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Posts posted by peridot

  1. So the vampires aren't supposed to be friendly with humans at all?  How very lonely.

    Was that seriously period blood running down the store owner's legs??

    I'm really enjoying Santiago's bitterness towards Louis, most of it is well earned.  Uh-oh, at Louis and Claudia leaving the diaries in plain sight.

    It's interesting to see more cracks form between Armand and Louis.  Armand's face when he realized how present Lestat was during their relationship was kind of sad, but then it looks like he tried to plagiarize someone else's work to make Louis feel better about his talents.

    The ads during this show are terrible.  They kept cutting in during crucial scenes, and they cut off the recording at the end.

    • Like 5
  2. I enjoyed this episode.  The introduction to the Talamascan's was cool / creepy.  I'm really surprised that the vampires aren't picking it up from Daniel's mind.

    It was a bit startling to see the earlier vampires scurrying around like that, hiding in the sewers.  Lestat cracked me up, he just didn't give a shit.

    Louis seems to be losing his mind.  I wasn't sure if Lestat was actually mentally haunting him, but it seems to be just his imagination.

    I'm loving Santiago's contempt for Louis.  I'm surprised Louis is so nonchalant about the dangers of not joining the coven.

    Poor Claudia and her role for the next 50 years.

    • Like 4
  3. I liked that they showed Louis and Claudia were immediately tagged and followed once they entered the city.  It's pretty scary that the New Orleans crew had no idea they were followed until Armand made himself known.

    Santiago and Louis seemed destined to butt heads, but Louis didn't help by falling asleep during one of Santiago's performances!

    I wonder how no one suspects that Louis and Claudia plotted to kill Lestat, especially since it seems that Louis can't guard his thoughts well.  I guess it's a ruse at this point.

  4. I was really glad to get confirmation that Maximus didn't maim his friend.  That was in the back of my mind for the entire season.

    Cooper's wife is an evil woman.  How could she bring up her child's future, and then mention that bringing war to the world is a viable option? All the Vault-Tec people and their competitors are insane.

    I wasn't expecting cryogenics to come into play.  Hank was such an awful person - immediately writing off his wife when she didn't do what he wanted and then punishing an entire city for it. 

    I wasn't sure when Hank ended up in the end, but I'm glad the closing graphics showed that is was Vegas. 

    I never heard of the game before this came out, but I enjoyed this show.  Hopefully it's renewed.

    • Like 7
  5. I bet Norm poisoned all the prisoners since they were a drain on resources, though it could have been Betty also. 

    I'm not sure why the cousin is so eager to shack up with the formerly pregnant lady, but he may just be a pushover.

    Poor Thaddeus!  I wasn't expecting for the serum to actually work, but now it seems he isn't human anymore. 

    I'm glad Maximum decided to give up the core so that the community could live.  I was afraid he would be too attached to his suit to give a damn.  I wasn't expecting for Lucy's situation to be a non-issue from last episode, but the giant and dull knife was hilarious.

    • Like 2
  6. The flashback scenes were very interesting.  I'm surprised Cooper wasn't upset that his wife invited all those Vault-Tec people to his house.  I would have been pissed that she hid it from me.  She's sucking up to Vault-Tec, and doesn't seem to care about what her husband feels about it.  The Moldaver reveal is very interesting. 

    I have never heard of someone comparing a penis to a pimple before, how disgusting!

    It was annoying when Lucy decided to automatically trust people just because they're in a vault, but I'm glad she got over that.  The video of the lady giving birth to fish creatures and then being eaten by them was messed up.

    • Like 8
  7. I can't believe that Maximus thought his story would hold if he went back to the Brotherhood.  Did he never plan to shower while on base?

    It's annoying when Lucy acts as if decency has any say on the surface.  Luckily the cannibal didn't shoot Maximus fatally due to her naivety.

    The vault scenes are becoming creepy now.  I forgot that Lucy's dad came from another vault, so it's interesting that people from vault 31 seem to be in the know about what's really going on.  Is Lucy's pregnant friend just living with the cousin now?

    • Like 1
  8. I really enjoyed this episode. 

    I wasn't surprised by the Ghoul mercy-killing Roger, but I was surprised that he started eating him.  Even more surprised that Lucy joined in on the cutting.  She's a trooper, she hasn't vomited once from doing gross things.

    Lucy didn't have much off a reaction to having her finger cut off.  He sawed it off and that was it.  I would have been screaming and wailing. 

    I laughed at the pregnant lady giving those doll shoes to the tall cousin.  I thought they would have had to take off the jumpsuits to have sex, but silly me!

    The story with Vault 32 is interesting.  I'm glad to see that one of the leaders (the older lady) seems to have sense about her - I wonder if she knows what happened to Vault 32?

  9. It's interesting that Maximus recited his brotherhood creed, when he clearly shows he's not a hero.  I thought Wasteland people are more self-aware.

    I'm glad to get that view of the Vault people too.  The morons who are running the vault now are just going to get the rest of their people killed.  And now they are running low on water and everyone knows it. 

    The backstory on the Ghoul is interesting.

    • Like 1
  10. I was surprised to see Maximus turn on his knight so quickly.  So he's not only a coward, but self-righteous too.  I hated seeing his smirks throughout the episode.

    After seeing Lucy's behavior this episode, I totally get the pawn shop lady's attitude towards her.  Lucy is surprisingly adaptable though, ready to cut off a man's head with her catchphrase.

    I want to know the story with the vault dwellers and why they stayed down for so long.  When the raiders came into 33, they had some radiation but didn't seem to be sick.

    • Like 3
  11. I never played the game, but I'm liked the pilot.  The beginning scene was good, it's funny/sad how quickly the man turned on his friend who tried to get into his shelter.

    Since the point of Lucy's wedding was for procreation, I wonder if she's pregnant now?  I'm not sure of the tone of the show, so I wasn't sure if her pregnant friend would be murdered or not.

    Maximus had to have put the razor in the boot.  It seems like his friend knew it too, with the way they were looking at him.

    I'm looking forward to learning more about this world.

    • Like 2
  12. On 4/1/2024 at 8:17 PM, Anduin said:

    IMAX trailer! Looks fun. I'm going to either be in Britain or Ireland on 10 May. What are the better quality cinema chains? I'm not asking for the Alamo Drafthouse, just where people will actually be watching the movie rather than talking or playing on their phones, etc?


    I have no idea if it's the best chain, but I went to Vue Cinema in London last year and it was pretty good.

    • Like 1
  13. I was afraid the actual spy would kill the gardener to frame him, but the actual cause of his death was horrible.

    Why on earth did Anjin hang a rotting animal outside his home?  I couldn't believe the carelessness of his words about what would happen if someone touched it.

    Mariko's husband is an animal.  I couldn't believe he shot at his wife twice.  It was again due to Anjin's recklessness.  I really hope he grows up in the upcoming episodes.

    That earthquake was something else!  I'm really enjoying this series.

    • Useful 1
  14. I was not expecting for the Admiral and Vannak to die.  I don't know why, I thought they were protected. 

    I really hope Kai didn't abandon her teammates to go off with Ackerson.

    What a sad episode. 

    • Like 1
  15. I'm glad Soren's traitorous crew is dead.

    I had no idea what the locations shown in the corner meant, but yikes at the aliens being on the main planet!

    I hated it ended like that, I want to know what happens!


  16. So now, there's another mystery organization in the mix? I just sighed.

    I thought Cate was worried about May because she's a friend, not a love interest.  It's pretty odd that it's leaning towards May hooking up with both siblings.  I'm glad that May snapped at Cate when she kept calling her by her fake name.  Too bad, the anger didn't last.

    I have no idea is she's still a spy or not. 

  17. I hope Bertha drops McAllister as a friend.  I thought he was trying to support them both, but he just told her to come quietly to the Academy! What a weasel.

    I loved the full house the Met had at the end, and I loved that Oscar referred to the people at the Academy as ghouls and skeletons.  Mrs. Fish has no shame, and I love it!

    I really hated what they did to Mr. Fortune.  He didn't try to stop any inappropriateness with Peggy, and she was the one to end it for good.  I hope she finds another journalism job.

    Not surprised at the predictable ending.  It was interesting to see Agnes' take on Anderson, why would she want to keep such a negative woman around?

    I'm glad Dashiell is gone.  He and his daughter were so overbearing.  They had to whip out "he's still in love with his wife", and not "he's too controlling".

    • Like 3
  18. I rolled my eyes at Charles saying how heroic Camilla was.  I'm glad the Queen ripped apart that idea.  I love that everyone knows how eager Charles is to be the king and they mock him for it. 

    I wasn't expecting to see the previous Queens, but it was well done.  It's interesting that the middle age version of the Queen was encouraging her to throw in the towel, while the younger one wanted her to stay fast to her duty.

    I didn't understand the looks between Anne and the other brother during the photography session.  I cracked up at Philip's irritation with the photographer, though.  I didn't blame him one bit.

    William did seem two-faced about the costume, though.  Everyone at the costume shop was very nonchalant about it, which surprised me.  Why the hell was that costume even made? 

    It was sad that Harry's concerns about the wedding were looked over and that William felt numb about it.

    Damn at Philip calling the next generation as Rome burning down!  The Range Rover casket is very odd.

    • Like 9
  19. I can't even imagine knowing my great-grandmother.  It's sad Elizabeth has lost the people who knew her the best.

    I can't believe that Mou Mou kept adding more to his delusion and that the media kept entertaining him.  His speech at the end was so crazy.

    Kate's mom is something else - "make sure he knows you're available", "show off those legs".  William said meeting her parents isn't a big deal, but all of the family knows what they are doing.  It's sad how nobody is really genuine with the royal family.

    • Like 5
  20. I had my hand to my mouth during Margaret's strokes.  They were very hard to watch.  I hated that her friend had the music up loud when Margaret just had a stroke a while back.  It was shocking to see her burned feet.

    V-E Day seemed like a such a wonderful time.  I can't even imagine the relief that everyone felt.  While they were at the club, were there drag queens dancing?  It went by so quickly, that I wasn't sure. 

    When Elizabeth was snapping at Philip, I wonder if she was regretting marrying Philip instead of Porchey. 

    This was a very good, emotional episode.

    • Like 19
  21. I wasn't expecting to see Princess Rhaenys in the show.  Yet another schemer has been introduced in the episode.  If Kate knew that her mom was scheming, why didn't she say no?  Based on the show, it seems like she's willingly becoming involved in the maneuvering by ensuring Will's not leaving college.

    I don't get what's so bad about William snapping at the girl who asked for an autograph in the middle of a tense discussion.  Can't she read the room?  It seemed that Lola and Kate downplayed his experience in being in the spotlight all the time.  No matter how hot you are, people from around the world aren't inundating them all the time.

    It's pretty sad that Harry is what, 16, and he feels he has to be the screw-up.  I guess he's taking a page out of his great-aunt's book.

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    • Applause 4
  22. It was cool to see a topic the Queen was so passionate about - it's interesting that the group did so much for the war effort. 

    I laughed at the Blairs emulating Clinton's accent.  Tony's speech in Chicago was good, and I'm glad it made a positive impact on the war.

    I cringed at the ending speech, though!  I would have felt so embarrassed that the audience was basically doing this:



    • LOL 7
  23. I was a bit confused by the ages of William and Harry in this - they kept drinking so casually.

    It's pretty disgusting that all the girls sent love letters to the prince after his mother died. 

    It made me laugh some when William dropped those truth bombs on Charles.  It looked like Charles was jealous when all the girls where screaming at William.  I just shook my head when he started to simper about the effect on Camilla.

    I liked the scene between Philip and William, I was glad to see some of the original actors in the home videos.  The first seasons were really great.

    • Like 8
  24. I'm glad they showed the aftermath of San Francisco.  I didn't really think about the fact that San Francisco is already so unstable with the frequent earthquakes, that the destruction from the MUTOs would absolutely destabilize the infrastructure further.  I was surprised that nobody was wary about going up into a tall building on unstable ground. 

    I just shook my head that the siblings started singing loudly right after they were almost caught by the military.

    It was interesting to see how messed up Cate was.  It seems like Cate's mom suspected there was an affair going on, but did Kentaro's mom feel the same?

    Damn it May!

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