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  1. They did. A few sessions at least. According to Kyle, his unwillingness to engage in it was a sign he wasn't fighting for the marriage as per the After Show. "Clearly if you want something to work, you have to do the work. And I didn’t see that being done. I think Mau thought, “I’m always nice to you.” And that’s not doing the work. That’s being nice to me. You’re a nice person. I’m the mother of your children. But doing the work, you know, I just don’t know if he has it in him. Or wants to. Not doing the work is what I mean when I say not fighting for the marriage. When it actually did crumble, you know, and we separated, we finally went to therapy but there was an agreement that he would go to therapy on his own, then we’d do therapy together, and I would go on my own. And he just decided not to do that." Mauricio's been in Aspen breaking his clavicle, taking shirtless selfies on hikes, and hanging with PK. Kyle has been in Teddi's hospital room every day (and some overnights) and Morgan's been touring. Kyle talks much more comfortably about inevitability of divorce now. "I mean, I’m not the first person to get divorced. I mean, people get divorced but like, last week was my twenty-ninth wedding anniversary. I mean, we’re not together but you know, this is a lot of years that we’ve spent together." "It doesn’t bring me happiness to say my marriage didn’t work out and I’m moving on. But I’m happy that I’m in a place where I can at least say, okay, we should have these conversations. They’re not easy to have but decisions need to be made and I’m clear now." Her dogs are rescues and she has had training with them. She's literally posted about it on Instagram before. If you're referring to the woman who came with Kyle, that was Jenn. She's one of Kyle's absolute closest friends, works with Teddi, and sometimes helps Kyle out as an assistant with events and things like her Amazon Live.
  2. I completety respect everyone here, so I'm sorry if my phrasing comes across as if I don't. I also believe my information is accurate. When you say some posters have LIVED through these experiences, you do understand that I am also a part of this community, right? I'm a lesbian. I'm not out due to having an incredibly homopobic family, but I'm not immune to the sensitivity of this discussion nor is my opinion inherently invalid nor am I relying on unreliable social media for my takes. The reason I referred to cosplaying was because I was asking if your primary issue was people outside the community 'pretending' (using your words this time) to be inside of it for attention. I wasn't saying it was okay or making excuses. Without labelling anyone, I could not be more confident that Morgan is queer and that Kyle possibly is as well based on their own words (Kyle's) and history (Morgan). And if that IS the case, or even if only Morgan is, which was the point of what I was saying, does that change your opinion on the interpretation of the music video, a piece of art in which they were acting?
  3. Can I ask something. Without labelling either of them (becuase they haven't chosen to do so) would your perspective change if either or both were queer? The crux seems to be that you have an issue with people outside the community cosplaying for attention, right? Also, does it matter that it's a music video as opposed to just a real-life pretence? The video was shot in early June. They were making fun of rumours that DID exist. From late 2022, there were a handful of Reddit threads speculating about them and occasional social media comments. The vast majority were more curiosity at how bizarre and tight their friendship seemed to be, but there were occasional comments more serious too. However, none of this appeared on Bravo blogs or in the mainstream media until late June, a week before the separation news, and THAT is what made the difference. As Kyle said at the reunion, they wouldn't have done the music video after that. Morgan's vision for the music video was always this, but Kyle as the other actor was a much later addition. Again, if your primary issue is that they're straight, I think it's pretty safe to say that they're not, IMO...
  4. Kyle and Morgan were friends first. Kyle discovered her music in around August or September 2021 and followed her on Instagram. She also tagged her in her IG stories, which caused Morgan to DM her. Then they became friends. However, yes, quite quickly, they seem to established a group chat containing Kyle, Morgan, Teddi and Jenn (who was also visible in the video from the hospital) and would send Wordle updates and the like through it. When Kyle first met Morgan in person in February 2022, Teddi, Jenn and Alexia were the other people there. Kyle is NOT trying to pretend she doesn't exist. She answered Garcelle's direct question about the relationship in the first episode of this season, said she personally was choosing not to say her name, and we've seen no sign that she has refused to answer questions since. I'm sure if the cast had brought Morgan up, that would've made it onto the screen, after all. There's no hesitation from them in mentioning Morgan on the after show, and Kyle herself has discussed her on there twice as well. There's no pretending. Two days ago, she literally shared Teddi's IG story in which both she and Morgan appear, and she also shared footage from when she was in Nashville watching Morgan at the Ryman a few days earlier.
  5. She's not trying to pretend Morgan doesn't exist. In terms of the show itself, she has simply said that she's not saying her name because Morgan doesn't want to be talked about on it and doesn't want anything to do with it. She still occasionally posts about her on social media and comments on her posts, and they've done things like a charity event last year together. She has said she understood Garcelle's curiosity in Episode 1, answered the question as to whether they're a couple, and we've seen no evidence that anyone has even tried to bring Morgan up since, let alone that Kyle has shut it down. The thing with the Teddi situation is that Morgan is ALSO friends with Teddi - she's not there as Kyle's person. She's there because she's also been very close to Teddi over the past few years and clearly wants to support her. It's not hypocritical - it's two friends supporting a friend.
  6. How is she being hypocritcal in this instance? She's stated very clearly that Morgan does not want to be discussed and that they're not a couple - what else do you need her to answer and if that answer requires outing herself or another person,is that a fair expectation? In this instance, two of Teddi's close friends were simply with her as she went into surgery - not really a situation where anyone needs to be called hypocritical, IMO.
  7. I hope I'm okay to reply again? I really don't mean to cause a problem or further pain, so feel free to ignore if that is the case. I just want to say I'm so, so, so sorry that you've gone through all of that. I'm actually a lesbian and didn't realise until my thirties due to an extremely religious, homophobic upbringing full of comphet. Five years later, I'm still not out to anybody offline. So I understand, I do. I would like to point out that they didn't re-film them 'telling' their daughters about the separation. It wasn't intended to come across that way, I don't think - she even says onscreen that it's been weeks since the separation news and that it's an opportunity for them to ask any further questions or ask for clarity. She also spoke about it in an interview, saying when they sign on for the show, it does mean having to do certain things you don't want to, but that she checked with all her daughters and if ANY of them had had misgivings about filming that scene, she would've said no to doing it. It has been about two a half years since she showed up at the S12 reunion wearing her matching Tiffany ring (that Morgan also has) right below her engagement ring. By that point, she has also had a matching heart tattoo that "means something". This was nine months before the media or Bravo blogs ever really took a public look at their relationship or speculated it was the cause of the separation. When the actual questions started being asked, she denied they were in a relationship but all the quotes about her specifically questioning her sexuality, talking to her daughters about her new "feelings" and their acceptance, her position on speculating about those who aren't out, etc? That was all a couple of months ago, just before the new season aired. She hasn't backtracked from that position at all, and in fact seemed to be suggesting just last week that Garcelle telling her "be a lesbian if you want to be a lesbian" was specifically a reference to a private, deep conversation they'd had that meant a lot to Kyle. She's also said that some of the rumours weren't true but that some WERE. I don't think she's playing coy at all, and I think she's in a hard position (her hands are tied, she has said) because she is trying to speak to her own "journey" but also knows she can't speak for anyone else's sexual orientation (ie. Morgan's) so has to be careful how any of this is addressed because, at this point, the speculation around her sexuality is intrinsically linked to the speculation about the nature of her relationship with Morgan. And Morgan does NOT want that to be the case. She's 'pretending Morgan doesn't exist' because that is what Morgan wants. She is not out and her sobriety was almost threatened in the wake of the speculation in 2023. They still spend lots of time together (Kyle flew straight to Nashville after WWHL on Tuesday night and is still there) so she's trying to distance herself from the Morgan of it all, but not the question of sexuality, IMO. I totally understand why you have the position you have based on your own past experiences, and I have all the sympathy in the world for that, but for me, I would rather be proven wrong in what I'm saying now about Kyle than to publicly doubt her own words and invalidate the journey she says she's on. If anyone does have time and are interested, by the way, I did compile a document of the things Kyle has said about her sexuality - for reference. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1nC1SwVnSvYKHapZtf0GF2S8knnxrCuNuREX7XKc4SHY/edit?usp=sharing “I can only speak to myself, I'm not here to speak about anyone else's sexual orientation. A lot of things in this last couple years made me see things differently. I just realized that I had one way of thinking, the way I was raised, and was just on autopilot. And all of a sudden I was like, 'Wait, I have my own thoughts, my own feelings that have nothing to do with the way I was raised or what I was taught and it's okay.' Whether that's getting a tattoo at my age or whatever, my sexual orientation, it's okay. Which is why I wanted to have that conversation with my daughters too, because that's not how I was raised at all. I want my daughters to always be comfortable being whoever they are and know that they're loved and supported no matter what.”
  8. I'm not. But I'll bow out. Apologies.
  9. She never claimed to be a lesbian, so what is this 'fake lesbianism' that you speak of? Do you believe her that she talked to her daughters about her sexuality, about her changing feelings and what was "sparked" in her, and felt 'accepted' by them? If her conclusion after some time of 'questioning' was just 'yeah, am just straight' WHY did she have that conversation with them? And why did they then feel okay about teasing her about what was said? And why is she still speaking about her 'journey' and 'figuring things out' in the present tense? You think all of that is just a lie?
  10. I'm not sure what the BravoCon/Dorit situation has to do with anything? Clearly that wasn't the biggest issue Kyle had and I wish it wasn't the one highlighted so often because yes, that was a reach even if I think it was because it played into Kyle's existing feeling that Dorit was willing to publicly side with Kathy over her. Garcelle said prior to the season that she felt she and Kyle always had a very surface level friendship but she felt it had deepened because Kyle had confided in her more. If she takes those deeper conversations when Kyle is trying to build the friendship off-camera and uses them to score points or make a good scene, that sucks, IMO. Both of them have literally denied being in a relationship, though? Morgan has zero interest in being talked about in any way that is associated with Kyle publicly and related to the show, and even Kyle rarely posts when they spend time together (for example, Kyle is currently in Nashville - someone was on the same plane as her going straight from NYC to there Tuesday night, even though Morgan's concert isn't until Friday). Exactly what is being 'pretended'? I AM part of the community and I stand by what I said about how real people can't queerbait. Kyle has now talked quite a bit about questioning her sexuality and that journey for herself (being on autopilot and only realising these past few years that she has her own thoughts, beliefs and new feelings about things including her sexuality), so I'm not sure what's so unbelievable...
  11. Well, that would be incredibly cynical and a bit of a risk to take considering it wasn't just about an apology but something private about her sexuality. Not exactly comparable, IMO...
  12. I'm not making excuses. I'm explaining. Again, I would encourage you to look into the dangers of accusing real life people of queerbaiting. Also, I'm a lesbian (and therefore it's also my own community), so I'm not sure why my perspective is apparently so much less valid?
  13. She's not playing victim when she's asked about Morgan. In fact, she said she totally understood the curiosity and defended Garcelle's approach and questions in Episode 1 when asked about it. However, that's different than using a private conversation. We want real friendships on this show and that requires them to have trust and be able to share things without the expectation that it gets televised. Maybe it's naive to imagine that can still happen, but it's been the norm for RHOBH this entire run, so I'm not surprised that Kyle felt hurt. I think it's totally fine to accuse her of hypocrisy or double standards, but I'm not personally here for the way there's such an expectation that she shares information or definition of her sexuality that she's not willing or ready to share - completely regardless of what she shared privately or showed onscreen previously. The only time she has run away this season was about the text to PK - nothing to do with intrustion into her personal life regarding either Morgan or Mauricio. I'm sorry, this is 'evidence' of a romantic or sexual relationship? The photo on Kyle's lap, Morgan also posted photos of her on the laps of their other friends. One of these is a music video where they were acting. One is them taking a selfie. And one is a tattoo of a cowboy hat, which is something Kyle had an affinity for long before she ever met Morgan. The rings? Yes, I think they're indicative of *something* though I won't define it myself. Queerbaiting refers to what a creator does within media and does not apply to real life human beings. Literally, your definition above is about this. I would ask you to please look into this and the damage that can be done when people apply the same 'rules' - Kit O'Connor, Becky Albertalli, etc. People are being forced out of the closet or having to acknowledge their identities before they're sure, before they're ready, all because audiences feel 'entitled' based on the fact that they wrote a queer book or acted a queer character. Morgan does not feel people are entitled to information about her sexuality (although one ex-girlfriend has talked about her), and Kyle has talked openly about questoning her sexuality now. Who is pretending what exactly?! That celebration of life was a fundraiser by NAMI in honour of Kyle's friend a year after her passing. Like many such fundraiser, an artist performed a full set. In this case, Morgan sang more than two songs and also talked about her own history with mental health and suicidal ideation (things she has also written songs about - see The Night, The Night Part 2, 27 Club, etc). The two songs production chose to highlight are her two most famous and were written prior to knowing Kyle.
  14. According to the After Show, Tilly was initially meant to go, but they changed the schedule and she was overseas at the time instead. She told a story about her and Sutton losing Reba in Paris once, though! Kyle has said they've now had conversations about what to do with the house, and seem to be leaning towards leasing it rather than selling. She even commented that she and a friend had looked at a place that was smaller and she was taken aback by how big the water bill still was. She does still have five dogs, most of which are large, so she'll need outdoor space, even if not as many actual rooms inside. She also said that once Portia goes to college, she can't see herself living in LA full-time but probably between there, Aspen and maybe somewhere else.
  15. This is VERY VERY much a hypothetical, but if Kyle had said something to Garcelle about considering whether she might actually be a lesbian and then Garcelle says out loud on camera, "If you want to be a lesbian, be a lesbian", would that not be rather more pointed and feel more exposing to Kyle than how everyone has taken the comment? It's about trust to her, regardless, As with Sutton, it appears she wanted to deepen those relationships offscreen, confided in them about very personal things, and then they used those conversations, even if not overtly or explicitly, to try and get responses from her on camera.
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