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  1. Lol yet when Rachel clearly wasn’t ready to move out and reneged as she needed more time, Monica eventually threw her out the same day.
  2. It was like Monica was so desperate to have a man she could finally control move in with her. Chandler had to give up so much of his stuff and habits like the big white dog and the BarcaLounger and smoking for her. Monica had no such compromises.
  3. Right? And when Rachel was dating Ross those two were with Monica at her place all the time, practically living there. Monica was okay with it for the most part save for that one episode. But she wants to live with Chandler with nobody else there. Ok then.
  4. I think once Monica and Chandler got married the series took a nose dive. Monica and Chandler constantly trying to have a kid storyline got old fast. One thing that always irks me is how Monica basically kicks Rachel out of the apartment with no kind of real notice so she can move Chandler in. Monica wasn't even concerned about where Rachel would find a place to live.
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