to correct yourself as long as there was time left?  WTH???  I smell another lawsuit--or maybe not since he won?

    I also guess Cliff's Notes and got FJ immediately.  

    • Love 5
  18. Okay, I was glad to see Michelle go last night.  The way she answered each clue with a questioning tone in her voice just grated on me.  It was almost like false humility-like she was saying "I know the answer but I want everyone to think I don't think I'm smart so I'll make every response sound like I don't think I know the answer."  Ugh!

    Alex's accents were horrendous.

    Bunny was waaayyy too slow for me--in responding and choosing.  She was just "vanilla" and, frankly, boring.

    I'm glad Ryan won!  

    13 hours ago, saber5055 said:

    Why did the answer "No Name" make Michelle giggle, like it was something funny. WTH.

    Her laughing answer struck me as smug.  She seemed to be laughing that Ryan got it wrong so she could have the right to answer.  She is Canadian, after all.  #eyeroll

    • Love 7
  19. 1 hour ago, MrAtoz said:

    hat's not the original title.  The original original title was "Ten Little N-words" (except, of course, it wasn't phrased as "N-words").  This was also the original version of the nursery rhyme on which the title was based.

    Ahh, thank you.  I apologize for my confusion.  I appreciate you clarifying.  

    • Love 2
  20. 14 hours ago, Browncoat said:

    Also, I did not hear a "What is" when she answered the inertia clue, so it doesn't hurt my feelings that she lost.

    This!  We rewound several times and did not hear the "What is.... at all".  And a few of her other answers were very suspect as well. If I were competing against her, that would infuriate me!  I'm glad she didn't win.  

    I didn't keep track, but I knew quite a few answers last night, including FJ, which is definitely not a commentary on my intelligence but, rather, an indicator that the questions were easy!  LOL!

    I'm a little confused regarding the "Ten Little ......." answer. If that's the name of the book, why is it not an acceptable answer?  Would you just expect all contestants to stay silent to avoid saying the word?  What if the questions were about the Cleveland baseball team or the Cherokee tribe?  Should they be silent then as well? 

    One other question from this newbie:  what does "TS" stand for?

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