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Posts posted by PollyHowell

  1. 3 hours ago, RedDelicious said:

    Heather looks great. It appears that she had some subtle (not so subtle?) work done on her face and teeth. Kudos to her. I’m making my bets on point. 

    She undoubtedly looks great, but am I the only one who misses her old nose? It was unique and gave her face character.

    • Love 1
  2. 45 minutes ago, veronicamers said:

    Brennan is acquitting herself as quite the fashionista. She's worn some lewks lately. I appreciate it...we could use some risk takers amongst this group who often dress identically to each other.

    Agreed! I always find myself being surprised in a good way by her outfit choices. The one she wore to the end-of-year banquet immediately comes to mind.

    • Love 3
  3. Malena may be nuts, but she's also absolutely beautiful and well-spoken when she's not breaking down. That said, the videos of her make it obvious she's still nowhere near ready. It's clear they're bringing her back for the drama and I as a viewer look forward to see how this all plays out.

    • Love 5
  4. I think if as many people return as we think might, Christina really needs to step her game up at finals to make the team again. And, sadly, so does my girl Brennan (even though I love her so so much) because they don't always seem convinced by her at auditions. I could see Khalyn, Tasha, Tess, and Lauren all retiring - hope none do.

    • Love 1
  5. 8 hours ago, go4luca said:

    I know Caroline doesn't get much love here but I like her.  She has some sass and one hell of a booty pop.

    I'm really into Caroline. I like girls like her who stay under the radar, yet are solid. I think she's a good dancer who is pretty and seems to get along with her team and is low-key, yet not a blender. That said I don't discount the fact that she has connections, but I don't think she'll be a Jessika. Or maybe she will and that's why I'm almost scared of speaking it into existence, who knows. Either way, go Caroline.

    • Love 8
  6. I'm rewatching pieces of season 10 (I mainly wanted to see KaShara wearing the wrong uniform on the first day ((I forgot that Raylee, her roommate at the time, wore the wrong one too)). Maybe a hot take but I really really liked TCC Colby. Kelli was a brat to her. I thought Colby would have had a great alternative DCC look if she gained five pounds and slightly adjusted her makeup and hair, and she was a good dancer. She also seemed chill and like someone I could hang out with in real life.

    • Love 10
  7. 3 hours ago, PhillyFan said:

    Re: Caroline. She doesn’t get a lot of attention here, but judging from social media, she seems to be a favorite among the rookies. 

    I honestly think she'll be in the run for rookie of the year. She seems to be a locker room favorite. And even though she didn't get much attention on the show, she always caught my eye in the periphery with her strong, natural movement and Kashara-esque pop. I think they didn't want to spend too much attention on her because she obviously has family pull within the sports world and even though she clearly made it on her own merit, they don't want to come off as exclusive like that. But overall she's one of my favorites.

    • Love 5
  8.  I've always liked Brennan's look and the mature way in which she carries herself, but it seems like she's been coming into herself even more since finally making the squad. She and Caroline, who doesn't get nearly enough attention around here, look great here.


    • Love 18
  9. 10 hours ago, UnicornKicks said:

    Ugh I forgot HOW GOOD Melissa was. She's outdancing JennK at point. 

    Melissa, in my eyes, is one of the best of the best DCC ever (right up there with Kashara ((controversial? Maybe.)). She had the technique, the look, the power, and the pop.

    • Love 14
  10. 9 hours ago, Jess14 said:

    I think the team absolutely cares where they’re situated in pictures, placed in dance formations, featured, etc. They probably aren’t obsessed about it, but I think they definitely care.

    Whenever this discussion comes up I always think of Gina's talking head on the show last year during solos. She said something along the lines of, "Solos are more my forte...I've never liked blending into the crowd, I always want to stand out and be noticed." Whether or not you like Gina, I thought that was telling (girl is definitely chasing point!). While plenty may be "just happy to be there," I can't imagine the more senior girls that are further back in the triangle (Jessika and Amy come to mind) love the spot they're in. But who knows. 

    • Love 7
  11. 3 hours ago, ShellyB said:

    Hmmm....Rachel, Briana, Cianna. All three very down to earth, genuine. I had been talking with Cianna for the past two and 1/2 years, trying to get her to audition. I’m glad she finally made it to Texas. 

    I love this as Cianna has been by far my favorite rookie...may I ask how she ended up on your radar in the first place? I always thought her roots (Hawaii, Portland) set her apart from the other rookie candidates, and even though we heard her backstory on the show, I'm sure there's a lot more to her than meets the eye. She is a beautiful dancer and, in my opinion, has an absolutely stunning standout look.

    • Love 9
  12. Anyone else watching the Cowboys game right now? I always like getting peeks of the girls during actual games, though I wish they showed halftime/entrance footage. There was a closeup of Bridget after their first touchdown and she looked so radiant and beautiful! It was also very easy to spot Cianna during zoomed-out pans of sideline routines...I LOVE her hair.

    • Love 17
  13. Thoughts on this episode:

    Malena - so charismatic! She's so easy to root for and she popped tonight. Her personality and look stand out to me.

    Of all the rookies, I liked watching Jalyn, Ashlee, and Brennan (!) best. Rachel is so beautiful but a snoooozefest. 

    I liked that they put some focus on Caroline's makeover because it really did her eyes favors. They didn't focus much on her dancing but I saw her in the periphery occasionally and she looked powerful!

    Dayton and Victoria - everyone hates on VK around here but I thought she came across as so fun, albeit a little unpolished and naive. I was annoyed by how she cut Kelli off in the office, but this girl is a fresh 18 and has been around these women forever. I think we're so used to seeing girls petrified and overly proper in the office and that made Victoria's actions come across as even more young and seemingly unprepared for the environment she's in. But she seems funny and playful and I don't think it's a coincidence that they recommended she meet with Kashara. Dayton also seems really young in her interactions, and unfortunately, being late and "unenthusiastic" doesn't often do you favors in training camp. I dont dislike her, but Victoria at least brings energy and excitement.

    I wanted more from Courtney Cook's segment even though I was SO EXCITED to see her on.

    Nicole seemed cold and Jacie seemed contrastingly warm in the alum segments.

    Tons of dancing this episode! And I thought the producers have been choosing really good background music this season. It's been noticeably more exciting to me this season than the past few.

    Don't really care too much for Jay's segments. The only good one was a few seasons back with TCC Taylor and her cinnamon rolls and Cheetos. I'm betting Hannah or Jalyn come out on top for rookies in the fitness challenges.

    Edit to add (maybe a stretch): does anyone else here watch Survivor? Jalyn sounds exactly like the winner of Kaoh Rong, Michele. Jersey girls!

    • Love 6
  14. 20 minutes ago, bunny said:

    I absolutely LOVE this shot of Yuko in the red bikini! (You have to scroll through the slideshow) She looks amazing.

    It's true! I really like the picture of Lexie in this album as well; love her suit. And everyone's said it already, but shame on the photographers and Kelli for the poor choice of Savannah shots. She was so cute in the photos they took back at the Star when they were trying on suits.

    • Love 2
  15. 5 hours ago, Gham said:

    Top picture is 2017 bottom is 2014




    ...Am I missing something here? Because to me she looks genuinely amazing in both of these. She's a beautiful girl. And the curls seem to be unpopular around here but I love them; they really make her stand out.

    • Love 13
  16. Man, I don't know how anyone can watch the videos above and say Kashara doesn't deserve to be point. That girl has more pop and sparkle and power to her dancing than anyone else on this squad by far; the only one who came close for me was Khalyn. I love Maddie but Khalyn would have looked amazing in the triangle with Lacey and Kash. Gina is super talented but even her dancing seems "fake" to me like her personality. I've read here she's nice in person but it just does not translate well through the show. Rookie Rachel is stunning in these videos as well.

    Hot take: Lacey is a blender. Beautiful and talented, but a blender.

    • Love 13
  17. I saw a lot of cameos of Alexandra tonight - the dark-haired girl they featured a bit last season who was a teacher. I believe she was cut at finals last year. She definitely has the look and I remember enjoying her solo, but K&J were spot on when they said she lost power on the field and didn't project. They didn't put any emphasis on her presence at all this year, and with the amount of talent they had coming through I can see how she was lost in the shuffle. I feel for her; I think she came across as genuine and seemed to work very hard.

    • Love 8
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