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Posts posted by WinJet0819

  1. On 4/7/2023 at 2:46 PM, Milaxx said:

    I keep praying that they just wanted to make it to season 20 and then call it a wrap. 

    They need to. Remember, Shonda famously said the show will end when Meredith leaves. Well, Meredith has left, and Shonda still hasn't pulled the plug. Too many shows these days simply don't know how to quit while they're ahead and go out on top. Yes, the show might still be making money, but it shouldn't keep going solely because of money. Especially, when the stories are becoming redundant and follow the same old formula.

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  2. Nice to see Jared back. It's been a while. I guess Andrew should have asked for the check ahead of surgery? Though Jared, if he wanted to mend fences, he could have told his boss it was his decision to go back to St. Bon's, and that Andrews had no influence on his decision.

    And in the pregnancy case, the glaring omission is that there were no OB or pre-natal surgeon overseeing the case. Lim is not an OB, and Jordan is not an OB resident. And again the lack of specialties is making these surgeons seem like a joke. Jordan can do a D&E now?

    And I do wonder did Lea actually get rid of her Starsky & Hutch car to get that new one? I would hope not because that is a classic. She wouldn't drive it when taking the baby, but it'd be nice to have around if she wants to go out on the town baby-free.

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  3. Of course, Stella survives. Big shocker. And of course, all the rigs need to be taken out of service because Stella Sue got injured. If every first responder did that in response to someone getting hurt, a lot of people would be dead.

    And yes, while Emma is scum, what the hell is Violet thinking? Hoping the boss of IA takes her accusations about Emma at her word with no corresponding evidence other than hearsay? That was stupid and desperate. And as others have said, doesn't the CFD run background on who they hire. Considering the way she left her old department, you would have thought CFD brass would have looked into her then. And I guess Gallo going to her old FD last season was never followed up upon? And then Emma gets moved over to Internal Affairs, which I would think would mean an even more stringent background check, considering she gets to hold firefighters' careers in her hands?

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  4. On 11/5/2022 at 5:27 AM, MsJamieDornan said:

    Sadly, it will never happen.

    It's why I really do think LaRoyce Hawkins would be better off leaving and going to show where he can actually shine. His acting skills are being wasted, and there's no doubt he's the token black man. Save for the episode last season with the running wife, all of the Kevin-centric episodes just deal with racial issues or police scrutiny. The writers are type-casting him. They give all these stories to Burzek and Upton, and don't write any good, long-standing storylines for Atwater. It's a shame.

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  5. So let me get this straight. The Intelligence Unit of the CHICAGO Police Department in Chicago, Illinois arrested and held Sean because of what they suspected he did in Waunukee, Wisconsin? Last I checked, if a crime happens across state lines, it's in that state's jurisdiction, which would be Wisconsin in this case. And if he committed related crimes across both states, that's federal and falls under FBI jurisdiction. And I don't see anyone in Intelligence as part of FBI. So they had zero cause to hold him for any length of time.

    Do the writers even give a damn about consistency and authenticity anymore? This stuff has become a joke.

    And Hailey really wants to act surprised when the ADA says they have no case because it was an illegal entry and everything found is inadmissible? Seriously? She's been pushing the bounds of legality for a while now, but this takes the cake. And you would think, if you're going to bring serious charges against a police chief's son, you had damn well better do everything by the book. And then she compounds that by going to Sean to plead for his compassion to get him to spill the details, which again would not have been admissible in court.

    I gotta say, watching these episodes after Jay left, the show has become even more cringe-worthy because now almost all the focus is solely given to Hailey.

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  6. On 10/20/2022 at 4:49 PM, iMonrey said:

    I thought this was a semi decent episode, the ongoing heroics of Stella Kidd notwithstanding. I wondered why they were doing a Halloween episode so early but it looks like there won't be another one until November. The visual of Capp dressed up as a giant baby was hysterical. 

    I don't know how much longer they can drag out this thing with Gallo and Herrmann's niece. And I don't know why Herrmann wojuld mind Gallo dating her. He likes Gallo. This caveman attitude he has towards his niece seems outdated to say the least. That saying, Gallo and whats-her-name were idiots to do it at the bar. What if someone walked in?

    It seems they couldn't even get the day right for Halloween. Ritter's crush mentioned that Halloween was on a Sunday, which was inaccurate.

    And Gallo needs to find some balls and just admit to Hermann that he's seeing his niece. This whole of fear of Hermann thing is just stupid and it's dragging out way too long.

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  7. Boden was the best part of this episode, hands down. The way he jumped into action to save that kid was probably the most realistic thing I've seen on this show in a while. Nice to see his family get some focus, and cool scene at the end.

    OMG!!!! Did Gallo actually just say "You won't find a better Lieutenant than Stella Kidd." A person who's been in the job for less than a year is now one of the better lieutenants? In what universe? More bend the knee to Stella Kidd crap. Another reason why I hate her character. She can do no wrong and is constantly deified like she's the greatest ever.

    Seriously Gallo, grow the hell up and talk to Hermann man to man that you're seeing his niece. This plot is juvenile. You're a grown-ass man and Tracy is a grown-ass woman. You both like each other and you're both consenting. Dragging this crap out is just exhausting at this point and does nothing for the story.

    And these B-plots with the Mouch & Hermann are just getting stupider and stupider. And they happen almost every episode. All the serious plots seem to go to Kidd, Severide, Boden, Brett and lately Violet. That's not balanced at all. It would be refreshing to see Hermann or Mouch get a serious storyline so we can see some range in their characters.

    I also must say, that while I do feel for Violet's character, Hawkins' death is another reason why a higher-up and a subordinate don't get together. She's getting a long furlough to deal with the death of Hawkins and that just doesn't make sense. If they were married or engaged, maybe. But they were in prohibited relationship for less than a year. And on the matter of furloughs, this show seems to throw the term around like it's some kind of paid leave (like when Kelly took a four week furlough after Shay died). And in actuality, a furlough is a mandatory, temporary layoff that is unpaid. So by Violet having a long furlough, as Sylvie put it, she is actually being temporarily laid off and not getting any money to sit home and grieve. The correct leave would be bereavement leave.

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  8. On 12/19/2022 at 11:48 PM, Boofish said:

    I started watching this show and have finally caught up. Has anyone ever come to the E.R. and not need *dramatic pause* IMMEDIATE SURGERY 

    In this show, no. Especially since actual attending physicians don't exist on this show. In this show's universe, much as it is in Grey's Anatomy, the surgeons do everything, including handling ER intakes. The last episode was a prime example of why they need physicians. Theres is no way a patient should be on the table, about to have surgery, and another surgeon points out in front of the whole ER that there appears to be signs of rape. An attending physician would have caught that during the initial examination, and told the patient one-on-one in private, before an actual surgeon would have been consulted.

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  9. On 10/21/2022 at 1:46 PM, KeithJ said:

    We're just catching up on this now and I really hate how this is turning into Chicago Stella.  Killing off Hawkins was terrible.  It's like the writers don't want anyone to be happy besides Stella.  I'm a little surprised they haven't killed off Trudy or Herman's family yet.

    The whole side story with Stella's office and the washer and dryer was absolutely stupid.  Those appliances need dedicated outlets and breakers, water lines, drain, and a vent.  You can't just move the washer and dryer and put them wherever you want ... especially in a shower stall!

    And we got to see Detective Severide again.  Just move him over to Chicago PD at this point.

    Couldn't agree more. I thought  the show the turning into Gabby Fire was bad. But Stella has become an even worse version of Gabby. She doesn't have an office, so she complains to get one, and then uses the "the only female" officer card to get her way. Stupid. As Hermann said, you have to wait. There's nothing sexist about it. Hermann had to wait. I'm sure Matt and Kelly had to wait when they first became officers. Stella is too good to wait now. She wants an office so bad, move into the blue room that remains unused.

    And the investigation crap with Severide is just becoming a bore. Severide knows the signs of arson. Now he can tell what kind of torch was used. He can find what kind of explosive was used. Kelly Severide is the ONLY person in the entire CFD that can help with this, and not OFI.

    On 10/12/2022 at 9:46 AM, FnkyChkn34 said:

    Sorry, but a good relationship?  It had the same issues as ALL of the rest - a female subordinate dating her male superior.  It's happened every.  single.  time.

    IMO, the only good relationships are Boden and Donna, Herrmann and Cindy, and Mouch and Trudy.  They don't work together! 

    You forgot Cruz and Chloe. They also don't work together. And the major plus of them having relationships with people they don't work with is that their drama is not dragged onto the screen every episode.

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  10. On 9/30/2022 at 3:45 PM, FnkyChkn34 said:

    Weren't there only two?  I don't get Violet and the EMS Chief, but as for Stella and Kelly...  If I was married to a guy who was as hot as Severide, and he just nonchalantly took off his shirt in front of me while we were in a separate room all by ourselves, I'd make out with him too.  No one else was there, and they didn't go any further (for once).  Sorry, but I don't see the big deal.

    The big deal is that these constant PDA's at work only further prove what an embarrassment Stella is when it comes to portraying a female first responder. She's an officer, and she's at work. It doesn't matter if they're in a room by themselves. It is trusted that she should act professional. This is another reason why in-house relationships are prohibited. And it gives a bad look to female first responders, especially those in leadership, who do the job the right way. They don't need to have a romantic relationship with someone they work with. It's why this show has turned into a joke. This show has devolved from focusing on an ensemble cast and actual stories about the lives of firefighters into becoming a soap opera focusing on relationship drama and the actual firefighting is reduced to a supporting role.

    On 10/9/2022 at 9:57 AM, KeithJ said:

    I loved at the end when Carver refused to tell Stella about his scar.  She was was acting like she was owed the story.  Mind your own business Stella.  Not everything is about you.

    As he should. His scar is his business. Stella Sue needs to back the hell off. It's crap like this which is why I hate what her character has become.

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  11. Wow, another cliffhanger that once again meant nothing. These are getting tired. When there's no stakes, constantly putting in cliffhangers at the end of the seasons are pointless. Everybody knew Severide and Kidd would be just fine.

    And of course, whiny Severide can't handle that the police informant is not named in the criminal case. A case that Severide was only involved in because he illegally searched a truck with no cause, found drugs, and then stayed on scene, which put a target on his back. If I was the CPD, I would have told him to go spit. You're not police Kelly, so who the hell are you to try to tell them how they handle a CI. Here's newsflash, there are a lot bigger cases that the CI is involved in that take precedence over you. And now, those cases are blown because a CFD hire-up bought Kelly's BS "You know what's right" spiel. But at least St. Kelly got justice because he almost died because he mettled in stuff that wasn't in business.

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  12. Man, these episodes are just getting so boring. Another investigation episode. Wow, Severide and Stella want to know what the motive is. Want to ask the right questions. You want to talk about liability. Moonlighting on another OFI investigation when you're not actually part of OFI could go wrong in about 100 different ways. There might be money expenses when it comes to constantly doing fires, but the producers really need to find a way to put actual fires and the lives of all firefighters (not just Severide, Kidd, Boden & Brett) as the focus of this show. This show is becoming a joke. 

    And in the case of Carver, who gives a damn if he chooses to hang out at a bar other than Molly's? He's his own man. He can go to whichever bar he chooses without any of the other crew. This show makes it seem like everyone at 51 has to do everything together. And that's just not the case at any real firehouse. This is what I'm talking about when I say this show takes this "family" aspect overboard Gallo, Ritter and Mouch should back off. And it's pathetic that Carver finally gave in and decided to hang with them at Molly's.

    And in the case of Cruz and Chloe's adoption of Javy, it's quite interesting how the writers only NOW choose to bring up Leon. Didn't even mention him when Chloe gave birth, and it was the whole of 51, and not Leon, who met the baby first. And despite not being mentioned at all since the wedding episode over 2 years ago, he's suddenly been an involved uncle that now might derail the adoption because of his old gang ties. Talk about contrived storytelling.

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  13. The writing in this episode was just so forced.

    Shaun and Lea's issues were probably the most believable, as couples who've had miscarriages or are struggling to conceive can relate.

    The Morgan-Park crap was just a drag on the entire episode, and it has been for some time. It's tired. Two people who've broken up still have forced drama and tension between them. From the constant snarks to Park offering to be her sperm donor. And now, Park brings his date into the ER, and of course Morgan is one of doctors who works on her. And once again, non-surgeon Morgan is telling actual surgeons what they should do. Sigh.

    The the Jordan-Daniel ship is another force job. And considering what Daniel said about needing to focus on his sobriety, it's a slap in the face to recovering addicts that it suddenly doesn't matter anymore as the writers push the ship with Jordan. Him overdosing is just a plot device to push them together, since the actor has been promoted to a regular.

    And I can't believe Lim, a surgeon, actually was considering not having a surgery that could make her walk again because of a guy. She has a chance that most paraplegics can only dream of, and she actually had to think about it? Wow.

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  14. On 12/13/2022 at 7:38 AM, PaulaS said:

    I hate how television shows always write in the addict relapsing. This is part of the problem in why it’s so hard for people to believe in rehabilitation. I am very disappointed once again. 

    On 12/13/2022 at 10:16 AM, zmotana said:

    Amen to that.

    In opinion, it was way too rushed.

    Did anyone catch any signs of Perez using again prior to tonight's episode?

    I figured this would happen eventually (given his backstory), so as soon as he handed off the tools today I had alarm bells go off. But I can't think of anything specific that was weird about his behavior before today.

    It just seemed unlikely to me that he'd use knowing Jordan was about to come over for dinner, unless he already relapsed. 

    Which makes it that much more frustrating because Daniel told her that a relationship was too much for him right now as he needs to focus on his sobriety. That was an honest answer and good decision that most recovering addicts can relate to. But then, within 4 episodes, that entire reasoning is pushed aside to keep forcing the romantic relationship with Jordan, rendering his original decision pointless and almost an insult. And what better way to keep forcing them closer than by using the plot device of Jordan finding him after he OD'd, and now they realize they love each other. It's just contrived BS that makes a mockery out of what could have been a decent recovering addict storyline.

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  15. Ugh. This episode was frustrating to say the least.

    Just 3 episodes prior, Daniel told Jordan that he couldn't be with her because he had to focus on his sobriety. And in THREE episodes, Jordan is now letting him crash at her place while they work closely together, and saying she was waiting for more, and is now just deciding to stop waiting and move on? And, now Daniel's sobriety struggles are not so bad that he's now ready to kiss Jordan. What the hell has happened to the writing on this show? The pushing of this relationship is just so forced, and it's almost like watching Grey's. And as a result of this, the whole character of Daniel seems to only revolve around around the romantic tension created with Jordan.

    And as for the rape victim, this is reason #1205 why this show needs attending physicians for the ER. An attending physician would have noticed signs of a rape and told the patient face-to-face in a private setting. And that would be a lot better than Jordan finding the evidence while in the OR and announcing it to everyone who was present in the OR. And the whole Morgan admitting her rape which lead to Toni finally choosing to have a rape kit done was so predictable. There are so many other ways in which Toni could have decided on her own to get a rape kit done that wouldn't have required Morgan to give her motivation.

    And just like I thought a few episodes ago, all Shaun needed to do was apologize to Lim. Not for doing the surgery, but for the aftermath the came as a result of doing the surgery. That's what Lim needed to hear. He finally took some accountability.

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  16. On 11/22/2022 at 7:09 PM, racked said:

    It really does feel like that! So bizarre but I need the show to stop presenting this like Powell is right. At the very least PT would help Lim develop her upper body strength but Powell somehow knows best. I like the actress but the character is not great

    Why is Lea the only person in IT at this huge hospital? 

    Probably the same contrived reason why the surgeons are the only ones that are able to take care of the elderly residents.

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  17. This episode was a chore to watch.

    This whole reality where surgeons do EVERYTHING in this show's universe really made no sense in this episode, and why attending physicians are sorely needed. Surgeons are having to look after elderly patients in a heatwave, when nurses and physicians would do that. Surgeons are making dying patients comfortable, instead of an oncologist.

    Sticking Jordan and Daniel together on another case could not be any more obvious. It's getting tired. Shaun was a jackass and he needs to learn to be a teacher. Powell is a know-it-all, but her point rings true about how Shaun, more than anyone, should know what it's like to be the other. And Powell really needs to stop advising Lim. As others have mentioned, Powell's situation is nothing close to Lim's. She's not dying, but she needs PT to maintain her upper-body strength. Playing sports is not a bad thing, but Lim shouldn't just shove her PT to the side to do it.

    And it would be great if Morgan's pursuit of having a baby puts the whole chance of a reconciliation with Park to bed.

    But overall, for a 100th episode, it was pretty underwhelming. It just felt like filler episode.

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  18. This whole episode was a bore. 

    OMG!!! Super Severide shows up again. Once again, he chases guy who winds up to be armed with a knife. And Severide, despite being a firefighter, is able to get the better of criminal and push him out the window. Wow!!! He's not just fire cop anymore. He's can take on armed criminals now.

    To me, it seemed like there was a level of disgust when DC Hill called out Hawkins on his indelicate relationship with Violet. And I don't blame her. Yet another reason why these relationships are prohibited in a work place. Look at the position he's now put himself in, groveling at the feet of his DC to help him get out of a blackmail scam that he caused. Not a good look for anyone. And with Emma now flaming out on her own, will we know if DC Hill could have ever done anything to help him?

    And how the hell do you show not check ahead to make sure the wedding venue, that was released to you at the last minute, is still available? That would be one of the FIRST things you do. Instead they're all doing everything else to prep for the wedding before confirming they have an available venue for their wedding.

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  19. On 5/25/2022 at 11:44 PM, DanaK said:

    Wasn’t Dr Charles’ daughter previously pregnant and lose it? If so, I thought it was odd she responded to the birth by saying she’s never having a baby

    It was a chemical pregnancy if I recall. She had all the the normal symptoms of a pregnancy, but it wasn't an actual pregnancy.

    On 5/27/2022 at 11:12 AM, greyhorse said:

    Crockett was overbearing and ridiculous.  Much like any medical show, they perpetuate the misconception that a doctor of any specialty is an expert in every specialty that is not of his/her own.  Crockett is a trauma surgeon, yet somehow became a transplant surgeon, yet now knows the nuances of neurosurgery as well.  These are all specific specialties where doctors have to do years of additional training.  Trauma and transplant?  OK, maybe a little overlap and I can see that.  A transplant surgeon knowing neurosurgery?  No.

    What's also not addressed is why Blake gave him power of attorney in the first place and not her daughter.  Was their relationship bad?  Don't you think she should have had this discussion first with the daughter?  And Crockett and the daughter...they did or did not hook up?  I remember the storyline implied that they were going to, but I don't ever recall seeing them in bed together.  So isn't that inherently awkward?  Yet it wasn't addressed?

    Blake giving him power of attorney over her daughter, who is an actual malpractice lawyer, was just stupid. They've been together less than a year, and he's the only person she trusts? Come on. It would make more sense if they had been together longer, like a few years. Not 5 months. Blake and her daughter probably didn't have the best relationship, but considering she was there for her surgery and knew what her mother would want gives the idea that they still had some type of relationship. And Crockett and Avery never did hook-up. Avery wanted to, but Crockett never let it get that far. And the fantasy was destroyed when she walked in on him kissing her mother.

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  20. Man, Crockett was stupid. How ironic the daughter Avery, who seems to be at odds with her mother, knows what her mother would want instead of Crockett. This is reason # 1542 of why you don't date your boss. Crockett couldn't think objectively, and thought with his heart over his head.

    But I also can't let Blake off the hook either. She's only been in a relationship (if you want to call it that) with Crocket for 4-5 months. And in that time, "there's nobody she trusts more" than him to hand over power of attorney for her medical decisions. This is about as contrived as it gets. Who in their right mind gives the power of their medical decisions to someone that they're casually seeing over an actual family member? That makes no sense. They haven't even traded "I love yous", and haven't shown any sign of a full commitment to each other. Marcel is just sleeping with another person he works with. Maybe if they were engaged or had been together for years, would it make sense to give him power of attorney. But not for some relationship that hasn't lasted a year.

    And Marcel needs to shut up trying tell an actual neurosurgeon in Dr. Abrams how to do his job. That was so stupid. How was he even allowed to watch the surgery in the first place.

    Also, in the real world, that restaurant would not be allowed to be open, or it would not be financially viable if they have just one elevator for the entire building. That's a death trap waiting to happen.

    I feel bad for Will. The building he took a leap on buying goes up in flames. I do hope it's properly insured. And Dr. Scott, do you really think Milena/Jo would have been gone forever. She has your number. She'll call you when she's safe. But by going back to the building, you probably lead the mob guy right to her.

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  21. How many patients have found out they had ALS this season? Ethan's patient was discovered to have the beginning stages of ALS last episode. And I believe Stevie's patient had ALS earlier in the season.

    And seriously, Choi and Scott guilt a cop's wife into choosing the more riskier surgery because THEY think it's not what he would want. Who the hell are they? They aren't psychologist. Respect the wife's decision. She's his medical proxy, and that should be that. That's a stupid move.

    And Marcel's relationship with Pam just seems so forced. He seems more into it than she is. It's like he only exists to sleep with the doctors he works with. The relationship with her daughter would have been much more believable. And we wouldn't have to hear him constantly say "Pamela" while at work.

    And the Vanessa storyline of wanting to find her father is just tired. And Maggie opened up this whole can of worms last season when she broke the agreement and to meet her. Now, the father is going to be dragged into this unwillingly because Vanessa just has to meet him.

    The writing is really holding this show back because, again like I said last season, all the medical drama is being driven by the character drama. 

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  22. This is the third straight episode where Kidd and Severide have had a heavy scene, and the lack of chemistry between the two actors is just glaringly apparent. Miranda Rae Mayo is carrying all the emotion and Taylor Kinney just gives off the vibe that he wants to be anywhere else. I use Nick and Conrad from the Resident as the benchmark for chemistry between two characters. And it's like night and day.

    In the case of Severide, while it's a shame he got beat up, I have to say that something like this was bound to happen. Once again, he's going out of his way to do something that is not his job or responsibility. All he needed to do was locate the truck. He had no cause to keep searching simply because he got a weird vibe off the guy. And once he found the drugs, leave and call the cops, or Upton since he somehow has her personal number. He is a firefighter. Not a cop. One Chicago already has a cop show. He should have separated himself from the scene. Instead, now he's made himself a target of some drug traffickers. Nice going.

    I kind of feel the same for Violet. Emma is a snake, but Violet put herself in this position. This is why you don't hook up with people you work with, especially a superior. Just look at what has happened with the Boston Celtics' coach. It's a bad look, and it can ruin your credibility. And the superior loses the ability to be objective when dealing with their subordinate and they're now worried about doing stuff to help their subordinate because it might be special treatment.

    Mouch's investigation storyline was weird, but oddly enough, I found it to be the most interesting part of the episode.

  23. On 5/19/2022 at 3:46 PM, FnkyChkn34 said:

    Based on comments in the thread for last week's episode, is he really going above and beyond? He's a Lieutenant of a Squad unit. I think he's supposed to be "elite" plus we've seen him have arson skills and training. I missed a bit of last night's show, but I don't think it was out of line for him to inspect the truck again at the junkyard and calling the cops for the drugs was the right thing to do.

    Why not? They do it all the time. Plus, they were just coming off shift - looked like Mouch just drove the truck straight there with the whole crew before they would have had time to change. They would all want to make sure Severide is okay as soon as they could, not just Stella. 

    Yes, he's really going above and beyond the aspects of his job. All he was asked to do was be a nice guy, and find the truck. Not investigate it because he got a weird vibe off of the guy. That's not his job. If he thinks something is off, as it obviously was not arson, then he should call the CPD. Or in his case, call the personal number of Upton.

    And as for Stella, she was not off shift. They needed to bring the rig back to the house as second shift was starting. Yes, her fiancée may had been attacked, but he wasn't dead. Boden should have waited until Stella got back and then told her and driven her in his chief buggy. Because now, since Stella's crew drove the Truck to Med, second shift still has no truck to use. And now they have to be out-of-service until the truck gets back because Kelly getting hurt requires everybody high-tail it to the hospital. If somebody else is in trouble, too bad for them, as Kelly Severide getting hurt takes priority.

    On 5/20/2022 at 5:08 PM, AnnA said:

    I really enjoyed this episode.   While some of the criticism here is on target, it doesn't matter to me.  Chicago Fire is not a documentary.  It's a prime time fictional show for our entertainment and they succeeded.  I was entertained.

    It's not a documentary, but it's making a mockery of the CFD. It's not entertaining to see stupid forced relationship drama and stupid storylines. And it's not entertaining that the show gives a bad look to female first responders by constantly needing them to sleep with people they work with and become a Mary Sue where everyone needs to sing their praises.

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  24. On 4/21/2022 at 4:44 PM, jalady said:

    Great Atwater episode.  I’d have preferred that Raquel turned out to be guilty - to me, that would have been a bigger twist.  I knew she wouldn’t be so Kevin could be proven right, so that took away some of the suspense for me.  Plus the long search scene telegraphed that he’d find the phones.  

    But, no way does she walk away scot free.  Reduced charges and a light(ish) sentence, but not a complete pass.  She aided and abetted, even conspired some might say, in the commisson of several felonies resulting in serious injury (the pistol whipped cleaning lady) and death.  There’s not enough coercion in the world that would let her completely walk away from all that!! 

    That's usually always the case though. The spouse dead and the wife found bleeding with a non-lethal wound. They almost always are found to be the culprit. I'm sure plenty of people were already thinking Raquel had something to do with the murder after the opening scene. I definitely did. So the fact that she was not involved and was switching up her identities to hide from her obsessed ex was, in fact, bigger twist.

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