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Posts posted by Luvmy300zx

  1. As a former long time WM employee, I hate WM and refused to shop there after I quit. Ive got to say though, I started using their grocery pick up during the pandemic and I love it. I’ll use that as long as it’s offered. 

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  2. You would think having a family the size of Jill's that it wouldn't be a problem for Dreck  to take the only vehicle and go. Between that many siblings, inlaws, and her parents there should be plenty of help with the boys as well as rides anywhere she needs to go.

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  3. What is wrong with these people? They talk as if they are thinking about sex 24/7 and must have an accountability partner at all times to keep them from giving in. This does not make the "unsaved" want what they have. It makes them laugh at them. The way they focus on sex all the time is not normal.

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  4. 10 hours ago, zoomama said:

    THIS!  well said. i consider myself an 'evangelical, non-denominational christian'.  this paragraph in particular sums it up perfectly:

    'The women, as well as the men, are well-educated and hold responsible (secular) jobs. They wear makeup, go to movies, watch TV, take vacations to fun places, and many of them enjoy a social alcoholic drink. Many of them are also active in their churches, and will be the first ones who turn out to help when someone needs it. Most of my relatives don't harangue me about Jesus, although I think they deeply believe they are supposed to spread the Gospel.'

    could not have described me better. i am so less like the dugger version - i dont force feed anyone my beliefs. i will happily share if the timing is appropriate but i keep it non-confrontational.  i guess that is where my perspective on the Lord and heaven vacillates off the path from the dugger version. 

    ITA, this is me as well.

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  5. 2 hours ago, Absolom said:

    I don't think it is a strict taboo of Derick's faith.  He's Southern Baptist and none of them that I know have restrictions on use of birth control.  They're usually opposed to abortion, but none of the SBC members I know are Quiverfull.  

    No, we believe in birth control. I had my tubes tied after #4. I was an only and wanted a large family.

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  6. I'm southern Baptist. Have been all my life. Y'all might call me fundie light but I would hope you would just call me Christian. At my church we look, dress, and act like everyone else. Just regular people. We wear normal clothes. in fact,  last night our pastors wife showed up at church in shorts, as did Mr ZX.  If I'm out with my friends, I have a social drink and I don't care who sees me. I sometimes buy lottery tickets if I'm somewhere they are being sold. It frustrates me when we regular Baptists get lumped in with the duggars because we are nothing like them or their ilk.

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