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Posts posted by McKinezeInFloMnd

  1. Wow, they asked that one rookie finalist who the First Lady of the United States is, and she had no clue. I'm sorry, but that should be an automatic disqualifier...how could you be that removed from current events. That's exponentially worse than not knowing who the NFL Commissioner is, or how many yards are on a football field. I once knew this girl that could not point to where Texas is on a map of the United States. Not knowing the First Lady. is like K&J asking a candidate whats that round yellow ball in the sky that produces heat and light and rises and sets daily. Sorry ma'am I'm not sure. but I would like to say Go Cowboys!

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  2. My take on Training Camp and recent events.

    Christina - I love Christina, if she has the technical ability worthy of a spot on this squad, I really hope she makes it. 

    Dayton - Someone a few pages back said and I paraphrase "Dayton wouldn't be receiving the airtime she has got on MTT if it weren't for her being a legacy" - I actually look at this in a different way. Imagine you're the CMT Producer of MTT, its an obligation to tell that unique and heartwarming story. To not focus on that would be robbing us as fans of the show. Plus Dayton seems full of humility anyways. I'm not just saying that because to my amazement Shelly actually posts here, again I'm new to this board.

    Heather H. - Wow I'm dying to know why she was cut...I hope they focus on that. Thought she was perfect for the squad. 

    Jenna & Holly - Wow where to begin. First, whatever got both of them dismissed from the Canton, Ohio trip had to be related. Can't see them both randomly running into rules violations at the same time to warrant that punishment. So my theory per the rumors out there is that they were at a Bar or Club that is frequented by Cowboys players.  This probably is further backed up by Jenna's recent insta post with her boyfriend who is tagged in the photo to dispel that she's dating a Cowboys player. K&J had the hard evidence and confronted Jenna and Holly about it and informed them they would not be attending the HOF trip with the Vets. This is where it looks as if Jenna and Holly take two different paths on how to handle this devastating news. Jenna handles it like an adult and goes back to The Star to assist rookies. Holly on the other hand threatens to quit . My theory is both were put on probation and not dismissed from the team.

    Here is where things get weird for K&J, isn't Holly friends with Charlotte's daughter? That certainly throws a wrinkle into this whole situation. So K&J are not idiots by any means, at this point they both have to escalate that up the chain of command to Charlotte with their recommendations and have her make the decision on Holly. I again theorize that K&J never intended to dismiss Jenna and Holly from the team. They built up probably enough equity to avoid the "zero tolerance"  atmosphere that is DCC. Holly's official DCC Twitter handle is still active as I post this, which makes me believe there's a good chance she'll be back.

    The ironic part about this whole thing is that controversy only increasing your exposure in reality TV land. If CMT covers this whole thing with cameras about Jenna & Holly they'll probably quadruple their Twitter and Instagram followers. There is rarely bad PR in reality television. Holly should have just gone with the flow it would have probably benefited her career immensely.

    I really hope Jenna and Holly are back officially on this squad. It just wouldn't be the same without them. If Holly could read this, please apologize to K&J and continue being a fan favorite on the sidelines this year.

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  3. New to this board, but concerning Holly's status in Training Camp, are we all overlooking the obvious on her Tweet reply to the former Dallas Cowboys player Shaun Smith on July 26th. I thought that comment was a little "snarky" if you will. Shaun Smith initially tweeted out a video of her dropping her pom at some event. The Tweet by Shaun Smith was weird granted and he did tweet it to her personal Twitter handle(weird) along with the DCC official twitter account. Again her reply I thought was unprofessional, especially to a former Cowboys player. I'm going to assume that probably didn't sit well with K&J, and is probably a rules violation? Then less than 48 hours later the Holly is missing posts start happening...hmmm not a real believer in coincidences. 

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