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Posts posted by AlliMo

  1. I tend to be handwavey about a lot of technical stuff due to what James Callis once referred to in a BSG commentary as "the tragedy of verisimilitude" - showing the details of how many commonplace things are done derails from the storyline and some things you just have to take as they are. 

    On rewatch, I love how DT has Naomi's Belter accent come out more strongly when she's around other Belters. It's a great acting choice on her part.

    • Love 3
  2. I really loved this episode. My fiance's ex and mother of his daughter has BPD, and it really resonated with me. She can be incredibly funny, caring and creative, but she's also often frustrating, difficult and unreasonable, and I have to take a step back and remind myself of how much pain people with her disorder are in. They feel everything so intensely and have little to no ability to self regulate their emotions and no sense of self, and it has to be terrifying to live that way. As much as I want to see how they show Rebecca deals with this, I'm just as eager to see how the people around her grapple with their own issues that her problems have brought to light in their lives.


    I love this show so much.

    • Love 4
  3. 2 hours ago, Ottis said:

    Jimmy should call the police, change his locks ... and then move. Gretchen can be as mad as she wants on her own. Jimmy can find someone else. He's off to a good start with his book. 

    Yeah, good luck to him on the finding someone else part - the show has made clear that Gretchen tolerated him longer than any other women he was involved with.

    • Love 2
  4. Oh, come on. When your boyfriend proposes to you, then immediately leaves you stranded on a hill and disappears for three months, anger is a completely normal reaction. I'd go so far as to say that any "normal" person would never want to speak to him again.

    • Love 14
  5. Colin Ferguson will always be Sheriff Carter to me, and I was delighted to see him. I hope it's not just a one off, actually.

    I loved this episode, and I love this show, as nutso as it is. Everyone on it is just so, so good.

    • Love 6
  6. 9 hours ago, DrScottie said:

    Jon Snow and Tyrion? One of them is her nephew and the other might well be her half-brother if his father were actually the Mad King, not Tywin. We already know that the dragons were okay with Tyrion.  

    Plus, seeing Jon Snow take on an army of White Walkers with a dragon. Awesome. 

    Actually, I'm thinking Jon and Bran. Bran is a warg, after all - he wouldn't even have to physically ride a dragon.

    • Love 2
  7. On rewatch, I appreciated that battle scene even more. The visual of smoke and fire after the first blast and then the Dothraki soaring in through the flames was just stunning.

    My favorite line goes to Davos for his joke to Jon about switching sides.

    • Love 6
  8. Ooooh, Littlefinger, when Arya finds out that you were the one who betrayed her father, you're going to get that dagger back in a way you won't like. I did enjoy his visible *gulp*, though.

    I don't think Sansa was angry when she was watching Arya spar with Brienne. I think it was the dawning realization of just how much Arya has changed and how little she knows her now, and not a little bit of fear. Out of all of them, I think that she's been the one most longing for the family she never thought that she'd see again, and when she does get them back, they're complete strangers. They may be home, but the world is a very different place.

    I could see Dany and Jon agreeing to cement their alliance through marriage once the war is won. Plenty of time for them to find out Jon's parentage before they actually get to business.

    I'm sure they'll fish Jamie out of the water. Dany is smart enough to know what a valuable hostage he makes, for starters. Then the question is, will Tyrion do for Jamie what Jamie did for him. Possibly, spending some time as Dany's "guest" will cause Jamie to start seeing Cersei in a new light.

    That battle scene was glorious and I scared the hell out of the dog. Fire and blood, yassss, queen!

    Of course Bronn is teflon. He's a mercenary completely lacking in loyalty and principles; that's the best chance of survival in their world.

    • Love 19
  9. 50 minutes ago, 123BP said:

    Yes, Sam's undercover operation was done for the "greater good." It seems strange to me that some folks seem to compare what the NCIS agents do when they go undercover--catching mass murderers who commit crimes against humanity (Khalid), drug dealers (King), arms dealers and terrorists (Sidorov and the Chechen terrorists) and more--with what Joelle did. There's no way to ever equate those criminals with any of the NCIS agents, and so to compare the actions and the reasons for the actions of Joelle with what the NCIS agents do is completely ludicrous.

    The NCIS team frequently deceives and targets the friends and loved ones of these criminals, regardless of whether or not they may be involved with their activities. It may be for the "greater good," but that doesn't make it any less morally questionable. The mole storyline may have been about a personal agenda by a handful of rogue CIA agents, but let's not pretend that NCIS hasn't pulled quite a bit of both legally and morally questionable things that would warrant them being investigated by another agency, and they continue to wiggle out of any real consequences.

    • Love 2
  10. 1 hour ago, 3girlsforus said:

    I'm sorry, but didn't Sam carry on a serious relationship with someone for the job while he was married with kids?  Why isn't he considered evil?  

    I think the implication was that Joelle and Callen had a sexual relationship, while Sam avoided doing so, and I still find it hypocritical.

    About time Nell/Eric got some traction. They've drawn that one out far too long and at this point, I'd really rather see one or both establish a relationship outside of their jobs. Admittedly, Eric is my favorite and I dislike the way that he's written. He's clearly more than competent at his job and probably has the healthiest and most active social life outside of his work, and yet they continually portray him as clownish and awkward.

    • Love 8
  11. The belters are another version of a working class that's exploited for their labor by an upper class that then charges them through the nose for food and shelter, with the added bonus of starving them of water and oxygen when they object too loudly. Not to mention that they can't even visit Earth or Mars because being born and raised in the belt means that they can't withstand the gravity. I actually really like that they've given them a sort of Creole language of their own; it makes sense.

    They've done an excellent job with casting this series imo.

    • Love 8
  12. 13 minutes ago, breezy424 said:

    On a side note...why does Randell go out the front door to go to work?  This bothers me in so many TV shows.  There's a two or three car garage.  Do they not park their $100000 car in the garage?  Don't they go directly to the attached garage from the house?  OK.  Super critical.  When I or my husband go somewhere in our cars, we go to the door to the garage.  Even our kids, when they got cars, go to the inside garage entrance to the garage to the driveway where their cars are parked.  Yeah, I'll go back to the corner on this but it just 'bothers' me.  I know it's TV....yadda, yadda, yadda.

    Oh, you are not alone, my friend. I, too, have issues with the Tragedy of Verisimilitude.

    • Love 8
  13. It's definitely a much different experience having watched season 1 never having read any of the books, and starting this season having gone through the entire series. That being said, I'm enjoying where they're going with this. I hope SyFy sticks with it, even though it must be terribly expensive, because it's just gorgeous.

  14. Damn. That closing shot.

    This episode was brutal. For a moment I thought that Jennifer was going to overdose on the pills. Shows how much Will knew about her strength.

    Is it wrong that I'm half hoping that Charlie does something very, very bad to that obnoxious chirpy tutor?

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