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Posts posted by RTS

  1. I've been getting frustrated with failure after failure, liar after liar.  Last week's episode almost made me quit.  So this was refreshing, even if he didn't get the surgery.

    It's also amazing that he was able to re-integrate the family that he lost early in his life.  Addiction obviously runs in the family and hopefully both of them have overcome that demon.  It looks like mom has overcome her addiction and instead of letting guilt turn her into an enabler it seems she's helping him overcome his food addiction.

    His brother will need a caretaker after mom, so he never needs to be alone again.  (Eventually his lovely daughter will have her own life and may not be as available.)  Even his ex and her new husband seem lovely - willing to chip in and even be a part of their family and involved in their son's life.

    I have such hopes for them all.  Yes I was slightly disappointed that he didn't get the surgery, but he's lost as much weight post-approval as the ones who got the surgery, so I just wish them all the best.

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  2. Cheezus, the panel were criticizing a 'soul' singer for saying her favorite song was "I'm Every Woman" because it was Whitney Houston.  Do these people not know that Chaka Khan sang it first?  Useless.  (Turns out she was a bad singer anyway but like wow "experts".

  3. Huh, I at least was entertained.  Honestly, I feel that Margaret was stealing food.  She mentioned that she did that as a child at night and we could see that she could move when she wanted to.  Best show in a while.  (Mom was crazy but... after the admission that Margaret CHOSE to stay with dad...)

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  4. Lol Gino dancing to a song by Blake McGrath (finalist from the very first season of SYTYCD, he probably would've won if he weren't such an obvious asshole)

    Also, finally a clean broadcast.

  5. Eh, I mean, the show is there to make money... any money saved would probably just line an executive's pocket.  It wouldn't likely have been spent on more patients.  So I feel like the show has an obligation to do its best once involved, and it did so here... the efforts were pretty heroic.

    • Love 15
  6. Dear holy F.  This guy was given EVERY chance, and now the plan is to hospitalize him until he's eligible for weight loss surgery?

    I don't know if he wants to die or if he just eats to get put into care again.

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  7. Maja was a nightmare.

    With regard to the wussy therapists on this show - early on in the therapist-patient relationship, it's common practise to agree with whatever BS the patient is spouting.  The goal is to establish yourself as an ally and get to a place where criticism won't be met with immediate rejection.  If Maja were confronted about her behaviour in the first visit, she'd just never return.

    It doesn't make for very interesting TV, though.

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  8. Ok, I fast forward all the clues and chatter to only watch the performances, and I TOTALLY guessed Nick Lachey for Rabbit right before Kenan said it.  98Degrees dance moves and a really competent classic male voice.  Equally wrong heh.  (In retrospect, 98Degrees couldn't really dance.)

    I thought on the bod/dancing that it could be Joey with a flattering corset like costume heh.  Those strappings around the waist.

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  9. 2 hours ago, Colleenna said:

    But addicts --- whether it's food, alcohol or another drug, or gambling --- lie. They lie to the people they love, and more importantly, they lie to themselves. Why wouldn't they lie to a food journal? 

    True... But I think there's an element of self delusion in an addict's lies.... In the moment when they're satisfying their addiction people are like f this I'm eating. It's only later when the guilt and accountability set in that they lie.  Have you ever lied so hard that you believed it?  I have... it's surreal and very convincing.

    Haha I sound like a psychopath but in elementary school I was disputing ownership of a sparkly pencil.  I really did own the pencil but it was my word against hers and that wasn't enough.  I spun a tearful lie about having borrowed it from my big sister that was so convincing I actually believed it while telling it.  The teacher secretly gave it back to me after school after confiscating it.  /End lame story 

    Regardless it would be hilarious to compare the diary with the calories that dr. Now could deduce from their weight delta.

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  10. Some people are just addicted to food (much like some people are just addicted to drugs or alcohol).  Holly struck me this way - her mom said that even as a baby she was always crying to be fed.  One of my coworker's son's was like this... they became so desperate that they literally chained the fridge shut because he would drink all the milk if that's all there was.

    I'm surprised that the doctor doesn't immediately start people on a food diary.  Write down EVERYTHING YOU EAT.  The few times we've seen people do that on their own, they've tended to have success - I remember seeing one subject using My Fitness Pal.  Certainly when I'm tracking, I lose weight.. it lets you know when you've hit your limit for the day.

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  11. First episode that I've seen but Lion was Miley Cyrus... I'd recognize that goat throat anywhere.  She sounded good but that vibrato is distinctive.

    Eta... after catching up on the last several pages, Miley seems too big to be on this show but it really sounds exactly like her.

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  12. Yeah, I thought McEwan consistently didn't like her.

    Personally, I thought Dustin had it in the bag (especially after Nicole got Andrea as her sous chef... totally room for manipulation in the selection of sous chefs).  I thought his meal was more interesting, but of course if Nicole's food tasted better overall then that's all that should matter to the judges.  I liked both of them, so I'm wasn't unhappy with the result - they were the strongest all season.

    I think maybe it's a tactical error to try new things when you're in this sort of competition.  A single misstep can result in a dish that doesn't taste as good as a dish that has been honed over years of practice.  Pretty sure Dustin's XO sauce was honed after being developed in Susur's kitchen, while all of Nicole's dishes must have been in development since her formal Italian training.

    Also, I crushed SO HARD on Dustin, he just seems like an adorable person.  And he's always so transparent in his feelings - even his confession that losing hurt a lot was seriously endearing.

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