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Jack Shaftoe

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Posts posted by Jack Shaftoe

  1. On 4/24/2024 at 3:58 PM, Constantinople said:

    Except hostage taking was routine and would continue during the Tokugawa shoganate.

    It wouldn't just continue, it would be an official, widely used policy and arguably one of the key factors why the shogunate managed to survive for 250 years. The show presenting hostage taking as some outrageous idea that only the uncouth bureaucrat Ishido would consider acceptable is typical Hollywood nonsense.

    Toranaga somehow knowing exactly when and where the decisive battle would be did make me chuckle, I admit. This kind of "sounds cool but is actually nonsense" supposed political genius is the show's Achilles heel. So many well crafted character moments marred by the comedy of errors that passed for political intrigue.

    So why is Ochiba cool with Toranaga now? I get that she realized Ishido is literally too stupid to live (which begs the question why she allied with him in the first place) but what happened to her burning hatred for Toranaga? Why not use Ishido to get rid of Toranaga and then get rid of him too?

    Speaking of uncouth, Toranaga claims Blackthorne amuses him? Bro, you really need to raise your standards of entertainment. Your own wife alone is far more amusing that Blackthorne could ever be and you can hire just about any comedian, you know.

    Fuji didn't die, yay! And got rid of Blackthorne! Lucky girl.

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  2. This kind of cartoon villainy doesn't work when the show isn't particularly funny in the first place and ends up with an episode that is dead serious. Sure, many CEOs are little more than sociopaths but Vault-Tec insane plan should have been laughed out of the room by everyone who wasn't stark raving mad. "Oh, yeah, let's hide underground for decades or even longer in order to achieve some vague utopia - even though we are portrayed as incredibly selfish, so we shouldn't give a fuck about any utopias in the first place".

    The Brotherhood forgiving Maximus just like this was rather silly but it was funny how they called his dumb bluff with the random head immediately.

    You know, if Lucy's dad was in the conspiracy all along, you would think he would have known Moldaver's people were not from Vault 32.

    I guess the joke was that the descendants of executive assistants tend to be obedient and that's why Vault 33 is such a tidy place but it felt rather flat.

    Seeing the brain in the robotic contraption only made me realize how much better many of the show's themes are developed in Fallout New Vegas: Old World Blues. It's also far, far funnier than the show.

    All in all, for me the show ended up being mostly style over substance and it's too bad because Nolan managed to do wonderful things on a much smaller budget in Person of Interest.

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  3. Toranaga is lucky that Ishido is truly the biggest moron in the whole of Japan. The plot was basically "Why don't the hostages just ask to leave, are they stupid?". The idea that every noble family in Osaka would be up in arms if Ishido of the Idiots called Mariko's bluff is beyond laughable. These people live in a society where taking hostages is considered a perfectly normal move in the game of thrones, so to speak. Tokugawa Ieyasu himself spent years as a hostage when he was a child. Saying it out loud doesn't change the reality of the situation - that might makes right and taking hostages is considered fair game.

    Ishido allowing the "hostages" to have guards with full armor while his own men were unarmored was pretty funny in a so bad it's good kind of way.

    On 4/18/2024 at 9:25 AM, Constantinople said:

    After seeing this episode, Hiromatsu's death seems even more pointless.

    Typical cheap twist. Subvert the expectations and all that jazz. If anything, Toranaga pretending to be beaten makes it less likely that the families of the hostages will flock to his side now or dare to demand their freedom from Ishido of the Idiots.

    What happened to Ochiba's burning hatred for Toranaga? In the last two episodes she is all "yeah, whatever, boys playing their games of war, I have better things to do"? Her bond with Mariko was portrayed well but her behavior as the power behind the throne seems rather inconsistent.

    The show is pretty good in terms of characterization. Political intrigue... not so much.

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  4. Lucy and Maximus' romance is rushed to the point of parody but I do wonder if it's intentional or just bad writing.

    Why do the Vault 4 folks have naked Moldaver worship sessions if they aren't evil?

    Tuna? Oysters? Are they growing them in the vaults or had enough to last 200+ years?

    Steph is on the conspiracy too? That woman sure leads an eventful life.

    Once again, my problem with the show is that it's not funny enough to justify the endless absurd twists of the plot. Not too surprising when Todd Howard and Bethesda are involved rather than the people who created Fallout in the first place but what can you do.

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  5. Massive improvement compared to the previous episode. The lack of Maximus' wacky misadventures probably helped.

    The set design is outstanding, especially compared to some other Amazon adaptations like The Wheel of Time. The robot looked just like in the games and was super creepy in a darkly comical way. The terminals in the vault were recreated perfectly and the same goes for the atmosphere of doom when trying to find out what befell that particular vault. I just hope it's something deeper than just overpopulation, Fallout New Vegas in particular had some really creative scenarios of vaults becoming hell on earth.

    Lucy helping out the guy who used her as bait and cut her finger was a bit too much of a protagonist privilege for me. He was going to find the vials inside anyway and she had already displayed dangerous altruism minutes later by releasing the feral ghouls.

    Damn, Steph can't catch a break. I guess she doesn't seem to have a good Luck stat. I see a roaring rampage of revenge in the near future when those prisoners inevitably get free.

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  6. This show is too full of people quite literally too stupid to live. There should have been a lot more vault dwellers wanting the execution of the raiders, ideals about reforming prisoners tend to become rather unpopular when so many of your friends and family are brutally murdered.

    And it's not quite darkly funny enough to justify the endless "Oops, I am being an idiot" moments. A Fallout show should be funnier or alternatively have an actual plot worth that name rather than a series of wacky misadventures with lots of gore. Visually, it's pretty awesome, so I will keep watching but I sure hope the writing improves.

    I kind of hate Cooper in the present because I am tired psychopaths with sob stories but the flashbacks with him are very well done.

  7. 5 hours ago, shrewd.buddha said:

    Quirky can be amusing, but in a savage wasteland, a naive idiot like Lucy wouldn't keep her belongings or survive for more than a day.

    Yeah, her naivete is a little too much. Even after the raiders attack on the vault and the shootout on the street, she just had to give a whole speech on whether violence would be justified.

    And Maximus should have had very little difficulty defeating the ghoul. Maybe he is such an old trainee because he is really incompetent, just like the knight whose armor he took.

    I am a huge fan of Person of Interest but somehow didn't know Michael Emerson would be in this show. I suspected he might not be long for this world and sadly I was right.

    I wish it had been a deathclaw instead of a bear too.

    Anyone else keep thinking of Shannen Doherty every time they take a look at Ella Purnell?

  8. On 4/12/2024 at 4:34 AM, Arynm said:

    In this case, I think it was supposed to be like the video game. She used the stim pack and she was fine just like gameplay would be. The trope is terrible I agree, but in this case, I thought it worked.

    Exactly. At first I thought it was silly, then I saw the stimpack use scene and laughed my ass off. Refuge in audacity, just like in the games.

    I liked the first episode a lot. My main criticism would be the overuse of musical montages and, as mentioned above, Maximus seems too old to be a squire in training but maybe this will be explained later. And the power armors seemed to way literally tons the way everything shook when a knight passed by but I guess rule of cool must prevail sometimes.

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  9. So let me get this straight - Toranaga is so keen on preserving secrecy that he doesn't even tell his best friend and most loyal supporter about his (not so) cunning plan. Said supporter promptly kills himself because he thinks the ruse is a reality or because he suspects what's up and wants to make it more real. Then Toranaga casually spills the beans to Mariko anyway lest viewers be confused for a week?!?

    If Tokugawa Ieyasu had been such a rank amateur as Toranaga Yoshi, there would never have been a Tokugawa Shogunate.

    Considering how clueless Ishido is, this Byzantine plan of Toranaga's seems completely unnecessary. And since this is television his dumb plan is going to work and no one is going to give a fuck that he lost his best friend for no reason. Speaking of Ishido and company, they had Toranaga at their mercy but allowed him to go back his power base because they respect his grief that much? Seriously? They could have ,you know, arrested him and sent him to Osaka rather than wait for him to make up his mind like total fools.

    Why is that crew member whining about Blackthorne? Bro, you signed up for a privateer ship, you don't get to complain if it, you know, goes around the world looking for rich targets to rob. And the captain decides where a ship goes, not the pilot. Of course, Blackthorne being the Rude Englishman (tm) that he is had to beat him half to death.

    I was hoping they were going to deconstruct the glorification of seppuku but this wasn't the case in this episode.

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  10. On 4/2/2024 at 6:27 PM, mledawn said:

    This episode was so frustrating. I don't think the audience has seen enough of Toranaga being the great tactician/strategist to have any dramatic effect with the surrender.

    I'm not sure why the writers have chosen to make Blackthorne so insufferable but he was definitely not this bad in the book. He is completely unable to just sit back and listen/pay attention to what is happening around him.

    Well said. Great acting can only do so much. Hiroyuki Sanada is a brilliant actor but no amount of stellar acting can make up for the huge discrepancy between we are told of Toranaga and what we actually see.

    And Blackthorne acts as if he knows he is the main character in a story and thus cannot be killed.

    Also, why was Saeki so willing to poke the bear by telling Toranaga and company "I play for the other side now, suckers" while being vulnerable to becoming a hostage himself or being killed by one of the many hotheads in Toranaga's camp? Does everything happen in that village in the book or is it a cost cutting measure for the show?

    I am impressed by Fuji's restraint when Toranaga's idiot made the death all about him and his small dick issues, so to speak. Plus, Fuji training with a naginata - smoking hot. The show seems to be trying to deconstruct the glorification of ritual suicide, so I have my fingers crossed she decides to live and makes it to the end of the show.

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  11. 4 hours ago, mledawn said:

    Ishido would not risk acting alone and potentially losing the support of the other Regents.

    Yet he did precisely that by openly forcing three other regents to act under duress and then even murdering one of them in this very episode.

  12. 16 minutes ago, mledawn said:

    Ochiba is also the head of a powerful clan - the lineage of the Taiko

    No, she isn't. She is a woman who wasn't even married to him. She doesn't have an army or lands of her own, as far as I can tell. She may exert considerable informal influence but that's not how the scenes with her and Ishido play out at all. It's basically him repeatedly saying "yes, milady" and that's in stark contrast with the way the likes of Mariko and Fuji have to act in order to exert influence in this deeply misogynist society.

    6 hours ago, Raja said:

    Well it certainly became worthless due to her father's actions.

    Mariko thought the match was a terrible idea even before her father went and killed Not!Nobunaga.

    6 hours ago, Raja said:

    Without the rules holding the regents at bay they would ultimately return to the old ways of the warring clans.

    Indeed but considering how openly both Ishido and Toranaga have flouted the rules, one wonder why Ishido is obsessed with impeaching Toranaga by following the letter of the law rather than go "See that big army over there? It's mine. Now bring me Toranaga's head, chop-chop".

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  13. 2 minutes ago, mledawn said:

    Lady Ochiba is not Ishido’s wife/consort. She was the Taiko’s consort. He is kissing up to her because she is the one with power at this point.

    But she isn't, that's the whole point. He is the head of a powerful clan and a Regent. She, on the other hand, can only make stuff happen by convincing powerful men to do her bidding. Ochiba needs Ishido (or someone else like him) to achieve anything at all. Ishido doesn't need her. In fact, his life would probably a lot easier if he got rid of her. Yet, he acts like she is some European style Queen Mother with formal powers of a regent - and even those queens were usually shoved aside by men like him.

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  14. Come to think of it, Ishido killing Sugiyama was a deeply stupid move. His clan now will probably join Toranaga or at least do nothing to support Ishido. Then again, it seems like escaping from Osaka is surprisingly easy, so maybe he had no choice after all. :)

    2 minutes ago, mledawn said:

    Buntaro is the son of Toronaga’s military advisor Hiromatsu. It is an honourable/revered samurai family.

    I thought they were a fairly influential family but in this episode Mariko and Toranaga strongly suggested otherwise, hence my confusion.

    5 minutes ago, mledawn said:

    People definitely question how Lady Ochiba was the only one to sire an heir. It was why Ishido was so riveted to her story - as if she might have confessed.

    Do they? You would think someone would have made political capital from the Heir's uncertain ancestry by now. It's exactly because there were no DNA tests that rumors like that could be pretty effective when trying to discredit political opponents. If Ishido thinks Ochiba is cheating why on earth is he her biggest supporter?

  15. The politics are getting sillier and sillier. So holding regents and their loved ones hostage and then killing one of them along with his entourage is fine but you need to follow letter of the law to "impeach" Toranaga and declare him an outlaw? Really? Ishido's claim that Toranaga would be finished if Ochiba said she knew he was behind her father's death was beyond laughable. Why not, I don't know, declare him an outlaw for allowing your emissary to be used as literal cannon fodder? Or just do it for no legal reason, since you are totally comfortable following the might makes right principle in all your other moves?

    And Toranaga's answer is to... rush to attack the biggest fortress. Truly a man of genius, that guy.

    I see what they are trying to do with Ochiba and women pulling the strings behind the scenes in patriarchal societies is one of my favorite tropes but it's just not working for me in this case. Maybe it's the affected way in which she talks, reminds of me cliched anime villains and I keep expecting her to start cackling evilly. But it's also because she acts like being mother of the heir is some ultimate trump card even though the Taiko wasn't a king, emperor or any other sort of formally hereditary ruler and she wasn't even married to him, IIRC. The Taiko had hundreds of concubines but only she bore him a child? You would think people would be rather suspicious of that.

    Mariko's father married her to nobody, so she wouldn't be killed? Explain like I am five how this would help.

    Blackthorne again thinks Toranaga is going to give him his ship back. And that he can make him attack the Portuguese just like that and when Toranaga (of course) refuses, he has yet another hissy fit.

    The brothel scene was way too melodramatic for my taste. And if Kiku is such an expensive, high class courtesan, how does a nobody like Omi afford her? Why is she constantly in that village in the middle of nowhere? Why not invite her to Blackthorne's house the way she visits Omi rather than turning everything into a public circus?

    Best part were Fuji's reactions during the haggling with the brothel owner. Top class side eye! More of that and less of Mariko and Blackthorne's boring as hell romance, please.

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  16. That was an acting masterclass from Moeka Hoshi (Fuji) and to a lesser extent Anna Sawai (Mariko). The plot was less impressive but c'est la vie. Gotta feel bad for Fuji and Mariko being stuck between Mr. Brutal Idiot (Buntaro) and Mr. Loud Idiot (Blackthorne).

    Wasn't the heir's mother (Ochiba) released by Toranaga even before he and Mr. Loud Idiot escape Osaka? Why is she only now showing up is Osaka? Why is she acting like she can command Ishido in this extremely misogynistic society? I am well aware that women could and did wield a lot of power in societies where formal leadership roles were reserved for men but usually this required more tact and cunning than yelling.

    So Mariko's father killed the equivalent of Oda Nobunaga?

    "We can order Toranaga's execution but not anything else because he resigned" still makes no sense whatsoever.

    Buntaro is totally working for Ishido now, or at least I hope so, because a bunch of ronin showing up on the waterfront at night, fighting their way through a small army just to save him is the kind of twist a cartoon would be ashamed of.

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  17. 27 minutes ago, DoctorAtomic said:

    In terms of the cannon, Blackthorne has a letter of marque from the Dutch crown. This is the time of pirates; if you're backed by the Crown, I think you're getting the top technology.

    There weren't any guns with such pin-point accuracy in that era. All the money in the world couldn't buy cannon like the ones depicted in the show.

    39 minutes ago, DoctorAtomic said:

    He's been told thus far what to call everyone, and by and large, it's been -sama. He was being genuinely polite. 

    No, he was told to call Mariko that with the very clear implication that it's not something you use for everyone. And he needs to be ridiculous unobservant to not have noticed that nobody else is calling servants -sama. Same with not realizing that he runs the risk of being killed on the spot every time he mouths off a samurai, no matter how minor of a lord the guy happens to be.

    He also once again kept yelling at people in English (or maybe Portuguese) and expecting them to miraculously understand him. For a guy who has traveled far and wide and knows at least one foreign language, he behaves like the stereotypical Ugly American Brit way too often. He was even surprised he didn't get "his" ship and "his" men back as if there was any realistic possibility of this happening (since there would be nothing stopping him from immediately sailing for home).

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  18. I really wish they would dial down Blackthorne's episodes of being the obnoxious loud foreigner who just cannot fathom that you don't mouth off people of higher rank. Not in Japan, not in England, not anywhere in the early 17th century if you want to keep your head. He is supposed to have served on ships for most of his life and on a ship the captain's authority is basically absolute. Why is he acting like some spoiled 21st century kid who thinks only suckers follow social conventions? And surely he must have realized that only higher-ups are called -sama but, no he had to go and call a gardener that.

    Very convenient that he is a master gunner too. Though, Yabushige and company are in for a big surprise if the show follows history and Osaka castle proves too strong for this kind of guns. And I don't think guns at that era were anywhere near accurate enough to allow for most things we saw in the episode but Hollywood gonna Hollywood.

    Fuji was kind of awesome and it's nice that the show mentioned how noble women handle financial affairs and other stuff and do not just stand around looking pretty all day long, as often thought.

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  19. This Portuguese captain sure isn't the sharpest tool in the drawer. Why not ask directly for Blackthorne's head? He had Tokugawa Toranaga by the balls.

    Blackthorne claiming to be a rude idiot as a distraction isn't very different than his normal behavior and they got stupidly lucky that someone came to countermand that guard right on time.

    Mariko with a naginata was cool, though it was very convenient that the weapon just happened to be there when she needed it. And flaming arrows? They are stupidly ineffective, those fools must have watched Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves too many times.

    I am enjoying the show for the spectacle and the actor performances but I do think the political intrigue that so many people rave about it nothing special. And having a pilot train an infantry battalion sounds really silly. With the kind of money Toranaga has at his disposal he should be easily able to hire some European with experience in land based warfare.

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  20. I wonder if it's an oversight to have Mariko insist that Blackthorn call her Mariko-sama, yet that Jesuit interpreter called her Lady Maria. Then again, that Jesuit guy also referred to Toranaga as simply Toranaga when Mariko talked to him, so maybe the show is more careful with the precise naming when Japanese is used.

    I am enjoying it a lot so far, been a while since I watched anything with spoken Japanese and the Japanese actors are really good. That psycho who ordered the man boiled alive really shouldn't be making me chuckle so often but he does. Main complaint would be Blackthorn often behaving like a rude tourist despite clearly being smart enough to realise the kind of predicament he is. The way things are going he is going to call Toranaga "bro" any day now.

    Also, I find it hard to believe that the Japanese would be quite so ignorant about the rest of the world. Even later when they closed themselves to the world, they kept track of many technological and some political developments. And at the time of the show is set in they could produce plenty firearms of their own, so they had little to fear from any invasion from Portugal or Spain anyway.

    As to why Blackthorn would know Portuguese - at the time, if you want to go around exploring the world, knowing Spanish or Portuguese would be a huge advantage.

    Last but not least, Toranaga's wife stole the show. :)

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  21. 47 minutes ago, Dev F said:

    Discounting a handwavy sci-fi explanation in a handwavy sci-fi series seems like, say, insisting that all the characters in a horror movie about a haunted house must actually be suffering from delusional paranoia, because science says ghosts don't really exist.

    This show takes itself way too seriously for me to consider it a handwavy sci-fi series and give it a pass for the many worldbuilding inconsistencies and plot contrivances. If I were watching Legends of Tomorrow or Wynonna Earp, sure, I wouldn't mind stuff like gut wounds miraculously healing with penicillin injection and doctors immediately jumping to killing their precious immunity carrier.

    I love watching shows about tough choices but I hate it when the set up is so contrived. "We aren't going to try anything else, our first step going to be to open Ellie's skull and thus kill her". Way to kill all the moral ambiguity, writers. I have never played the game, so I have no idea how true the adaptation is but the final twist struck me as a rather video game-y excuse for having the protagonist go on a murderous rampage of rightfulness. I mean, I enjoy video games in general, but even in critically acclaimed ones, the discrepancy between the plot and what the protagonists gets to do when they are controlled by the player can be massive. Some scholars call it ludonarrative dissonance. This adaptation tried to be more subdued but in the end it's all "bad guys do bad stuff for very stupid reasons, go kill those losers ASAP!".

    Come to think it, the show should have explored the Fireflies point of view a lot more. Why did they send Ellie to be raised by their enemies anyway, did I miss something?

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  22. I really liked the first two seasons of Dark, the third not so much and the big reveal in the end was all kinds of underwhelming, as such reveals usually are. 1899 has the high quality acting and cinematography of Dark and lots of plot twists but I found the characters mediocre at best. They seemed to be on track to become interesting early on when life on the ship was relatively normal but once shit hit the fan it was one surreal crisis after another and their past was explored mostly in brief flashbacks. I can't help but think it might have been better if the main cast were smaller and the characters' pasts and respective traumas were explored more instead of the gazillion repetitive scenes along the lines of one character saying "What the hell is going on?" and another replying "Beats me but we are screwed". Or people asking Maura if she remembers.

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  23. Rhaenyra and Daemon should have been pressing relentlessly for Otto's dismissal for years rather than accept his return as fait accompli. Or pressed Viserys to give them more lands to make Rhaenyra's position as heir apparent stronger. Or at least placed some spies in the king's palace. Instead they did absolutely nothing to prevent the coup or to make sure they are informed immediately when the king died and the only supporters in the capital Daemon could think of were some gold cloaks whom he commanded almost two decades ago. Way to be caught with your pants down, guys.

    Since the show clearly wanted to portray Viserys as not that terrible of a king, we never saw him refuse such demands, instead it was Rhaenyra and Daemon who ended up looking as complete amateurs who shouldn't run a lemonade stand, let alone a kingdom. Which, again, would be an interesting story to tell if it were a deliberate choice but I suspect it was a writing crutch to allow the Green coup to happen easily and Rhaenyra is supposed to be at least somewhat competent of a ruler after all.

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