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13 Good
  1. I don't understand why everyone thinks Holly is horrible?? She is only 18. She's not fat and she is a wonderful dancer. Why the body shaming? This is the kind of talk that sends these women on a downward spiral into eating disorders.
  2. I am glad they announced the team at the beginning of the show though rather than wait until the end. I thought they were better this episode about showing longer bits of dancing so you could actually watch the girls dance. I do wish they would do a special just about show group. I would love to see the different routines with all the costume changes or maybe even a special about the USO tour would be fun to watch.
  3. I feel the same way about Kat myself. They obviously see something in her that we don't. I really don't see her staying past one year. I don't think she's really all that interesting and wish they could have focused on a few more of the TCC's that I didn't know existed until tonight.
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