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Posts posted by HoboClayton

  1. Oh, I'm loving it. Like I've said numerous times, I watch this shit show for the mess. I get my news from other sources. This show is just for kicks. I want split screen fights. I want drama. This show has been a joke for years now. I treat it as such. I record the shows, then when I get home from work, I read about it. If it wasn't a shit show, I delete. I look at it as a talk show soap opera, and I honestly don't know why or how anyone can take it seriously. 

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  2. 7 hours ago, Nordly Beaumont said:

    Also bonus points to those who leave it sitting in a parking place outside, making it impossible to park your car there!

    Right. You see it all the time. It just amazes me. Me me me me! How can you do that?! Someone mentioned about asking for someone's cart if they are done putting their groceries away and you are walking into the store. That's usually what I do. If I'm walking by and see someone is about done, I'll be like hey, can I get your cart? This is one of my biggest peeves ever. I don't ever park near the big area where people will randomly put their carts, carts flying around in the wind smashing into cars. I open my mouth and say something. This woman the other day literally stopped right in front of the automatic doors to leave, grabbed the few bags out of her cart, and left it RIGHT THERE. I said "really?? REALLY??? Just gonna leave this right here??" Her man said "fuck you bitch"... Hahaha. It's always the same with these simpletons. Put your cart back, or you should be fined 10 thousand dollars. Haha.. Not really.. But, ugh... Such a small simple thing, that says so much about our society. 

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  3. Poor girl looks shell shocked. I didn't want kids, so a lot of live births I've seen have been from this show. Looks fun!! I know the end result is worth it and all that.. But ack! Drug me up and cut that thing out of me. Giving birth just looks petrifying. Gotta go hug my mama now.  

    • Love 15
  4. Put your damn shopping cart back where it belongs!! I guess the fact that over half the population live completely in their own assholes, this shouldn't keep surprising me. Just spent however long, walking around the store, but putting your cart away is just too damn much. Bonus points for those douchebags that will grab their bags after checkout and then proceed to leave the cart there. Or the extra wastes of skin that unload their groceries right in front of the exit doors, and then leave it there. I have never understood this. And the one asshole who decided they will put their cart away, but for some reason sliding it into the other cart is too much, so it ends up in a zig zag cluster of mess. Entitled people are the bane of my existence. We can never have nice things, because we are a selfish society that refuses to quit smelling their own farts for two seconds, to do the right thing.  This post is for abled body people, who are able to do so. Put your cart away, if you don't want something that's in your cart, PUT IT BACK where it belongs, don't be a piece of shit. This will never change. I hate people. Most of them anyway. 

    • Love 9
  5. Cindy is in no way better than Dennis.. Damn Rob! That body.. It's a little unsettling, just hope he's keeping healthy and not driving everyone crazy, that dude is committed as hell though. I didn't like Mindy.. Cindy.. Real Dennis does look quite different as well, but, it happens to all of us. Kaitlin did as well.. I wasn't a fan of this episode, it did nothing for me. I'll give it a chance and see where it goes, but, this was a shitty start in my opinion. 

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  6. 18 minutes ago, Tosia said:

    Her mom is awesome and she has a large supportive family, her dad's friends/colleagues, and a nation of mourners. It's very difficult when a parent passes. 

    But......I'm still appalled at her disrespectful  behavior on the View, which makes me somehow doubt her a bit now.  Its hard to feel sorry for such a mean person. 


    I can understand that. 

    • Love 4
  7. Yeah. Meghan is an intolerant bitch. She is spoiled, and selfish, and has a lot to learn about people. But, I don't doubt for one second that she was genuine in her emotions at her Father's funeral. They were very close, and she obviously loved him dearly. It's not fair to compare her reactions to others. It's really kind of oogy to be analyzing her reactions at all. Her actions there have nothing to do with her on The View. I can at least empathize with the fact she lost someone very close to her, while she spent the previous year watching the strongest, bravest, most secure person in her life, melt away so quickly. It's sad. She'll be back on The View soon enough, and will give us plenty to snark on again. 

    • Love 20
  8. God, I love how much this show is still talked about. It's so much fun to over analyze . They never would have bred minks. Blanche flips over her tuna quiche, but in an earlier says she hates tuna. Also how stupid stoles are and how no one wears them anymore.. Then later she asked to borrow it to wear. Dorothy saying Stan pretty much raped her and was totally unaware. Then, it was so bad, she wasn't even sure they had sex until 9 months  . Was Rose really allergic to cats? 

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  9. On 8/12/2018 at 11:06 AM, Mabinogia said:

    The practical joke episode was just on, when Dorothy's old friend visits and pretends to die so Dorothy pretends to sleep with her husband and Blanche and Rose (kind of) pretend to be so angry with Dorothy. This is probably my least favorite episode of the entire series. Even more than Blanche's daddy's whore coming around looking for a music box because at least that one was someone else being horrible. I loathe practical jokes and there is nothing even remotely funny about them. Particularly about pretending you died at an age where that is a real possibility. I just hated everything about it. If she had been my friend, well, I would have stopped being friends with someone like that years ago. I hate that they all laughed it off at the end. WTF!??!


    And they would have had to have called an ambulance. 

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  10. I love this ridiculous movie. It's so nostalgic. I do have the unpopular opinion that I wasn't a fan of  M'Lynn's breakdown in the cemetery. I think it's a little too real for me. I lost a lot of people at a young age, and always had to walk away during the burial. She did do a good job though. The part that to this day makes me wince in pain is how perfect Shelby pickup up Jackson from the floor and you could just feel her insides tearing apart. *Shudders* Olympia and Shirley were by far my favorites, Olympia can do no wrong in my book. Probably give it a watch today. 

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  11. Oh please. They know there is no war on Christmas. It's just pandering to the ignorant, which is what they do to keep support. I did have hope a couple years ago. It's gone now.  The lengths people are going to tear down the other side, is revolting. I can't help but to laugh at Meghan, but this really isn't a good fit for her. She was coddled way too much and doesn't know how to debate without turning into a temper tantrum throwing toddler.. I really think we have been sucked into a black hole, but just don't know it. 

    • Love 13
  12. I just have to throw this in there for those who haven't seen it. Betty was on This Is Your Life back in 1987. It's a very candid look at her, and one of the few times she publicly lets her guard down. I love her, but tired of her interviews years ago, they are always a little too sweet and she tends to repeat the same things over and over again.. I get why she does it, it's her image. I think personally she is much more like Rose when she is competitive, you have to be a shrewd ball buster to make it as long as she has during the time she did. She also participated in a round table discussion with other comedic actresses. She gets pretty blunt in that one. She makes a comment about how actresses should be grateful for what they have and not whine, which Myaim Bialik took personally because she had just told a story about how the business was hard. Myaim handled it great, but the look on her face was like.. Holy shit, did I just get read the business by Betty White?! Anyways, here they are. Also including her Roast. 




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  13. On 5/14/2018 at 8:11 PM, HoboClayton said:

    I love the Roasts! Though, they have sorely went downhill since we lost Giraldo. Jeselnik is my type of humor, but he is dark...  Bruce Willis seems like a rather odd choice, but, could see some interesting folks. Looking forward to this one. The last few have been kind of meh. 

    And further down the hill they go! I figured the only issue Bruce said would be off limits would be making fun of the looks of his daughters. Jeff was the only one who did, but, it was kind of broad and pretty easy to brush aside.  Cybil seemed completely baffled as to how low these things can get. Dom was the most offensive, but I think he just wanted a check. I like Martha Stewart, and thought she did pretty well again. Dennis Rodman is still chasing around his lost marbles. A couple references to Bruce being racist.. Hmm.. Kevin Pollack and Lil Rel had some decent jokes. I love Edward Norton as an actor, but found his set odd. A few #metoo jokes which mostly fell flat. Nikki Glaser was cringeworthy as hell. Women tend to get dragged for their bad jokes a lot more than the men, but most of her set was painful. The suicide joke and being molested to Bruce's movies didn't work at all. You can joke about stuff like that if you do a good job.. She didn't. God I miss Greg Giraldo. Curious as to why Jeselnik wasn't there. They spoiled Demi showing up in the previews, but if they hadn't, I think most knew she'd show up. Her veneers, or whatever she did to her mouth, changed her look in a big way. But, she's still gorgeous. Her voice sounded different as well. All and all.. Pretty meh. Thought it was funny they bleeped all the major cuss words, but Bruce's last Yippee ki-yay, motherfucker! wasn't.  2 out of 5 stars. Bruce was right though. Die Hard is NOT a Christmas movie. Damn I miss Greg Giraldo. :( 

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