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Posts posted by TiffanyNichelle

  1. I am shocked. I thought Sapphira had it all locked up so even though I thought Nymphia did better at their lip synch I was sure she still wasn't going to win. I was just hoping she would show up on All Stars. I think her win was well deserved because both of her performances were so good.


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  2. The way Sapphira performed that lip sync like she knew that a) Morphine has been in the bottom 4 times of course she's going home and b) no way in hell was Ru going to let her go home now. Sapphira could have laid down and taken a nap and still won. It was a little frustrating to watch.

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  3. This episode was so boring. I had to keep rewinding because I kept zoning out. It was so predictible. I knew they were going to gush over Sapphira and Plain's bathroom and I knew they were going to be the top team before we even got to the judging. I'm was a little surprised that they gave them a co-win instead of singling out Sapphira the solo win.

    Can we just skip to the final 3 of Sapphira, Nymphia and Plain already?

    I did feel bad for Dawn as soon as the song was revealed. She never had a chance.

    • Like 2
  4. I'm no fan of Plain Jane but she and Q were the best presentation and either of them should have won. Sapphira's runaway was great but it wasn't better than their presentation.

    Morphine could have just sat still during that lipsync battle and Mhi'ya still would have gone home. It was beyond time and she couldn't backflip her way any further into this competition. It was painful to watch her flop during the presentation.

    ETA, Ru and the judges little freak out over Nymphia's Asian stereotype character accent when they eat it up every time a Black queen does a stereotype was a little much. They were so trying to cover their ass in case anyone got upset and if they did they should be mad at Nymphia, imo.

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  5. 2 hours ago, 7-Zark-7 said:

    It was a nice, bitter-sweet performance and Morphine did the better job.  Which is ironic, because Xunami has the Whitney Houston physique and projects a similar elegance. It would behoove her to have some Whitney moves in her repertoire. 

    It felt like Xunami kept trying to have moments with Morphine during the performance and a few times it worked but Morphine was more about making sure she performed for the judges and I think that's why she pulled out the win but it could have gone either way for me.

    • Like 3
  6. I also think Sapphire should have won based on the back and forth with Ru during the game but I think Plain's runway saved her just as Nymphia's runway saved her from being in the bottom 2. Which she should have been. I like her but she was awful in Snatch Game.

    Gold Tooth Fairy could have been funny if she was able to create a fully fledged character in her head before the game and was able to come up with things to riff off. Hell just steal the character of Goldmember from that Austin Powers movies and talk about how much you love gooooold teeth. Trinity doing the devil was different because everyone has an idea of what the devil is and she just flipped it. No one knows what a gold tooth fairy is. Are you stealing gold teeth? Are you giving gold teeth? What?

    I don't like Plain Jane. I understand that on a reality show everyone is calculating and playing a role but there's a way to be "wink-wink nudge nudge" about it and then there's just flat out not even hiding it and that's what Plain seems to be doing. She's too obvious about it. She's going to hit top 5 and suddenly become super soft and vulnerable and encouraging to the queens to show that's she's changed. I originally thought she was just going to make top 3 but if Nymphia doesn't get it together during the challenges and stops relying on runway to save her, I think she's going to win.

    Burger fingers wasn't that funny. Ru just likes to laugh at really stupid stuff and as they as, as long as you make Ru laugh, you're good.

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  7. Do we know how long Sir has been in the basement? Because my personal speculation is that Gabi found Sir the night her father passed away and that's why she wasn't there at the hospital in time, she was setting up Sir in the basement.

    Or she was chasing down a lead on where Sir was and that's also why she missed that final moment with her father.

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  8. I'm just waiting for them to reveal she's related to Archer in some way otherwise, yeah, it's getting annoying. It's one thing for the gang to go off on Archer all the time. I don't need a newbie to do it.

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  9. I'm thinking there is going to be some kind of plot twist and Zara is going to be his half-sister or something and she knows. There was something in the way she got creeped out when he tried to kiss her. Not in "ew not cool dude" way but in a "ew we're related" way. They are too well matched in their abilities. 

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  10. I guess they kind of pulled it together in the end even though a lot was rushed but everyone kind of got happy endings. So I guess that's ok.

    When they revealed the whole Nancy/Tristan soulmate I was just so done that I was actually happy that it wasn't soulmates in a positive romantic way. I don't know if the cancellation meant they couldn't have dragged that out for another season but after the big death curse thing I didn't understand why they trying to turn Nancy/Tristan into some epic thing. I barely brought them as a temporary couple.

    Also really annoyed that Callie basically got away scot-free.

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  11. Wait so now Ace is going to date a ghost  (thanks for reminding us Bess about yours lol) and Nancy is going to be involved in a reincarnated love story? I'm so confused at what's happening at the end of this show.

    I really love the mentor/mentee relationship with Carson and George but halfway through the episode I randomly remembered that at the beginning of the series George was having an affair with Ryan. This has been a very long year.

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  12. Welp, RIP Otis. Sucked to go out like that! This Lex is on a different level from most others. This Lex would have stomped Jesse Eisenberg's Lex into bits. I'm a little scared to see where he goes from here.


    I gotta say the first half they really had me feeling bad for Jordan with how everyone was coming down on him but then he did the tornado rescue which his father could have easily handled on his own and dropped down in the middle of the crowd so everyone could cheer him on. I get that as a teenager, it probably felt cool and all but it was still the wrong thing.

    10 hours ago, Affogato said:

    I'm not even sure Jordan behaved that egregriously. He said, well, it was badass behavior and someone's life was saved. Well, it was. I'm sure many of his classmates thought so, too.

    Honestly what he said was pretty mild for all the talk of him being accused of strutting around, boasting and it was barely that.

    As much as I didn't like Sarah complaining about how she's working so hard to keep Jordan's secret when he's trying to tell everyone (IMO, he didn't) I did like that this is the flipside of the comic book show standard of someone being upset that they weren't let in on a secret identity. Knowing a big secret like this isn't always fun and easy to keep. It's a lot of work. You want to know? Well there's a burden to it.

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  13. On 4/4/2023 at 1:28 PM, Morrigan2575 said:

    I think I'm going to wait and be spoiled because I'm worried for Rocket

    Me too. I'm not a huge fan of the GOTG part of the franchise but I don't think I could handle Rocket's death without being prepared first. Groot's sacrifice in the first movie was bad enough.

    • Like 2
  14. 6 hours ago, dmeets said:

    I didn't seem to notice it as much with the first movie (though I'm sure it was there), but there was such a disconnect between kid Billy and superhero adult Billy. Zachary Levi is constantly giving over the top comedic facial expressions and Asher Angel looked deadpan serious most of the time, they don't feel like the same character at all, unlike the rest of the family and their superhero counterparts. For example, I can't picture teen Billy sitting in a pediatrician's office rambling as if to a therapist.

    I noticed that a lot this time around. They emphasized that he's 17 almost 18 but when he's Shazam, ZL plays it as if he's 12 or younger. I know they wanted to show that he's a kid in an adult body but the "kid" can almost vote and go off to college.

    My biggest issue with the movie is that ending dragged for so long. Every time I thought it was close to ending, they added something more.

    The best part was the unicorns.

    • Like 4
  15. 3 hours ago, Ohiopirate02 said:

    Their witchiness helped them live long healthy lives in Haiti and later New Orleans while maintaining their wealth.  They knew when to leave Haiti and settle in Louisiana, also when to diversify their holdings during the 19th century.  They were able to prosper while other Southern families were devastated in the 1860s, and still be a leading society family.  They also were immune to the various infections that plagued a pre-antibiotics society.  

    And in the books Lasher would bring the main witch jewels and gold from far away places, at least he did in the beginning.

    • Like 1
  16. 3 hours ago, AuntieMame said:

    If I was adding material, I would show more of the Talamasca. Rice always hinted that they had a hidden agenda that we never saw.

    The one thing I always wanted from Anne Rice was a full on Talamasca book. They were up to something and it would have been so good.



    You make a lot of great points but I really loved the idea that Lasher took Rowan down because of Rowan’s hubris and arrogance and the fact that she hasn’t experienced any type of failure.

    Exactly. She thought she alone could handle anything because she always did. She was at the top of her career, had that huge house, the boat, she could be with all those "rough and tumble" guys without any fear of them hurting her, so of course she could handle this ghost deal because she grew up outside of the whole Mayfair/Lasher mythos. And no, she could not.

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  17. Everything I hear about the show makes me want to stay far away. I was annoyed that they merged Michael and Aaron into one character because I actually preferred Michael in the book to Rowan. But I was thinking about checking out the series until I read a recap of the 3rd episode and I realized how much they strayed away from the books that I don't think I'd be able to enjoy it without constantly comparing unfavorably to the book.

    I had the same issue with A Discovery of Witches that I dropped after the first season. For some reason when tv shows adapt books with strong female main characters from chapter 1, the shows like to have them grow into that instead of just presenting them fully formed the way they are in the books. I rarely see a show where the main male character has to grow and evolve over a season  into the person he is from page 1, chapter 1 in a book. But with women they always have to be lead into that. I wasn't a fan of Rowan in the books but from the start she was a capable woman who knew her worth and her abilities. She was confident in her medical abilities, she could captain a boat out in the sea alone, and she loved hooking up with her blue collar men. No one leads her anywhere, she does the leading. She gets it all her trouble with Lasher because she believes she's the only one who knows how to handle him.  And everything I see about the show seems to be the opposite.

    But I'll keep checking the forums in case they right the ship, so to speak. Or at least focus more on the other 13 witches. Their history was my favorite part of the book.

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  18. When I first heard they were making this into a show I was so excited because I loved the first book so much (the other 2 not so much) but my interest waned after being at the NYCC panel and seeing how they combined Michael and Aaron into a brand new character. And it seems they made Rowan so generic and bland and while I didn't like her in the books (I preferred Michael and the other 13 witches more), she was actually pretty damn interesting so that's a disappointment.

    Then I just saw that the emerald pendent is straight up key shaped and it's like what happened to subtlety?

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  19. 1 hour ago, Diapason Untuned said:

    Eh, I think they've been lowkey dropping hints about them, especially through this season.

    There were so many hints last season that I was disappointed that we didn't go further with it this season. I did notice that he was there by her side when at the end with her parents and he was rubbing her back while she was apologizing for pulling back from them.

    Shipper eyes activated!

    I loved this finale so much. I was bummed that it was ending but the tag with Shade telling us about their later adventures and the cameo from Silver Age Flash was perfect.


    How was the real Starman able to come back from his presumed death to be captured in the first place?

    Dr. Mid-Nite showed up to examine "Starman" earlier this season and they decided the Staff imbued him with info cosmic energy that he started to slowly heal after Courtney reactivated the staff and started using it again. Or you know, comics, lol. But I think it was a combination of the Staff that kept him from decomposing and whatever Dragon King did.

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  20. I finally got a chance to catch up and I'm glad that so far this looks like a straightforward thriller. I'm sure by episode 5 there will be some kind of crazy supernatural twist (was that Big Daddy really there outside of Zachary Quinto's apartment or not?) but for now I'm in.

    The whole thing about the Brownstone Bar was a real place where a real serial killer did pick up victims and yeah, the police never questioned anyone there. In fact 


    he wasn't caught until 2001 because no one did anything.

    I'm hoping there's a better ending in this story.

    Also happy to see Hale Appleman back again.

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  21. So that was an ending. Very rushed but an ending I guess. Seeing Kevin in the real world was almost as disturbing as I thought it would be. I think it would have been better if he didn't have the silly beard. Glad Allison and Patty are together in the end and that Tammy has moved on. She never really got Patty, imo.

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