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Uncle Benzene

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Posts posted by Uncle Benzene

  1. First I've ever seen or heard of Sara Bareilles and I was impressed, but within the first ten seconds of her first song I could not stop thinking "at some point they ABSOLUTELY HAVE TO have some kind of reveal with Melissa on another piano, with a 'mirror' between them, or something." Hell, there were times when I was wondering if it actually was Melissa. I mean, I get it that Sara Bareilles is a serious musician, and it might have undermined her performance or whatever, but holy crap would that have been funny. I was 100% convinced it was coming in the second number, but nope. 

    • Love 2
  2. Good lord is Rhea Seehorn freakin gorgeous.

    (So is Patrick Fabian, for that matter.)

    Total mindfuck every time I see Giancarlo being himself, as opposed to Gustavo. Ditto Michael Mando, albeit to a slightly lesser extent just because Giancarlo sets such a high bar.

    I want to hang out with all these people. One condition though... Jonathan Banks's presence would be mandatory.

    • Love 4
  3. 12 hours ago, SHD said:

    I wish Doug Judy had showed up. It would've made no sense, but I still wanted him at the wedding.

    Me too. And I was ABSOLUTELY SURE that it was Doug Judy who had called in the bomb threat. Because it's a sitcom, and therefore Doug Judy saw Boyle's announcement in the paper (because he keeps up on Jake) and knew that Jake deserved a crazy wedding day, and that the precinct would all come together to make it far better than it otherwise would have been, and that his wacky scheme to give Jake the best wedding ever would go absolutely perfectly.

    I was also absolutely sure that the "wedding band" that Scully and Hitchcock found would turn out to be Doug Judy. I mean, how are Jake and Amy supposed to maximize their wedding night smoosh now? I'm just gonna go ahead and assume Judy left Jake a wedding night smoosh mixtape in his suit pocket. Or something.

    • Love 12
  4. 4 hours ago, ottoDbusdriver said:

    She was in a bunch of sketches this episode -- more than made up for her near-absence last week.

    Very happy about that. I had no idea who Melissa was when she first arrived last season, but I've quickly grown to love her. She's awesome.

    And Pete seems to have been all over the show here lately as well. Good for him. Seems his rehab has gotten him into a much better place.

    • Love 4
  5. 3 hours ago, Rap541 said:

    The blind taste test is about flavors, not spices, Black truffle and cheese aren't spices either. 

    But in introducing the challenge, Ramsay specifically stated "you'll be tasting various herbs and spices."

    • Love 7
  6. I have a short wishlist re: Rosa's girlfriend.

    (Note: I'm assuming the role has already been cast, and perhaps stuff already shot. But I don't have any spoilers, nor am I seeking any. This is what I hope will happen.)

    I'd like to nominate Jenny Slate. Because I love her and she's gorgeous and she could pull off any persona, but specifically one of these three, each of which would amuse the hell out of me:

    1. She's basically a female Pimento. Because Rosa has a very specific "type" and it's cray-cray. I know that'll be an unpopular opinion, since Pimento wasn't very well-received, although a lot of it seemed to be with regard to Jason Mantzoukas's portrayal more than anything. (Also, for the record, I can understand why some people might find it distasteful or otherwise problematic that Rosa's girlfriend would basically be a mirror image of a former boyfriend. I get it.) Anyway, Jenny Slate plays Jason Mantzoukas's sister on Lady Dynamite, and to me, they do look like they could be brother and sister. Not that she'd be Pimento's sister on B99, but she'd be a very similar personality type, because that's just what does it for Rosa, and everybody in the precinct will immediately recognize it. Hilarity ensues.

    2. She's basically a mirror image of Rosa herself. Yes, Seinfeld did the whole "OMG you're basically dating yourself!" bit, but I thought it was funny then, and I think it'd be funny again on this show. May be more of a Gina thing, being as she's the narcissist on this show. But given how little regard Rosa seems to have for most people (outside of her friends and family) it kinda seems like Rosa would be attracted to someone who is just like herself, because she just can't with most others.

    3. This one might be my favorite... she's just like Holt. And Holt (and Kevin) (and Amy) immediately ADORES her. And Jake thinks it's hilarious that "OMG Rosa is dating Holt!" Maybe nobody else really sees it, or maybe Jake AND ROSA are the only ones who see it. And Rosa thinks it's awkward that her girlfriend is immediately becoming BFFs with her boss (and Kevin.) Not to mention "Really? I'm freaking dating Captain Holt and I only realized it just now. WTF?!?" Or something along those lines.

    I mean, don't get me wrong, I totally get why many/most people would want Rosa's girlfriend to have her own personality, and would hate for her to be just a caricature of another (especially male) character. But hey, it's a wacky sitcom. And I've got a hunch that she's gonna be a rarely-seen recurring character anyway, along the lines of Boyle's wife, or Doug Judy, and she might even end up being a one-off. So I wouldn't be surprised if they gave her some kind of sitcommy hook/twist/gimmick for the lulz. These are just a few of those that I've thought of, and I think I'd enjoy if they went that way. But in any case, Jenny Slate please!

    • Love 2
  7. 15 hours ago, mjc570 said:

    I would have liked to see more of Ernest (?), Lin-Manual's cousin husband.  For some reason, he just cracked me up, I guess it was that sort of deadpan Teutonic accent. 

    Flula Borg. He's a comedian, and he's HILARIOUS. Plenty of stuff on YouTube, if you'd like to get to know him better. Well worth your time, in my opinion.

    • Love 4
  8. In my opinion, hands-down the strongest episode of the season so far. By a good margin. Felt like a season 42 episode. I hope this is an indication that they're hitting their stride.

    I was pleasantly surprised. Partially because I've thought that season 43 overall has been kind of lukewarm so far, and also because while I don't know a whole lot about Tiffany Haddish, I did know that she's a standup, and in my opinion the writers tend to phone it in a bit when an actual standup is hosting. My hypothesis is that the writers just kind of assume that the host will make it funny regardless of the material. There are exceptions of course (Chappelle's episode last season was particularly strong, for example, as was Larry David's last season) but for the most part it seems I'm always left disappointed when an actual standup hosts. Larry David's episode last week is a good example of that. I'm always like "They could have done so much more, but they half-assed it." Not this week.

    The only sketch that was kind of a dud, for me anyway, was Tamika. I'm not really sure what they were going for there. Terrific concept, poorly executed. Ended up being a bit of a mess. But everything else was outstanding.

    Boo Boo Jeffries for the win!

    • Love 10
  9. 10 hours ago, spiderpig said:

    I wonder what Elise does for recreation.  Attend funerals?

    Of people she doesn't know. And she makes it a point to tell everyone who will listen how depressing the whole thing is, and how she'd have done a much better job of organizing the service.

    • Love 6
  10. 43 minutes ago, Mammalou said:

    Marcela announced on her Instagram that this weeks ep of the show is her last.. I liked her recipes. Wonder if they'll replace her?

    This is not going to end well.

    Current Vegas odds:

    3/1 On Fleek with Tregaye Fraser


    10/1 Justin Warner's Weekly Quest to one-up the Iron Chef

    50/1 The Lenny McNab Redemption Tour

    • Love 4
  11. Oh, Bobby. You dumb bastard. EVERYBODY knows you NEVER say no to the hot-enough cougar who is thirsty as fuck for your constantly-getting-shot-down ass. Come on, man. Look, I could definitely understand "I want to, but I can't, because I'd get fired." Totally get it. But "The cougar wants the cub, but the cub doesn't want the cougar."??? Really??? You need to re-evaluate your life choices, bro. But hey, I'm sure you're having an absolute blast repeatedly crashing and burning with your Dream Girl of the Week and then moping about how victimized you've been. Good call, bro.

    And Wes. Oh, sweet Wizz. You were right the first time when you said "You went for the dick, don't wanna know ya." You really should have just stuck with that. But, if you truly do still want to try to flip Malia and escape the Friend Zone, the way to do that is to tell her "Nope. No longer interested. Have a nice day." and then wait about 10 seconds. Either way would be a hell of a lot better than what you've got going on right about now.

    Every man on this here boat really needs to subscribe to Max's newsletter. The sooner the better.

    • Love 3
  12. The best part this week was Marcela's face when Sunny (to her right) was trying to talk past her to Jeff who was seated at the left side of the set/counter, and Sunny literally yelled (to Jeff) right in Sunny's ear. Marcela just kinda bristled for a second and then rolled her eyes as if to say "Of course she just did that." Hilarious.

    Katie's grilled shrimp/onions/peppers were nothing groundbreaking or anything (because nothing they do on this show ever is) but it was definitely the best looking thing they've done on this show in quite some time. Real food, nothing crazy or gimmicky, no shilling for any pre-packaged something-or-other, no "clever supermarket shortcuts" and it was beautiful on the plate. I'm so old, I can remember when they used to do that kind of stuff on a regular basis! Too bad Katie went to all the trouble of mixing up that spice rub, then seasoned the shrimp first, and then brushed half of it off while applying the oil. 

    • Love 2
  13. Did the Kevins nuke the "afterlife"? "So we never have to come here again"? And Patti helped, because Kevin helped her by pushing her down the well?

    Is this story all about people laying down their burdens?

    --Matt laid down the burden of his crippling, pathological version of "faith"

    --Laurie laid down her burden of always trying to fix people

    --Kevin Sr. laid down his burden of his apocalyptic prophet/savior complex

    --Kevin Jr. laid down his burden of running away, and nuked his "afterlife" sanctuary

    --Maybe Nora lays down her burden of survivor's guilt in the finale?

    Hell if I know, but it makes sense to me right at the moment. All I know for sure is I'm damn sad that this show will be Departing forever next week. Somebody stick me in a machine and send me to a world where this show doesn't end.

    • Love 17
  14. Yeah, I'm not usually very critical of this show. Especially this season, which in my opinion has been really strong overall. For 42 seasons SNL has been "hit or miss" and that's just baked in, it's part of the deal. So unless the show is consistently terrible (the Chris Kattan/Will Ferrell/Cheri Oteri era) I tend to give them a lot of rope and not get too put off when they have a weak week. Even moreso when the show in general is on a bona fide roll, which in my opinion it has been the last couple of years. I adore this whole cast, including Baldwin and McCarthy. Not a whole lot to complain about lately.

    That being said, I was surprised to find that this particular episode isn't being pretty much universally shit upon in this here thread. Mileage varies, as always, but I was surprised because in my opinion holy crap did this episode suck. And I was not at all expecting it to.

    Fallon's not my favorite by any means, but as a former cast member and a current late night live talk/variety show host, it's hard to find someone for whom doing SNL should come more naturally. And he does have an uncanny knack for doing musical impersonations, which aren't exactly "funny" per se, but do usually fall somewhere between impressive and mindblowing (for me, anyway) which is why I actually enjoyed a musical monologue for once. And Celebrity Family Feud is always good for a chuckle, Kenan as Steve Harvey never fails for me. And I'll confess to being one of the few who think Jost and Che are usually fantastic on WU.

    But even WU and Celebrity Family Feud were particularly weak this week, in my opinion. They never even went back to Melissa/Gwen and Pete/Blaine for a second joke, and those were the two I was most interested in hearing from (besides Kenan/Harvey, of course.) It was all about the dual Travoltas gimmick, and Harry Styles making faces. And I agree with @peeayebee that "...you don't know what cakes I've seen!" was the only think about WU that gave me a genuine chuckle. In my world, when even WU is a letdown, they're having a really bad week.

    Turtle Shirt, Legally Blonde The Musical, the Ex Boyfriend, and the Civil War sketches were all actively bad and made me audibly groan. I know I said before that Fallon's musical impressions are impressive to me, but that requires that I have the slightest clue who he's impersonating and/or what the hell he's trying to do. That was not the case in the Ex Boyfriend and Civil War sketches. It's one thing when he's doing Bono or Bowie or whomever, but that? Also, FOUR musical numbers? (Including the Legally Blonde stuff.) Four? Really? Four? Sheesh.

    On a related note, FOUR pre-taped bits? Really? Four out of eleven? For the second week in a row? (I'm counting Spicey, which may or may not have actually been "live" but it wasn't live in studio in any case, and for all I know it was in fact pre-taped.) Whatever happened to Saturday Night LIVE? I mean, I don't necessarily have a problem with pre-taped bits in general. I mean, SNL has always done 'em. But if you're gonna do 'em, they better be extra funny. And they need to account for significantly less than damn near 40% of the whole freakin' show. I'd be frustrated as hell if I were in the studio audience. But even setting that aside, "LIVE" is a big part of SNL's DNA. "LIVE" leads to hilarious fuck ups, unexpected studio reactions, improv, all kinds of fun stuff. Taped bits are fine when they're great, when they're short, and when there's only one or two of 'em. But four out of eleven? Two weeks in a row? That's just "cheating" in my opinion. Even worse in a week when you made a big deal of the show being "LIVE" across all time zones for the first time ever.

    Lastly, while I've been a big fan of Baldwin's Trump and McCarthy's Spicey, this week was the first week in which I started feeling like their bits are becoming repetitive and stale.

    Poor effort this week, SNL.

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