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Posts posted by MyBigFatFakeLife

  1. 2 minutes ago, Mahamid Frauded Me said:

    I am super surprised that he found another woman to cheat with, I tried to find one redeeming quality about him, and I am exhausted and out of breath, much like WWT after a flight of stairs

    The power of drugs and/or booze. I doubt he cheated with a Heather-type of woman, I bet they were all pick ups (whores, other druggies, drunks) from the bar. Which makes me scared for Heather and her overall health. 

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  2. Hopefully Heather has taken every STD test under the sun. And tested negative for all of them. Buddy, what a POS. It’s one thing to take a casual relationship lightly, but to do it with a woman who thinks of you as the second father of her children? (Although I don’t know the whole details of their relationship, it was portrayed as pretty serious, but who knows) He may or may not blame it on coke, but it was a crappy move. I don’t think Buddy will be around much if future seasons are in the horizon. Maybe a FaceTime call here or there, but that’s it. 

    • Love 7
  3. Whitney could be already pregnant with Tal’s baby. Who knows. Or maybe not. Let’s hope not. The name for the episode is alarming though. Is she going to cover her face like the baby is dropping Molotovs every time she changes it’s diapers like she did with Tal’s nephew. What a drama queen

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  4. Why wouldn’t she talk about her past as Fitty Smallz collaborator on MBFFL? She’s talked about everything but this. How did you guys know about this? Also, not cool pretending to be the girl singing, reminds me of those 90s one hit wonders with thin, young, beautiful black women singing in the videos when in fact it was an older, fat black woman. Or for Friends fans, the whole Smelly Cat video episode. Isn’t it funny how Whitney is the “face” this time. Wonder who the real singer is. 

    • Love 3
  5. After watching that video I’m convinced Whitney has done obesity porn or whatever it’s called, or she has or had webcams in her room before TLC. Let’s not be shocked when something like that comes up in the news. The hypocrisy though, I thought she hated men with a fat fetish. And girl, that video is all but No Body Shame. What a joke. 

    • Love 11
  6. 1 hour ago, shoovenbooty said:

    Whitney made out with her cat in the vet's office. I cannot believe I watch this show.

    The look of shame on Babs’ face was too real. Same with Glenn’s uncomfortable laugh when she asked to smell the dolphin’s breath. What is wrong with this woman? 

    • Love 7
  7. 11 minutes ago, Lynnlynnlynn586 said:

    I  successfully had weight loss surgery like 6 or 7 years ago and recommended to Twit on her instagram her peeps got mad at me and she blocked me LOL oh well!!

    Oh, that was you! Good for you! Yeah, she said “for personal reasons she won’t have surgery”. Maybe she’s one of those nuts who believes it’s mutilating your stomach. It’s a drastic measure but if it needs to be, so be it. I quit following that mess and her crazy fans 

    • Love 7
  8. 4 minutes ago, ClareWalks said:

    It's like Whitney wants to be able to say "see, men DO want to have sex with me! I can prove it! I have the receipts! LITERALLY."

    Yep, she’s always mentioning how sexual she is, to her dad, especially. I cringed when she discussed how she and Lenny were “living in sin” because they were “obviously” having sex and that has happened  many times in her life. Barf. Ok, Whitney, you have sex, got it. And in that speech she did in her old college, she mentions how her boyfriend wanted to make love to her, but she wouldn’t let him. Why wouldn’t an adult woman be having sex if she has partners? But she keeps making sure we know she indeed has sex with them. Are we missing something here? 

    • Love 9
  9. Is it normal to remember the exact date you lost your virginity? Month and year we do, it’s more of an age thing, especially if you’re a girl, I get guys don’t really care that much, but the exact date and time, um, because you kept a damn receipt? What the f?

    • Love 10
  10. What ever happened to Juan Carlos, the grey cat that was also taken to the vet and shown in one episode? My understanding is he belongs to Whitney as well (but lives with Babs and Glenn).  Steve Purrwin is MIA as well. This is turning into Kardashian Pet Hell kind of quickly. 

    • Love 2
  11. So poor piggy wasn't even vaccinated. That's bad pet parenting. Now I'm wondering about poor Tori as well, and all the poor cats that share a house with Whitney. Its' so obvious they were just trying to get rid of the pig and suddenly "he's acting out" so there he goes. He came as a storyline and died as a storyline. Very unfortunate.

    • Love 7
  12. 4 hours ago, Tabbygirl521 said:

    I know I am jumping the gun but it looks like NEXT week, Buddy might be pregnant! (“My Big Fat Baby” = Buddy hits Heather with devastating news and pisses Whitney off.)

    topic: if the poor pig died, I imagine Babs will feel guilty for having given him away. (She shouldn’t; their yard was not the right environment for him, but she did love him.)

    His new girlfriend looks a bit like a blonde Heather. Anyway, I wish them the best, but some people are saying this to him on his IG account, and stuff like "Go back to Heather", "You and Heather were so cute together". Ugh. Even though I thought she looked a bit similar to Heather, why would I tell him that, that's such a cheap shot, especially when he seems so happy in his new relationship. Whitney's fans are the worst.

    • Love 7
  13. 23 hours ago, Ketzel said:

    To Lennie . . .  heh

    “Are you sure It’s mine?”. He was so excited.

    This whole piggy thing is so heartbreaking. Don’t have pets because of fads, this is what happens. Poor Babs got carried away by a silly producer and she got attached to piggy, of course. It got out of hand. I don’t think it could be anything else. A very elderly relative, like Babs’ aunt or cousin, dying, perhaps? 

    I agree that piggy passing wouldn’t impact the whole family. Way to confuse us. 

    Poor piggy. 

    • Love 3
  14. I remember that episode when poor Wanda had to potty somewhere else because her litter box was all dirty, and Whitney had the audacity to yell at her “Why are you doing this to me?!”. Wanda really hates her, she misses Lenny I bet.

    Next on Season 7 of My Big Fat Fabulous Life: Baby crying over dirty diaper not changed for hours. Whitney: “Why are you doing this to me?!”. 

    Please don’t. Or grow up, at 34.

    And about a clinic refusing to do IVF treatment on Whitney, I recently read about the Jahi McMath case and my mind is blown. They literally helped put food in a corpse in a hospital in New Jersey, so I think helping a crazy fat lady with PCOS become a mom isn’t that out there. 

    About Buddy and Heather...Enough! He’s got a new girlfriend and she’s still shown on tv doing post break rituals? Have some self respect, woman! Buddy was okay for Whitney but not for Heather, she can do 100 times better. 

    • Love 4
  15. Yes!! Absolutely Ashley’s baby has impacted Glenn and Babs, and I don’t think this is scripted (hallelujah!) I do think there’s a bit of “Why can’t our daughter already...?”, even if they started their family life later than most traditional families in the 80s. And Ashley was as single and overweight like Whitney during the first seasons, and now she’s a mom with a partner. I really don’t see the problem in a single and childfree life, but I can understand where Glenn and Babs are coming from, especially if Whitney has manifested she wants a similar life to Ashley’s. Again, I wouldn’t be surprised to learn she’s pregnant, sperm donor (Tal, stranger, not Todd) or if she’s met another Avi. She’s still got some time. 

    • Love 2
  16. 6 hours ago, Bubbles1967 said:

    Correct me if I’m wrong but isn’t one of the issues with PCOS is that she might not be able to have kids? If so he’s putting pressure on her when it could very well never happen. 

    He disgusts me every time he says that to her. If it were me , I’d rip him a new one, father or not.  

    I think it’s not that hard for women with PCOS to conceive as it is for women with endometriosis, which is what I have and that’s what my gyno told me, he does IVF treatments and most of his patients have endo (or both), while women with PCOS *could* - although this depends on the severity of the condition and the patient’s general health- be more easy to treat. I know several girls with PCOS who have gotten pregnant with less invasive treatment  or without it. However, they aren’t morbidly obese. 

    But life has a way of shocking us or throwing us little surprises. Maybe we would be surprised to hear Whitney is pregnant, but again, crazier things have happened.

    I don’t see her as a mom, she comes off as too self centered 

    • Love 4
  17. 1 hour ago, SunnyBeBe said:

    I think that Whit could date if she really wanted to.  I've never seen obesity cause any person to be alone, if they didn't want to be. Many obese people are in relationships, married, have children, etc.  This includes plenty of people who are much larger than Whitney. 

    I do hope that Heather can move on.  She should talk to some family members of people who struggle with sobriety.  It can be a DAILY struggle, often with relapses and even a roller coaster ride.  She should really re- consider putting her kids into that kind of dynamic.  

    Absolutely! Everyone deserves to be loved (well, almost everyone). But Whitney isn’t that much into fat men, except for Roy, although I still don’t know what the hell that was. She’s worried about the logistics of the situation. I still remember how she quickly made sure to refer to Lenny as thin when someone asked if her boyfriend was fat as well. Lenny was many things, thin he was not. 

    I think Whitney could be happy with an overweight man, but i have the impression her weight limit is about Buddy’s size. Or someone of regular size like Avi with an obvious fetish for fat women. Dating is hard, including for our “dear” Whitney. 

    • Love 4
  18. 1 hour ago, Elizzikra said:

    It's definitely risky but it happens all the time. A friend of mine is an OB and he has had a number of obese patients. They do have complications throughout pregnancy and with labor and delivery. Honestly in some cases, you have to wonder about the mechanics of how the lady got pregnant in the first place. I guess the drive to procreate leads to creativity - or maybe flexibility?

    Agreed. A friend of a friend was so obese she didn't know she was pregnant until she had an accident and they told her she was, but when she tells the story she never discusses this. I get it happens to thin women as well, but most cases are because of obesity. Sadly the child is already obese and is not even 4 years old. But she's always commenting how people tell her how skinny she looks (she doesn't), how every man on Earth flirts with her but she's so over it, and how she has back trouble, but I bet nobody in her close circle of friends tell her it's because she's so overweight. I bet Whitney *could* get pregnant if she wanted to, crazier things have happened.

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