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Thank you for all the vibes for me and the cats. I will convey them to Bunny with extra petting. Best wishes for your work life, Earl Is Dead, and for AnnieF's pain management. Barphe, I agree with Endeavour in that it'll make a funny story one day. All the good ones are born from accidents like this. Condolences, buffyjunkie. I'd never heard of Neko Case until recently, but it sounds like I should check that music out.
Yeah, I wasn't on TWOP as much. It just hurt that it wouldn't continue on, and that I couldn't have spurts of coming back whenever I wanted. That they wouldn't at least leave it up in archived form. I gave up the last two kittens today. Now I'm worried, of course, because the person said they wanted cats for the mice problem in her new house, so I told her they hunt--because they've played with small lizards that got into the house--but to please keep them inside and not let them eat the mice. She's also the first person I've given cats to who didn't volunteer some form of contact. Granted, one was my mother's workmate and another was my grandmother's friend, but the couple who got one two weeks ago said we were welcome to visit, even if it was only polite. And I'm just worried and sad. But she did say she wanted them both so they wouldn't be separated, which I'm sure will at least help them stay social and active with less trouble. I hope they don't escape from the box before they're safely in the house. They were wriggling out, especially the girl who was my favorite and liked me first. This morning I woke to find them sleeping with me, and they just purred a little as I shifted them so they could go back to sleep together with me getting out of bed. ETA: Also, I wonder how to tell if Bunny will notice. I'm not sure she noticed when two from her first litter went, or when the first of these four went. Then one was taken away while she was at the vet for nearly a week. But lately she's been calling and looking for the remaining two kittens repeatedly so she could groom and wash and play and sleep with them. So I wonder if I'll be able to tell when she realizes the last two babies are gone and she's back to just having Simba from the first litter. ETA 2: She is walking around their usual playing and resting spots, meowing. I'm being really sentimental but it's so sad. I'm sorry to take all her babies away.
I just tried also. I even manually saved the last three pages--but it actually failed for some reason and says 'community no longer available' on each page even though I saved them from the tabs I opened before the site went down! I still had time to screengrab the last page, and apparently I can still open the files of the last few with Adobe GoLive CS2 so I guess I can screengrab them too. My download of the site worked fine, though it's only updated until late Friday night and is missing all the profile info for the members. I tried to forget for a little while by rewatching some Xena today, but. ETA: Now the memory's come back. You can't view the list of members if you're not logged in, so of course it couldn't be saved by software or the Wayback Machine. If only I'd remembered on time.
Yes. Hugs all around. (Now I hope the update that hasn't finished won't mess up my initial download of the forums. Knew I should have run it a day earlier and just manually saved the last posts on the MM thread. ) ETA: Also I forgot to save my profile info and now it's too late.
It loaded! In case anyone's not reading there, my severe case of not being able to let things go had me download the forums. They could be uploaded as a file somewhere I think, and could be viewed by anyone who downloaded the free software that's served me well over the years: WinHTTrack Website Copier. Happy Birthday L&B!
I didn't make it and I'm still trying! It's giving me that 'temporarily unavailable' message.
Good pet vibes for everyone they are relevant to, and I'm sorry for the terrible family situation, trudi. I hope she can process things all right eventually. If I could transform into a tomato I'd be food right now; thanks for all the compliments, guys. Bunny got to be operated and recover at the vet while I was away--I almost wish I'd left her there longer, because now I have to be the one who gives her the antibiotic until it runs out. Plus she has no more milk and the antibiotic is of course bad for the kittens, so I have to keep them from trying to nurse. My grandmother took one of the kittens to her friend over the weekend. People have asked about the remaining two, but no one has managed to actually come. Wiscon was a wonderful time and I got a lot of books. Damn 1-2$ sale at that one table with a person who was moving. I had to distribute them amongst the luggage and have a box counted as part of said luggage instead of shipping (which because of the destination would have been 200$ regardless of the weight somehow, despite my never paying that amount in all my years of UPS usage.) I need another bookcase.
It's like a .1% chance, since we're trying to avoid her going to the shelter. I'm trying to make sure any possible new caregivers know she's super playful and curious. Thank you guys for the vibes and good wishes! I will treat them like virtual amulets. I don't think I've ever had sweet potatoes. Or a casserole. Probably because they aren't staples here, though I think I have seen them around--the sweet potatoes more than the casserole. That sounds like a wonderful combination! Safe nature times.
I did so today! No, I just failed at remembering and then at guessing. @Harvester, sorry for the food poisoning, but I'm glad it didn't ruin your trip. I've had several bouts with that before and it is never not awful. KPC, good luck with the weight loss for that day, and I echo what's been said about taking care of yourself regardless, not losing health for it. @AnnieF, sorry for the house troubles. Housing can be so complicated. I trust you'll make the best decision regarding which one is worth the trouble. I also request a midnight expedition to retrieve what's in the safe, should you choose to withdraw your offer. As compensation for it making you work so much. I piled my bed with clothes and I guess I'll take everything there. Hopefully I won't have too much for a carry-on bag. So, a while ago I mentioned I had a stray female cat who hadn't been spayed. She still hasn't been spayed, so she got pregnant a second time and gave birth to four live kittens in early April. Just gave one away today; I hope he will be safe and happy for a long time. I've requested that the others not be given away until I'm here to meet the new owners, particularly for the female I bonded with. It's her fault: she explores everything, so she climbed up my bed several times and likes playing and sleeping on me. It's annoying, because while my worries extend to all the cats, I was doing a pretty good job of not attaching myself to any one of them until she took it upon herself to change that. If she has to be given away, I need to meet the owner and said owner needs to accept and enjoy her as an active, playful cat, and make sure she doesn't get into trouble without trying to change her behavior altogether. One of my grandmother's friends wants a kitten. I've met her, but I'm not sure she could handle this particular cat's needs--I have trouble fulfilling those of her half-brother we kept from the first litter, and they're very similar in temperament. I sort of want her to be taken with one of her remaining two siblings to guarantee a friendly playmate for them both. ETA: Holy what, there was a thunderstorm in Chicago last night. My flight is to Chicago and I go to Wisconsin by car from there. I really hope the skies are clear tomorrow.
@LittleVoice and @KittenPokerCheater, thank you! Wiscon is the weekend after this one. I get there on Thursday and start attending on Friday morning. Probably have to buy more going-out tops with sleeves.
I like all four of the above comments :) I struggled through watching Once Upon a Time in real-time during season one except for a few episodes (Red-Handed and the finale come to mind.) Then I loved season two except for the last third, and season three has been the most consistently entertaining. (I think I actually liked the first half better; my enjoyment of 1/4 of the spring season was a little dampened.) It's not the most high-quality show in the world and sometimes I have problems, but I'm really in love with it. Like, really. It's my only real appointment tv. I mean I love Orphan Black and Continuum, and I hate not watching on time, but they don't tap into a certain part of my brain that triggers fervor. And the latest finale, except for a few minor parts I have doubts about, was the thing I most wanted out of this show. Especially the main plot and character arcs. The highs were classic OUAT. Now that Wiscon programming is up I need to make my schedule. And does anyone know if it's cold in Wisconsin? I go around saying I hate heat, but the closest I've been to the cold is a few summer days in Canada.
Hugs at @LittleVoice I'll pacify her with proof of DVR! ...Tomorrow. /Hides
I echo the above: hope the moms had a good day! It was a nice brunch, and it reinforced the fact that I have the stomach of an ant. An angry ant. Two pancakes and half a peach smoothie (just the juice, purée, and raspberries!) hurt a lot. But it was worthwhile. My mom leaves tomorrow for a work trip in the U.S. and is slated to return on Friday. Like always, I worry even though it's silly.
I missed Orphan Black to go see The Grand Budapest Hotel. It was really fun; I loved the storybook design and editing. The way scenes segued into each other felt like a detailed, moving popup book. The narration helped strengthen that, and of course so did the sense of absurdity the movie often played up. Tomorrow I go to a Mother's Day brunch.
Good vibes for that job, harvester!