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Everything posted by MaryMatts

  1. Oh God, I really, really hope that doesn't happen lol. I'd much rather Flint not find Thomas at all than have that happen to them. That would just break my heart. Lol, I think they just sneak things like that in and hope we fans won't notice the discrepancies. They must be nuts if they think we don't! A bit like Flint and Silver standing in the front of a whole bunch of their men while facing Berenger and the guys behind them fall like flies while they escape unscathed. OFF Topic (please forgive): Can I say how much I'm enjoying this discussion and this site? I think I may move here permanently now that IMDb is no longer available. Does anyone know why there doesn't seem to be a TWD board? Thanks and sorry if that is not allowed.
  2. Silver perked up immediately when Max was talking about the prisoners from England though, didn't he? While she was talking I immediately thought: OMG, Thomas! So was her idea to kidnap Silver and send him on to that plantation or whatever? I kind I'd missed the point of that conversation. i read a review where the reviewer thinks Max is in love with Silver. Does anyone else get that idea? I don't...
  3. Indeed. Lol. That show has gone so far off the rails. It used to be brilliant too.. Well to be fair, TWD is followong the comic narrative pretty closely and I don't think that's necessarily a bad thing. I could only watch one show last night - either TWD or BS and I opted for BS. I'll get to TWD tonight. I'm sure nothing will end well for Flint which sucks because he's the one I'm always rooting for. ?
  4. No probably not, which is a huge shame because if anyone deserves a happy ending it would be him in my book. Besides, I doubt they'll be allowed to take up the gay angle again as it seemed to upset all the fanboys. I saw so many people saying it "ruined the show" for them when, in actuality, I thought it was a brilliant plot twist. BTW, great site. Only found it yesterday. So refreshing to find such intelligent discussion about the show. I think this is the best site I've discovered after the closure of th IMDb boards.
  5. Great episode. Throwing in that Thomas might actually still be alive was exciting, I'd love it if this turned out to be true. Just read a Toby Stephens interview where he says: "STEPHENS: Yeah, there is a character that ends up being truly loyal to Flint, and it’s wonderful. In the last few episodes, one of the characters comes into the fore that’s been in the background, and it’s interesting to see what happens there." I wonder whom he is talking about here? Any ideas? http://collider.com/black-sails-season-4-toby-stephens-interview/#lost-in-space-netflix Forgot to say, I'll be gutted if they kill off Anne. She's my favorite female character after Miranda was killed off.
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