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Posts posted by wanderingstar

  1. with this ep it got even less subtle about the whole James/Angela lost-love thing, and that was a little offputting.



    Yeah, I have a headache from being beaten over the head with anvils - especially during the dueling love scenes.


    Shawn is incredibly stupid. I kept yelling "50 Cent, come get your kid" at the TV during his scenes with Tasha.


    I continue to hate Tommy.

    • Love 1
  2. The actor playing Ghost's partner is also trying too hard to come across edgy.



    OMG - YES! He was on my nerves the entire episode - far more than Tasha, Ghost, Angela, or even that cartoonishly evil drug lord.

  3. Edited:


    Now that I 've watched the whole episode, I get why Ghost left his wife beater in the safe, but it still seems like a stupider risk than just burning it.


    But hey - I was happy to see Debbie Morgan. What can I say, it's the old soap fan in me.

    • Love 2
  4. I know it's supposed to be great, but I really disliked A Prayer for Owen Meany. I particularly disliked the obnoxiousness of how Owen's voice was rendered. Just didn't get what was so awesome about this novel.

    • Love 2
  5. I read this series 2 years ago, and really loved it. It's definitely more stark and somber than other YA sci-fi series.


    Curious to see what you think of it, Genius.

    • Love 1
  6. Oh, lord. A second season of "Dumb Women, Dumber Choices." Is it asking too much to hope the ladies have learned something from past mistakes?



    I was stunned to see this got a second season. No, scratch that - I was stunned that this show even lasted one season.

  7. Yeah, I liked the rapport between Kellog and Kiera.



    So did I. Still can't figure out why they moved away from those two - even just as frenemies.


    As for this episode, I was confused about this new time traveler (assuming he is). I actually thought he was the same doctor who is involved in the citizenship extraction business in the flashback. Shows you how much I was paying attention.

  8. I can't figure out if I actually enjoyed this episode. I liked certain aspects of it - finding out about the Gleaner community, getting a bit more insight into Sonya. But some of the shine was taken off Keira's awakening for me when she said Kagame "had his reasons" for outing the Gleaners for harboring him, thereby leading to the destruction of their community.

    • Love 2
  9. Nice season you guys had. I could see a possible CL berth in a season or two. Wish I could say the same for Villa, because this last couple months has just been painful.


    I've been beaming the whole season. Just so pleased with the way we've played - it's even enough to make up for not making the CL.


    Wishing good things for Villa and their supporters next season. Do you think Paul Lambert will be staying on as manager?

  10. It showed that any incarnation of Alec has the potential to become sadTech!Alec


    This was my sense as well; I thought the show did a good job of conveying that. Also? Loved the Alec 2.0 mention.


    greenbean, i too hope Betty keeps throwing more attitude - especially toward Keira.

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