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Posts posted by buckboard

  1. Re: timing of Pride Month in Palm Springs.  IRL, as someone else posted, it is in October/November, to avoid the heat of summer, but it does make more sense for it to be scheduled to conflict with graduation ceremonies.  (Which, BTW, were in May in Berkeley.)  TV calendaring to fit the plot.

    As for Kayla, she is a pain, but remember that she has her job because of her father and it would be almost impossible to fire her.  Besides, she is less obnoxious than in earlier seasons.  It was her inside knowledge about the proposed host's desire to star in a Fatty Arbuckle movie that lead to getting him removed from contention and Deborah getting the job.  (Again, TV imagination.  Fatty was, after all, quite heavy as opposed to the actor who wanted to play him.)

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  2. The producers deliberately hired Stockard Channing.  They wanted to show that there were people on the island from all over.  Channing has been performing in England and they thought she would be a good example of a character who had fallen in love with the charm of the Isle.  

    There were lots of unanswered questions -- besides the morphine -- about the storyline.  What exactly did the father know about his wife's double life?  What's going to happen with the house the sisters inherited?  Who went to the police about Channing's connection to the morphine that the mother took?

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  3. On 5/10/2024 at 7:28 PM, txhorns79 said:

    The New York County DA refrains from prosecuting because... their presence at the prosecutor table would immediately turn a case into a spectacle.   

    I think that was Baxter's point in taking on the case.  He is running in the election and wanted the publicity as he won the case.

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  4. Yes, it was stupid for Manny to slug Luke, but won't it come out in a trial why Manny was so angry with Luke, that Luke's trying to shut down Three Rock was just a personal vendetta?  That's not going to look good for his career in Cal Fire.  Why is Luke insisting on pressing charges when he knows Manny's reason behind hitting him?  Would Manny even be charged if Luke doesn't press charges?  And why was Three Rock the only camp that was going to be shut down and not any others, even after the townspeople tried to save it.

    Of course, now that Manny is going rogue, none of that will likely matter, as he will be considered guilty for fleeing.  Unless Bode, now free, goes after him and talks him into coming back for his daughter's wedding.  Oops, if that actually happens.  

    Danielg342, thank you for your graded reviews of the show.  They are well thought out and make watching the show - difficult as it may be at times to do - enjoyable or at least understandable.


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  5. 12 hours ago, tennisgurl said:

    I like Rebecca and Cam alright, especially Cam, but its hard not to be reminded that they're totally fictional characters in the middle of this true story so its not like they can have a big impact on the case, although Cam can at least represent actual cops who worked the case. 


    Cam is totally fictional, but Rebecca is based on a real person who is from that area and who spent time growing up with kids similar to the teenagers accused of the crime.  Before her death, the real Rebecca and the screenwriter spent a lot of time together and Rebecca shared her files about the crime and went over the script with her.  So her character is not all made up.


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  6. The more body parts the better!  What is it about this show, that they enjoy showing body parts, especially when the body is hacked up, like this episode or "The Meat Puzzle" or a stray limb or two found in the trash. 

    I can understand for plot purposes why they need to explain that the victim has been hacked up, but what pleasure do they think we get the audience gets when they keep showing us shots of the cut up body parts?  

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  7. When a white woman had a child with a black man, it was possible there was a loving relationship, but the couple couldn't be together because of the social mores of the times. With the first guest, additionally, the white woman was not only having an affair with a black man, but they were committing adultery, because he was  married.

    On the other hand, it's possible their relationship wasn't consensual.  The first guest never seemed to consider this possibility.  I suppose I wouldn't want to think that about an ancestor, either.

    In either possibility, it's understandable - however regrettable -  that the white woman would want to move away and eventually, give the child up for adoption. 

    (Consider how times change:  The mother of author James McBride ("Heaven & Earth Grocery Store"), a white woman, married a black man in the 1950s and after his father's death, his white mother raised him in a black neighborhood.)  And, also, this was New York, not Georgia.

    • Like 3
  8. shapeshifter, I was interested in the Rutgers angle because I went to graduate library school there.

    And like so many others, my grandfather had a story of avoiding army service.  I think the main difference between the Jewish and non-Jewish men was that long term mandatory service for Jewish men meant they would be away from home for decades and lose touch with their religion.  So my grandfather left the farm and followed his brother to New York.  Boy, was my grandfather po'd that the streets weren't paved with gold as his brother had promised.


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  9. It was a season finale, not the end of the show.

    Press release from Global:

    January 31, 2024 – ... Global announced that hit Canadian legal drama Family Law has been greenlit for a fourth season with 10 all-new episodes. Produced by SEVEN24 Films and Lark Productions, and created by Canadian award-winning author Susin Nielsen, Season 4 starts production in Vancouver this March.

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  10. Explain to me why Bode was arrested for bringing a lost girl back to the barracks.   And after the girl's mother thanked him, he was still handcuffed and taken into custody? 

     He didn't go off with her into the woods with her to look for the grandfather, he brought her to the authorities.  Then he helped the girl give information that led to the successful rescue of the grandfather.  How is this criminal activity?

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  11. On 3/13/2024 at 8:04 PM, DanaK said:

    I don’t understand how the school system doesn’t have a librarian program? Isn’t that a standard thing for schools?

    Sadly, librarians are one of the first positions to go when schools have financial problems.  

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  12. Countdown on how many episodes before Gabrielle ditches Diego for puppy eyes Bode.  I hope it is well before the wedding, although I suspect the writers think the latter would be more dramatic.  Or else have him die while fighting a fire.

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  13. So Sharon's husband didn't visit her for the six months she was away?  Because Bode needed him?  For six months?  Explain to me how that makes sense.  

    I have no doubt that Gabrielle and poor, sad, heroic Bode are the writers end game.  Either she decides that Bode is her true love or even if she winds up marrying her fiance, he'll die in a horrible accident at a fire, freeing her to get back with Bode.  

    Bode just now figured out that there is a section of the  Penal Code that a prisoner may have his sentence reduced by performing a heroic act in a life-threatening situation?  He was performing heroic acts once a week last year and the Department of Corrections didn't see fit to consider that code section.  He was going into burning buildings.  Jumping off bridges into raging rivers.  Running into more burning buildings.  Carrying unconscious victims miles to safety.  Did I mention carrying unconscious victims out of burning buildings?

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  14. As freeser wrote: I was surprised and disappointed that Gibbs didn't put in a brief appearance

    This was a lovely episode, but it was really inexcusable that Mark Harmon's Gibbs didn't make an appearance.  Gibbs was certainly closer to Ducky than Tony, who made the effort to fly in from Europe.


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  15. Where was Sharon all this time?  Okay, she didn't want to communicate with Bode, but did she see her husband at all?  Or talk to him on the phone or via email?  She seemed surprised to find out Jake had been promoted.  Didn't anyone talk to her about what was going on while she was away?

    • Like 4
  16. On 2/7/2024 at 5:00 PM, I Want My MBTV said:

    More sister and less assistants made this episode enjoyable for me.


    Agreed.  He could send the assistants away permanently and it would be even more enjoyable.  

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  17. With only two more episodes, the various storylines are beginning to come to a resolution, so all the questions we have - e.g., what was going on at the convent?  what are the artist and his mother involved in?  -  are beginning to get resolved, so as the plot thickens, things also start to make sense.

    The scene where Gabrielle and the others shot her husband was wonderfully noir.

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  18. On 1/21/2024 at 11:05 AM, dubbel zout said:

    ...It would have been useful to hear why the jury voted the way it did. And I'm surprised the jury wasn't polled, but that was probably not considered for time issues.

    I know it's not part of the format of L&O to go into the jury room or discuss jury deliberations - other on those rare occasions when a defendant tampers with a juror - but it would be interesting to see why they came up with this decision.

    If the advisor was up against a murder charge, they wouldn't have had to poll the jury, because doesn't a murder conviction have to be unanimous?

  19. Yes, the "Aiden isn't good enough for Abbey," he's "too young" and for goodness sakes, he's not a lawyer seems like a nice set up not only to tick off the new judge because Abby has no impulse control in her response, but now to set up Abby with the lawyer she got to take on the fraud case.

    Abby is the least likeable character on this show and that isn't easy for me to say, with her father and her brother and her ex-husband all close seconds.

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