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Posts posted by LegallyRed2

  1. Wait...wait...is he trying to imply Jade should be fired for doing drugs? But Jenelle should keep her job? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA

    At least Jade is smart enough to not get popped (repeatedly) by the cops for her drug issues...just saying.

    • Love 21
  2. I went to school with an Oren Wiener. Sorry, but if you're having a kid and your last name is Wiener, you try to mitigate the damage with the first name, not lend it to a nickname like "Oral Wiener"....

    In addition: I'm a property adjuster for insurance companies. Even if the housing company laid a huge layer of fill, they were still going to have issues judging by the puddles around the property. It's why people don't build basements in NC and SC...the ground is too wet. This is also why people raise their homes when they build them on swampland or a bayou. The fact of the matter is that was their choice when the put this home down, not the builders. They would've signed the specifications - the builder would not have made the "land" foundation ready - that would've been up to David and Jenelle and whatever company they hired to grade the property. The builder is 100% correct...their responsibility would be drainage and that's it. His problem should be with whatever company graded the land unless the builders subcontracted them or recommended them.

    • Love 9
  3. In a little more than 3 years, Jace is going to be able to dictate when and where he goes as far as custody is concerned as you are able to plea to the courts when you are 12 and they will take your feelings into consideration with regards to mandated visits with his mother. David is walking a fine line posting shit like this. Everything I've seen of him makes it clear he is protective of his meme and has no connection to David whatsoever, if David is even around by then as it's completely possible Jenelle would've fallen on top of another penis by that time working on #4...Both of them better be prepared for Jace, the independent thinker because it would not be outside the realm of possibility that he completely shuts these fuckers out of his life for good.

    • Love 15
  4. While I don't think Maci's motive was to get on Teen Mom (obviously since she was on the first season), there are TONS of teenage girls who set up the trap baby scenario, my sister being one of them and a friend from high school being another. My sister got pregnant, had an abortion that she says my dad insisted on (i.e. he was kicking her out of the house if she planned on keeping the baby) and was pregnant again a year later with my nephew - it was all a ploy to have her baby daddy leave his wife and it worked for two years until she found someone else. All at the ages of 18/19. My friend's boyfriend was dumping her, she showed up at his house randomly and got pregnant that night. The boyfriend didn't get back with her, she was saddled with a baby at 17 who would later go on to become a teen mom herself - she has lost custody of that child. Girls who are horribly insecure think that a baby is going to link them to the boyfriend forever. They have fantasies about the perfect life together - if you go back and watch Maci's episode, she moved in with Ryan expecting a happy family. When Ryan clearly wasn't going to be the father she wanted, she moved in with her friggin friends in some frat house style deal because she was already semi-famous from MTV but still was trying to get with Ryan throughout and reunite their 'family'. Maci's as devious with getting pregnant as they come. She claims PCOS as a reason he doesn't have to wear a condom but with 4 pregnancies it's clear that she knows what she's doing.


    I believe Mackenzie McKee,, Kail, Janelle, Chelsea and Maci all had trap babies in order to keep their 'man'. Most of those girls are smart enough to know better and all had failing relationships with the dads. A baby put Kail in a better place (outside of her mom's house), Mackenzie was able to have babies (she had to have them very young or not at all due to her diabetes), Chelsea tried to salvage what she had with Adam, Janelle thought Andrew was hot and that he would stay with her and provide her a new life outside Barb's house and Maci was clearly with a guy out of her league who had waning interest.

    • Love 15
  5. This is what ticked me off about the Snooki/Vinny thing. I'm going to come to Nicole's defense here for this reason: Even though it might SEEM like an overreaction to us, if she doesn't want him around her/next to her/frigging doing a lap dance next to her while drinking, then that is HER prerogative and HER opinion and it needs to be respected. With #metoo going on right now, Vinny was OK with wanting to talk to her about boundaries but he should've done it before trying to grind on her in a club in front of cameras. That talk could've been had without cameras around if he was serious about it. And here's why it's fucking hypocritical for him to sit there and act like what he did was fine - he was the main antagonist when Pauly D's "stalker" (a.k.a. a fan who followed them around) was around. He would be all up in her shit about Pauly D's boundaries. Because when a woman does it, she's a stalker. When a man does it, he's just trying to be nice. It's a double standard and I don't care if it was justified or not, or because Jionni is 'controlling her' (I tend to think it's the other way around as someone who watched Jionniit was and Nicole's Shore Flip), or because she was drunk and overreacting - it is her prerogative to not want him there and that's that.


    Now as for what she did to Jenny, that was ridiculous, but it was her typical drunk Snooki shit. What happened between her and Vinny was not ridiculous and while I'm glad they talked it out, seeing everyone in the house come to Vinny's defense is disturbing.

    • Love 10
  6. I'm no Maci apologist but man, is Mackenzie a huge step down from her baby mama predecessor. It looks like there is a stick permanently wedged up her butt and a string subsequently pulling her face back. Not attractive and with a stressed out look all the time. That said this is an MTV trap baby. What better way to pull a storyline away from drugs to new baby and new marriage...it's embarrassing. Knowing that he doesn't have a job beyond MTV, what paid for this truck? That's what I'd like to know.

    • Love 16
  7. I've actually thought that Ronnie likely has IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome) because of the time at the Shore where he had rectal bleeding after a night of drinking. He's had issues for years. Wonder if a gastro ever checked him because frequent diarrhea and rectal bleeding are huge symptoms of IBS in someone so young. And IIRC, they told him he did not have hemorrhoids back then, so why else would he be bleeding rectally?

    • Love 5
  8. I used to think Sammi was dumb for not coming on this show, but seeing Ron's behavior? Dude is a Stage 4 Clinger. She is in a new relationship and Ronnie would've fucked that entire shit up because if there is one thing I know about the men on this show is clearly they have zero respect for women and there is no doubt he would've attempted to cross boundaries 47 times over if she had come.

    • Love 18
  9. Who all thinks that the big fight between Ryan and his dad that was featured had to do with had more to do with this than whatever crap was cited? Why isn't his cow of a wife reading the letter to his parents because that's EXACTLY what this was about. They have tried to bury this for so long, it's sad.


    So for all the shit people talk about Catelynn and Tyler and all the crap that surrounds that family, at least they are portraying drug addiction honestly instead of trying to cover it up. And BULLSHIT that MTV didn't know about this. Let's fire Farrah on some stupid morality issue, but keep this moron driving on the roads because it makes good TV. Blech.


    Also, I would bet no one knew about the arrest because he was never formally indicted and enrolled in a diversion plan. The participants of ARD in Pennsylvania have to waive their Rule 600 (speedy trial) rights in order to participate. This means there was never a searchable charge and there won't be if the program is successfully completed. However, now that he violated the program's requirements (which he clearly did), all that comes back down to the charge which is why we are only seeing it now. Interesting: in most of those diversion programs, you cannot drink. And now his PO has the tape to prove that he was imbibing after the arrest.  So he is fucked anyway you slice it. Whoever his lawyer is needs to squash Mackenzie's mouth asap because she's a moron for talking to the press about anything related to this.

    • Love 13
  10. My 9 year old son can tread water for 10 minutes easy. He could probably do it for a lot longer.  Lanna11 who commented on Janelle's thread is absolutely right. The YMCA requires a 2 minute water tread to allow kids to get their 'green bracelets' to be able to swim in the pool without an adult. It's harder to run 6.0 for 10 minutes than it is to tread water. #truestory

    • Love 9
  11. Here is the issue. With Tyra back at the helm, ANTM is going to go all formulaic again whereas last season was a breath of fresh air without her. You can tell who is going to be eliminated that episode in the first minute of every episode by who they focus on. Also, when there is a strong front runner like Khrystianna, they have to knock her down a bunch of pegs a few episodes from the end so she can work her way back up. But the problem is that last year a Caucasian girl won which, when Tyra is at the helm, the next season a WOC will win. It's her formula and her MO. So look for Khrys to take 2nd this year and Shanice or Erin to take first. Shanice looks exactly like Tiffany, who Tyra famously yelled at that one year while Erin has the 'age' backstory. It was all predetermined long before those photos were ever taken. That's why Khrys' backstory fit so well into this shoot - they could have an excuse when it was clear that Khrys didn't look any more uncomfortable than say...Brendi.


    ANTM has long done this and it's lame. They have had some girls that legitimately could have been supermodels (Katarzyna comes to mind) but they apply this formula and eliminate the girls with potential for shit reasons. I'd be very, very shocked if Khrys pulls it out.

    • Love 2
  12. Christmas in Evergreen -- Oy...Ashley Williams smiled throughout the entire movie. Just a big giant Joker smile. The daughter annoyed the cr*p out of me - the premise was ridiculous - no daughter of that age is going to be that gung ho on Christmas exactly one year after her mother died (or be so willing to accept a mother figure in her life.) Holly Robinson Peete's 'anxiety attack' went away the minute that guy walked into the room and the two people just realizing they are wearing the same Christmas sweater only AFTER they sat down at the table warranted huge laughs from the husband. Plus...the helicopter landing cracked me up --- of course they flew the ex in on a helicopter. It was all way in left field and didn't work for me like some of the other left fielders did. Meh.

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