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Posts posted by tvallthetime

  1. On 7/24/2019 at 10:00 AM, Hellohappylife said:

    The whole episode seemed to only focus on the Mexican issue and low key shots at trump and the government. I started to lose interest. I’m tired of hearing about politics,I don’t want it invading my tv shows too! 

    It may be just politics for some, but it's the reality of her life though. I like escapism too, but I think it was important to her story to cover the discrimination she feels she's faced. 

    • Love 8
  2. On 8/1/2018 at 3:13 PM, msrachelj said:

    i'm starting to really dislike this show. you hardly ever see a real debate. in this case they were all ok with her comment and no one said anything? why? because he apologized? if it weren't a policeman they'd be arrested. 

    It’s one of the reasons I lost interest in the show, especially once Aisha left. They handle everything w/kid gloves and can be such old-fashioned pearl-clutchers, Julie more than others! I always felt it was bc CBS is afraid to piss off middle America. They are especially terrible on issues involving racism.

    • Love 5
  3. I thought this episode was quite entertaining. I was disappointed in Tyler and Korey's trickery, but I understand that it's a game, so I don't hold it against them too much. I just feel like you can win without being deceitful. 

    Cole and Sheri grew on me throughout the season. Cole's goofy as hell, but he seems like a good guy. Sheri is just enjoyable to watch flourish and continue to push through and keep up with her son. I surprised myself by cheering when they ran around the corner. 

    The other disappointment for me is that Dana and Matt made it. I don't like watching Dana berate Matt and act all self-righteous.

    • Love 2
  4. i assumed it was kris and robert k's bed and kris still had it from the beginning of her marriage to bruce, not that she got it back after robert died.


    Are people thinking it's the same mattress that Robert slept on? If it's the same bed frame/headboard, I don't think it's that odd, especially not in this family.


    I also didn't find it that odd that Kim asked Bruce about gender reassignment surgery. This is, after all, the same family where Kourtney and Scott made a sex tape impersonating Kris and Bruce - complete with strap-on; sisters played with their little brother's penis, a tween-aged Kylie danced on stripper pole while her older brother taped it; and in another fun, family bonding moment, Kourtney, Khloe and the evening of the waxed labia.


    Kris Jenner made me teary-eyed and I don't even care for her. I can fully believe that she didn't realize the extent of Bruce's feelings, especially if he didn't share much with her. As others have stated, some men enjoy cross-dressing but never desire to be a woman. Kris may have tolerated Bruce's proclivities as harmless, especially since she said they couldn't keep their hands off each other when they met and they had two children and a consistent sex life. If she had moments of doubt, she had real life experiences to calm her doubt.


    After his conversation with Kris, Bruce practically glided out of the room. He was visibility lighter. I don't think this decision is as easy as setting it aside for the sake of fame and fortune. I imagine that much like anyone who denies a major part of themselves, you get so used to suppressing it you don't realize you're doing it. 

    • Love 8
  5. I appreciated what seemed like real reactions to Bruce's transition. I can't fault anyone for their response. Few of us are rational when we're dealing with something intensely emotional. Yes, Bruce is the one transitioning, but he's also had longer to deal with it than the rest of the family. They have a right to process their feelings too. He isn't the only one impacted.

    Khloe could have been more generous with him, but I think she's truly hurt and grieving. As Bruce said, there is no right way to handle this. Ultimately, it seems that they all support him, but how they reach that point is different for each of them.

    Most of the time I think this family is full of it, but their reactions seem as close to reality as they've shown in awhile. It's also the first time I think I've learned something from watching The Kardashians/Jenners.

    • Love 2
  6. The way I learned it, from Reconstruction to the early 1900s, most black folks considered themselves Republicans because of Lincoln etc., although many were not actually allowed to vote (see "Solid South").  With the New Deal in the 1930s and expanded voting rights in the 1960s, the consensus shifted to Democrats.  I would have thought some of the characters had heard about this from older relatives.

    What would that have added? Many know this, but it's not really relevant today as most black Americans vote Democrat regardless of what the Republican Party used to do be. The only time I hear about it these days is when a Republican is trying to convince black people that we're not unwelcome.

    I thought the show did a good job of making both parties look comical. I mean Dre and Bow were discussing eating seaweed for goodness' sakes. Aren't "liberals" always been teased for being uppity and eating fancy food? Instead they get to the Republican family's home and they're eating fancy bacon, against type. And while I may not have agreed with the Republican mom's take on motherhood, her beliefs are shared by others and I don't think they were dismissed regardless of Bow's horror recoil.

    I also think they showed that while Dre is the type who can't articulate why he's a Democrat and perhaps votes blindly, 'Bow seemed to have a handle on why she's a member of the party. It takes all kinds.

    FTR, I am affiliated with no party.

    • Love 3
  7. I'm over it after the comment at the restaurant tonight. How Lifetime can allow Tonya to call someone else a monkey a** - when the ACLU would be all over that show if it had been said in reverse is beyond me. Terra was wrong in not telling them they were camping - as stated above - diff. clothing and supplies would have been brought.

    There is a huge difference between Tonya calling a white person a monkey ass and Lila calling a black person a monkey ass. There is no comparison. Much like there is no such thing as "whiteface." I think Tonya could have chosen her words better, but she probably got too worked up with Lila nastily mocking her speech. What an unpleasant woman.

    Did the zipline people not know what they were doing or was it the zipliners themselves? How did Tracy get tossed around like that? And Tonya floating backwards on the line.

  8. People have had problems with Eve Ensler for years and some of the folks who confronted Rosie aren't unknowns in activist circles.  I don't get how when anyone who has a complaint about a celebrity or points out if they think the celeb is wrong they're trying to get famous or notoriety.  Or even the old classic standby, just jealous.  Rosie could have easily not given the "haters" attention by ignoring or blocking them.  Rosie wasn't exactly a passive participant.


    Rosie didn't just disagree, she told a woman of color that her white ass has done more for WoC and I felt she was being purposely obtuse when she claimed she couldn't understand the Storify of folks complaints about Eve Ensler.


    I can see why maybe Rosie and Whoopi don't get along, they're much more alike than they, or their fans, realize. 


    IMO, of course.

    I posted about the Twitter kerfuffle in the show thread, didn't realize it was posted here too. Oops.

    I read the Twitter exchange and while as a black woman, I get the frustrations with feminism ignoring the intersection of ethnicity and gender, the Twitter response and article seem overblown. I don't think Rosie is a deep racist, unlike the #RacistRosie hashtag would have you believe. Could she learn some stuff? Sure. But, I think her heart is in the right place. I think she's the wrong person to direct this ire toward. I'm just kind of getting sick of these internet pile-ons.

    She's countered Whoopi's nonsense about race with some salient points. I mean, just Thursday, Whoopi said ABC wouldn't have a black bachelor because we're too volatile. That's some ridiculousness I don't care for. Rosie P called her out on it and you could tell from Rosie O's face that she felt the comment was off too.

    Rosie counterbalances Whoopi's brash, nonsensical, domineering attitude. I stopped watching The View years ago because I couldn't stand the hosts - especially the Fox News bobblehead - the screaming and the overtalk. I tuned in this season for Whoopi, Rosie and Rosie. Now that I've watched this season, once Rosie's gone, I'm gone. I can't take Whoopi anymore, which is sad, I liked her.

    • Love 20
  9. I only got halfway through the pilot. I really like actors and I like the premise -- but I felt like the whole thing was being presented to a very slow audience. Every point they wanted to make was SPELLED OUT. I found myself imagining the alternate universe version of this show -- one in which we would understand Andre's reactions to his kids lack of "blackness" without unrealistic (for a modern sitcom) rants and demands. One in which his job situation would be exactly the same, but the white folks' cluelessness would be more real by their not being so clownish. I got frustrated -- because it *is* such a good premise and the on-screen talent is so good.

    I get your point, but in my experience I have had some white people say and do things so absurd that they DO appear clownish (the behavior, not the person necessarily). As it's sitcom, it's amped up, but not by much, in my view. (I mean when people are asking you if you "tan" in the sun? Come on! Is my brown skin impenetrable to the sun?)

    I was pleasantly surprised by this show and find it relatable on several wavelengths. It seems smartly written and thoughtful. If it continues down that path (with hilarious lines from Laurence Fishburne), I'll definitely keep watching.

    So happy to have Tracee Ellis Ross on network TV again!

    • Love 2
  10. She was painful to watch, yes, but I did feel bad for her in the way I'd feel bad for anyway who comes across that tightly wound and awkward. I personally don't get entitled vibes from her, more like she's just carrying a lot of emotional baggage on her shoulders that she doesn't know how to deal with or express properly. She just seems SO up tight and self-conscious to me, almost like she's suppressing a lot. It's probably best that she's gone, but I still feel sympathetic to anyone who comes across as so burdened and in a prison of their own making.

    Hmm...what could she be suppressing? Heh.

  11. I had a giant crush on Alfonso in the 80s; a lot of little black girls did at that time. It waned once he was on Fresh Prince, though of course I loved his character. I don't usually stick with DWTS past the second episode, but I may watch for him. (And to see if Vanessa Marcil shows up so GH fans can have a Jagger & Brenda reunion!)

  12. One of the problems for me was that the writing/portrayals seems to be stuck on how they probably were in the first couple of seasons, but not letting them mature as they grew.  One problem was the actors.  I could maybe buy them as the season one/season two version of the cast.  Season three/season four?  No.  They were all hot and they all knew it.  Not in a conceited way, but still.  Case in point: Lark.  I think she grew up a lot during the time on the show.  She was never scandalous or anything, but they had her waling around in cardigans the whole time when the real Lark was wearing stuff like this.

    The most disturbing thing about this photo is that some of these fashion have come back.

  13. I think Kim dressed so much better pre-Kanye. He's not made her an icon in fashion, just a fool on worst dressed lists all the time.

    Kim Kardashian Talks Winning Woman of The Year, Her Love for Ribs, and How Kanye West Keeps His Grammys in a Sock Drawer


    "He’s not a showoff person."

    Well, why display a Grammy when you have a life-sized trophy wife to showoff?
  14. Lol, okay, I can hear that. I think I have gotten somewhat desensitized from vocal fry and other horrible verbal tics from living in L.A. too long.

    I do think she's pretty, but she seems so disinterested in dating. Did they ever say if she had some horrible past relationship or some other trauma?

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