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Posts posted by Dr.OO7

  1. EXCELLENT episode of "American Detective" to kick off the new season. I was beginning to wonder if it was ever going to come back.

    The way Kenda narrates, you'd think these were still HIS cases instead of other detectives.

    I'll repeat what I said in an earlier post and say that it's a shame he's limiting it to American detectives when his counterparts around the world undoubtedly have equally harrowing stories to tell.

    • Like 2
  2. I do love that moment when Mic bluntly tells the other men that they're all a little in love with Mac.

    And the moment where the gang sends him off with "Waltzing Matilda". Especially poignant considering Trevor Goddard's real life death.

    • Like 1
  3. On 2/22/2023 at 4:35 PM, MusubiMyHomie said:

    You want glory? Huh? Go work at ER. Homicide's fine by me."

    That line was because TPTB were bitter that Homicide didn't get the covered Thursday @10PM slot that went to ER.

    To this day I wonder if the show would have been a ratings hit had it not been stuck in the Friday Night Death Slot. But then again, plenty of shows have thrived in that same time frame.

    I loved the movie that wrapped everything up and brought back everyone, even with the sad ending of Giardello dying from his injuries.

    • Like 2
  4. 2 minutes ago, scarynikki12 said:

    Well Emma clearly didn't expect to win.

    No, she didn't.

    It's very rare that you see that kind of genuinely shocked reaction. Halle Berry had it too.

    Talk about a wild card. I thought it was a toss up between Gladstone and Mulligan.

    • Like 5
  5. 2 hours ago, Calvada said:

    It's too bad Mark Harmon didn't make an appearance.  I thought for a second Gibbs would show up behind DiNozzo.  

    So did I and I'm very disappointed that he didn't. Especially after being so thrilled that Tony made a cameo. 

    That moment in the beginning when you could see it slowly dawning on Palmer what has happened, to the point that he didn't even want to touch him because he already knew that he wouldn't find a pulse was wrenching.

    • Like 5
  6. 14 hours ago, Cloud9Shopper said:

    What I didn’t get about that plot was Kerry saying something along the lines of how it would be better for Abby to work in the ER since it would be good experience for her when she was going back to med school. I’m not in healthcare, so maybe I’m missing something, but why would the ER be superior to being an OB nurse or an OR nurse or any other specialty as far as med school was concerned? Abby was an OB nurse before beginning her ER rotation anyway and didn’t seem that underprepared to be in the ER. 

    I also don’t recall her saying in S6 or S7 that her first choice was an ER residency. 

    Exactly. Supposing Abby wanted to be an OB/GYN? It would have made far more sense for her to stay in the OB department where she already was.

    That's precisely why that was so stupid--she does this without even asking Abby what she herself wants? Abby's own nurse manager on the OB floor doesn't discuss this with Abby? How hard would it have been to have a few throwaway lines that ABBY was the one who asked for/arranged this or have Kerry ASK HER if she'd like to work in the ER instead of Kerry doing it when she'd have no ability or authority to?

    • Like 1
  7. On 2/9/2024 at 7:46 AM, Cloud9Shopper said:

    The whole Kerry forcing Abby to be the nurse manager plot made zero sense. I

    Neither did forcibly transferring her to the ER two years prior, but there you go.

  8. I finally saw this movie from the beginning.

    It's pretty good.

    I remember 1991, it's when my love of figure skating kicked off, though it's Kristi Yamaguchi who was my favorite. That was such a a great year for Tonya--she landed the triple axel four times--and it's heartbreaking to know what kind of abuse she was enduring behind the scenes. If the movie's version of events is true, it's a shame that she couldn't extricate herself from Jeff before he did something that ended up ruining her career/life.

    • Like 2
  9. I guess we'll have to wait until 2028 for Coco Gauff to earn the Calendar Year Golden Slam. Which would actually be very appropriate, coming 40 years after Steffi Graf did it.

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  10. Another reference from this week's episode of SNL:

    "I'm not afraid of anything! I watched Saltburn with my entire family! And I knew about the bathtub scene before!"


    This movie's infamy is going to last a LONG time.

    • Like 1
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  11. On 11/13/2020 at 8:55 PM, Bastet said:

    Especially the one about how she just won Olympic silver and looks like she stepped in poop.

    Losing the gold by a mere 1/10th of a point after a year of getting your act together mentally and physically even BEFORE a vicious attack that could have crippled her for life (a few more inches and he would have shattered her knee) as well as ended her skating career and Olympic chances will do that to you.

    The irony is is that I ultimately think it was for the best. Even if she'd skated flawlessly--which she technically did, except for doubling what was supposed to be a triple flip--to this day, people would insist that her winning the gold was purely based off of sympathy and that she didn't really deserve it.

    • Like 4
  12. 9 hours ago, kiddo82 said:

    Thankfully I didn't see this one with my parents but I still think about the time I saw The Shape of Water with my dad.  If I could have allowed myself to get swallowed up by my movie theater seat, I would have.

    I didn't see that one. What happened there?

  13. Jacob Elordi hosted SNL last night and apologized to everyone who saw Saltburn with their parents. 😄😄😄😄

    • LOL 3
  14. 32 minutes ago, Cloud9Shopper said:

    was always curious what the conflict was between the ER and OB pre-Love’s Labor Lost since Susan called Coburn a bitch onscreen in that episode

    I think it was just to setup the "ER is right, the other department is wrong" scenario.

    • Like 1
  15. On 1/18/2024 at 10:37 AM, Kel Varnsen said:

    I am not a doctor but I am an engineer who has done some sprinkler system design, and sprinklers "going crazy" always annoys me. If you look at a fire sprinkler there will actually be some little device that sets it off, usually when it gets too hot (like if there is a fire directly below it). And from what I can remember the piping for sprinkler systems is usually designed based on like 10-15 going off at once. So if a huge area of sprinklers were activated at once there wouldn't be enough of a water supply for all of them to spray like they do on tv.

    And here I was thinking it was just us doctors who rolled their eyes at TV/movies ridiculously unrealistic depiction of their profession.

    (Yes, I know there are plenty others--cops, anyone?--but I didn't know engineers did too! 😄)

    Speaking of that "Baby Shower" episode, I suddenly recall something else that pissed me off--Coburn being made out to be a bitch because she's clearly leery of Mark's inability to handle a delivery--like, duh. Then when it's revealed that the baby is breech, she instantly declares that SHE will take over, and Mark basically ignores her and refuses to move!

    Um. . .NO.

  16. 8 hours ago, Frost said:

    admire Nancy for not only competing but getting out of bed after the attack!  I would have been terrified.  

    So do I. It's amazing that the attack didn't undo all of the hard work she did getting her act together both physically and mentally after that disastrous performance at the 1993 Worlds. I still remember after she came off the ice gushing "I got to do it!". In that moment, she didn't care what color medal she won, she just wanted to know that she could skate a clean long program without falling apart the way she always did.

    • Like 3
  17. 23 minutes ago, Heathen said:

    Anybody remember the season 2 episode in which the sprinklers in OB went crazy and six laboring women (including a thirteen-year-old who would presumably be classified as higher risk) were sent to the ER? That was another big ol' storyline of crap. Why send them to the ER instead of a regular med-surg ward? Were the doctors and nurses who would have treated them in OB now fixing the sprinklers instead? 

    I completely forgot about that episode. I actually liked that one very much, although you've now pointed out the implausibility of it. 

    • Like 1
  18. 22 hours ago, Notabug said:

    Mark had the patient who'd swallowed a bunch of medical instruments and Kerry swooped in and did an endoscopy to remove them from the patient's stomach.  In real life, no ER doc would want to touch that with a 10 foot pole. 

    Speaking of Mark, didn't he essentially do brain surgery once?

    And speaking of Kerry, that would be example #876 of her hypocrisy, as I'm sure she swooped in and tried to STOP Susan from doing an endoscopy (though that was more about her being controlling and nitpicking than worrying about a lawsuit).


  19. On 1/14/2024 at 10:24 PM, Notabug said:

    Yes, I remember.  However, she only had to do a single year of internship.  In real life, she'd have had to complete an entire general surgery residency which is 5 years.  Not to mention all the fellowships she would've needed in trauma surgery, vascular surgery and transplant surgery in order to do all the varied things she did on the show.

    Ah, yes.

    The "Surgeons Can Do Autopsies If They Want" trope. No matter what someone was specializing in and how long they've been doing it, they can switch to another one in the blink of eye rather than starting all over again in another residency the way you'd have to in real life.

    Ironically, they actually addressed that when Carter and Neela had to do that when they decided to switch.

    • Like 2
  20. On 1/13/2018 at 11:24 PM, choclatechip45 said:

    but she wasted opportunity after opportunity that was given to her.

    She really did. She showed up ridiculously late to the 1992 Games (with only 3 days to go before the competition started) and wasn't properly prepared, though despite this, she managed a respectable 4th place finish. Then, after everything she did to get to the 1994 Games (whether she was involved in the attack or not), she has absolutely dreadful practices in which she never runs through even half of either of her programs and this time ends up in 8th.

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  21. 11 hours ago, Raja said:

    Remember it was less than a year after tennis star Monica Seles was attacked by a Steffi Graff fanatic 

    That's exactly why I myself thought this might be the same type of incident. The reveal that it was an outright conspiracy by associates of Harding was stunning.

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