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Posts posted by AlliMo

  1. I liked the Beast and his theatrics and how much it needled Julia. I also don't think that we're supposed to think his antics are particularly funny or charming as much as be reminded that he gives no F's because he severed his soul, something that has to be at least a little tempting to a traumatized Julia.

    Eliot delights me. That is all.

    I actually liked that the Dean basically told Marina to go kick rocks. Not only did she steal from Brakebills, but she's killed and tortured people without a shred of remorse. She's got it coming and then some.

    • Love 5
  2. 16 hours ago, Snarklepuss said:

    Until this show I was just taking her previous behavior as a hetero "girl crush".  I guess I missed something, then.

    To quote an entirely different show, female sexuality is a moving target.

    I would just like to say that thanks to this show, last night I dreamt that I went to naked yoga and afterwards we all talked about our vaginas. The phrase, "Mine doesn't wink like that" may have been uttered. Thanks, Rachel Bloom.

    • Love 3
  3. 4 hours ago, Snarklepuss said:

    What was with all the lesbian innuendo between Rebecca and Valencia?  Don't tell me they're going to go down that road too, LOL.

    It's hardly new; Rebecca has always been shown to be pretty into Valencia. Honestly, if the show ended up with these two working out their own personal issues and getting together, I'm totally on board.

    • Love 5
  4. Man, that fight between Gretchen and Jimmy was so brutally honest, and yet possibly the most vulnerable they've allowed themselves to be yet. Maybe they'll make it, maybe they won't, but I'm into the journey. It really got me when Jimmy was yelling about her about why she still stayed despite his behavior and she just replied with, "You did." As screwed up as it is, there is a certain maturity in realizing that even if the odds are in failure, you have to at least try.

    Lindsay's a glorious trainwreck, but "You knew it was a snake when you picked it up" is a hell of a line.

    • Love 3
  5. Charlotte flaunting her sex appeal in front of her sons doesn't really bother me. Lucifer and Amenadiel are uncomfortable with it because they've been on earth for awhile now; Charlotte is basically still adjusting to the newness of having an actual body, much less with abiding by human social conventions.

    Tom Ellis is marvelous at conveying Lucifer's pain and confusion. The look of resigned desolation on his face as he walked out of Dr. Linda's office just killed me.

    • Love 14
  6. One thing that I really liked was the acknowledgement that while Jane and Michael may not have had intercourse until after they were married, they still had an active and varied premarital sex life.

    Oh, Michael, you sweet summer child, asking Jane not to talk about your sex life. Have you met your wife? Or any woman, for that matter?

    This show has such a sweet, gooey center that I'm always just slightly scandalized in the most delightful way when it hits the saucier notes.

    • Love 13
  7. Every week I have a new favorite, and this week it's White Josh.

    Josh's song expressing every "Cool Girl" trope was hilarious.

    I love that these are essentially decent people who screw up and try to learn and grow from their mistakes.

    I liked that Heather reminded Greg that she had a reason to have a vested interest in his feelings about Josh and Rebecca. Loved her, "I'm going to take that and apply it to other things" over his french fry apology.

    • Love 7
  8. I feel like the Others intended on taking over from the very beginning. Axel and his group had clearly set up a system that had kept them safe and relatively healthy from the beginning. These idiots come in, complain about the rules, immediately plot to take over, and then set about wasting resources and heedlessly wandering paying no attention to their surroundings. It almost makes me suspect that they were possibly "pets" of the vampires who were purposely sent in as a Trojan horse, because they couldn't possibly have survived on their own out there for that long with such a profound lack of sense or survival skills.

    • Love 5
  9. I don't have a single shred of sympathy for the Other Group. The Originals took them in and were willing to share what limited resources they had, and they immediately turned on them. They brought it on themselves, though I do feel for the little girl. The only mistake I think that they made was not booting John out with them. He had a lot of nerve even bucking Alex at all considering that he was the reason they were in the situation in the first place.

    • Love 7
  10. Dear television producers: When I say that I like dark tv shows, I mean dark themes, not so poorly lit that I can't tell what the hell is going on.

    I seriously don't know why they didn't boot John out long before now. He's been nothing but trouble from the first episode. Only the fact that Axel is, at his core, still a decent human being has even kept John alive up to this point. He keeps demonstrating exactly why he's a good leader.

    The new group needs to die. All. Of. Them.

    • Love 2
  11. I disagree. Falk has never presented it as strictly a comedy. It started out on more comedic elements because it takes time to develop characters before you can start exploring the more dramatic elements. I don't think that FX would have invested in this show as heavily as it has if it was straight comedy, and I'm very, very glad that they have.

    I initially found Dorothy annoying, but I'm starting to appreciate her more. I like that she told Edgar that she didn't need him to fix himself, but she did need him to keep trying.

    • Love 5
  12. 23 minutes ago, Irlandesa said:

    I liked it.  It was really well done and interesting to see things from Edgar's perspective.

    But if I'm being honest, I actually came away with a super shallow thought.  Damn Edgar was hot when he was dancing at the beginning.  I mean dayum.

    Oh, you were not the only one, believe me.  I VERY much appreciated it.

    I really don't have an issue with the show not being a non-stop laugh riot. Its always been about the comedy derived from tragedy and dysfunction. If all I wanted was mindless yucks, lord knows I have plenty of other, less well written and acted options.

    • Love 6
  13. Lindsay's need to compete with Becca drives so much of her actions, it's doesn't surprise me that she rocked the baby skills. She's surprisingly adept when she has the right (for her) motivation. Jimmy and Gretchen cheering her attempt at an actual thought process was hilarious.

    Edgar is going to snap, but it will be in the most Edgar way possible. I did like Gretchen taking a moment to check in with him as well as her overt relief at not having to actually follow through. She really is trying!

    Loved the "Mad Men" shout out with Jimmy and the kid.

    • Love 2
  14. Well, Paul managed to marry Lindsey while ignoring every glaringly obvious warning sign about her instability and immaturity , and to remain oblivious throughout their marriage, so it doesn't seem at all unrealistic to me that he would let her convince him that he just backed into her. He may be outwardly nicer than she is, but in many ways he's just as self absorbed and deluded.

    I love Jimmy's non-reaction to Edgar's girlfriend moving out, as he clearly had never bothered to notice that she's moved in.

    • Love 3
  15. After two whole seasons, I'm not sure who doesn't get that the point of the entire show is that these are people who lack the maturity and coping skills to articulate or identify their needs in any kind of well adjusted manner. 

    So many things I loved about this. Jimmy's continuing amazement as he gets to know more about Gretchen. The church people nodding their heads to the music at the secret show.  My favorite small moment, though, had to be seeing the schmoopy bouncer again that Gretchen hooked up with back when she and Jimmy were doing their "We're not an exclusive thing" dance.

    • Love 3
  16. 21 hours ago, lordonia said:

    Good to know that a blanket over the shoulders is the cure for cutting off a hand. Louella was sitting and chatting like it was a day at the beach. I suppose I could believe the frozen part had no feeling left, but it had to have been sliced off above the ice for it to stop expanding, and there wasn't even any blood.

    I write these kinds of things off as things they don't need to show due to what James Callis once famously referred to on a BSG commentary as, "The tragedy of verisimilitude."

  17. Hey, "Lost Girl" reunion! I was kind of hoping we could find an excuse for Kris Holden-Reid to take his shirt off, though. I'm shallow.

    I don't think that Bendavid was that terrible, but I do think that the character was underdeveloped and not missed.

    I'm actually finding everything centering on Android the most interesting part of this season so far.

    • Love 6
  18. I liked this one, and I thought the actors playing Khlyen and D'Avin both did a pretty good job playing as each other.

    I like Pawter and Johnny together. They make a good team.

    • Love 10
  19. As much as I hate losing the actor, I really don't see where else they could have possibly gone with Jamal's character. Watching Bassam, and to some degree Ahmed as well, slowly become him is both more interesting and believable.

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