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Posts posted by Kiki88

  1. Everything I was told months ago about this situation it appears is exactly how it's playing out. The cryptic quotes and Instagram posts are because Holly is mad at Jenna . . I'd bet everything I had on it. Word travels fast in the dance community and that's the word that they had a falling out over this.  The earrings are not from Zeke as he has been seen around the area with a blonde . Whatever happened between them wasn't worth it. He's a player ( no pun intended) and she threw it all away for nothing . SMH 

    • Love 9
  2. 2 hours ago, GBPack22 said:

    Why did Courtney quit? She was my all time fav!

    Courtney was battling with two things. An eating disorder and addiction to adderall which was for ADHD but also used to stay thin.  Her family sent her to rehab in Cali for treatment. He pressure to stay thin was just too much for some. 

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  3. What I don't get is how come Erica was released (if that's truly the case) because of an injury then why is Simone who has had injuries for the past three seasons keeping her out of at least one game allowed to continue to be on the squad ? Kelli and Judy stress that doing the jump split and kicks is a requirement but how many games has she had to be substituted for and why her but not Erica or anyone else?  Erica must have had something else going on or  maybe if this is the case that's why she is salty because Simone gets to stay and have substitutes take her place during parts of the game? 

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  4. 2 hours ago, NMDD43 said:
    3 hours ago, HowdeeDo said:


    I liked Holly a lot before watching that live video and now I can totally see what you and other posters have been saying for a while now. She really just seems so into herself and couldn't stop flirting with her reflection. She just didn't seem that genuine or warm. At moments she actually seemed a little snotty ??

    Agreed but I have to say I find them both rather sickening 

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  5. 41 minutes ago, Bailey3606 said:

    Holly has been sleeping with Zeke for the past year. When K&J asked her about drinking underage at Citizen she denied it. Jenna owned up to it. They basically gave her the option to either quit gracefully or she'd get released. She chose to quit. 

    Yep this is the exact same story I heard and posted about a few weeks ago . I truly believe this is the real story. 

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  6. On 8/28/2017 at 11:48 PM, TiaGrace said:

    Oh yes, let us not forgot about Paige. My unpopular opinion is that Paige was a lying sneak who Kelli did not come down hard enough on. If Kelli had cleaned house when this came to light, I don't think Jenna or Holly would had even tried to break rules. But there goes Paige, breaking her contract, the rules, and trust and will get her happily ever after AND a job with the cowboys. 

    I agree , I can't stand her , even before her romance was outed. Just something about her rubbed me the wrong way. #sneakyopportunist 

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  7. I believe she was said to be more than just hanging out with players in the club like they just bumped into each other, someone mentioned she had a fling with Zeke Elliot or something like that . But who knows if we will ever find out what really happened. All I know is Holly isn't acting very mature on social media. 

    • Love 1
  8. 19 minutes ago, HowdeeDo said:

    Her ego is the size of Texas. Insert Tyra 'we were rooting for you' gif here. Disappointed. 

    I absolutely agree. SMH. With her posts it's becoming painfully obvious she did not leave on good terms and is salty about something. I've heard through the Dallas dance community that a lot of it is because Jenna threw her under the bus to save her own behind thus getting Holly in big trouble and Holly always used to getting her way quit with the attitude of " let's see how well y'all do without me" . Again, I'm not sure if this is true but it is looking more and more like it just might be the case . 

    • Love 8
  9. I'm surprised Erin got a spot in training camp because she doesn't have as Kelli has said about others in the past "an HD face" . I feel bad for saying that( as well as the Tina Kalina-Ms. Piggy comment I made earlier, not very nice of me ) but Erin just doesn't have the DCC look at all or the style. 

    Brianna reminds me of Natasha on the show Sex and The City. I laughed when Kelli said she wanted to start a modeling agency for her, girl is gorgeous! I hope she works on the style and matures a little and comes back stronger and rocks it! 

    Im guessing I'm in the minority here but I love Tasha ❤️

    Mia is so so pretty but I too noticed her voice sounds so different than what I remembered . Weird, girl just be yourself. 

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  10. 8 hours ago, Java said:
    23 hours ago, kalibean said:


    Of all the things she had to say about the differences, she chose to include that? A complaint about the drive? SMH. 

    I wonder how she feels about that drive now, lol. 

    #getoveryourself #ungratefuldiva

    I completely agree . But remember to most people on this board Erica can do or say no wrong ?. Anyways, I didn't even pay her any attention watching the video because I was too busy listening to KaShara's adorable southern accent lol Love Jinelles too. I have a thing for accents I guess ?

    • Love 2
  11. Finally got caught up and yikes, Allie was just smiling like a psychopath upon learning she was cut. Maybe she wasn't too disappointed? Never was a fan anyway so adios! Still wondering why Jessika is there after her trainwreck of a solo that was posted .... Tasha better thank her lucky stars she has a pretty face 

    • Love 2
  12. I found myself annoyed with Kalyssa . She's just too much extra I guess you could say. The ta ta shaking thing was raunchy as Kelli or Judy (forgot which one said about Vivian) and I remember a girl named Leah audition they said was too much and overly sexy that it was dirty, I feel Kalyssa was more over that line than either Vivian or Leah! Just my two cents....

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