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Posts posted by DaisyMae2011

  1. On 5/14/2020 at 10:18 AM, Elizzikra said:

    He's done a lot of them. I don't like Dr. Phil but when I stumble on the catfish ones, I always get sucked in. It's amazing what people will believe and sad to see how they bankrupt themselves in pursuit of "love."

     I don't like him either. He tries to insert himself into whatever the biggest news story is.  I followed the Caylee Anthony saga since the day she was reported missing. I kept on top of all the evidence as it was being made public, and watched the entire trial, and I was so annoyed when he had George and Cindy on. He let her blow smoke up his a**  in an attempt to cover for her daughter, and he let her get away with it.  But anyway, when I see the catfish stories I have to watch them too.  I'm flabbergasted that people can be so naive, but I feel awful for the elderly people who spent their life savings.  

    • Love 5
  2. On 6/4/2018 at 2:21 PM, Calm81 said:


    My husband and I are guilty of the iPad at a restaurant.

    Our daughter is two months younger than Nova and on the spectrum so she has random meltdowns and can’t talk, yet. So when we actually do venture to a restaurant to have dinner with family or friends we bring her iPad so we can get through a dinner without a scene (I don’t have anyone that can babysit for us that is able to handle her otherwise we wouldn’t bring her to a restaurant).

    Last month we went to our first restaurant in MONTHS with my brother and his wife and our daughter screamed the whole time (I think it was due to a short nap) and my husband had to sit in the car with her until she calmed down (Normally I handle the meltdowns but I haven’t seen my brother in a long time so my hubby let me enjoy my visit...)

    We have behavioral therapy scheduled in July so hopefully we will have a better understanding of her meltdowns, but giving her the iPad was the ONLY way we could get through the meal with family without nearby patrons giving us the stink eye, but when we are home the iPad usage is restricted to 1 hour per day with 30 minutes of it being learning activities and the other 30 being her favorite show “spirit” on Netflix.

    I don’t know why I just shared all of that. I guess it’s guilt for relying on technology to parent for me when in social situations or that I just have nobody to vent to about this...?

    ETA: she’s a happy little girl but when in social situations she gets frustrated so I don’t want anyone thinking she’s bratty because she’s a sweety but since she’s not quite able to communicate her feelings just yet so it’s hard to know what’s bothering her (like an infant so to speak) so that’s why I don’t want to leave her with anyone but her dad and myself.

    I have three kids total, full time job and no entourage of helpers helping me so I cringe when I see Kailyn complain about her struggles as a mom when on her 100th vacation. ?

    We experienced something similar when my daughter was very young.  She was eventually diagnosed with a social anxiety disorder called Selective Mutism.  She would only speak to immediate family, and as she got a bit older, she would speak to a few of her friends.  When any other adults tried to speak to her, she would put her head down, or whisper in my ear for me to respond to them.  I never realized how bothered adults would get when a child refused to speak to them!  Some of them would even make a point to bring her candy, but it made no difference because she wasn't ABLE to speak to them.  I had to learn through therapy not to try and make her say thank you to people for bringing her things because she wasn't being defiant, she truly had no control over it. 

    She would have horrible meltdowns.  It must have been so frustrating for her to go through an entire day not being able to speak to people, so when she got home to her safe place, she would completely lose it.  

    I'm not saying this is what your little girl has, but kudos to you for having her evaluated.  Early intervention made all the difference for my daughter.  Her social anxiety was severe.  Trust me, I cried many tears over it because as exhausting as her meltdowns were, and as much as her tantrums tried my patience, my heart broke for her.  Today, she is 22 years old, is in her senior year of college, and .... is a social butterfly with tons of friends.  She even works as a waitress!  I never thought I'd see the day, because one of the last things she was able to do (even as old as 12 or 13) was order her own meal in a restaurant because the waitress was a stranger. 

    The therapy really taught me how to help her, as well as how to counsel her teachers at school, and others who had to interact with her.  It made all the difference.  Hang in there!

    • Love 13
  3. On 5/4/2018 at 8:27 PM, TheRealT said:

    Honestly, WE TV should be boycotted or whatever for promoting Amber as some kind of mental health advocate. Amber is an excellent example of UNTREATED mental illness, which I don't think anyone advocates for. Amber has done and/or publicly admitted to:

    • Not seeking ongoing treatment for her serious mental illness diagnoses
    • Stopping her psych meds without consulting a doctor
    • Continuing to use drugs after acknowledging her substance abuse and its role in her mental illnesses and "getting sober" while in prison
    • Proudly continuing to perpetrate and endure physical abuse in her relationship after acknowledging/being convicted of domestic violence
    • Attempting to assault a coworker at a work event that was being filmed for international TV
    • Neglecting her child as a result of her untreated mental illness
    • Engaging in "crazy" behavior like Didngetting pregnant by a guy she was dating for a week while she was in the throes of a deep depression triggered by a breakup with her abusive boyfriend; going on nonsensical Twitter tirades; screaming and crying for no coherent reason; spending 90% of her time in bed; etc., etc.

    That's a partial list. How is that inspiring or instructive to people grappling with mental illness and/or people who stigmatize mental illness because they think mentally ill people are "crazy," untrustworthy, erratic, violent, dangerous, etc.? Amber IS crazy, untrustworthy, erratic, violent, and dangerous! There are literally hours and hours and hours of filmed evidence to prove that (not to mention tabloid articles, SM posts, etc.). What, exactly, are they trying to "bring awareness" about?

    Didn't she say that she started using again and acting like a lunatic because of Matt?  And she's in such a better place now because of the new boyfriend?  So basically her theory on mental health has everything to do with who you're shacking up with at the time.  She is the absolute last person who should be bestowing her mental wisdom on anyone!

    • Love 15
  4. When amber tells someone off, she sticks her chin out making her look like a spoiled toddler throwing a tantrum instead of the badass bitch she thinks she is.  I still can't believe anyone impregnated her after witnessing this display of craziness.  She throws a hissy fit over every little thing.  

    • Love 12
  5. 23 hours ago, Emkat said:

    GO AWAY NESSA! I refuse to watch anything she is on.

    She's the reason I can't watch any of the afters shows.  She is annoying as hell!  She asks a question about one of the kids, and no matter what the answer, her response is always "awwwww, that's sooo cuuutte!".  She's awkward, and a horrible host.

    • Love 9
  6. On 3/12/2018 at 3:59 PM, SuzWhat said:

    Classic Matt.  Trying to gaslight the therapists (or whatever the hell).    They. Shut. It. down.    Best scene ever. 

    Matt:  "See, what had happened was..."   

    Them:  Did you father those kids?  

    Matt:  Yes but...

    Them:  G'night Matt.  The number is the number.   We're done.  


    I did notice that MBC sprung for new glasses that are not as scratched up and greasy as what Matt sported on Teen Mom OG.   <gag>   

    He always laughs when he's lying, but it's that "you're being ridiculous for not believing me" type of laugh.  It's a definite trigger for Amber (what isn't?), but I loved the way the therapists completely shut him down.  He is such a slimy, manipulative, liar.  I wonder if his 2 kids who were shown on teen mom regret singing his praises now.  They were obviously brought on the show to rehab his image, but unfortunately for him, the general public isn't as dumb as the women he can manipulate, and we weren't fooled by anything those kids had to say.  

    • Love 10
  7. I enjoy reading the Teen Mom forums here because you all are always spot on with your assessments.  After watching MBC on demand, I had to chime in.  If I didn't know it before, I know it now.. Amber is a complete psycho.  Going off like that because someone made a comment about reality TV?  Really?  I truly fear for that unborn child.  God forbid he is colicky like my first born was.  I'm a patient person (and not lazy like Amber), and a colicky baby tested my patience every single day.  And the fact that her new boyfriend will be there isn't very reassuring because how stable can he be if he observed all that carrying on, and still chose to start a relationship with her?

    She thinks she's so gangster, but one of these days, when security isn't around, someone's going to give her what she deserves.  She's lucky Chrissy or Mama Jones didn't get to her.  I watch Love & Hip Hop, and they don't play!

    • Love 14
  8. 20 hours ago, AirQuotes said:

    My bff's family started a special charity because there wasn't one already set up to do what they wanted to do.  It is incredibly involved, and they are educated and diligent people.  It took many friends and family volunteering to get it going and to work the fundraisers.  I just can't see Amber doing it.

    (My BFF's 17 year old son died in a car accident so their charity is a memorial scholarship in his name for the special needs school he attended.  When he was 12, he was at his dad's house riding a Can-Am 4 wheeler without a helmet and he hit a tree.  He was in a coma for weeks and it was months of rehab.  There is a special needs private school in our area that he attended after the accident.  The brain injury caused him to have seizures, but the seizures were controlled.  He was able to get his driver license, and about 1 month later he had a seizure while driving which caused him to wreck.   It has been incredibly difficult for his family, but the memorial scholarship is a good deed they do to honor him.  Everyone who knew him and loves him pitches in to help.)

    So sorry for your friend and her family.  That is a lot for one family to go through.  Hearing stories like this is what makes my blood boil when I hear Amber and some of the others on these shows constantly complaining about how rough things are.  What would they do if real tragedy ever struck?

    And as far as the complaints about being so stressed (Tyler), and tired (Amber), I'll echo what another poster mentioned above ... those of us who were pregnant, working a full time job while caring for other small children, know what it's like to be tired, but Amber can't even go shopping without a wheelchair!  Imagine how many vacations these nitwits would need if they actually lived in the real world. 

    • Love 4
  9. I watch this show here and there, so I have missed a lot, but I caught the part where Nicole said "we finally figured out what the problem was with Mae .. she was hungry".  Isn't Mae 3 years old? At 3 years old, both of my kids were not only able to tell me they were hungry, they were conversational , but I also spent a lot of time with them.    I'm pretty sure I remember, at their check ups, the pediatrician asking if they were saying at least 50 to 100 words by 24 months, so if she's well past that and can't say "I'm hungry", then she's behind.  

    As far as potty training, that's a tough one.  My first born was out of diapers before 2, but the second one had no interest in using the potty.  I had to catch her in the act! LOL  She'd sneak off into another part of the room and get quiet, but as soon as her eyes would get watery, I knew it was time to scoop her up and put her on the potty.  Potty training can be work, and I have no doubt Nicole can't be bothered, and it's easier for her to just allow Mae to stay in diapers.  

    All that being said, Mae is as cute as a button!  I just want to pinch those little cheeks!

    • Love 9
  10. It's crazy how much Michelle looks like Hazel E.!  If I weren't so technically challenged, I would do a side by side just for kicks. 

    Unless there was some serious editing, I don't understand how Autumn got blamed for the blow up at the restaurant.  The way I see it, she didn't start it.  She stepped into the bathroom and heard Sasha's friend sh*t talking her. Then, when she said she was just there to go the bathroom, Sasha's friend got cocky about it.  

    How is Barbie's marriage on the rocks already?  I agree with the poster who said conversations about work, babies, etc. is something that should be discussed before getting engaged.  To get married, and then a year later have these issues create serious problems in your marriage is just so odd to me.  

    • Love 1
  11. 6 hours ago, Poohbear617 said:

    So much to snark about that I don't know where to start.

    Matt with the cars. They have 3 cars! The minivan, the compact and the corvette. Then he buys his daughter a car. I love how he kept saying HE Bought them. Gimme a break

    Andrew and Brooklyn appear to be very sweet kids, but we all know that is due to their mother. At the golf place he said how they are grown and on their own! Brooklyn is only 19 and in college and Andrew looked about 16 and in high school. Kids still need and rely on parents at this age. Is he helping with tuition, or child support now that HE has money. IIRC he has been with amber for almost 3 years and he left them even earlier than that. Bying brooklyn a used car was a shallow gesture.


    He said a myth is that they have money cause they are on tv, well his house, 3 cars, Drum set, guitar and $800 school clothes begs to differ.

    Amber can't be bothered to ride in the car to pick up Leah, leaving that child to ride along with Matt and 2 complete strangers. Then they go buy a car and come back and Amber is just waking up!

    Also I have a question, Matt 2 daughters that were adopted by their step-dad. How old are they? Does he never see them or talk to them. Yet he claims he is a good dad and good man. How creepy when you have your girlfriend be the same age as his son. I wonder if Brooklyn is really OK with amber being only 7 years older.

    Finally when amber said they share the bank account made my skin crawl.

    My kids are just a bit older than Brooklyn and Andrew and they still rely on us a lot.  They can fool themselves into thinking Matt is a good dad because he waited until his kids were in their teens to abandoned them, but they needed him then, and they need him now.  Clearly he thinks he deserves a medal because he texts his son every night.  

    That visit was so awkward and uncomfortable.  Those kids are old enough to know they were used in an attempt to make their father look good for a reality TV special.  The whole show was nothing more than "look, I'm not a dead beat dad".  Actions speak louder than words, and this show failed miserably at even making him look like a decent human being, let alone a good dad.  

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