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Posts posted by LegallyRed2

  1. The thing that I couldn't get past in A Gift To Remember (besides all the HPAA law breaking) was the fact that we are supposed to believe they let a dog chill out at a hospital like it's NBD. Not like a hospital isn't supposed to be a sterile environment or anything. Oh, hey, let's let him lay on the amnesiac's bed.

  2. But there is more than enough evidence that Jace IS in danger. If that man is hitting Janelle - which he likely is -- or at least acting in a violent manner and that kid has to live in that house for 2 weekends a year, she has enough to obtain a temporary order of protection for the child she has custody of. Never mind his past criminal history. And the producers were there - something happened in that house. There is video evidence of him being rough with Kaiser. A TRO, if granted, would GET JACE OUT OF THAT HOUSE. If I were her, I would be doing everything to achieve that. The courts do not want to wait for something to happen which is why they grant TRO's with scant evidence. And when you say, all that would happen is Jace would not be allowed to go to Janelle's <---- YES EXACTLY WHY SHE NEEDS TO DO THIS. (I'm a former public defender and have seen TRO's granted for much less...true story.) It's already a hostile situation. She needs to show Janelle she ain't fucking around anymore.

  3. Actually, for a TRO you don't need an OSC. She goes to the court and has a hearing. She doesn't need the footage - she can subpeona the producers who were there. Like I said, it may be dismissed due to lack of evidence but at least everything can be throw on the table. This is ludicrous at this point.

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  4. If Ensley was born with pot in her system (which seems supported by the fact that Doris isn't being slapped with a slander lawsuit) and DCFS was witness to this episode - likely due to viewers that have called them -- there will be a huge, huge liability claim against DCFS should any of those kids end up harmed if they failed to act on an investigation.  It's my personal belief that Barb - and maybe Doris - will end up with full custody of the other two kids at some point in time. Barb needs to file an immediate TRO on Jase's behalf and Nathan for Kaiser after seeing this episode -- it may be dismissed due to lack of evidence - I do not know, but likely domestic violence coupled with written texts to the producers from the victim (and she's a victim as dumb and bad a parent as she is) and the rough treatment of Kaiser should be enough to get another investigation going at this point. I cannot believe they didn't take that baby from them the moment she tested positive. We had a chick in Pennsylvania whose baby was taken away after she ate an everything bagel right before labor and tested positive for opiates.


    And this is sticking in my craw, too. As a blended family --- why were the 4 children not included in the engagement photo? Ridiculous.

    • Love 4
  5. My brother was born October 4th, my sister August 31st of the following year. So it must be possible to ovulate very quickly after birth because my sister was not premature and was actually born a week late.

  6. Re: comments on Page 7....Oh Ensley is going to be in an even worse position than Kaiser is in a few years. Janelle, IMHO, exhibits narcissistic personality disorder comorbid with borderline personality disorder. As the daughter of a narcissistic mother myself, we tend to end up with the short end of the stick because eventually, Janelle will view Ensley as competition. It is all downhill from there...Kaiser will be in a much better position at that point.

    • Love 11
  7. Re: Janelle's "high risk" pregnancy -- this was definitely filmed around Christmas - or just before. She had Ensley full term at the end of January. Her cervix should have been starting to thin anyway. Thin cervix is of special concern in the 1st and 2nd trimesters because of the potential for early miscarriage. It's not so much of a concern in the 3rd because the baby is viable. If it was a serious issue like she made it out to be, she would've been on bedrest if something as small as picking up Kaiser would invoke preterm labor. I'm sure it was a pain to constantly pick up a toddler, but that's what you do...women have been doing it since the dawn of time.  I'm sure it was all greatly exaggerated because that's just what she does.


    And yes, anyone over 35 is considered high risk too, which is ridic. They had me sit through a one hour consultation about all that could go wrong with my middle son because I was 37. He was fine. Had my daughter at 39. She was fine. It's all such bullshit..sorry...it's to make more money in many cases. And in Janelle's case, she should tie her tubes if she really was high risk at this point. You have 3. You can't even handle 2. Clearly. I mean, if I were in front of cameras, I would be fucking Mary Poppins...screaming in front of Kaiser like that is only ammo to Barb. She's too much of a narcissist (comorbid with Borderline Personality) that she doesn't even realize that. If Nathan actually wanted that kid, he has enough to go on now to get him the fuck out of that house and into full custody.


    Does anyone know the real story with the "toxic mold"? (As a property claims adjuster, I have to roll my eyes..) Did they get evicted? Is the landlord speaking out? I've googled just out of boredom but can find nothing.

    • Love 6
  8. Never mind the fact that the Ex never saw the Bed and Breakfast during his relationship with the owner's daughter? How did he not connect the dots that would be where he was staying? The stepmom seemed to know he was Nate when he first arrived, so how was this never brought up? Also, loved how the big Moonlight dance was on a Tuesday....

  9. Nothing on Love At First Bark? Delurking because I have to comment on the absolute shrillness of the lead character at the end. Let's look past the ugly nursery and "puppery" that I'd want my money back if she'd designed or that the pregnant lady looked like she was 50 years old and carrying a child. Shall we focus on how she was in the process of scoring what promised to be a very, very big job with a very, very big client and she basically just blew him off at a party because she saw her love interest hug his ex-girlfriend. Nice job, Hallmark, in trying to highlight a strong businesswoman doing it on her own. Also, newborn dogs usually are adopted at the 8 week mark, so this lady spent all this money on a room for Ginger? Or was she keeping all of the puppies? Which would be ludicrous with a newborn baby? So many things wrong -- no chemistry between the main characters, the ex-girlfriend who just acquiesces the argument that precluded the breakup, and a fancy cocktail party to celebrate a dog giving birth? Ridic.

    • Love 5
  10. Wait...wait...Javi is now dating Madison from The Real World? OMG, this is RICH....Madison is gorgeous....Holy crap....I cannot WAIT for next season. Kail is going to freak. Too good to be true. (This was on the Ashley site link that was posted about Brianna DeJesus.) I know the reunion was taped back in November, so this hadn't happened yet, but wow...

    Here's the link I read this on:


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  11. The thing that pisses me off the most is the move back to L.A. I think the series tanked the minute they first moved from NY to LA and then officially jumped the shark when they started including male models (which is apples to oranges competing in the same competition.) New York seasons have always been edgier - possibly to constricted brownstone living rather than luxurious LA mansions...Just my opinion. Booooo. Loved this season. Sad they booted Rita.

    • Love 4
  12. OK, so I thought I was seeing things because when Leah was leaving the house with the girlses in this episode, there was a strip of ultrasound photos on the refrigerator, which I thought was odd. Nobody puts other people's US photos on their fridge and Addie is 4 -- no way they would be hers...Then Addie outs her pregnancy on live social media? Hmmmmmmm.... strange, no?

    • Love 4
  13. But that's the thing -- the bedtime stuff is HUGELY common with kids that age too. It has to do with pushing boundaries - normal childhood development things. Remember when Ryan showed him his own room, that was years ago before they go through that stage. We saw him pushing back with Ryan and the Nashville thing so his issues are not only when he is with Maci.


    Also, forgot to point out how Maci was arguing the producers how she didn't want to be on the same show as a porn star. But she has no issues being on the show with someone who is a convicted drug addict felon who beat up her boyfriend?

    • Love 1
  14. To play Devil's Advocate where Bentley is concerned----I'm no huge fan of Maci, but Bentley's 'behavorial issues' shown in this episode seemed to me as consistent with a 6 year old boy. My son is two weeks older than Bentley (October 2008) and not for nothing, he acts like a little shit sometimes - if he didn't have a nap, especially.. Nothing here was of concern to me -- boys can be way more bratty than girls, believe it or not, at that age. That could be why Leah seems so well adjusted now ---but that will all change in the teen years. Ryan did awesome in that scene.

    • Love 3
  15. What angers me is that Dr. Phil labeled her a "hypochondriac" and then spouted off that definition of the "new psychological diagnosis" for hypochondria (which slips my mind at this point what the phrase was). This woman is clearly not a hypochondriac but a drug and attention addict. Which pisses off legitimate hypochondriacs like myself, LOL. I can tell you, any real hypochondriac worth their weight in gold wouldn't be taking all of those pills for fear of a medicinal interaction or drug overdose. One of the biggest signs of hypochondria is not accepting a doctor's diagnosis because you believe they are wrong and not trusting the doctor to prescribe the right medication. This bitch is on 47 different things and pops them all. No wonder she can't shit. Constipation is probably a side effect of half of that medication. Sorry, but I think Phil is way off on this one --- there are probably 1000 different diagnosis for this lady, but hypochondria isn't one of them.

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