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Posts posted by Shieldmaiden

  1. To answer your question Sunnybebe…

    We originally had engineered wood siding on our house built for us (so new build) It was fine for a while, but after a number of years it began to fail. Moisture got into the siding around the windows and because the planks are basically sawdust mixed with glue they began to swell in the winter and shrink in the summer to the point the planks that started out butting up to each other had a 3 or 4 inch gap in between! … I will say we live in Western Washington state so we have lots of rain and there were some manufacturers at that time making a subpar product, but I would never trust it again. We replaced ours with Hardie Plank (don’t know if it’s actually James Hardie brand) siding which is basically a cement product that looks exactly like wood - we have planks and decorative shingles and they have been amazing, plus no woodpecker worries 😆.

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  2. 21 hours ago, Ms.Lulu said:

    Except, from what I have heard, your mask protects others from your possible illness too.  So you aren't the only one impacted by your decision not to wear a mask.

    Oregon still has an indoor mask mandate--maybe that's why they headed to Washington.

    Washington resident here - we have the indoor mandate too, as well as vaccine requirements for sporting events, etc. I am so fed up with people like Tori who can’t grasp the concept of living in a society!!

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  3. On 1/6/2022 at 3:04 PM, EllaWycliffe said:

    It's a nice place but listening to Jeremy, it very much sounds like they aren't planning to use it as a vacation home but as an investment property for marriage retreats and MLM oil seminars and I don't know... It doesn't seem big enough. He was talking about putting in bunk beds or even triple bunks in "the bunk room" and like, maybe for the oils seminars (although the women at those things look done up enough that I don't know that sharing a room would please) but if I am on a marriage retreat with my spouse, I don't expect to share a bedroom with other couples. 

    He was also so proud to mention that the tv was NOT going to be in the main living room (as it is in his own home) and how it would be a conversation area and then in the next breath concedes that they can't go tv-less because people won't rent it if there's no tv. 

    Its not in the woods. The neighborhood homes are clearly visible from the home. There doesn't seem to be any thought about the three kids in the family and how they will use the house, or that rental guests might have kids.

    Its a big place in a good area. They'll make money renting it. It just feels a bit pretentious, and like, if you want to treat it like a business purchase, fine - real estate is a good investment - but enough with how its going to be your personal vacation home... that will be completely yours but also completely depersonalized so that it can be rented for a profit. 

    And again, not a cabin. 

    I couldn’t agree more with your last sentence!! I couldn’t stand to watch or listen to his tour, but again if he’s calling this a “cabin” he’s the only one in Oregon who would do so - I grew up there and never ever heard anyone say “We have (rented) a “cabin” at Sunriver”; it is always “We have/rented a HOUSE at Sunriver” - I don’t know why this bugs me so much! 😆 

    • LOL 1
  4. 29 minutes ago, ginger90 said:


    audreyroloff Our search for some land to raise our family continues in 2022👀 Thank you for following us on the hunt and for all your prayers as we continue searching and trusting God’s timing. 

    In the meantime we are excited to let you in on our newest project😉 This dreamy little snow covered cabin in the woods that you see behind us🥰 We’ve had our pulse on the Bend area for a while because we spend so much time here. Over the summer we saw this place pop up and Jer immediately flew (since that’s his newest hobby🤪) out there with a friend to go see it. Everything that comes on the market in central Oregon goes so fast... I was super pregnant with Radley so I stayed home. Also not super comfy with the idea of flying with Jer yet😅 We ended up putting in an offer before I had even seen it in person! We were so pumped when it got accepted🥳This week was our first trip out here to stay as a family and it’s already proving to be a very special winter wonderland escape❄️I have a feeling we’ll be here a lot this winter⛷

    Anddddd we are hoping that by next summer we will be able to invite YOU to come stay at this rad cabin in beautiful Sunriver! We hope this cabin can be a place where our family and yours come to create memories, play in the river, explore the lakes, bike the trails, shred the mountain, and snuggle up by the fire while watching the snow fall. We’ve got some ideas for how we can design this space to be fun, connecting, and relaxing for families and we can’t wait to share/show you! Stay tuned for the renovation and lots of @jeremyroloff original projects to come😜

    Happy New Year!🥂


    What is it with Audrey and Sobbyn Robin on sisterwives that they think God works as their realtor?? “Trusting God’s timing” on finding a place to buy? Robin thinking God would provide a “rennal” at the last moment 🙄?

    Also, that’s not a “cabin”, it is a vacation home…Sunriver is a highly desirable and expensive vacation community in central Oregon. There are no “cabins” there. We have rented homes there many summers, and all of them were larger and more deluxe than my house in the Seattle suburbs. (To be fair in the original part of the development you can find more modest houses, but the one they are in front of is not one of those!)

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  5. 2 hours ago, Roslyn said:

    After seeing the graphic that this 20,000 gallon tank was supposed to house water for 4(5!!?) fully operating households I did a little google. The average per person household water usage seems to be a bit different but it comes down to 62 gallons per person per day and another as high as 100 gallons per person per day. It has been years since I was on municipal water, so I have no clue what my household uses for comparison. 

    Robyn has the 3 older children and two younger, plus she stated that "Kody likes long showers" so for giggles going by the higher number for water in her household of 7 puts it at 700 gallons per day. And the maths says that the 20,000 gallon tank would not even last a month for ONE household...let alone the proposed 5!! and then they keep saying about subdividing the property into smaller parcels for "inheritances".

    And...my husband works in commercial construction.  If a hole like the one Kody was forcing Solomon into (by his neck no less) was not fenced off or reinforced the people responsible would have been fired from the job and most likely fined.  Fresh dug holes with loose dirt sides is highly dangerous...for adults let alone children.  Kody is beyond irresponsible, and that's not even before mentioning his handling and forcing Solomon.

    I may not be remembering correctly as I was counting my cable knitting stitches while watching, but I thought I heard him say that there will be one of these tanks for each house, saying that there will be 5 in total…

    Edited to add: Diedra on another thread heard more details…this big tank will feed 5 smaller tanks, one for each house.


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  6. 34 minutes ago, Tanstaafl said:

    Food for thought - as many have speculated Le Blur was not born in France, or is not a French citizen. This would explain the strange accent he has (if we are actually hearing his natural voice). It would also explain why he would need a visa to travel from France to the U.S. I know that there was no travel allowed from the EU to the US at the time due to Covid-19, but let's pretend.

    I'm not a linguistic expert (although I did pass two years of High School French thanks to a French teacher who took pity on me) but I am Canadian living in our nation's capitol, and have a sister who taught French for 25 years. I also oversaw a small bilingual call centre for our regional airline and we had agents from north Africa, central Africa, and the Caribbean, along with native Quebecois. Believe me Le Blur's mother tongue is not French. 

    My guess is that Le Blur is from north Africa (Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia) but the French did have a world spanning empire so he could also be from central Africa, the Caribbean, south Pacific, or southeast Asia.  Heck he could just be some random Moldavian dude who lives in France and worked for TLC - we know how they like to deceive us.

    IIRC the EU opened up travel from the U.S. fairly early and naturally hWhit would assume that it worked both ways, which it did not. The whole Le Blur canceling and then trying to stealthily appear in Bar Harbour to surprise hWhit is nothing more than producer shenanigans to explain why LeBlur was a "no show".

    I admit that I cringe watched the episode, by that I mean non stop cringe from Whit. That girl went through a different emotion every minute she was on screen. And talk about sibling rivalry! Run Hunter. The only surprise for me was when she had her talking head and she said that she wanted to touch Le Blur, I was sure that she was going to say that she wanted to smell him.

    Random thought, since the purple isn't really working for Heather what about a robin egg's blue?


    And if LeBlur is a Moroccan or Tunisian citizen, for example, he WOULD need a visa to enter the US, Covid or not…(remember Azan and assorted other 90 day people not getting the visa to travel here) - He could be living in France but not a citizen of one of the European countries that has a visa waiver agreement with the US (like France), and couldn’t get the visa to come here regardless of the Covid situation…

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  7. 4 hours ago, all4mom2 said:

    Zach said something about them getting cold at night in the tent (not sure what month it was, but everyone was in summer clothing during the day).

    I grew up in the Willamette Valley south of Portland and now live in the Seattle area - I can attest that at the end of a very hot Pacific Northwest summer day it usually cools off quite a bit in the evening. I was so shocked the first time I went to the east coast in the summer to visit a friend and grabbed a sweater for an evening out - he asked, “what is that for?!” LOL. Before Covid there were very few restaurants here with outdoor seating even in the summer as it cools off too much after dark to be comfortable. That’s why Seattle has the lowest number of air conditioned houses in the US* Not surprising to be cold camping at night here. 

    *Of course all bets are off now with climate change and the Heat Dome we had this summer - I see lots of air conditioners going in now in my neighborhood!

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  8. 59 minutes ago, 3girlsforus said:

    In that photo of her from the back, why is her upper back skin such a weird color? It's not the right color to be a tan or sunburn. It's like that part of her body has hepatitis. 

    Also, who is taking these photos of them? 

    It looks to be a tank top under the dress (you can see it in the front too with some enlarging). 

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  9. 2 hours ago, Irate Panda said:

    I get irrationally angry at Amy 😡 every time she shills her fudge because I would never buy it, but it makes me think about eating fudge that’s actually good 🤗 ,and then I get angry because I don’t have any fudge that I would actually buy ☹️

    Very on brand of you to be living up to your user name, Irate Panda 🐼 😂 

    • LOL 4
  10. 1 hour ago, Roslyn said:


    Thank you for the correction!  I didn't catch that when I was skimming the hundreds of sycophant bubbling comments for any tidbit.  lolol

    I can just see Janelle with a camp sized shovel at her "space" moving rocks and a bit of dirt here and there and boom...trailer pad!!

    As for the interior...I do like the removable cover for the sink.  I could use something like that in my own tiny kitchen, however what stood out to me the most was the lack of light inside.  Tiny little portholes here and there.  Janelle had such a dark house with low ceilings in her rental and now closed up in the trailer.  I can only assume that she will put up an outdoor cover to hang out in the open air vs holed up in the air conditioning. 

    I was also impressed by the features of the camper, but the first thing I thought of was that she has moved from a run down all brown interior rental to a new tiny all brown interior camper - I too am claustrophobic and the dark interior just adds to the feeling of the walls closing in!

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  11. On 4/5/2021 at 9:31 AM, ginger90 said:




    “The wonderful day for the rest of my life will be here before I know it.”   The wonderful day for the rest of my life? Can anyone translate from Amy to English?? I sincerely don’t know what she’s trying to say here!

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  12. 4 hours ago, Absolom said:

    Yes, instagram has people who look into reports/complaints and have various methods to deal with problems.  Shadow banning impacts the so-called influencers because it cuts their reach and audience. 

    I wonder if it might have to do with her recent post saying she wouldn’t get the Covid vaccine and that people shouldn’t “@ her”...

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  13. 23 hours ago, deirdra said:

    Is RainBird some sort of sprinkler system?  Reminds me of Mariah advertizing yoga classes in a Chicago Basement in front of the building's sewage stack.

    Yes it is...looks like a timer system set up to turn on the different areas of the yard.

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  14. 7 hours ago, Pepper Mostly said:

    In some countries I think the custom is to wear the wedding ring on the right hand. I have a friend from Greece who does. Possibly traditional in the Eastern Orthodox religion? Greece and Ukraine are both majority Orthodox.

    My husband is from Norway and they wear the rings on the right hand there...Used to be only a band for each person, worn by both from the time of engagement. During our first xmas together there, he gifted me a diamond ring and the gathered family had no idea what the significance was (34 years ago). Now diamond engagement rings are more popular, but still on the right hand 😉.

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  15. 9 hours ago, mamadrama said:

    I spent all my childhood wanting to be a country music singer. At 13 I learned about a great university in Nashville that had a music business program. I spent the next few years dreaming about the day I moved down there. I worked my ass off studying and planning. It was seriously the only dream I had (though I applied to other universities to even out my chances). Reality hit me hard down there, though. I had trouble fitting in. I couldn't make friends. I was incredibly lonely and depressed. Meanwhile, my friends back home were BEGGING me to move back. I eventually did and gave up my dreams. Soon after returning, my friends got their own lives and completely moved on. I never made it back to Nashville and I kick myself every single day. I should've tried harder down there. I'm 40 and it's my biggest regret. 

    I WISH I'd had someone like Ryan in my life. He was one of the sole voices of reason in this episode and, honestly, the ONLY one who seemed to have Whitney's best interests at heart. Sure he would benefit from their arrangement, too, if she stayed but he was still right. He was thinking of her future. Maybe he's an asshole at times, and maybe he's benefitting financially from her (as is everyone else) but in this situation he was also being a friend. 

    She refused to move to Wilmington because her life (which apparently did NOT consist of friends/hobbies/interest in her new town) was in Charlotte... and now she wants to leave because she can do All BS No Active anywhere with anyone? Oy.

    A 36 years old woman who's apparently never truly made friends outside of high school and is moving back because "friends" are "begging" her to? How FABULOUS...

    Now, can someone explain the story behind the goose tattoo to me? I must've dozed last week. Explain it like I'm five; I'm not really wanting to volunteer a lot of my brain cells to it. 

    What I remember from barely paying attention was that they saw a video of a goose and thought it was soooo amazing/funny - I’m guessing they came up with the phrases “It lives?loves? (Not going back to look!). And man I can’t believe I’ve invested brain cells to remember somehow Heather also saw the video with them? Here’s an article about the video I’m guessing they saw. It is cute but tattoo worthy??https://wjla.com/news/offbeat/the-story-behind-that-viral-hugging-goose-video  

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  16. I don’t know if anyone has mentioned this yet, but there’s a fascinating and very well made podcast called “unfinished: Short Creek” about the polygamists there and Warren Jeffs. The 3rd episode features an amazing interview with a former plural wife who left. And by the way many of the interviewees pronounce “deal” like “dill”... must be a regional thing 😉.

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  17. On 9/17/2020 at 11:28 PM, Joan of Argh said:

    I watched a few of the birthday videos and a couple IG Live that Jer and Auj posted and on one an older looking boy maybe 4 or 5 is heard saying something like "no I don't want to play with flowers" as his parents tried to get him to sit and make flower cones.  😂

    I think it was a lame activity plus the flowers were sitting in vases full of water so the waffle cones were getting wet, sticky, gooey and falling apart.

    I think it was a flop much like the cake  🙄

    But musical chairs or potato races do not make dreamy Insta photos. It must be so exhausting to have to plan every aspect of your life around how it will look on your blog...

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  18. On 9/3/2020 at 12:41 PM, Retired at last said:

    At least when Olivia and Brett have a conversation, they are both speaking and asking questions like normal people do. For example, when Brett mentioned blowing, Olivia answered that she loved bowling and that lead Brett to ask her what her bowling team's name would be - like a real conversation.

    ChristinA is interviewing Henry, not talking to or with him. He clearly doesn't (that we have seen) give her much to work with and doesn't seem to bounce off her questions to him to ask what her thoughts are, so I can understand her frustration. Plus, the dopey music the show plays to highlight the awkwardness doesn't help. But the way they keep the camera on ChristinA when she is obviously embarrassed and makes goofy faces isn't really necessary.

    Might have been mentioned but when she does ask him questions, she doesn’t even listen to his answers - when she asked about wine, he said “I’d like rose” but she went on and said “red?”... She’s exhausting.

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