I personally believe Nettie is jealous of Kayla because it seems Kayla has her life more together. Nettie has 9 kids by three different guys. All of Kayla's kids have the same daddy, and she was married to Richard for 17 years. Nettie was happy to have the fact Huey trusts her, while Kayla was held back by Richard. Then...Kayla broke free. Handed Nettie HER wedding. Kayla goes out and parties, sure. But she has a good man that has been behind her for a while now, she's not slutting it up (like Mellie). Nettie can't stand to see Kayla having fun and be independent with a Gorger. Kayla has good ideas for things, and while the execution is a little off, she's a decent person. Nettie wants the title of Gypsy matriarch, and can't stand seeing someone else do it better than she thinks she can.