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Posts posted by apbr

  1. I can't understand why this show equates a kiss with actually sleeping with someone.  Am I just old fashioned?  I'm pretty sure I wouldn't break up or get a divorce over a kiss (unless it happened a lot) but I would over sexcapades.  Also, it's obvious betrayals of Steffi are much more important (and much worse) than betrayals of Hope.  What a wah baby Steffi is although she thought Hope should just suck it up.  All of her arguments of why Liam should choose her over Hope seem not to apply to Hope in the same situations.  She deserves Bill! 

    Liam should have stuck with Sally.

    • Love 9
  2. Actually, I think I'm done with this show.  The "other good guys" are as bad as the real "bad guys" and I'm sick of them.  They have little experience but more arrogance than any one on the Arrow's team.

  3. 23 hours ago, Perkie said:

    But here's the sticking point for me.  Yes Sam thought Drew was Jason (and for all intents and purposes, he was until SBu decided to come back).  And yet, during that time, he wasn't behaving in a Jason fashion.  He did everything humanly possible to distance himself from Sonny and the business, though he kept getting dragged back in.  He talked to Sam about moving to a smaller, quieter, less violent town and they made plans but she changed her mind because she couldn't leave the coven behind.  And from the time they were married, Sam was his number one.  Not Sonny.  Not Carly.  Not Michael.  Sam.  

    So while she might have gone into the relationship because she thought he was THE Jason, the relationship changed and she fell in love with the NEW Jason, which in essence, is Drew.  While I think she will always love Jason, she's no longer IN love with Jason.  She's IN love with Drew.  

    If that's the case, then it's a really dumb way to end things.

    Laura:  "Hey Alexis, I think you should run for mayor"

    Gone to France.  



    YES!  They had that whole mess about Sam being willing to kill Sonny to get "Jason" away from him and the mob business so, to me, the perfect solution is for her to be with Drew who is, more or less, Jason without mob stuff.  It follows the former storylines for her quite nicely.  It's stupid that Sonny and Carly, et al, keep telling her she doesn't need to "sacrifice" her happiness because she really loves Jason and just feels sorry for Drew. 

  4. 9 hours ago, dubbel zout said:

    Everyone is always worse than Sonny, even if they do the exact same thing. (Which they sometimes do.) It's one of the worst things about this fakakta show.

    The GH motto.

    I agree.  Everyone is forgivable except Ava.  Everyone gets away with everything, except Ava.  As far as Sonny and  Valentin, et al, all I can figure out, is that GH thinks that like Clay Allison, they never killed (or had killed) a man who didn't need it.

    • Love 3
  5. 17 minutes ago, Maelstrom said:

    Hot damn, that was awesome today! I'm thrilled they're finally letting SC act, let alone in such a meaty storyline with DD. Even knowing it was coming that punch about floored me, too. What an abusive, cold-hearted megalomaniacal bastard $Bill is. It's about time the show acknowledged it. I hope Liam sees this through to the end. And if he can dump Steffy along the way (sooner rather than later) then I will be one happy viewer.

    Kudos to SC and DD for making me actually want to see more!


    Looks to me like they're painting $Bill into such a tight corner that about the only that that will redeem him is the diagnosis of a brain tumor.

    • Love 4
  6. On ‎5‎/‎5‎/‎2017 at 7:06 AM, BaseOps said:

    Yea, Bailey has been Chief since last season. Remember, Owen's sister was never found. The helicopter that she was on disappeared. So while they assume she's dead they've never had it confirmed either way.

    I agree.  I think Owen's sister/Riggs' wife may show up alive to put a monkey wrench in the Meredith-Riggs hookup.  That may be the reason they sort of rushed them together or whatever.

  7. I noticed that a lot of y'all don't like Chloe.  She must've been a real piece of work during the hiatus I took from the show.  I can take her or leave her EXCEPT she keeps explaining that her problem is with Demos, not Nicole, but everyone just ignores that part and never addresses her concerns.  Is this bad writing or are the other characters so self-involved that they don't even hear her?  I always listened to my friend's thoughts about anyone I was dating and I found that if they didn't like him or saw some flaw, they were usually right.  It never hurts to step back and see him through their eyes.  Nicole needs to take that advice.

    • Love 1
  8. I don't understand some of you guys.  Why cancel GH?  Just turn the channel and stop watching!  They would just replace it with another "lifestyle" or "talking head" show and there are way too many of those now.  I'm sorry to admit it, but GH is better than a lot of the stuff on and I'd rather watch it than another Chew or something.

    • Love 10
  9. I got behind and skipped some pages, so sorry if this has already been discussed) but why doesn't Theresa just fake her death?  That way she wouldn't be stuck in Mexico with someone she hates and there would be no reason for Drug Cartel Guy to go after Brady or Tate.

    Just sayin!

    • Love 4
  10. On ‎8‎/‎17‎/‎2016 at 0:32 PM, LexieLily said:

    How are we supposed to find this charming that Franco broke into Liz's car and hid in her backseat waiting for her to get off shift to talk to her? That's how all the Lifetime movies start.

    I don't need to comment on Franco doing this because so many already have, but ... when I was pretty young I saw a movie where a guy hid in the backseat of a car and strangled the woman who got in the front seat.  I'm now 62 years old and I NEVER get in my car, especially if I'm alone and/or it's after dark, until I have checked the backseat, and I live in a small town.  Am I the only paranoid female out here?  How can so many "soap women" be so naïve even after tons of marriages, kidnappings, rapes, etc.?

    • Love 10
  11. I know this is late to the conversation but I still don't understand what is so scandalous about Caroline and Ridge not broadcasting that Thomas was the father of the baby.  It wasn't anyone else's business.  As adoptive parents, DH and I have never introduced our child as our "adopted son" but only as "our son."  He is treated the same as any other child of ours and will inherit as if he was born to us.  What's the scandal?  Family might think it was scandalous that Thomas didn't know at first that he was the father, but the general public is not entitled to know that fact.  As far as the public is concerned, Thomas agreed from the beginning to let Ridge and Caroline raise Douglas as their own.

    • Love 6
  12. 5 hours ago, Asp Burger said:

    I missed some of Friday's show because of a news bulletin about Turkey, but I kind of liked what I saw. I really like the temp Maxie, and she's wearing the hell out of that dress. Just an ordinary work outfit for her, and it puts to shame not only anything I can remember the KS Maxie wearing but also the fancy duds we saw on the women at the Nurses' Ball. 

    Still interested in Dillon and the Keekster. They have not palled on me. I was willing to put up with Morgan and Darby in the scene because I thought D/K were the real story.

    Did Morgan mutter that he really wants Aaron to like him and not think he got the job just because of nepotism? I wasn't interested enough to rewind it at the time. Aaron is going to be Morgan's boss? 

    Curtis is always a good time, and he and the Maxie actress worked well together.  

    I keep liking Maura West more and more. She really sold that bit about knowing a lot of criminals and Nikolas not being one. Of course, she hasn't seen all the episodes we've seen where he had people shot. I mean..."You made a mistake, and that led to another, and another, and another"...it was well delivered, but when you think about the words, that could describe OJ Simpson, for Christ's sake.    

    I also thought ER/Lulu and GF/Laura did as well as anyone could have with the reactions to seeing Nikolas. I hand-waved the absurdity of it all and just accepted the emotion and sincerity they gave their performances. In other words, for a couple minutes, it was classic soap. Remember those?  

    I kind of love the TV convention (not just soaps) of people getting together for lunch or dinner and never eating anything, and often never even ordering (Claudette/Nathan). Maybe if they get together for drinks, the drinks will be served, but they often get up and leave them when the scene has made its point. In the Woody Allen movie The Purple Rose of Cairo, the hero of a '30s adventure movie steps off the screen and into the real world, and later the heroine joins him on the screen in his movie, and there are a lot of clever things done with the rules of the different realms (he knows how to drive a car but not how to start one, because he never starts the car in the movie; she finds their "romantic night on the town" over almost as soon as it began, because in the movie world, such things only happen in montage).  If we entered the TV world, we'd probably be starving! 

    I'm with you, Asp Burger, especially as to Curtis and Ava.  Each of them seems to work well with just about anyone.  Love Laura getting her mojo back and her pairing with Kevin is one of the few highlights lately.  Give me more Curtis, Ava, Laura and Kevin!  Tired of Morgan.  It amazes me that he can be bossy and whiny at the same time.  I also like Kiki better with Dillon than anyone else they've tried.  The "Sonny Family" is boring and, even though I loved the Alexis scenes (NLG was amazing), adding Sonny kind of made her boring also.  Know it's unpopular to like RoHo but he's definitely one of my favorites.  Please retcon his present story to make him anyone, ANYONE, other than Franco.  Maybe it could turn out that the reason he doesn't look like Franco is because he ISN'T Franco.  Come on writers, give this man a story that he can sink his teeth into!  I also like Finn (always have liked ME) and Griffin.  Will miss Anna ...

    • Love 7
  13. 2 hours ago, pianogirl73 said:

    Who has the kind of conversation Steffy had with Eric with their grandfather. That is nasty!

    No kidding!  I don't about the rest of you guys but I swear my parents only had sex twice and that resulted in my brother and I.  As far as my grandparents are concerned .... must've been immaculate conceptions.   Of course, I am over 60 now so I'm sure a lot of this has changed but just the thought of discussing sex with parents or grandparents is just UGH!

    • Love 4
  14. 18 hours ago, JBC344 said:

    I was curious about that as well.  From what I understood and I could be wrong, couples do/used to get blood tests to rule out genetic probabilities of being related under the theory that they would have children one day.  Mark from Dishin Days was saying he and his husband didn't have to get one but I wasn't sure if that was because they were two men and that was something that would be omitted when gay couples wed or if it was something that was abolished for all couples?

    When I was married in 1987, one of the reasons they gave us for requiring blood tests was to make sure we had either had or been inoculated against German measles, which can be deadly.  I don't know if the Deputy County Clerk knew what she was talking about or not, but figured it couldn't hurt.

  15. 20 hours ago, P3pp3rb1rd said:

    In the previews, we finally catch a glimpse of Margarethe, the other hench person who is after the valuable vase. What's this? Is the Amazon Margarethe a cameo appearance of Tony Geary in a blond wig?

    She looked like Camilla Parker Bowles to me.

    • Love 5
  16. 2 hours ago, Waldo13 said:

    What is this shit now with Thomas having to tell the truth. I'll tell you the truth, Thomas, Caroline wanted a shoulder to cry on, not a dick in her hooch. Caroline certainly was RAPED, so what spin are you going to put on that truth.  You expect Caroline to go along with it being complicit making her look like a complete hussy. Caroline, think about how many Facebook followers you will loose. That should snap you back to reality. 

    I don't like it, but I'm hoping that when she said to let everyone know who Douglas' father REALLY is, she means to say Thomas, the guy who slept with anyone who breathed, is REALLY a rapist who took advantage of her.  He wasn't there FOR HER he was there FOR HIMSELF!  Todd was reviled for raping Marty but he chose to admit he raped her and at least attempted to atone for it.  Thomas thinks it means he was helping her because Ridge "dumped" her and he (Thomas) did NOTHING wrong.  What a jerk!

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