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Posts posted by Goldmoon

  1. Warehouse 13 did the unspeakable with Pete and Myka in its last episode.  The two leads had ALWAYS had a brother and sister vibe with absolutely no romance throughout its five year run.  Then they suddenly "realized" they were in love with each other.  It was ridiculous and I believe it was brought on by execs who thought it was necessary without evidently watching the show.

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  2. This season was so bad.  I came for Matt Bomer and though I loved season one with everyone I still want to see his pretty face in every episode, preferably playing kissy-face with a guy.  Larry is pretty useless, though.  I don't suppose the comic fans would appreciate Negative Man's radiation burns getting healed so Matt Bomer could just play the part as himself?

    I am super impressed with Brendan Frasier and the body actor for Cliff.  I forget I'm looking at an object that cannot make facial expressions when he is on screen.

  3. Please don't pollute Briana with images of the grossly unlikeable, screechy-voiced Claudia Donavon.  I don't like Briana so far, but I like Harry.  Never did like Nate and didn't like Sophie either, but maybe she will be better for me without Nate to play off of.  I adore Hardison and Elliot.  Does anyone know if they can/intend to lure AH back full time for season 2?  I didn't feel the joy in watching that I did the original series, and I'm not sure if I'm willing to try eps without my beloved Hardison.  Dammit, Hardison!

  4. I agree that this was a dramatically strong episode, so much better than the dreck we've been getting for plots.  I disagree that the music was good though.  I haven't liked any of the music after the Hello Dolly number in episode one.  Someone upthread said that Mo and Simon weren't strong enough in their condemnation of Zoey, and I disagree.  She was so hurt by their comments - and her revelation that they were correct - there were tears in her eyes.  If they had been any more intense in speaking to her it could have backfired.  Who wants to be harshly criticized, and who should be, if saying it "mildly" is doing the trick?

    In other news, can we get Howie and his daughter back?

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  5. If JA ever wants to take control of the narrative he will run into a major roadblock:  JP.  JP loved the ending and to reset it as a mini-series starring both of them he would need JP to come aboard.  I don't want Jensen to ever consider coming back as Dean unless he has full control of the story line, script approval and can choose his show runner, directors and writers.  I would also like him to stay away from SPN cons.  Is that too much to ask?  Let the boy move on.

    • Love 7
  6. Echoing everyone else's disappointment with the Nate romance and the co-captain thing. Jeez. Creator's pets are the worst. I cringed when Ava took over the narration. Please Fates, let Zari 1.0 stay! With or without 2.0. It is a real compliment to TA that we've missed her so much even though she's been on the screen all season. I was cringing when I saw Mona but they've used her well.

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  7. Even though nolan rushed home - like an idiot - I'll bet he had forgotten the tape recorder/phone he had in his pocket that will clear him immediately. Did he really leave a detective laying - cuffed - on the floor BLEEDING?

    • Love 4
  8. I agree with astral that bringing her non-time-traveling mother should be simpler than bringing back behrad. I think they should do that next but I'm pretty sure theyll save that for last. I hope we can get rid of Constantine at the end of season. 

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  9. The actress who plays Rosalind has an astonishing number of freckles under her makeup so my guess is that red hair is natural.  I agree that we dont need to see her again though. This is not a great series and seeing a serial killer get one up on the protagonists doesn't help.

    • Love 2
  10. Hi Topanga. American Pie was played to death on the radio when I was a kid. It just sounds like a jumble of unrelated images to me even though I know it's an ode to Buddy Holly. I didn't like very much of the pop music in the seventies anyway.  As for inappropriate: I thought it was too peppy and the lyrics touched upon the Max Zoey Simon triangle. Not too much but just enough to annoy. Im sure they could have found something else but chose the song for reasons listed above. 

    • Love 5
  11. Trillian, I like that you read that CB didn't believe in her character, the revolting PS.  I have watched the first four now, and I don't like this series.  I wonder if it makes a difference to different age groups?  Maybe the twenty- and thirty- somethings find this new and riveting.  I just turned 60 so the ERA, R v. Wade, MS. Magazine, and Phyllis Schlafly's attack on her sisters are not new to me.  I like some, but not all, of the actors.  I usually like Cate but I think she is terrible in this.

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  12. I may be the only one here who feels for Max. Not his entitlement to Zoes affections but I have been in semi-abusive environments that were a relief to get away from. Joan had inellectual property rights over that code though. To the poster above who thought Simon should move on: my aunt lost my uncle suddenly. One Saturday morning she got up to use the bathroom. He was fine. When she returned he was gone. He'd had a massive heart attack while she was brushing her teeth. She grieved for 20 years, including sobbing piteously. After a few years of these dramatic episodes the whole family wanted her to get over it. And I'm not kidding about the 20 years.

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  13. In real life, Schlafly was a troll.  I took an introduction to feminism class in 1980 at SIUE (Southern Illinois University Edwardsville).  The professor, Sheila Ruth, had at least one debate with Schlafly concerning the ERA.  Prof. Ruth took a posterboard with the amendment displayed on it to the debate.  She told us that Schlafly was concerned that she had the poster because Schlafly didn't have something to display, evidently not realizing that Ruth WAS showing the thing that Schlafly was talking about too.

    Schlafly had a great deal of privilege for a woman of her time, yet wanted to deny other women the same thing.  She was a walking example of the worst hypocrisy.  Having said that, that basically there was nothing to like about her, I thought this episode was far too heavy-handed.  There was no opportunity for me, a lifelong feminist, to feel anything for the character except the disgust leftover from reading about her exploits in real time.  

    I was amused at the sex scene, which PS was clearly annoyed at having sex with her husband.  Does anyone else think that Marsden's character was trying to hit on PS or was he just being too handsy with her?

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  14. I wonder if their kinder gentler father is over here and will become part of tje boys lives?  I hope not. Jared really played up the fey aspect. I appreciated how subtle jensen's at Dean was but you could still see the differentiation. 

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