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Posts posted by August79

  1. 30 minutes ago, rmontro said:

    That crossed my mind also, that maybe she had suffered some sort of brain trauma in the accident, maybe that changed her personality or something.  Doctors aren't flawless, they can miss things.

    Agreed.   It may have also been something edited away.    

    • Love 1
  2. On 3/23/2018 at 3:57 PM, rmontro said:


    I also really felt for Michelle, that was a lot for her to go through in so short a time.  I actually found her the most interesting character on the show, for whatever reason.  Maybe because she was in such a vulnerable place.  I hope life goes well for her.

    I feel like something happened with that girl.   Maybe depression/mental illness, drugs, or possibly a traumatic brain injury after the wreck she said she had.    Her affect was always off to me.   Also those pictures of her that were shown when Erin was talking to the principal were worlds apart from where she was while being filmed.   

    • Love 3
  3. 53 minutes ago, xls said:

    With all the cameras & sound catching all the drug & beatings ect. why do they need undercover volunteers? And weren't any of the inmates suspicious after the show being on for 2-3 seasons & the crews around, wouldn't take a genius to figure it out.

     I am pretty sure that in the past, the crew said they were there to film people who are experiencing lock up for the first time. 


    Why didn't we get shown the footage of Angele telling Gabby?   How long did the crew keep that information?    I'm not sure Stephanie is right to be paranoid or not.    "Who was always walking with her? Who spent lots of time with her? I'm the first person they'll come after. "    If she's truly maintained her cover then that shouldn't be the issue.   She can act just as surprised and pissed as the rest of the inmates.


    From the teaser, it looks like the men getting pulled at the same time is catching interest.   Aren't they careful to stagger putting them in?  In light of no active concern for the men maybe they should have staggered the releases like they normally do.   

    • Love 3
  4. Does anyone else think that maybe Jaclin is maybe not leaving?  They had her in segregation then intake.   Maybe they're going to put her in another pod?  I found it a little strange they didn't at least show her in a hotel this episode.

    • Love 1
  5. 2 hours ago, Whimsy said:

    I wonder if Swole is really all bark and no bite, though.  She's been there awhile and the guards probably know her well enough to know if that's a legit threat or not.

    I wouldn't think so.   In the inmate interviews they stated that she's a fighter.  So unless they're hyping it up for tv (which is possible I guess)  she will actually beat someone up.

  6. These officers appear completely useless.  Swole "I'm going to spit in her face!" Officer "Please don't do that."  Teaser from next episode Swole "I'm going to beat her ass."  *crickets*


    Angele with her Jesus take the wheel, what's going to happen will happen nonsense.    You know it's wrong to enter into a sexual relationship with an inmate.   The producers with their wink wink attitudes are pitiful too.   What else is going on behind the scenes that Stephanie doesn't feel safe?   Did I miss why her cell mates wouldn't have her back any more?  


    Every time Matt talks it grates on my nerves.    I still don't understand all this drama about Andrew when he encouraged him to be in this position.  Just stop.   Emmanuel is so clueless it hurts.   And is potentially going to get him hurt.   I say again the officers appear useless.


    Alan in the clip for next week. "We can't get hot food but they can get weed in here?!" LOL

    • Love 6
  7. On 2/1/2018 at 12:19 PM, Peper81 said:


    I am really curious why there has not been a raid on the girl's section due to the high drug activity.  Surely the police officers are watching the video feeds and see the inmates showing off their drug stash and making whippits pretty much out in the open.  Have we even seen a raid of either the male or female units this season? 

    Preacher Matt and Jeremiah (I think that is his name) need to stop mugging for the camera.  It's just weird.  I'm also concerned that the participants are easily able to figure out who all the other participants are but we are supposed to believe that some of the real inmates can't see it.  I'm not sure I buy that.  Outside of Nate and the females, I haven't seen a whole lot of interaction between the real inmates and the participants.  

    Didn't they shake down 500 when they caught wind of Pancho having a shank?

    I saw a comment on Facebook saying that maybe the participants catch on to the other participants because they're looking for them.  It kind of makes sense.   


    How far are they going to let Angele's relationship go?  Stephanie is killing me with her  "I want to be the only one standing" but next episode she's changing cells due to "bullying?"  


    Matt was too funny with aligning his self with Swole(is that right?) and thinking he has any kind of power.   

    • Love 2
  8. A young inexperienced officer with lack of proper training kills Poussey brings about the start of this season

    A young inexperienced officer with lack of proper training kills Piscatella to end the season.   


    A scene that was a small moment but is still with me is when Ouija's son (?) is watching Maritza and Flaca’s video and sees his Mom threatening the officers.   The look on his face was heart breaking

    • Love 10
  9. So wait    How's Nate doing the after show?  

    Also, I had a flash that Alan Thomas was part of the second wave.    "Federal hold" and getting air time.  Think anyone from Wave 2 will be related to Wave 1?


    What's crazy to me about the fight that Mauri broke up was once again where were the officers? Weren't they buzzing for them? 

    So either Calvin was  torally delusional or there was some editing done.   They definitely were hitting him up for items but what else was happening?

    I knew nothing would come of the pill popping and smoking weed.   They were apparently thinking Matt was undercover though we only saw that at the end not smoking would have confirmed it.   

  10. I think her daughter showed a lot of anxiety about drugs being in the jail.  Like maybe she didn't want her to relapse.


    Can they really pursue something against them? I'm sure both are going say that they were worried about blowing their cover.   Matt was almost gleeful about it though "Smoking weed in a jail cell.   Check that off the bucket list!" 

    • Love 1
  11. 5 hours ago, FairyDusted said:

    The sleep schedule alone would be hell. Last go around the women partied all night long and here they play strip poker. Way too many females to a cell. I just can't believe Michelle snorted who knows what. I get super cranky with no alone time and no sleep so I'm not even sure I could pass up anything to make me pass out. Luckily I'm not an inmate and can at least have a benzo and a full peace pipe.

    Plus being woke up for count.   I think that lights go out at 9 but they're up for count at 11.  I would pissed off all the time.

    Does Michelle's bio say she had a drug history?

    • Love 1
  12. On 5/7/2017 at 0:09 PM, candall said:

    I really like this show and prefer to record several to watch at one time (because they kind of string out the "cliffhangers" and I want to know NOW.)  But it does make me self-conscious about posting in an "all-episodes" thread--no one wants to hear thoughts about something that happened three weeks ago, right?

    Anyway, I think there are more viewers than the thread implies.

    I say share away! No-one around me watches the show so I like three chance to talk about it

    • Love 5
  13. 3 hours ago, Maharincess said:

    I don't know for sure but if I had to guess I'd say Nate is the one who stays. He actually seems to like it in there. 

    Did they ever say how Nate got that cut on his forehead? 

    Nate got it playing basketball,is what I'm thinking too.  It was someone on his own team.   Have y'all noticed that in some of his interviews it's more noticeable than others?   

    • Love 1
  14. I don't think those pills are Michelle's.   I think they're setting it up for drama and it's going to be something totally innocent.   



    Who do you think stays for 120 days?

    • Love 2
  15. On 4/17/2017 at 7:14 PM, tvsoothesthespirit said:

    Why are they serving breakfast at 2:00 AM? Did I hear that correctly?

    When I worked at the prison they were eating lunch around 10 a.m. and dinner around 3:00 p.m  I think the logistics of getting everyone fed factors into it.


    I was blown away by Michelle too.   If Mauri wanted to leave she could have told them she wanted to talk about it in private like she did with the letters.

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