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35 Excellent
  1. Thank you, Oranaiche!!
  2. I hope Holly Arielle goes to pro bowl this year. I think girlfriend deserves it. Does anyone have a pic handy of some of these beautys you girls are talking about such as-- Amy Reese, Sarah shahi, Doris Brady Gtogan, Bonnie Jill Laflin? Only if you have one handy? I have to sneak time on my phone to do this... cannot look them up. Also Jessica Marie? She is a brunette recently retired vet who has a native American Look to her, right?
  3. I thought Breelan was Abigail level pretty, too. She just needed longer red hair and for her figure to mature a bit, and I think she's Abigail /Hollywood gorgeous. Yes, they're all VERY PRETTY and many are super gorgeous. .. on this squad, Kinzee and Kyshara immediately come to mind... super Abigail gorgeous.
  4. Yeah that was me... lol. I really meant that Holly will get into the necessary groove. Her body is used to being this size with a lot of daily dancing and whatever she's used to eating. If she really wants to stay on this team, being 18 means she has habits but is likely not dead set in her ways like a 30 year old probably would be. Holly can and hopefully will find a balance- "I have to have my hair this long, eliminate these foods, add this much cardio," etc. In order for this life to become "natural." Holly seems very smart and mature for her 18 years , who is used to self- discipline. I think she'll blossom in the next few years. Otherwise. ... yes, I could eat anything at 18 and lay on the couch and not gain weight. Those days are gone.
  5. I think Jaclyn (Jax) is very beautiful. I think she has not begun to shine on her own yet. I never really got the beauty of Rachel until I saw her swim suit photos, then she looked gorgeous to me.
  6. I'm s little traumatized from this season. I'm not completely sure why. I felt so happy and satisfied at the end of season 7, 8 and especially season 9.... season 10 left me kind of exhausted and pissed off. No part of Rookie Holly bugs me. She's 18 for goodness sakes! Let her lose her baby fat and grow out her hair. She will, and she'll be so beautiful. I hope Ashley N recovers from her knee injury. No one wants to go out that way. I enjoyed the above posters's real time opinions as to who stood out and who did not. Let us not forget, pom-peeps, this is a rebuilding year! I want to see a reunion show. Hey I thought they promised that to us! Seeping 4 retired vets for 3 seconds during a dumb fashion show was not a Reunion. Pul-eese!!!
  7. Thank you, Electric Boogaloo! @Hildegard - there should be 34 in the team photo. They wanted to finish with 36 but wound up cutting down to 34.
  8. I need to learn, and real quickly, how to use twitter and onstage am so I can follow some of my favorites as well. Really I only (barely) have time for Facebook with a full time job, perdiem job,a house,a yard, a husband, and 4 kids... but for a little DCC following, I'd find the time! You guys have provided us with enough instagram links To get started, and it seems like one girls' social media will eventually lead you to most of them. :)
  9. I do this on my phone so I can't use the Quote button- I don't have one- so I apologize.... I thought the season was totally rushed and cold and negative. I loved season 7 because we met everyone. Went to Mexico with them, we saw kelly act like a real person and we saw her cry, laugh and be funny. It was satisfying. Season 9 was great because they had a great rookie class and I felt attached to all of them. The last episode of season 9 was wonderful, because they played "Sky full of stars" and the camera hit each rookie, during the game on the field, in slow mo, and it was so emotional and happy and I was thrilled right along with them. This year for the ending, they played some crappy song I've never heard and showed 8 yes, only 8 rookies in slow mo and it was over. What happened to the other 6? Not important? ? It feels like they just slapped some shit together for season 10. And I did not buy Kelly's sob story about "tough cuts." Wah wah. You should've have kept Jasmine, courtney, Taylor and kindall, and you wouldn't be dying over all these injuries. Also, that last night. .... really kelly? Are you ignorant? She said out loud in exasperation, "why are they making mistakes when they weren't before?" I almost reached into the tv and slapped her. Lets think on this, Kelly.... Maybe it was the threat you loaded on them that at "any second now, on the last night, I'm going to cut all of you" speech which made them all fall apart. I just can't believe her lack of logic and lack of understanding these are human beings, and when you threaten them, you don't get their best. You get panic and tears. And who the hell are Elizabeth, Amy whatever, Chantal, and Claire? We never even met them. How unfortunate because I don't know them, therefore I'm not invested. Will they have a season 11? They need to start doing the specials everyone has been requesting. Those of you who live down there and get to see them and all that, good for you. But where I am up here in New Jersey (no, Kelly, no one says "Joisey" and you sound like a jerk saying that.....) we don't see them or get to know them. So all I've got is the show. You guys on this board have been GREAT for giving me so much inside information which GREATLY increases my enjoyment of the show!! One year girls?? I don't know. Maybe one of the mystery rookies. The really pretty red head, maybe. I see holly growing her hair longer and losing her baby fat, and being gorgeous and point girl. I see Amy t ,Holly, Raylee, Jax,Simone and Meagan being 4-5 year girls and I see Kat doing 2 years then getting married and moving on. I see Kyshara doing 2 years and leaving like (Abigail before her) to go to Hollywood. I see Kyshara as a fan favorite and I think she is gorgeous and sassy, and I see Hollywood calling her. I think season 9 had the most talented rookie class and I think they'll always be tough to beat. I really really hope Taylor Kindall and Courtney come back next year and make it. I'd like to see Chandler from 9 and Kaliegh come back with makeovers and make it too.
  10. Thanks Dopeydwarf, that fixed it. Is that this year's squad? I can't see anyone's faces.
  11. I can't open that link above, but I want to.. can you please post it again Scorpio 1031?
  12. I agree they should teach the field entrance earlier on in TC, so the girls don't fall apart with the stress of having to have this new thing perfect right away or get cut for it. It's too much. I do NOT agree with the cuttings of Taylor, (who I thought was improving noticiably in the kicks and was perfect in every other way) I also think cutting Kyndall and Courtney were both mistakes, which will wind up being regretted. In the past they've taken MANY girls who still need some more polish and most of them do very well... Caila from season 9 is a great example of this. Rarely are one of these girls such a problem that they get let go during the season. Never really. The only one that stands out to us is Loni running off the field for kickline. I think Kelly shot herself in the foot and broke 3 potentially GREAT girls spirits down, and I hope all 3 of them get the last laugh.
  13. I'm ticked off and feel sick- I have not enjoyed this season and I hated this episode. I think K and J acted like mean hags this week, and I lost all respect for both of them. The way they chopped Taylor up just hurt my heart. Taylor was clearly loved by the other girls, and if you study her kicks during auditions then again last night, no they aren't perfect, but damn they are TONS better! So CLEARLY She WAS progressing Noticeably. I agree with whomever mentioned that the Hags ( sorry, I'm really angry) could not even FIND Taylor in the kick line so, please??? I hate that there are at least 4 rookies who are perfect strangers to me... I think 1 blonde, 1 brunette and 2 redheads at least! Who the hell are they? I don't know- nor do I care. Because all the rookies I got attached to got drawn and quartered last night. I think Taylor and Kyndall are too good for the DCC. I'd love to see Kyndall show up on a movie set in Hollywood, and I'd love love love to see Taylor become a professional racer and get some huge contact to host her own TV show and become a big star. She deserves it. The K and J and everyone else too- LOVED Courtney from day one, so, what the hell? They never said what her sin was. I hope she becomes a Lakers girl or something... she's too good for DCC too. Kayleigh. Yup, also too good. Too classy for DCC. Does NOT look "old". Remember how batshit crazy for Kayleigh miss kitty was during auditions? Because Kayleigh is awesome. Selina, I didn't know. At all. Now I only care about Kat. In the early days of TC this year It seemed like Raylee the 18 year old prom queen was gonna struggle, and I thought Kashara would be interviewed constantly like Courtney, but no! They both are apparently going to glide onto the squad and we have not had a peep from them, or Jax, or the fab 3, in weeks! (The fab 3 being Amy, Megan and Holly). And we have a bunch of others who are just statues in the background who I don't know and don't care about. Holly impressed me that she cried pretty hard when Taylor got cut. That showed me something. I cried too. :( BTW - it's just me being mad and disgusted, or maybe it's just true.... That I don't think either of the 2 h---s would be making the team today, and few if any of their friends would be making it either. Hell, half the class of 2005 would in no way be making this team now. Btw, I stopped and slo-mo'ed the tape, and the vet who goes down with a scream next week is Angela. I wonder what she did to herself? I agree with whoever said Lorens hair looks gorgeous now. I think she is beautiful too; most of the team have beautiful faces and they all have gorgeous figures.. a few have kind of thin bad hair, but you can always fix that with extentions.
  14. I haven't had a good feeling yet this entire season since finals. It feels tilted downhill ever since training camp started. It's been very very rushed, and overly serious to the point of frantic... we're getting snippets of this and that but we don't know anyone. And all the TCCS this season seem to fall into one of two categories : professional grade top1%, or underdog Longshot struggler, with nothing in between. Are there any TCCS this season who are not show group material perhaps, but still good enough to get on the team with more joy than agony? Girls like Danielle and Jasmine were way back when? This season I feel a catty bitchy vibe from J and K, complete with heavy favoritism, mocking, and an overall lack of humility epecially coming from Kelly, even though she constantly rides the girls to be humble at all times. It made me sick the way that guest choreographer attacked Angela, and her coaches did not have her back at all. Angela looks changed this year. The giggly young woman she was 5 years ago appears to be sad and overly serious now. Who can blame her if she wants out after all that crap??
  15. Yes the fan vote backfired this year and will likely go the way of the "big sister" thing. Kelly, I hope you're reading this because you really dissapointed me and perhaps many of your contemporaries this season so far with the way you have treated Colby. I know I might be reaching a little, but I sensed a little jealousy in the catty and mean way you behaved towards her. She out-classed you and she kind of made you look bad. Colby put herself out there; she announced her age openly when asked, (knowing that paranoid ageists would cut her down), she stated she had not performed in 10 years; and always she remained polite, sweet and genteel. If Colby was 10 pounds heavier, did not do that peak-a-boo thing (which I didn't like either) and if she was just a little shorter- she probably wouldn't have needed the fan vote to get ino TC. She Does NOT Look "old". The "oldness" was fixable. As I recall, a young Sunni Cranfill was called "old looking" when she was cut her 1st year in TC... then, (miraculously? ) Sunni came back the next year and was a popular cheerleader for several years, and I never heard sbout Sunni looking "old" again. People often think taller women look older than they are. Colby is 5'9". Also, Colby being from Texas, she might have fried herself in the sun in Her youth, which both Kelly AND Judy CLEARLY have done. Kelly is 2 years older than me and I don't bake myself; my chest doesn't look crepey like hers does. Colby had her splits and kicks and was clearly working hard on the dance and was honest about her weaknesses. She was axed before remotely being given a chance! How many girls who basically sucked were kept on and on in TC because kelly liked them? (Karissa and many others..) Colby was also great ambassador material, and the male judges said she was striking and men would love her. I think Kelly was a very cold, ugly and an unattractive version of herself this week. During the first few years of this show Kelly horrified me with her cold mean harshness. But then these past few years she's shown a soft warm side, crying when cutting certain girls, and saying nice things... she was funny... I became a fan. Now I just feel a little sick. Colby, go marry yourself a billionaire and do whatever in life you want to. You're beautiful and a class act. You deserve better! On another note, Kelly's weight doesn't bother me and I love her bandage dresses. She also wears lots of pants and tunic sets,(mostly on outside days) which are absolutely "age appropriate" (which really means "figure appropriate.") I absolutely agree with the poster who said she cringed when choreographer Stephanie said she's intimidated by K and J.... barf!! Stephanie, you intimidate me WAY MORE than they do, with your hard body, beauty and celebrity status. You're a rock star! Don't let them Scare You!! Shake that shit off!! Kelly said something silly this season about the 1st week in TC being benign... and that she was surprised everyone was so emotional. .... really? Have you heard yourself Kelly? You're up there, yelling at a bunch of (basically) adolecents and threatening them that any second can and will be their last! Duh! How about trying something new. How about you tell the girls, "ladies, relax. No one is getting cut tonight or tomorrow night. Just learn the material, have fun, and do what you love." I guarantee they would absorb more of the material and just be better! Making 18 year olds cry ad nauseum is becoming tiresome. I guess I'm getting sick of Kelly saying the same old threatening lines... "world class,... they have to be perfect... we're the best and only take the very best...the brand the brand the brand....blah blah blah." I don't want to be overly negative but the heaviness of this season is wearing on me a bit. The Jay scene was ok... did you guys notice the only girls who showed up were like 15 girls already superfit? Lol!! A couple of hard body vets were there too like vets Melissa, Lacey and Caila. Of course they did great.:) But I hated the old forced Jay workouts of the 1st few seasons and don't want to see them come back. I always liked Melissa Rycroft and I'm glad she's there. She gives me a break from the Kelly and no-personality Judy dynamic. I didn't think she played favorites last year, I just think she latches onto the weaker ones in the herd who need her, which right now Madeline really does. Hey, on another subject, if they are cutting way down to 36, but could have 39, why chop vets? Stupid to cut 3 known good girls, only to replace them with TCCS you're just going to cut anyway. I don't get that. I don't know how Emily made it into training camp if this is how she is. Her solo must have been incredible! She can always come back. Kelly cried when cutting Emily, which was touching. I love Kashara and I think Shelby is beautiful as is Rose. Im not spoiled, so I can't imagine Raylee making the team this year or Madeline either at this point. Madeline just can't stop overpopping. I have no clue who most of the other TCCS are yet! I also think they were dumb to reject Kansas City Ashley and 50 yard line Kelsey. They were both amazing, and hello!! not one girl is perfect.. but those 2 were pretty damn close! Ashley just needed some one to videotape her and show her what she was doing wrong, and Kelsey was just super nervous and they were gunning to embarrass her and bring her down during interview. They've taken many rookies and vets into TC after saying stupid things in interview, so, what the hell? Is anyone else finding this season stressful, frenetic and exhausting?? And excuse me, where is our promised reunion show?! :) My favorite year I think was season 7 ?? It was the year we went on the Mexico calendar shoot with them and they did their bikini fashion show in Mexico. The music was great and so inspiring, we got to see that Kelly was a real person and we saw her sense of humor, and as I recall that season wasn't the Cassie or Vivian show. Ugh! maybe it was. .. I still think Vivian kept herself on the bubble all during her second year in TC to keep herself CONSTANTLY on the tv screen and being interviewed incessantly, all to be famous...I hope she got her wish. I hope this isn't the last year for the show as some have said, but it could be. When the cameras stop rolling there will be hundreds less showing up for prelims. . Which reminds me!! Courtney and Taylor!! You have both tried out for this team several years in a row...and you both know that kicks are a MUST and a deal-breaker! Yet you both audition with crappy kicks, totally unpracticed? Whaa???? Why waste your time in TC if you're unprepared? As great as Taylor is, they can't keep her if she can't kick, and she knows this. I would not bother auditioning if I couldn't do all they require pretty well at least. That's all from me for now... doing this on my phone hurts my eyes. :)
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