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  1. I hadn't until now. Did you catch Bos saying to the coder "She can't prove anything"?
  2. But that would help Donna, and she has no reason to. She has reason to not help her. D knows about the close relationship between B &C, and may be able to recognize the fingerprint of C's work. I don't think she knows B is in trouble, so there goes motive.
  3. Yes, she is and yes she did. She probably knows Bos went to the Big House for Cameron, and that C may be the only one capable of pulling off the algorithm. 2+2. But it might also be the Rover Coder who notices and puts it together … provided he knows about C. It might be Donna. Tanya wouldn't spill the beans about Bos's money problems, but that doesn't preclude her from figuring out it was Cameron who fixed the algorithm and spilling those beans. Donna doesn't know about Bos's financial mess, unless Gordon mentioned it to her off-screen or will in the next episode. So why would she think C would do such a thing? As we all know, C is very, very impulsive. Bike breaks down, sees sign of lot for sale = buy it! Need somewhere to live on the property, remembers she loved playing in an Airstream when she was a kid = buy it! She's got some money from Space Bike. Not as much as the others have, but enough to buy the lot, the trailer, and build. I knew someone who bought a trailer about this size (and yes, she too was tall) to live in on her property while she built her house. She wasn't even impulsive or childish.
  4. Very likely. We know it wasn't Bos, and they've already set up Tanya as someone who's smart and thorough. The only other possibility I can see is Rover's coder.
  5. That's what I got: part time at the Airstream, part time in Joe's apartment. Strange comment. She's changed slightly, but mostly it's the same old Cameron. Decidedly so when things don't go her way.
  6. Exactly what I was going to ask. CP may be right, it's only that Joe learns about what Cameron did and then tells Gordon.
  7. Ha ha! So very true. To others: She wasn't planning on living in the Airstream, BTW. She bought it to live in until she could build a house on the property.
  8. Okay, I got you now. I read it that she was disappointed Joe fell asleep the first night in the trailer. Presumably it was the next day everything went pear-shaped at her trailer, and she showed up unexpectedly at Joe's, still upset and probably wanting to vent to him about it, and instead found Joe with a bunch of people she didn't know so she couldn't talk it out with him. Human and understandable, but childish of her (I know, whodda thought?) to not even come in and say hello, then begging off and going to bed.
  9. Was she moping because Bos and Gordon came over? Maybe I need to see it again, but that wasn't the impression I got. I also thought they'd both invited Bos and Gordo over. Cameron never thought Joe and Gordon, or anyone, would find out. She trusts Bos, and has good reason to -- up until now anyway. I suspect someone else found out somehow, and not through Bos doing any lip-flapping. Have to second your shallow alert. He looks great now.
  10. Agreed, although I don't see Cameron being all that eager to work with, let alone for, Donna. Even less so now that Donna's become so full of herself. I think she did it for Bos. As Ingrin said, he's like a father to her, and did take the heat in the form of jail time for her, and she knew he was in some serious financial trouble. I love the Bos/Cam scenes. Of all the relationships on this show, theirs is my favourite. I buy her buying the land and the airstream. She was p!ssed, things weren't going well, and it was her own fault. So what did she do? Shocker, something impulsive. She's very sentimental about her more or less non-existent childhood, so it makes sense to me she'd buy an Airstream in these circumstances. Agree her helping Bos out of a jam by giving him what he needed to make Rover a success was typical HACF. In the preview of next week, she confronts Bos, saying it was never supposed to get out that she'd done this, so wouldn't have expected Joe, Gordon, and Donna to ever find out about it. It'll be interesting to see how Donna reacts when she finds out. Good point. In fact last night the went out of their way to show Gordon and Joe weren't interested in her help when she stepped in to take a look at Rover. Cameron: "You asked!" Joe and Gordon in unison: "No, we didn't."
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