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Posts posted by Gel

  1. What I didn't get was why the primordial strain worked as a cure.

    Me neither. I am trying not to think too closely on that, or the whole bit about Bertrise's receptors serving as a vaccine, if that is what Dr. R said. This is not my area of expertise, but it just doesn't sound right. Vaccines are usually inactivated forms of the thing you are being vaccinated against, no? I get the impression they are using the term "receptor" in lieu of "antibodies". If the six were having an autoimmune reaction to Niels' gene being expressed as part of the virus, it makes sense the monkey would be fine, but I don't understand how tweaking the primordial strain and injecting that suppresses the autoimmune reaction. Unless...the primordial strain is stronger than the strain with Niels' gene (not logical, but ~hand-waves~), becomes the dominant form of the virus expressed, then no more autoimmune response, and six people who have antibodies to the virus which can be used as the "cure".

    I much prefer the show sticking to military manuvers, which I do not understand in the least and therefore can happily ignore any giant gaping flaws. Because I am having a hell of a time trying to overlook my impression that they injected cold NOT sterilized water into the pregnant gal who was having seizures to bring down her fever.

  2. BizBuzz, I don't know if you are still looking for strength training ideas, but I started out with exercises from a book called "Body by You" by Mark Lauren. I really like it because I can do all the exercises at home and it does not need any equipment, and actually really doesn't take that long. I have been doing it for two years and really have not got much past the basic exercises, but considering I never used to exercise or play sports at all, I am much stronger than I used to be, and it really does develop muscle more than the exercise bike we have. The beginner stuff is also easy to do, and the program steps you up very gradually. I find it pretty laid back and enjoyable. The idea is that you are using your own bodyweight to work against instead of equipment or dumbbells, and my routine only takes about 35 minutes 3x a week.

    I will say, however, that I recently discovered the program is Deceptively Evil. Because you are always working against your own bodyweight, gaining ANY weight immediately equals more effort. So, (apparently, I am not the sharpest tool in the drawer) when I resumed exercising after a vacation and things seemed slow going...that finally dawned on me the third rep into my routine, I'm like "Fudge! Sneaky!"

    • Love 2
  3. I hope the mandatory mutiny plot is done for the season. It's so tediously predictable. Show about ship = minimum of one mutiny plot per season. Damn pity they don't make CBR suits to keep the crew from getting infected with The Stupid.

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  4. Watched about 10 minutes of Mega Shark vs. Mecha Shark yesterday, which was about as much as I could stomach. Then the moment came when Mega shark was deterred from taking a bite out a COMMERCIAL AIRCRAFT by Mecha shark leaping heroically out of the water to intercept it, and well, there really are no words.

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  5. It's hilarious how the bad guys on this show can't hit the broad side of a barn. Also, as a bad guy, one wants to avoid Adam Baldwin in a fight. I can't help but notice while both Eric Dane and the other guy put their captives in chokeholds, Adam Baldwin's character snapped his guy's neck like that.

  6. Didn't they used to have craft shows as well? Or am I making that up or thinking of TLC? It was a loooong time ago.

    I'm tired of the demolition and remodeling shows, as half the time I find the "new" look worse than the "old" look. I'm convinced that half the trick in making something look good is just stripping out all the clutter of everyday life. That's why they used to have sitting parlors for when company came.

    • Love 3
  7. Oh, this is a pet peeve! I do not understand the stainless steel appliance trend. Granted, my dream house would be one ripe for horrified commentary from prospective HH buyers, because if you are going to go with stainless steel, go with stainless steel countertops, not appliances. The stainless, or more like 'stainless-look' as they say in the advertisement fine print, is doing nothing practical for you on the front of a fridge other than appearance. We had a stainless steel 1950s era countertop in a rental house once that was the size of a pea, but man that thing was a dream to keep clean. I never paid attention if it was shiny, but it was easily scrubbed and you never had to worry about it etching, scratching, cracking or setting down a hot thing by accident.

    Plus, the whole open kitchen floor plan concept--maybe it is just the way I cook, but doesn't grease film and cooking smells just get into all your furniture/carpet if you have a kitchen that opens up into the living area/family room? And how can you hear anything over whatever noise is being made in the kitchen?

    I shudder when I see the ginormous master baths that get ooh-and-aahed over. Perhaps it is age, but I do not see fun sexy relaxing bath time--I see acres and acres of grout and scrubbing. And this would be the other reason my dream house would not sell: bathroom would be the size of a closet with laminate floors and composite countertops. I can hear them ripping it out and putting in one of those countertop bowl sink fixtures now.

  8. I always had the impression Neal was more bent out of shape trying to get back to Henry, "my son", than Emma. If the writers are doing parallels with any consistency, Neal is taking after Rumple in his own way, with his focus on getting back to Henry at any cost. Use kid Roland as bait, resurrect The Dark One? No problem. I had a moment of fear that when he went to resurrect the Dark One, he would become the Dark One himself, which would have been bad in many ways.

    • Love 2
  9. Farscape trumps Laundry, Grocery Shopping and work you brought home, easily. (Oh wait, is that enabling?)

    I don't know where one draws the line between trying something out, and when something counts as bailing, and where that tendency to see things through to their bitter, bitter ends kicks in. Like, should I really spend my time on another season of Falling Skies?

  10. The Event? Really??!!:)...

    They promised teleporting aliens! Plus, TWoP enabled. I have no idea what it means, but somehow the geographical traveling impossibilities in the show generated the phrase "I have Murmansk in my pansks!" when whatshisname purportedly took a train from Murmansk to Siberia in under 24 hours. A thread like that is hard to give up on, you know?

    Now would probably be a good time to own up to the fact I am still recording Bones, yeah? Admittedly, I don't actually watch it so much as have it on in the background, but I think It stays on the DVR because nothing else looks interesting. I guess a familiar train wreck is preferable to having to attend to a new train that will probably wreck.

    I did bail on Crisis, though. By episode three I suddenly realized I was watching an entire flock of teens. While not entirely of the bratty, whiney variety, there were a lot of them. Add to that the descent into tears, screaming and predictability, that was enough.

  11. I'll see you a Charmed and raise you an SGU. Sadly, my list also includes sitting through the entirety of Lost. I think I get suckered in by the faintest promise of a mytharc, even though after Billie the SuperWitch and the White Light of Unenlightment, I really should know better. I completed The Event, too, although I blame the utterly hilarious TWoP thread for that.

  12. What I loved most about this episode was Emma finding out at the end, in such an almost understated way, that Hook gave up the Jolly Roger to find her. Throughout the episode, Jennifer Morrison does a marvelous job conveying the increasing sense of wonder at being in a fairy tale, finding that she is really has a place as fairy tale princess, and finding her way "home". Starting out as someone who has no secure tether to either world, who does not believe she means anything to anyone or that anyone would really miss her, you can see going into the conversation with Hook she is totally not expecting a serious answer when she asked him what thing of value it was that he traded in for the magic bean. And when he answered, with a laugh as if to brush it off with jest, "Why, the Jolly Roger, of course.", I think it completes the sense of wonder for the whole journey, that not only having witnessed how true love happened for her parents, but opens her eyes to the idea that true love is possible for her as well. And he came to find her in New York not because of any concept of true love, even though he feels that way, but because it was "the right thing to do". His wry acceptance throughout the episode of the lengths which he will go for her is just (well, damn, this is the only word that comes to mind) charming.

    • Love 8
  13. But Hook's love for Emma seems to be the one exception. There is nothing he wouldn't sacrifice for her. I suppose that's a little wrong too, but I hope they keep it like that and don't screw it up.

    Yes, please. Please, please don't screw it up. I'm so tired of crime drama, realism, dramatic pause twists, cross, double-cross, betrayal-because-it-is-keeping-it-real, and the whole one-upsmanship in the delving into darkness of the human soul that seems to be the thing to do in scripts these days. I realize working in TV these days is a bit like living the life of Scheherazade, but please don't kill the tale you are telling by embellishing and twisting it until all the happiness is gone and it is an empty shell of its former promise.

    • Love 1
  14. Why do the costume designers hate Snow? ... Then after she has the baby, they have her in the most heinous looking pink/ribbon nightgown monstrosity. Is Snow supposed to have atrocious taste in clothing or do the costume designers hate Ginnifer Goodwin?

    The only possible explanation for the existence of that nightgown in creation is birth control. I don't know what possessed someone to intentionally combine a peach pink mini floral print with ruffled lace and a twee ribbon tied up into a bow, but please, never do it again.
    • Love 4
  15. Excellent!!  "They call me Trouble" OMG how utterly stupid. 

    I call her Trouble too, but perhaps not in the way they intended. This could be tedious.

    How soon can they ditch the Royals story line? There's nothing compelling about it at all.

    Alexis Denisof? No?
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  16. Two weeks later I am still mightly amused by the Burkhart's familial terseness. When asked by Monroe "There's more???" with regard to "the enemy of my enemy is my friend who gave birth to Destiny's baby with Extra Superpowers and is now running from the Verrat/Royals with baby daddy my captain - oh hey can we all come by?" situation, and Nick's reply was a clipped, "Little bit."

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  17. I liked it. The script makes no sense, but the acting was awesome and overcame much of the script nonsense for me.

    I was hanging with the Contrived Angst Anti-Kiss (nice one, Faemonic), until Zelena threatened to kill everyone Emma loves unless Hook drained Emma's powers. Huh? If Zelena could do that, why doesn't she just threaten Emma directly? And when exactly did Emma "break Hook's heart"? They were separated by the curse, yes, but her last word to him before the curse hit was, I thought, encouraging. Having to think takes me out of enjoying the quippy and the pretty, show. Kindly desist from doing that, thanks!

  18. You know, I've just managed to forget that particular bit, and now I remember it again. I need those brain cells back!

    I saw BJS the other day in a different film, and to his credit, I actually did not recognize him right away. I don't know if it was intentional on the part of the SGU directing powers, or if things just never "came together" for them, but when I compare the performance of cast members on SGU to other things I have seen them in since, they are always less stiff and more lifelike. With the exception of Carlyle, who was quite credible but also possibly acting out a script in his own head and wisely ignoring any direction.

  19. I have been ambivalent about David Giuntoli's acting, but I'm sold. The defining moment came when he and GrimmMom were outside Renard's apartment building, as she went marching off with intentions of violence and havoc, Nick tried to slow her down with a plaintive "MOM!?!?" with overtones of both futility and oh-crap-what-now. That tone of voice happens to me often when the cat is about to do something unwise, so I know it well.

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