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  1. This makes me so sad! He was always a big smile on the show…
  2. I think they are seeing Charly, who is a natural red head. I don’t think this is about her tenure with the team or receiving recognition. Some people are not cut out to be leaders, and some people can’t handle the stress of being a leader, but she does seem like the type to be a good example for the TCCs. Proud of her for stepping up and working with Zoe.
  3. This was a video, not a photo… and unfortunate the person filming if off to the side.
  4. I don’t think she looks unhealthy. I think we are seeing a girl who is now a woman who no longer has the “baby” fat she used to have. And it has shocked us to see that big of a change. Not that VK has ever been fat. She has obviously made huge changes in her diet. Is she thin, yes, but not too thin. Her ribs and waist are not shocking. JMO Her hair color looks different this year, more icey blonde. I think if they warmed up the tone it would make a huge difference.
  5. In her Insta, there was a story where she was talking about not being hard on yourself, you are good enough, etc.
  6. Sorry, ignore that post please. After seeing VK’s insta this morning, I think last year was a mental health break. Speaking from experience, depression and anxiety can be completely debilitating. I think between her own actions and the bullying she has received on social media, she had a moment and couldn’t deal. Nobody is perfect and we all make mistakes! Some more than others but it’s how we learn and grow. Hopefully she is healthy in mind body and spirit and can be an outstanding teammate this year.
  7. Honestly just meant she didn’t get to go to Oxnard just because she is Victoria and she is back… If this was two years ago and no COVID she would most likely have been there. I don’t think it’s completely gone either, I might be blonde but not that blonde 😉
  8. Sorry, not sorry, glad the favoritism they were showing Victoria is gone and she is not at Oxnard. I think the incoming year 3, 4 & 5 vets probably make her out-of- control at times dancing more obvious. Maybe now she can prove herself… Please don’t take this as negative, I don’t dislike her, just want to see if she can smooth out her rough edges. Sometimes her big dancing is a little too big. Love the new song 🎶
  9. It looks like Kat is not there. Maybe she is not in Show Group this year…
  10. Love her, hope she stays for year 6 to dance with her sister if she auditions.
  11. Victoria is considered to be a veteran, not a rookie. This is why she is in blue. This would be the case with any veteran returning to training camp who has taken a break between performance years.
  12. Look at whose locker is next to Kaydianna’s
  13. I’m sorry, am I the only one who thinks last year was Kelly and Judy’s way of saying VK grow up or don’t come back?
  14. Has anyone actually seen anything from Victoria? Or seen any pictures of her at the auditions?
  15. I see Janie Ginn in pic # 2, second from left next to Marissa. Also see many other familiar faces.
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