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Posts posted by JonasArm

  1. Really cool moments during Episode 5... Solomon was a riot and i could have had a full mini series of his dailylife on Beacon 23 before Halan. Now, as he abandoned Halan when he was requesting help, our protagonist was rightfully pissed and him crapping all over Solomon's cuisine was warranted and funny. The rocks finally start to reveal their secret... let's see where it leads.

  2. Egwene putting the collar doesn't make sense though. We know that she can't touch anything she wants to use as a weapon... but she could grab it and put it around her slaver's neck? Not withcounting that she hung her by the collar but Renna couldn't attack Egwene.

    • Like 3
  3. Nynaeve's problem is not with the power but with the Aes Sedai. She told in season 1 the story of her mother who was turned away upon her arrival at the tower simply because of her ragged clothes and her accent. Nynaeve sees the Aes Sedai as elistist and potentially people that refused to teach her mother the power that could have saved their familly... hence the 3rd vision where Nynaeve herself doesn't have such skill but could have learned while her mother wasn't given the choice.

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  4. Maybe Yennefer wants to buy a free pass to nilfgaard and the knight may be her ticket. As it is the only place she knows where they study forbidden magic, she may think she could regain her power there.

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  5. 32 minutes ago, quarks said:
    1 hour ago, JonasArm said:

    No one rode into the gate they were already all in front of it. Only Moraine, Rand and Nynaeve really knew about it. The former was occupied opening the gate and leading the way, the other two discovering, overcoming their own fear and making their own choice to move forward or not. And again they are not there to baby-sit Mat, ultimately he makes his own choices.

    I changed "riding" to "walking" because valid point there, but -

    Perrin knows about the knife as well - he joked about it when they all met up.

    Since he wasn't there during the knife removal, someone must have told him. That someone could only have been one of two people - Egwene and Loial. (Perrin was asleep during Moiraine's visit.) He didn't meet up with any of the others until they reached the gate. So, for Perrin to know, either Loial or Egwene or both also know. Presumably Loial since he was at the inn, but Nynaeve or Moiraine could have said something to Egwene during the Siuan meeting. 

    So it's not just Moiraine, Rand and Nynaeve. It's:


    Lan (he was there when she was pulling black stuff out of the knife, and helping hold Mat down)

    Rand (same)

    Perrin (not there, but dialogue indicates someone told him)

    Nynaeve (not there, but presumably demanded an explanation)

    Either Loial or Egwene (also not there, but presumably got an explanation from Rand, Moiraine and/or Nynaeve.)

    Which is to say, almost the entire group knows about Mat and the Evil Knife. And Rand was explicitly told to keep an eye on Mat.

    So are they there to babysit Mat? No. But given that a) they don't know if Mat is the Dragon or one of the Dragons, and they need the Dragon at wherever they are going, and b) most of them do know about the evil dagger, they absolutely should have been keeping an eye on him and making sure that the entire group was coming along. And that's even leaving aside that just a couple months ago, they saw what happened to someone left behind: the Taren Ferry guy. Things didn't go well for him.

    You are making my point for me: only Moiraine, Rand and Nynaeve REALLY knew about it, the rest has briefly heard of it and you and some other viewers are making of it a bigger deal than those characters have any reason or time to affort.

  6. 1 minute ago, quarks said:

    Keep an eye out for any questionable behavior from Mat. Listen to everything he says. Realize that he isn't riding into the gate with you BEFORE you step into the gate.  

    No one rode into the gate they were already all in front of it. Only Moraine, Rand and Nynaeve really knew about it. The former was occupied opening the gate and leading the way, the other two discovering, overcoming their own fear and making their own choice to move forward or not. And again they are not there to baby-sit Mat, ultimately he makes his own choices.

  7. 2 hours ago, quarks said:

    But, auugh, everyone.  All of you now KNOW the dagger is evil! You know it might still be affecting Mat! I know this because you said so and made jokes about it! But do ANY OF YOU STOP TO THINK, HMM, SINCE WE KNOW IT MIGHT STILL BE AFFECTING HIM, MAYBE WE SHOULD KINDA ASSUME THAT IT IS AFFECTING HIM?

    Geesh, folks. 

    Not sure what you are getting at. Unless you know something for having read the books, what do you want people to do?

    • LOL 2
  8. 2 hours ago, Chicago Redshirt said:

    They seemed to say that Doc can heal. But what was the deal with him seeing his pet rat a couple episodes back?

    It's interesting, I took that scene as the baddies experimenting to give themselves powers.

  9. 1 hour ago, staphdude said:

    What is the time limit on a spoiler? I am happy to leave people to discover the intricacies of the story or big reveals but some fundamental truths don’t seem so controversial. Who is the Dragon/Core long lasting relationships don’t seem like information that would take away from the experience. YMMV

    Any info related to this story but not coming from the show.

  10. On 11/18/2021 at 6:20 PM, AnimeMania said:
    On 11/18/2021 at 11:36 AM, Spaceman Spiff said:

    I thought it was Vi. Powder shot her in the back (where her board was harnessed which saved her from a killing blow) and lying on the deck at the end of the confrontation. I assumed she was picked up when security first arrived, pre-Caitlin doing her solo investigation. I could be wrong.

    I wasn't sure because what Powder sees is not very reliable. VI would have been lying in the flames an awful long time, if there were even flames there at all. The "flying skateboard" gang attacks VI later in the next episode, so much for loyalty. 

    One of the telling signs of the scene is the "Vi" that Powder sees is of a much smaller frame than Powder and can't even handle her grip.  

  11. 21 hours ago, Blue Plastic said:

    Question:  Was there a woman dressed in black (hat, dress) standing in the chamber while Sabrina S died?


    On 12/31/2020 at 10:09 PM, AnimeMania said:

    Where did Nick and Sabrina end up, Heaven's waiting room? You would think they would be in Hell, if killing an Angel doesn't send you to Hell, I don't know what will.

    I'm pretty sure the woman was their Dark Mother Hecate, which would mean that it is in her realm that Sabrina and Nick end up.

  12. 11 minutes ago, Sakura12 said:

    I think it was Diego in season 1 that said that Mom gave them names. As for why Five knew their names maybe he saw stuff with their names on it while he lived in their ruined house after the apocalypse for all those years. 

    Five said he had read Vanya's book (where she gives out all their secrets).


    As for the farm, we know they have horses and cows at the very least and Carl's parents owned a farm (barn) in California. It is possible that they rent it out to other farmers...

    • Love 3
  13. 1 hour ago, peachmangosteen said:
    13 hours ago, ItCouldBeWorse said:

    If they got the math right this time and older Five stayed "old" when he returned to 2019, shouldn't "young" Five" immediately turn old?

    Thank you! This was confusing me so very much lol.

    Young looking Five is the one who made the portal. He may have kept the miscalculation on purpose in order not to alter the timeline.

    • Useful 1
  14. 2 hours ago, Enigma X said:

    I thought not every kid born that day was "special," and Reggie only got the ones that were. I thought he got all the ones that were that he could find.

    Only the instant pregnancy were special ones. But Reggie only got 7 of them when there were many more.


    I just notice , they are in 2019 but the new Academy members are still  children and not adults.

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  15. I'm not sure how the new academy could have different people. Unless Reginald created them, it was established that he tried to get all the children, and would have had more than seven if could have.

    I find the very last minutes lazy and predictible. In the ending last season they were all returned to their child age and that got erased in favor of a main plot do-over: scattered family, mysterious apocalypse, crazy assassins, non-sensical time travel. This time we find ourselves with the weak following plot: everything is well that ends w... gotcha! see next next year. It's cheap and unoriginal.

    We got a fluid season otherwise, fun with nicer family moments (Ben still amiss). I hope it continues without having to break them up for the sake of drama next season, that would be insulting. A better (almost invisible) Luther, a weaker Diego (with his skills from season 1, escaping the asylum should have been a cinch), more things for Ben, new things for Vanya but more of the same for Klaus unfortunatly.

    I especially liked them all joining Vanya as a family to help Harlan. So hopefully, united family front for and through a third and last season!

    • Love 6
  16. Julia being unconscious through the final is becomig a habit.

    The effect may have vanished but with the surprise time rewinding, shouldn't Elliot remember everything via Permance (like he did when the moon was crashing), and shouldn't a master magician like Zelda remember as well?

    Once the people are off the ark, the rabbits will be there and reaching the Eath will be a sinch.


  17. 1 hour ago, Poltargyst said:

    But that lady isn't Penny23's mom.  Penny23's mom is in timeline 23, right?  So we just assume that her history is the same as Penny23's mom's history?  We're not going to tell Penny40's mom that her son is dead?

    I was tinking this as well, she isn't the same mum. However historywise, they have the exact same as Penny23 & Penny40's story only starts diverging when he enters Brakebills, and as far as we know, they have not contacted their mother since.


    The excuse to have them sing was weak at best and the heist felt pretty easy for a place so secured.


    I would have liked a smarter way to take out PsychoFog, rather than dumbing him down with this insulting trick. Obviously that will lead to Fog40 coming back since PsychoFog has more pain than Fog40. Whom/How will he help?

    I wonder if Julia leaning how to severe the psychic link could help untie DK from the tree of Fillary without blowing the place.


    Last question: have they ever made use of Quentin's blood?

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  18. I've been wondering all season who would be likely to become a divinity. After this episode, I'm wondering if Fenn will be the one.



    6 hours ago, Poltargyst said:

    Seemed like kind of a lame reason to turn good Marina bad again.  Because they needed her to lie to her girlfriend?  I feel like if they just talked to the girlfriend and explained the situation she might have just helped them.

    Agreed, and the girlfriend seemed almost convinced already.

  19. 7 hours ago, darkestboy said:

    At least we know that it's Charlie's sisters that are after her. I guess we'll be seeing them soon enough.

    I'm completly new to the universe and discovering it's mythology... so I'm wondering, isn't last week's coin maker a Fate sister?

  20. 19 hours ago, iMonrey said:

    We saw one timeline where Quentin himself became the beast. So yeah, there's gotta be at least a few timelines where Quentin survived. 

    Quentin died in that timeline as well though, Alice brought him back only after talking to our Quentin.

  21. 1 hour ago, AudienceofOne said:

    The fact you have to assume is the problem. She just pops up suddenly and Mwahahaha's all over everything. It was really clumsy writing, which I do not expect from this show (or at least never used to).

    Marina said she needed the power of Harmonic Convergence for her mission. She also learnt from the guy in the hidden library that Kady was going to try to stop it so she followed her to the party. And since Kady's story with the hedges is not over we will know more about said mission later.

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