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Posts posted by Pandorap

  1. Well, I'm late to the party, only watching this on Amazon years after the fact.  I thought I missed something and then was so upset that Nadia's death happened off screen.  One minute she was kidnapped and I stayed up late to watch the next episode and everyones upset - I couldn't figure out what was going on.  I really enjoyed Nadia's character and I absolutely hate that they dealt with what happened off screen.  But I'm glad I came on here to read about it because now I know I won't go to SVU and watch that episode - too terrible.  I'm not a fan of all these crossovers and have decided not to watch CF or CM out of spite.  I stopped SVU long ago.

  2. I *know* this show is different from the original.  I keep telling myself not to compare.

    But.  I still had a difficult time with this episode.  If it weren't for John Goodman's scenes this episode might have been an out for me.  The original series (I felt) was not mean spirited.  The characters rang true.  They had difficult times, some because of just bad decisions, some because of the bad economy, but again, it all rang true, and as a viewer I was always left with a sense of hope. (I'm talking about earlier seasons here, the later seasons I tend to pretend didn't happen!)

    In The Connors I increasingly feel uncomfortable in watching Darlene and her kids and (mostly Darlene and Harris) their interactions with others.  This episode especially just felt mean spirited.  The episode where Darlene was working for one day in the store - who even acts like that.  It wasn't funny.  It wasn't smart writing.  It was ugly and almost painful to watch.

    This isn't Shameless.  The writing is nowhere near good enough to turn these characters into those kind of characters.

    And, it's BEVS money.  She can do what she likes!  It may not be "fair" but it's HER MONEY. Darlene pushing and pushing for the money to go to Harris was just...ridiculous.  I was scared at the end that Mark was going to turn around and offer the cheque to Harris and I was very glad they didn't write it that way.

    This episode just fell very flat for me, as has most of this season.  I guess I'm just disappointed because I had hopes that the writing and story telling would improve but it's just not to my liking.

    The only saving grace for me is that we must be just about to the end of the season.  I will miss watching Dan and Becky but I don't think I will be back for another season if there is one.

    • Love 10
  3. Episode was ok, I don't live in the States so no idea really about the politics angle.  I didn't realize they were following actual results until I came here, I just thought they decided to try a live show for some weird reason!

    Did anyone else notice Dan taking two pills out of a big bottle, chewing them and then swigging some liquid?  It made me wonder if he was having heart pain and chewing aspirin.  Are we going to have a health scare in the future?  

    • Love 2
  4. I can't stop watching but sometimes I just wish I could let it go.  Why do they have to make Karev look stupid?  He's not.  "oh yeah, I can sign off on this stuff, on my first day, without knowing anything about the budget or my job!"  Yeah, he's impulsive and brash and is going to have to find his footing as chief but this storyline so far is stupid.  IMO.

    I have never liked Jo, not since day one.  Nothing to say about her.

    Bailey is like a caricature of her old self.  Makes me sad almost every time I watch her.

    Webber.  I really don't understand where they are going with him.  Is he drinking? Is he just lonely?  Do I care anymore?

    It's just totally weird that Jackson has disappeared (whatever the real life reason - it doesn't fit the show for me.)  I might be in the minority but I actually really like Maggie and I'm ok with her and Jackson as a couple.  I do NOT personally watch this show to learn about the Christian faith and I was never so happy as when April was gone and I could stop hearing about it.  Now we get Jackson having a crisis of faith.  Blech.  I hope this is wrapped up soon.

    I also might be in the minority when I say that I like the Amelia and Owen story line.  Kind of a lot.  (I try to pretend Teddy doesn't exist for the time being)

    And I want to see Mer be happy.  I feel like She deserves a beautiful, mature, loving relationship and my fingers are crossed that I might eventually see her get that.

    • Love 1
  5. This was the first season of Alone I have ever watched.  I wasn't even aware of the show.  I love the premise but after watching this season and hearing (reading)comments here about other seasons I feel like it's a little lacking in the execution.  I was not fond of watching people starving and carving big spoons.  The first few episodes with fish hooks and actually seeing the flora/fauna and how things could be harvested and caught was interesting.   I'll have to search out the earlier seasons and see what they were all about.  As for this season, I was hoping Britt would be the one to out last Sam.  I hope he gets something for being a runner up.  If, as I've read, Sam (and perhaps others) chose to take along extra rations it would have been interesting to me to see how and when those rations were used and consumed.  Why pretend on the show like that doesn't happen?  Over all this was semi interesting to me enough that I'll watch if they have an eleventh season.  But if it turns out that it's just watching who can go hungry the longest every season...meh.

    • Love 2
  6. I've watched three seasons of SOA and somehow over all these years I've managed not to be spoiled of the last seasons.  Hubby and I just purchased the DVD's so we did a marathon and got through the first season.  I have to agree with the poster above who mentioned Tara and Jax making "sweet love" practically over the dead body of the FED.  Just ew.  That scene fell totally flat for me.  

    I like the characters mostly though.  Looking forward to finally finishing the series.  

    • Love 2
  7. I’ve been watching Criminal Minds for so many years...I’m sad to say that I’m done. Maybe. This episode makes me want to quit watching. Not interesting. The social commentary fell flat. I was bored. I know I’ll watch until the end of the season just because it’s routine for me but after that? For me, CM has run its course. I’m not even sad, just a little bitter. It feels like the end of a stagnant relationship. And I’m actually surprised about how this feeling about a TV SHOW has affected me!!! Ridiculous when I think about it. 

    • Love 7
  8. I wasn’t paying attention and didn’t realize this episode was going into the mid season break. So I’m quite irritated over the cliffhanger. I hate cliffhangers, I think they are almost always a let down and by the time the show comes back I probably won’t care because that emotional investment will be gone. 

    I must be one of the few here who are glad to see April and Jackson moving away from each other and Jack and Maggie coming together. I don’t really care if they become a couple or not, I just like seeing the characters interacting. I could like Maggie a lot more of they gave her a better storyline, and since I like Jackson, I’m hoping this will be it. 

    Still meh on the interns. 

    Still meh on Bailey. 

    Was hoping for some more Sophia storyline but I don’t even think she was mentioned. I’m not clear, did orgasm and Arizona have a conversation about why they suddenly weren’t seeing each other anymore? I was under the impression that orgasm didn’t like the fact that Sophia was coming back to live with her mom and if that’s so, why was she seeming like she wanted to get back with Arizona?

    also, I wasn’t clear on the helicopter scene. Was that supposed to be normal turbulence? (I’ve never been in a helicopter) I shut my eyes for the blood spray part but I was wondering if they were going to crash. 

    • Love 3
  9. I wish they wouldn’t focus on new interns. We are just getting back into having decent well paced story lines for the regulars. And I don’t find the intern comic relief funny (if that’s what the intention is, at this point I hardly pay attention to their scenes). 

    I was just getting to like Deluca and would have liked to see a story line...I don’t even know...anything that didn’t involve bringing in a long lost love. Can’t stand whatever her name is, and that’s just because I’m irritated about the whole storyline not because of the actress or anything. 

    Miranda Bailey used to be one of my favourite characters. Not so much any more.  No wonder Ben wants to run away and become a firefighter! I’ll miss him. I enjoyed his scenes with the other cast members. 

    I  did not know that this was the 300th episode. So the whole  throwback to past seasons and Meredith winning the award really got to me I teared up quite a few times! Without a lot of the other stuff (firefighters, orgasm doctors,) it felt like it could’ve been a series finale, and in fact at one point I wondered what the heck was going on, thinking maybe I somehow missed something! Even though I complained a lot earlier in my post, I really enjoyed this episode, and I’m enjoying this season SO much more than the last few. 

    • Love 6
  10. Terry Brooks with the Shannara series. Just too many, and the stories and writing devolved. Which kinda breaks my heart because my late mom read me the sword and elf stones as a child and instilled in me the love of reading and Sifi/fantasy.  And Terry Goodkind and the Sword of Truth Series. Again, just to many with the devolvment of story and characters. And then there’s Auel. And that’s “all” I have to say about that!!

    • Love 3
  11. I like Owen, and I really enjoyed this episode. I’m glad the wrapped up the sister storyline because I didn’t want it to interfere with the regulars’ arcs anymore. As someone said upthread, my Bold prediction is that Own And April get together. They have a history, (platonic) and I for one would enjoy that romantic storyline/pairing. 

  12. I didn't know Moore would be making an appearance on the show and while I really enjoyed him as a character, (when he was a regular) having him appear in this episode really jolted me out of my show experience.  I felt like the whole part with he and Garcia was unnecessary and forced.  Having the team mention him every so often, or even having Garcia go off screen to have a phone conversation with him would be better than having him on screen for a few minutes of long drawn out dialogue that doesn't mean anything.  I just kept thinking that it would have been better to show us Garcia developing relationships with the many cast members we already have available.  Maybe Prentiss could be more of a "mothering" character, or Reid more of a "Brother" character or really any of them could have been shown caring and comfort and relationship development. Anyways, just my thoughts.

    The unsub...meh.  I remember the original episode, and I wasn't very impressed with this sequel.  Why do they bother??  It kind of fell flat for me.  As others have mentioned, I too loved Rossi at the end!  So triumphant!

    • Love 7
  13. I enjoyed this episode mostly because I like the episodes that show smart women in interesting careers. I know this is a half hour comedy but I wish they would portray Penny more in her chosen field, in a positive manner.  I even miss seeing her in the Cheesecake Factory just a little bit because at least it showed her holding down a job, taking (or trying to) care of herself. 

    Loved the interaction between Amy and Howard, it doesn’t happen often and it freshened up the show a bit. 

    • Love 2
  14. 5 hours ago, Andie1 said:

    I never find good dancing boring.  I find some dances tedious who hide behind troupe members or costumes boring, but I never find dance itself boring. The problem I find is that some of these "dark horses" have so little dance content in their routines that their pros do all the heavy lifting giving texture to the piece that it isn't about the dancing at all.   When someone can really dance, that for me is joyous.  

    I guess "boring" is the wrong word, because I do like to watch good dancing.  What I meant to convey is that for me, in the context of watching this show, I know that Jordon would dance a good dance and get good scores and not get voted off.  I don't watch this show for the fantastic dance (although I enjoy it when I see it), I watch it to see if the people I like do well, do poorly, or stay or go.

  15. It still boggles my mind that Victoria can dance that well at all while not being able to feel her feet!  With that being said, I was surprised at her high score.  I didn't think the dance warranted it.  Vanessa -meh.  Lindsey -I very much enjoyed her foxtrot.  Nick -I know he's not a great dancer but I really enjoyed his dance this episode.  Drew -finally, a dance he seemed to "fit".  I love the progress he continues to show.  Sasha -for me, I did not enjoy this Rumba.  It looked stiff and awkward.  (I was surprised that she got eliminated though, I thought it would have been Nick). Terrel -Meh.  I fast forwarded.  Frankie -I thought he did a great job.  For someone who has little to no dance experience I think he is doing great and, like Drew, I enjoy seeing his improvements.  If it wasn't for those two this season I would be so bored.  Jordon -he's good, I'll give him that but I forwarded through most of his dance because I knew He'd get high scores.  Boring.  Nikki -I actually forgot about her and had forwarded through her dance trying to get to the elimination before I realized it.  Didn't bother to go back.  Over all for this season I'm just hoping to start connecting more with some of the remaining dancers.  This season seems a little "off" for some reason?

    • Love 2
  16. Riverdale is my guilty pleasure.  I'm glad Luke Perry is still in because he's the reason I decided to try the show out in the first place.  Looking forward to season two.  I'm thinking that the big reveal about Betty having a brother out there somewhere might play a part in this season??  

    This first episode was decent.  Like others, I could have forgone the "sexy shower scene".  It just made me roll my eyes and fast forward.  Some eye rolling also ensued at the end when Archie was guarding the door with a bat.  I mean, really? But over all looking forward to the next episode.

    • Love 1
  17. I liked it. I did have trouble focusing for the first half and was a little confused at what was going on, but I thought the second half was good enough to bring me back for subsequent episodes. And I like David B, so I'm hoping the season is engaging for me. 

    • Love 3
  18. I didn't get to watch this episode but I'm sorry to hear Debbie is gone. I would have liked to see her improve throughout the season. I think she would have been really good and would have added to the show. I get tired of seeing dancers hang in there while never improving. 

  19. I like Debbie, but she, Nikki and Lindsey kind of blend together for me. No one stands out. 

    Barbara- She looked like she was really enjoying the dance this time around. I personally like Keo a lot. I hope he gets another chance to dance next season. 

    Nick and Peeta - BORING. 

    Drew and Terrel's height difference is so distracting to me I can't even try to enjoy their dances. I don't remember this being such an issue for me in previous seasons.  Hoping for more dances from Drew though. 

    Vanessa and Maks -  at this point I was wondering why I was even watching this season. Don't care for her and I'm hoping this changes. Maybe when Nick gets booted. 

    Frankie - I'm in love! And I also thought he did a really good job. One person so far that I'm looking forward to seeing growth and improvement. 

    Sasha and Gleb - boring

    Victoria- amazing story. Will become repetitive if she stays throughout the season. I love her energy though. 

    Derek- I really enjoyed his dance last week, so was looking forward to this week. I felt kind of disappointed That i didn't really like his dance.

    Jordan- am I the only person who is ambivalent about him? He has a lot of presence and is obviously comfortable in front of an audience. I feel like Lindsay made him look good. I'm looking forward to seeing more content to see if he wows me the way he's wowing everybody else. 

    Now im off to read the next thread and find out what happened  on Tuesday night because my PVR didn't record it. Boo!

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