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Starry Eyes

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Posts posted by Starry Eyes

  1. Thelma Lou's job?  Keeping Barney out of trouble! LOL  I always thought she might have been Wanita's sister from the Diner, I don't know why. LOL

    On 3/25/2016 at 7:37 PM, Maverick said:

     Yes, she mentioned on a couple of occasions working an office...but no details of what she did.

    Maybe Thelma Lou was secretly Sarah, the telephone operator...??  lol

  2. 9 hours ago, RabbiBeth said:

    regarding a 5K. Honestly, that is NOT a lofty goal. Even an out of shape person should be able to walk a 5K in well under an hour. Glenn is bribing Twit to basically do a 3.1 mile walk (or run but...um, no).  It’s sad that a measly 5k is the leverage. 

    especially wearing flip flops!!!  Insanity at it's finest.

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  3. 19 hours ago, Alapaki said:

    I do believe that Whitney most likely didn't realize Roy was gay.  Otherwise she'd have been pushing the "ow, woe is me, I drove a man to become gay, whatever will I do!" storyline.

    Remember when she was talking to her mom on a walk with her and she told her mom that she thought she had Roy 'in the bag'??  She didn't know he was gay

  4. If Whitney would take even half as much time on herself than she does trying to find love with ANYONE, she's got to love herself first, and no matter how she might try and fool the public and her fans I don't believe she is living a fabulous life.  She tries to convince everyone who watches her show that she is happy with her body just the way it is.  Her smile, her laugh, etc...but, all fake.  If she would just get fit for HERSELF who knows what change she could see in her life. 

    Also, since Todd is Ashley's cousin, are they both trying to bow out of her show?  Where has Todd been lately?  And Ashley is starting to tell Whitney the truth about Whitney, the cats diapers, smelling her placenta, and chasing her down wanting to know if she needs to go to a regular hospital or a mental hospital.  I don't know how Whitney missed that line.  

    She puts her friends down in ways that sting.  With Tal, who is one of her best friends; would rather have a baby with Todd?  She is so very hurtful, always trying to make herself look good to the eyes of the public when what she really looks like to the public is a pathetic narcissist who's world revolves around no one but her and she will say and do everything to let people know how fabulous she is.  Her nit-whits buy into it during every episode.  

    She must be hurting inside more than she realizes.  I would feel sorry for her, but I don't.  Not until she hits rock bottom.  And, she's not even close to the bottom even yet.

    • Love 3
  5. 23 hours ago, Cache said:

    she allegedly has so much on her plate, that'll never happen.

    this is the exact reason why Will fired her.  He was fed up with all of her excuses on why she can't commit to workouts and sending him pictures of food, which she never did.  TLC doesn't allow us to see any of her meals either.  Why is that again?

    I mean, she gave up pasta, right?  pasta la vista?  

    On 1/9/2018 at 6:26 PM, LordOfLotion said:

    She can't dance

    WHAT???  She can't dance?  Does she know this?  lol

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  6. On 1/6/2016 at 2:39 PM, Inquisitionist said:

    Did she answer an ad?

    From what I have come to the conclusion throughout the years and I've watched Friends over and over again until I've memorized almost every line, I think Monica was the one who stated that Phoebe answered an ad for a place to live, and she moved in right before the very beginning.  Hope this helps..

  7. This is probably why broke up with Heather, and he didn't want the entire world to know he was in the process of moving to Charlotte, NC.So that's why he couldn't really say anything to Heather on television why he broke up with her.  One by one, I bet they will all eventually move away from Twit's fabulous life.  Todd lives in NYC.  

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  8. 11 hours ago, Dot said:

    Didn't someone in this forum say he has moved to Charlotte?

    I said that, go look on his FB page and it says right there.  Lives in Charleston and from Greensboro

    8 hours ago, Ketzel said:

    If running is involved, it's already too late. Just ask Will Powell.


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  9. 10 hours ago, RabbiBeth said:

    She wasn't catfished though.  He was who he said he was, and she's met him.  Seems he's just a jerk.  
    I had to google Meri Brown.  Was she really catfished?

    Yes, Meri Brown really WAS catfished, I felt so very sorry for Meri, but now you have pointed out that Whitney was NOT catfished like I had thought.  Great photo of Tal and Todd.  I like both of them.  Too bad twit doesn't realize what good and devoted friends she really has.  Treasure them twit for someday they too, will finally be tired of you

    2 hours ago, Bubbles1967 said:

    Her wake up call should have been when she couldn’t ski. Who could forget that gem of an episode. 

    Who could forget that heart wrenching scene.  I really thought that would be her breaking point, but obviously she still believes she can still do anything she used to do when she wasn't morbidly obese.  Very sad.  

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  10. 53 minutes ago, monagatuna said:

    I hope Roy is getting the support he needs.

    Roy is very young, like 25 years old, maybe 22 and he just told his father like two weeks ago.  So naturally, he didn't want to come-out on her show.  But it floored me (even though I'm way older than he is lol) that he was gay, but like you just said, I think he's got a lot of friends and his family in Ronourke, VA that loves and accepts him as they always have.  I'm also glad that you are getting the love and support as well Monagatuna.  

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