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Posts posted by Stephieg84

  1. 5 minutes ago, Loves2Dance said:

    I didn't notice her absence, but this was around ProBowl time so she was probably busy. 

    No worries. For some reason I had Christmas in my head when it was actually February. 

    She’s been a favorite of mine since she first auditioned so I always looked for her! And you’re probably right - I hadn’t really paid attention to when this first came out! 

  2. Just watched Tara’s cut. Heartbreaking doesn’t even begin to describe it. I will never believe it was the right choice and bravo to her for challenging them in a respectful way

    • Love 21
  3. 1 minute ago, LadyMsJay said:

    I honestly think she genuinely couldn't tell and was for once not being shady. I didn't know it was her at first either. 

    Yes but you didn’t have her in your studio for a year preparing for this

    • Love 5
  4. On 9/1/2018 at 1:30 PM, Mardo2044 said:

    I watch with my daughter and I mentioned I know nothing about her.  She said she was the one who did jump split at the wrong time in previous season.  

    Do you remember when that was? Or does anyone else? 

  5. Finally had the chance to rewatch the episode. I find it really hard to believe they kept showing Kashara because she’s the only one who can “say anything original”. On a separate note - I had to use closed captioning for most of what she said (which, after last year with Alexandria - who knows if it’s even accurate ??‍♀️??‍♀️)

    • Love 4
  6. I’m confused. Kelly made it seem like it would be a huge shocker if a 2nd year (I think she was specifically referring to Alexis?) made the calendar cover. But wasn’t Tasha on the cover last year? As a 2nd year? So why would it be shocking?!

    • Love 4
  7. 1 hour ago, Collette1104 said:

    re: kashara, CMT did almost no ramping up of the drama there. No dramatic pauses or music or lingering shots of a nervous Kashara. All of which they would do if they wanted drama there. 

    I'll have to go back and re-watch but I'm pretty sure there were at least a shot or 2 of her where you could see she had been crying 

    • Love 2
  8. 32 minutes ago, KoKo said:

    What did they do to Melissa?  I'm totally oblivious to this and I absolutely LOVED her!!   One of my all time favorites!

    I loved her too! But her final season Kelli called her last into training camp. Apparently to punish her for her weight gain. I'd guess that helped her decide to retire.

    • Love 3
  9. 27 minutes ago, hypeman said:

    It sure was a mess. Her group was subpar last year. More girls got cut from her group than any other. Since the GL's teach and clean the routines, that's squarely on her. It appears that it wasn't just being new to leadership last year, because the issue persists.

    It's funny that someone tried to blame Keyra for Heather getting booted from leadership. Keyra was in group 1.

    The legend of Kashara continues to be more (edited) flash than substance.

    I’ve never seen that theory regarding Keyra/Heather. Was it on here??

    • Love 2
  10. 1 hour ago, ClosetDCCFan said:

    The collage of cameos shown at F&F night (which was posted several pages back) is in order by Groups.  So the top row is Group 1 with Lacey (1GL), then Tasha (2GL), then the entire Group 1 going right.  The second row is Group 2 with Kashara (1GL), then Khalyn (2GL), then the entire Group 2 to the right.  Same for Groups 3 and 4 on the third and fourth rows.  Maybe I was the only one that didn't know this already but I found it quite helpful once I figure it out.  LOL   

    Does anyone know what page this was on? Or can someone repost?

  11. 11 minutes ago, EricaShadows said:

    Yes, Shelly was working so she would have been there, but it seemed that she allowed herself a few moments to be happy to the point of tears, then reined herself in and went back to work.  I seem to remember that someone said that alumni (including Tina) were there to help out.  Helping out could mean anything, but it also means they were there to WORK, even if they volunteered to be there.  It looks like MOST of them behaved themselves (even if they might have known some of the rookie candidates), but TINA was the only one of everyone there to go racing onto the dance floor with a big bouquet of flowers to give Victoria a hug (if anyone else was granted that privilege, we would have heard about it by now).  If she was there to help out as an alumni, she was supposedly there to WORK, not to wait on the sidelines to cheer Victoria on (though she could do that as well as long as she was doing everything else she was supposed to).  If she wanted to congratulate Victoria, she could have left a little early, gone to wait with the other parents, and met up with Victoria outside like all the rest of the support groups had to (except for Shelly, but she probably had to wait longer to congratulate Dayton than anyone else, except maybe a word in passing).  Does this make any sense?

    As for ROTY, I keep getting the feeling that Christina expected to get it last year and that she expects to get VOTY for at least one of the years she's a veteran (please let this be the only year she's a veteran).  I also get the feeling that she expects (or expected) to be tapped for a 2GL position if not a GL position at some point in her career as a DCC despite her dance issues and her hearing (the hearing alone could keep her out of a 2GL or GL position).

    This is not directly responding to your post but since it describes TK...

    Am I the only one who thinks of Melissa Peterman’s character Barbara Jean from the show Reba every time she’s on screen??

    • Love 17
  12. 3 minutes ago, pinkandsparkly13 said:

    I know a lot of people were surprised when Savannah got ROTY this year. I can't remember, who did people think would or should have gotten it? 

    I was a serious lurker back then but I remember people thinking it would be Lauren 

    • Love 4
  13. 2 minutes ago, bigskygirl said:

    I thought KaShara was voted VOTY last season, or was it Robin who was VOTY last season.

    It was Robin 


    ETA - I would love to see Heather win VOTY this year but I'm guessing whatever went down with her no longer being a group leader means that's unlikely. Lacey would be my first choice though 

    • Love 2
  14. 31 minutes ago, JohnGalt said:

    I maintain that I don’t think Jenna had the intention of ratting Erica out, but she was put in a very bad position. Erica Snapped the picture to more than one person and Jenna was one of those people. It is also possible she sent it to Jenna in a text since they are/were best friends. Kelli and Judy already knew about the picture. It’s quite possible they had already seen it and just wanted to see what Jenna would say. They questioned Jenna about it and requested to see her phone.

    At the end of the day, yeah, Jenna could have lied and said she didn’t know anything about it, but she would have been risking her own position on the squad, so I don’t begrudge her for telling the truth or showing them, whatever happened. Jenna is not my favorite, but I personally think it’s unfair to look at her negatively over this particular incident. Erica did herself in. They are still friends, so I think all sides have been mature about it.

    Thank you for your thoughtful response. That's exactly how I read the situation. She didn't go running to "rat her out" (for the record I hate that phrase), rather Kelli and Judy already knew and, after Holly, Jenna realized she had no choice. Rock meet hard place

    • Love 14
  15. 26 minutes ago, scorpio1031 said:

    It's easy to see this stuff if you re-watch the episodes, cause by now you know who the girls are and can recognize them in the audience.  But I would say they do this every season.  I think it's ridiculous for Kelli to announce how many girls are left when you know that the order is switched around.  The last one called, though, is usually the real last one called for dramatic effect or to play mind games.

    At that point Lacey was a returning vet. I can understand mixing up the rookies, although I don't agree, but she was a memorable rookie the year before. Just seems silly.

    While I may not like Kash, I really did not like what they did to her this year. Or Melissa 2 seasons ago. 

    • Love 3
  16. 23 minutes ago, bigskygirl said:

    They have allowed girls to stay on the team with injuries aka Brooke, Cassie and others who have been injured and not able to perform due to an injury. Erica was cut due to breaking a rule in Canton. They offered her an All-Star spot and wanted to send her out on appearances. They would have allowed her to stay on the team with an injury unless the doctor(s) said no more performing as a regular current DCC aka offering her an All-Star spot and appearances.

    Erica was cut for breaking a rule. She did not leave on her own merit. Jenna ratted her out to save her spot on the squad because she knew she was not the cut bubble for breaking rules. She probably told Holly and Erica she was forced by Kelli, Judy and Charlotte to rat out others to save her DCC bacon.

    There are a lot of things going on behind close doors certain girls who not want to come out and are willing to come up with explanations to cover their actions.

    I'm just wondering if you have real inside info on this or is it just speculation? Certainly not trying to call you out but you seem so insistent that Jenna "ratted her out", just curious if that's even been confirmed?

    Perhaps @JohnGalt could shed some light?

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