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  1. They are 100% not together. He recently posted that taking part in MAFS was the worst decision in his life. He would have never said that if they were still together. They are cordial, but that's it.
  2. Agreed. There's no way Cody and Danielle are still together.
  3. I don't think it's the same. The one I'm talking about had opened a thread for profile critique. It was a 24-year-old black law student.
  4. On the OkCupid reddit, one girl mentioned that MAFS tried to recruit her for Boston.
  5. Wow, MsPH, your postings are 100% on point. I've never found Heather genuine nor do I like Nick - in fact, I don't have a doubt he's a douche. But I still take them over Sonia. Sonia is contradicting herself all the time and pretending to be this nice, well-wishing person when in fact she can be as mean as anyone. I don't get why she's so annoyed about the Heather/Nick pairing and why she was slut-shaming Heather all the time. For all the shade that was thrown towards Heather, that one kept it pretty classy on Twitter. Sonia is way too obsessed with the public opinion. She dislikes Heather because Heather wasn't interested in Sonia's side of the story. Most people don't like Nick. Why is/was it so important to turn Heather's opinion? As much as a douche he is, why can't Sonia accept that some people like him? She will never find love for two reasons: a) The men that are interested in her aren't interesting to her. b) The men she's interested in will tire of her pretty quickly. I said it before and I say it again: if she wants to find happiness, she will have to step aside from SM and all her "frans". There's obviously some void she's filling with SM:
  6. He's a classless asshole, but still let's not forget about all the posts Sonia liked where Heather was basically called a whore. In some ways, Sonia and Nick are more alike than they both would ever be willing to admit. I still don't get why Sonia goes on about him - according to her, he didn't cheat, so what's the use of postings like this?
  7. Nick is a d*ck, but even Sonia herself says she doesn't think he cheated on her. So I don't get why she & her fanclub act so openly butt-hurt. It was only a few days ago that she was telling him to move on. Well... he did. Was it a nice or smart move? No. But by all accounts, they were broken up in early 2017 and divorced in April. He's free to date whoever he wants to. Throwing all this shade at Heather (as suspicious as she is) is not a good look for Ms "I'm so kind and so supportive of other women" Sonia. But being a hypocrite has always been her biggest problem on SM, so I don't know why I'm even surprised.
  8. Yes, both ain't shit. He's emotionally stunted, immature and a d*ck. And she's immature with no self-awareness whatsoever. When he retweeted something about how he had deserved better, she went after him and told him to move on. Now she's retweeting hundreds of postings about how she deserved better, how awful he is, etc. She's the one who was always complaining about how women don't support women and yet here she is liking tweets that are slut-shaming Heather. Why was she telling him to move on when she clearly hasn't moved on either? Heather is nine weeks pregnant, Nick and Sonia were over at the beginning of the year. Why does she care and why was it ok for her to muse about her future boo shortly after the divorce? As said, Nick ain't shit, but at least he's less of a hypocrite. I find it so funny that she retweeted postings about how dignified she is when she's thrown shade for hours. Since when is it dignified to imply the new gf of your ex is a cheap slut?
  9. Messy people Nick is an asshole. Heather is a liar. But Sonia ain't shit either. According to her, she moved out on 12/31, so why does she even care and why is she giving out likes for disgusting tweets like this?
  10. Nick is barely on SM, as Jellybeans said. In June, he tweeted three times (2 of them were just retweets) - there are MAFS people who tweet more than this within an hour! Tom - haven't seen him pushing anything that much at all, but I'm not sure I'm even following him. Lilly - yes, she promotes too much business. The same goes for Danielle and Nate. Bottom line is, as said, MAFS participants should not be allowed to do this. You should take part because you want to be married, not because you want to get on Ellen, have a Podcast audience, sell your shirts or your dietitian services. As for MAFS2C: It's an entertaining trainwreck. I don't take anyone taking part in it seriously. I know that Derek and Sonia want to be part of it and that makes it very clear to me that this was never just about 'romance'. I can understand why someone would give MAFS a try. But after you took that chance and failed - why the hell would you go AGAIN on TV? Just try to find your next boyfriend on Match.com, Eharmony or OKCupid if you are serious about your quest for romance. Otherwise you are just seeking attention.
  11. Also, you don't need to follow Sonia to see her tweets. Anytime one of the other MAFS girls tweets some in reply to Sonia etc. I see Sonia's posting. If you don't like me posting about it, ignore it. Just because she's one of your favorites but not mine doesn't make me a hater. Otherwise we could shut this board down because at the end of the day most reality tv postings contain snark. Bottom line is these contestants should not be allowed to use their MAFS accounts to promote themselves. Who the hell does she think she is? The second coming of Jesus?
  12. It's the Social Media thread. If she didn't post this stuff, I wouldn't be able to quote it. EOD. You are free to scroll down. (Remember, no boards on boards)
  13. Because I can. This is not a Sonia fan thread.
  14. She is truly the biggest attention seeker that this show has ever produced:
  15. She was exposing how the deliberately told lies to stir the pot between her/Nate and edited the scenes completely.
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