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Everything posted by Observing

  1. I think Ann is incredible. Especially how she helped Jana with her accident. Externals don't matter, she's beautiful inside. Jana/Grego were interchangeable for me. Neither had a personality and both swung with the breeze. Meh. Joan was another lovely personality. Mature and serene, hope that wasn't just Botox. Seriously, if it wasn't for the panty thing, she would be perfect. Who does that at a dinner party when you don't know the host that well? Roxy was an arrogant, vain, troublemaker. Swollen with self importance, I had no respect for her. She was the root of every gossipy story, what a horrendous individual. Kara was an insecure, pretentious, judgmental toothpick. She did speak out of turn but I would have been so grossed out if I had found someone's panties after I threw a very, elegant, thoughtful dinner party. The ladies never gave her a fair shake. She is an odd duck and they let her feel like an outsider from the start. I don't like Kara's personality but I do like that she stuck up for herself and played the villian well. If there is a Season 2, we need more interesting housewives.
  2. OMG, I cannot stand Roxy, so pretentious and full of herself. She created this whole drama, exaggerating what Lash Girl told her and frankly, the girls were wasted and Joan left her panties on the dock. All true. Who does that at a new friends' dinner party? Kara was hurt and is allowed to feel that way. Jana and Grego were happy to carry tales to Joan without even checking to see if Roxy's embellishments were true. Joan made me proud. She checked the source and went directly to both. I don't know why Joan made such a big deal of Kara telling Ann as she, Jana and Grego trash talk the others handily when they connect. Hypocrite much? This program needs to get it together. Kara is the typical insecure wreck, like a female Woody Allen and has become the stereotypical villian. Yawn. Yoga girl is boring, Grego not much better. I think I like Ann the best because she is so unpredictable but I wish she would leave her face alone. Joan is my favourite hands down, kind, honest and takes pride in herself. Roxy is only fabulous in her own head and needs a stylist desperately and that has nothing to do with her weight. I expected more, too bad. I hope it improves, Toronto should represent!
  3. I'm slowly starting to rethink Roxy... Not everything is always about you girl...
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