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Posts posted by KatebytheSea

  1. On 9/27/2019 at 1:22 PM, BluegrassDCCFan said:

    Pretty, look good in the uniform, can be hidden in the formations/choreo, speak well in public? (Guesses)

    I do think those are some reasons. I remember back in S7 with Emily: one of the things brought up about her was she was "really pretty." She was only on DCC for one season, maybe by choice, maybe by suggestion, but she had trouble the entire TC for not getting DCC style. 

    I just know there's some reason they released Madeline, Shaina (and others) from TC but kept Kat, Meredith and Lily whom DCC:MTT are showcasing as weak. (And yes, we know there's a drama element to the hyping of the underdogs too.) I just wish they'd show us as the viewers more of what the reasons and reasoning were for keeping them were. 

    • Love 2
  2. I know there's a ton more that happens during TC than we ever get to see, but I'm really confused as to how Kat, Meredith and Lily made the squad. They keep getting the lowest scores from the guest choreographers, and Meredith doesn't seem to get DCC style at all. I know she wants to be a DCC, but that doesn't mean she's able to do the routines. I sometimes wish CMT would show all the girls better so I understand more why someone like Madeline (who I thought looked pretty good) got cut and Meredith didn't. 😞

    • Love 12
  3. Observation: I have seasons 3 through current season as its unfolding, and I've been watching through those early seasons. Man, it's amazing how different the those auditioning are now than in S3. I remember Crystal Trevino's audition, and she just danced in place. (Just using her as an example, not bashing her. Many others did as well.) Now we watch DCC auditions and they're so different!

    All the women through the years can dance, I know that. It just seems the expectation right from the get-go is tougher than before. Interesting to watch the evolution!

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  4. On 9/7/2019 at 3:20 PM, Lexusprincess said:

    And last Kashara, please come back.  I don't care if she did gain a few pounds.  She's such a bright light out there and who you want to watch.  What she said about bringing the joy, that's what made her a good point.  I hope she does more with working with the strugglers.  It really showed how much Meredith needs to up her game.  I also love Kash can speak.  I look at the two points and wonder who they can use on show group performances to be the talking head. Both Amy and Maddie seem great leaders and great teachers just not speakers.  Jenn A and Kashara are natural speakers. 

    I'm with you, in that I really like KaShara. She's such a genuine person; engaging, personable and exudes a true joy of spirit. She's definitely gained weight since she retired, but getting down to the DCC weight was always a struggle for her. She came in as a Rookie heavier than she was during her main DCC years. 

    I also like her accent for it's unique charm. Accents are disappearing as media in all its forms is the great blender. I hope DCC finds a place for her in their support ranks.

    • Love 11
  5. I liked this episode as well, and agree with many that the cuts have been quicker this year.

    I think it's taken a few seasons for Kelli and Judy to adjust their expectations on what dancers of such excellence can accomplish in a few months. I say that because for the majority of their career, they've had good and extremely good dancers in TC. Now they're getting all extremely good. That must make it difficult to cut people, because girls of that caliber can get better fairly quickly. Personally, I don't think Ashley Pro, Breelan among others would have made the squad if they'd auditioned in S11 and beyond. JMO!

    I like the quicker cuts. Don't let these girls work the entire summer then get cut.

    I liked Charmed and her professional approach to critiquing the girls. Her comment that the last group of 4 on stage should have been watching all the other groups and done much better on their try was excellent.

    • Love 4
  6. 7 hours ago, Teriyaki Terror said:

    I knew Amy and Maddie were sharing point, I just didn't realize they were sharing it in the same performance. 

    I like the point of view we have on this video.

    You know, when you watch that, these dancers are pretty impressive. All those boots going up and coming down at the same time at the same height. Very nice. All that work paid off, ladies! Brava! 👏

    • Love 4
  7. 1 hour ago, scorpio1031 said:

    It's hard to tell if it's worth trying out.  Some girls just never make it to TC, but then you have girls like Kelli Q who tried out how many times and finally made it.  And it's frustrating to watch in the older seasons cause you see who they take to TC - like Breelan over Kelli and you wonder what was the deciding factor.  Now that I have finally seen Hannah in old eps, I can say it was her kicks.  There is that one gal who tried out for her 7th time this year, and she made it to TC for the first time in several years.  

    Sometimes I wonder if the judges are thinking, hey she's back - let's see if she has improved or oh, she's back, why is she here.

    Thanks! I remember Kelli saying something re: Kelly like, wow, she just wasn't on our radar. For some reason others outshined her before.

    Auditioning for DCC depends on the likes/passes of several different people, and I think some girls just don't get noticed. Some eventually do, but lots of other really good dancers just don't. 

    • Love 1
  8. Question for anyone: I know that Alexandra didn't make the squad, and it was touted on the show that she'd spend 5 years working to perfect her technique etc. DCC:MTT obviously has showed the cut yet, and I imagine she was devastated. Anyone had any idea if she'll try again next year, or was this year it, like with little Amy? 

    I know Christina tried out for 5 or 6 years before she made it. Brennan was at least 3. Just wondering. I feel bad she didn't make the squad (yet) after trying for so long. She's obviously on Kelli's radar. 

    • Love 1
  9. 18 hours ago, FutureDCC said:

    Yes! Ashley's cut in particular seemed VERY abrupt. I knew it was coming (I'm already spoiled) but the way they went about it seemed.. off. Not even a warning or prior convo about kicks.. just got the axe. Which is extra weird because they've praised her in past episodes for her dance, look, and being liked by her teammates. Usually they give at least a little time to see improvement. I'm wondering if there's more that we just didn't see.

    There's definitely a lot more going on than we see, so it probably wasn't as abrupt as it appeared to us. In 8 weeks of TC, there's only so much they can squeeze into a 42 minute show. I just wish CMT would edit it better so it didn't look so abrupt. *sigh* wishful thinking.

    • Love 4
  10. I haven't watched the episode yet, but maybe CMT put the nail shop scene in to show another way some girls get a place to stay during TC. If the nail place is a usual DCC haunt like the hair salon, the employees know the DCCs, even TCCs. Though it seemed random, usually these things aren't, as we all know.

    Cutting girls mid-practice seems curt and too abrupt. I'll have to see when I watch it, though! 

    • Love 3
  11. 1 hour ago, scorpio1031 said:

    I know!!  Wouldn’t that prove getting on the squad was your first priority?

    Don't know that I'd say that. I think the girls want to be onboard with whatever DCC throws at them. They know the show is being made. The girls may choose "yes" because they want to be seen as team players, down for anything the organization is involved with. Maybe some think opting out could be viewed as not being on board with all that DCC offers. Who knows! lol 

    • Love 1
  12. 38 minutes ago, Tootie said:

    Jennifer A was 2nd GL (to Emma) in her 2nd year...

    Thanks for the correction. It's still pretty good to get 2nd GL in a normal year. I mean, Heather got it after the fallout with Holly and Erica leaving. And while still great, it was by default.  

  13. 50 minutes ago, laney said:

    I totally agree! I was watching her rookie season on Pluto and didn’t even see her in the background. She must not have signed on for them to feature her. 

    Do the girls do that? Sign on to be featured? I thought anyone auditioning signed a blanket clause that allowed CMT to use whatever footage they chose to. (Or were you kidding... 😳 It's difficult to tell when typing. 😄 )

  14. 46 minutes ago, scorpio1031 said:

    Leader of Group 3 in her 5th year.  Just saw that on Pluto:)

    Thanks for the info. 🙂

    When you think that Jennifer Amburn was GL in her 2nd year, 5 years seems a long time for Jenna to wait to become a GL. But then, I don't agree with Kelli when she said she expected all DCCS should be "leaders." I think they're examples, but that doesn't translate to being a leader.

    • Love 2
  15. 1 hour ago, TB12 said:

     I do not think Amanda is  very pretty is she blonde with a greatcfigure yes but I think she’s kind of weird looking in her eyes. Not trying to be mean but everyone raves about her look. Also I don’t think this is Meredith's best angle she looks old and harsh & as my mama would say it must be nice to be perfect, I am not, but I’m also not a DCC & will see myself out now.... 🙂 

    Just goes to show that people are attracted to different looks. I think Amanda's gorgeous. She doesn't have standards features, but I think that's what makes her unique and eye-catching. Those large eyes, her cupids bow mouth are great. 😊

    • Love 14
  16. Question: I know Victoria K is a DCC legacy. What is the name of the other legacy that is auditioning this year? I forgot.

    Just an observation: I looking at the 2015 Rookie Group, Amy Leonall was not the one I would have pegged for a 5th year DCC. I would have thought Holly (before the fallout), Robin, maybe Stephanie. Guess I just didn't think it would be Amy. People surprise you!  😊

    • Love 4
  17. On 8/24/2019 at 8:54 PM, BraelynnJ said:

    Gina Marie seems like a sweet girl but she is way in over her head and I see her getting cut soon. She is just not picking it up.

    I love Amanda. She has the ability to learn this and make the team. I have loved her since her solo.

    I really like Gina Marie, but also think she's on the cut line. She seems overwhelmed. If she does get cut, I hope she'll come back next year. She's adorable.

    I also really like Amanda. She gets right down in there and makes it work.

    Kelli said the personality/character test would help in sizing up the girls' potential and leadership skills. I'm wondering if the whole Jenna situation brought this on, or if they've done it all along. I think it was telling that Jenna wasn't made GL1 leader till her 6th year. I think she was a 2nd GL in previous years, but it was almost like they needed to honor her time there and made her GL1. Now maybe they're retooling their management style to put people in leadership positions who are actually leaders and not followers.

    Kat is interesting to me. Came in with lots of confidence (kinda like VK last year), yet seems like its going to be a challenge to get the DCC style under her belt. I'll be watching with interest!

    • Love 2
  18. I like Maddie M and her little hip-hop self. She seems genuinely nice and down to earth, and she doesn't overdo her make up like a lot of the girls. That gives her brownie points in my book. 

    (Warning: Unpopular opinion): I also like Christina. She fell flat in her interview, total yup, but she worked darn hard to make DCC, and like Kelli said back in S9, they're going to the turf with their strongest girl and their weakest, and everyone in between. If Christina were total crap, Kelli wouldn't have her on the squad, so in their "total package" world, she must bring additional qualities to the table that the organization values.

    I might like VK better this year. She seems more genuine, but since DCC:MTT isn't shoving her down our throats (yet), I don't know if her attitude has changed. Her dancing appears great but her makeup is atrocious. Someone, give that girl a helping hand!

    • Love 12
  19. 14 hours ago, Mardo2044 said:

    Milan talked about (unnamed but I'm sure it was Kitty) being a complete b about her not trying out for showgroup, really pressuring her, saying plenty do school and showgroup to the point she was crying and guilt ridden.  Editing made it look more like they just didn't know and "of course school is important"   I guess Kitty is a b because she wants to be.  

    Ah, that's an unfortunate situation for Milan. That's a lot of pressure to deal with, especially for one so young. Often they don't now how to deal with it. 

    And yeah, Kitty is who she is. She's found what works for her and goes with it, no apologies or regrets, I'm sure. And while she must be a good teacher, for the girls to go to her, I can't help feeling she'd been even more successful if her manner wasn't so volatile. But then, she doesn't seem to be wanting for clients, so...  

    • Love 3
  20. I know many find Kitty entertaining and enjoy her critiques. I like someone who gives an honest opinion on the routines, but have always found Kitty to be unnecessarily rude, harsh and coarse. While I wish she'd just give a constructive critique in a professional manner, I long ago realized that just isn't Kitty! 😄  

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