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Posts posted by realityobserver

  1. 43 minutes ago, Evil Queen said:

    I can imagine she would rather Abe be home with them more than on the road driving and worrying about him when he is.

    Except for the fact he never seems to work...at all... I mean, at least show the guy coming home from work, or leaving for work, or AT work... Seems to me he is already there at home all the time... I know that for 3 seasons we have been told he works long hours driving a truck, yet I cannot remember one scene of Abe and said truck... Once, they showed a truck driving down the road when they talked about his job and that was about all I ever saw...


    45 minutes ago, Evil Queen said:

    Sabrina with all her fuckuppery

    Made me laugh... very good EQ...LOL

    47 minutes ago, Evil Queen said:

    Which btw, if Rebecca should give up her dream because of education then wouldn't the same have to be told to Kate as well for her's with having a fashion business? 

    Point well made, still though, no kids, no mouth breathing husband, still a good point...

  2. Wow... Trailer trash uneducated morons try to fight their way through an English society by acting as stupidly as they can possibly act, while trying to hold on to a threadbare piece of dignity as they blame all their problems on everyone and everything but themselves.

    Absolutely clueless jerks (if they were all on meth I might understand), "I wanna be a dentist"-with an 8th grade or less education... "Let's move to Florida and buy the first thing we see"- with donut carny money ? 2 properties? one property that cannot even be built on, what is he smokin' ? What are we smokin' if we even believe any of this crap....

    I will watch again and again for the sheer joy to watch these trainwreck, wholly pathetic losers, screw their lives up while crying and arguing with the inevitable crisis they manage to bring upon themselves. To say I have absolute no sympathy for these clowns is an understatement .....

    Let us pray Kate manages to steer clear this season, but since they already mentioned her, we will probably see her dragged into this season's mess...

  3. Over at Railing Kill's site is FB photos from fans of Alaskan Bush People meeting the Browns in Arizona at several stores and whatever.... Looks like a hotel and a Wal Mart and some Sports store... Who is holding down the town in Alaska ?

    Maybe looking for Granbabies ???

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  4. 1 hour ago, wanton87 said:

    Someone over at Railing Kills site mentioned what is said to be an actual reality production about The Yukon, by the name of “Yukon Passage”, produced in 1977.

    Wanton87, yeah, that was me who posted that comment at RK. Made in 1977, it is an interesting story of 4 guys who travel through the Yukon and Alaska for several months. Only an hour long and narrated by James Stewart. Produced by National Geographic. I think I read somewhere that these guys did the trip and then did it again so NG could film it. Is it scripted ?  I don't know , but it shows a truer sense of the Yukon and Alaskan lifestyle than that truly scripted garbage known as Alaskan Bush people (IMO). I've watched it many times and enjoyed it every time...


    Find the full length video here on Youtube...  You can even buy it on DVD


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  5. On 3/9/2017 at 11:44 AM, rmontro said:

    They had another deleted scenes show on last night, centering on a party the kids were throwing for local bush people and friends of Billy.

    Oh my God, showing deleted scenes already... I missed this and really don't care...

       Now if they would just show the deleted scenes where Billy gets his paycheck from Discovery, where Ami calls room service and complains her steak is medium instead of rare as she ordered it, where Matt is passed out on the deck, where Bear falls out of a tree and suffers brain damage, where Bam is shown working at a Home Depot in Klamath Falls, Oregon, where Noah blows himself up, where Bird loses her cellphone and demands the production crew to stop filming until they find it while she waits in her trailer/dressing room, where Snow discovers crystal meth, where Sean Connery visits Gabe and beats the crap out of him, where  Cupcake sneaks off late at night to go live with anyone else.... Well, then I will watch... 

    • Love 6
  6. 50 minutes ago, saratothej said:

    I had also noted before that they are always all over the boys about finding a wife and having GRANDBABIES but never mention it for Bird. I think last season she had her 20th birthday.  By Ami and Billy's standards, that's plenty old enough to start popping out the kids. I don't think she'd have an awful time finding a man if she hung around in Hoonah for a while. I'm sure the male:female ratio is high enough that she could land someone with relative ease. 

    She is probably already married, got two kids, and works at the Office Bar in Hoonah as a waitress when they are not filming this silly show. Her husband is probably an unemployed lumberjack who thinks Snowbird is the best thing since Sarah Palin, but still has a girlfriend on the side when she is with her obnoxious family 'in the wild'.

    • Love 3
  7. And now we get to speculate on what next season holds....

    I enjoyed the discussion on the wind turbine and how it cannot be possibly what is described on the show. I think we all know if left to their own devices the turbine will be on the ground in pieces, and the meat shed tore apart, the cow dead, cannibalism will rule after the food runs out and on and on...

    So let's gaze into the crystal ball and see what is ahead, this is just my opinion and wild speculation on my part.

    Rhain... Is it really possible this girl will want to live at Browntown once she has actually seen the place? My guess is she may be pregnant, and it has to be written in the show, and she does move there to be married (or not) to Noah. Or else her and Noah move to Oregon to live on the dole in the lower 48.

    The turbine... It is my guess the turbine will be up and running supplying all the electricity that the cult needs and more, which will be sold to Hoonah somehow. I imagine the producers pull in a top notch crew to rebuild the mess and when we do see it next season, the shots will be fleeting and short so we do not see the changes. They will certainly talk about it endlessly, how it has helped the wolf slackers, but all in all, it will be brushed over and more important issues and crises will be in the foreground.

    Bam... Will he return with a wife? I say no, he will visit from time to time, but it seems that his disgust with his family is very strong and he stays away.

    The cow... Last time we saw Sabrina she was over at a neighbors getting bred. I think that is the last we see of the cow on this show. An explanation will be given and the whole cow business will be forgotten.

    Will Rain ever get her teeth fixed... Most likely not, as it seems to add to the charm of deadbeats living 'wild' in Alaska...

    Noah and his attitude... Others have mentioned that a fight will erupt and one brother or another (probably Gabe) will knock him into Canada. This is a reasonable scenario. Or maybe the tension will be the key to his move to Oregon with Rhain. He may settle down his arrogance once Rhain moves to Browntown, but I actually see it getting worse as he will try to impress the girl with his 'smarts' over the others.

    So it looks like they will have electric power and women and everything that makes 'living in the wild' seem absurd. 

    Anyone else have something to add ??   More...

    • Love 2
  8. Recap time

    Crisis in Alaska !

    Once again we are reminded that a harsh winter is approaching, just look at the fake snow that the producers spread everywhere to convince us how close to danger the Browns are to a certain death from not having a wind turbine …

    A short flashback from last week shows how the pet bear escaped his cage and is wandering around destroying things. Matt and Bear go on high alert status and grab the guns, but never actually see anything, because of course, it is all made up. The bear film is at least two years old by now and getting old.

    Bear is still wearing his pimp fur coat and we get a recap on the turbine fiasco from last week. Billy rambles on about the turbine, the broke mill, the embarrassment that is his life for awhile, and then goes to take a nap.

    We find out Wes is coming with the new turbine parts, and the Browns cannot meet their ridiculous claim of trading 5000 bf of lumber for the needed items, Wes is gonna be so mad…

    Now we are informed that Matt and Bam did a barter job at Prince of Wales Island, and were paid with a bunch of highly valuable red cedar planks. Sure they did, why is this very important point now being discussed ? To obviously fit into the story of the turbine. The writers must be smoking something legal in Alaska, a lot…

    Bear now proceeds to jump around the campfire (and the ‘rasslin’ mats are now magically back on the logs), in order to paint the tail of the turbine in a flame pattern. Nice paint, were in the hell did that  paint come from ?

    Now Noah breaks free to run up to Hoonah to see his gal (90 minutes to get there this week, only 20 last week), and she has seen the light and is moving back to Oregon. He now has the dilemma of letting her go, or asking her to move into the ghetto cult to share the chicken shack with him… What will happen ? 

    The mark (Wes) arrives a little late and the deal is done, they actually give Bam’s wood away to cut the deal justifying that is what Bam would have wanted. I think Bam wouldn’t give a rat’s ass what these idiots do, now that he has left. And the boards that the chumps actually cut on that silly mini bike mill looked like they were cut on a professional mill. And there were about a dozen or so of them. What a bunch of nonsense, all that drama and crisis for a pile of lumber they most certainly did not even cut….

    Billy is thrilled though, another scam nicely executed !

    The rest of this sad show is spent putting together the turbine, looking for non existent rogue bears and reminiscing about Bam… When they are ready to raise the tower, Noah is in charge and yells ‘Avante' like a douche, while almost everyone else works.

    Success at last as the turbine is up and stays perfectly still as the chumps jump around congratulating themselves… Finally after the cult members go back to their shacks, the turbine is spinning like a top at least 200 MPH…  with no wind blowing through the trees whatsoever… I mean , come on, you are not even trying anymore …

    Till next season…

    • Love 2
  9. 6 minutes ago, wanton87 said:

    And unless I imagined it, wasn't the original order for 7000 feet?

    Yeah, it was, but then Billy talked him down to 5000... I bet they can't even deliver a 8' 2x4, let alone the 5000 board feet of lumber...


    • Love 1
  10. 24 minutes ago, wanton87 said:

    Edit: I guess I misunderstood your initial post realityobserver. It appears that you are suggesting that they were using a portable generator on the boat. Which would make sense if the Integrity's generator was non-functional. But portables usually don't hold that much fuel.

    Just from what I saw on the show, it looked like a portable Honda generator, the kind you wheel around... As much as I hate to, I will watch that certain part of the program again and put this to rest... haha

    And if it is portable, why is it on the boat... As Rock knocker said, the boat's generator only supplies 12 volts, where as the Honda is 110 v, and if that is what the generator is used for, 110 v usage on the boat, then it makes sense... I could call the Browns and ask, but I don't speak retard... haha 


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  11. The Integrity/Titanic diesel battery configuration is something I would know absolutely nothing about, thanks for the clarity on that subject Rock knocker and Wanton87... I was just confused as why the generator was on the boat (when the boat seemed to already have a generator) when it would be a lot more useful at Browntown. Maybe the cult has two generators, one for the boat and one in the camp.

    I was going to mention the professional forms and rebar in the recap, but edited it out mainly because, again, I really do not know much about construction. I have poured cement a few times, but I am not an expert. I kept waiting for the crew to smooth the concrete using spatulas and butter knives...


  12. s4 e7 Field of Dreams recap


    Let’s feed the cow and talk about the responsibility needed to take care of said cow. Then let’s turn our discussion towards who the cow likes the best. Rain is wearing kneepads for some reason, and they all stop to watch the cow poop... lovely.

     So this week is called ‘Field of Dreams’, more like recurring nightmare.

    Billy rehashes the turbine fiasco and is determined to make it good. He has another friend named Wes who just so happens to have the parts needed and tries him on the boat radio, no joy. Call Noah the Great and see what he says. Noah says nope, it’s busted, so Billy starts work on rebuilding the base for the turbine tower. He has bought some concrete somewhere and talks of the unforeseen expense while Bear and the others stand around in their new winter coats. Bear is dressed in some pimp fur coat spinning a shovel, Billy tells the churls to get busy and then walks off to read an Archie comic in the homestead. Bear punches concrete bag extremely hard to open it and they get mindlessly to work.

    Billy is on boat calling Wes, and just thankfully the cameras were there to see Wes answer, what a coincidence! Turbine parts for 5000 board feet of lumber, OK will do !! Boys, get to work !!!

    Billy now is with Rainyday to visit the beaver pond where a bear is feeding. Uh oh, can’t have bears roaming around ! We are then shown stock footage of trained bears roaming around waiting to get fed. Now night shots of a lost bear looking for his cage to be locked up for the night.

    Next day the meat shed is torn apart and the rogue bear has stolen the deer meat kept inside. They all act so surprised, couldn’t the jerks hear the bear at night tearing the bed frame door down and thrashing around ? Billy sends extreme Bear and Snowflake to hunt a deer while made up like zombies and they get one !

    Matt goes to Hoonah and meets up with Kenny and says he needs a freezer and guess what, Kenny has a brand new junk freezer that the Browns can just have. Later we see Matt putting it on the porch, how did he get it to the dock, in the skiff, guide the skiff home with a freezer in it and up to that porch ? Who cares ?

    While everyone else is preparing for the harsh winter that never seems to comes, Noah and Rhain take off in the canoe (paddling with a snow shovel) to spend time on the beach. Noah came prepared and brought some orange cream soda, what a guy… After a whole two minutes they leave.

    Bear gathers ice for freezer while constantly looking over his shoulder for the real bears to attack. As soon as he is safe at the shack, the camera films a trained bear walking through the brush searching for the salt lick that the crew placed there for him.

    Cow won’t give milk, uh oh, the Browns are all going to die !… Billy rushes to town to get a vet and she is ready to drop everything to look at the Brown’s poor cow. Is it pregnant ? Nope, just needs bred at the island next door. Time to pay the vet, well, we never see that. And Billy has to take her all the way back to town while she screams at him "You owe me $200 for a house call you moron" !

    Meanwhile, Noah makes an electric fence with some wire and a battery, like they should have done months and months ago to keep the bears at bay. Will it work, we will find out. Yep it works, Extreme Bear grabs it a couple times and his shock treatment therapy for the week is done...

    Mill is barely working on the 5000 board feet of wood, not enough gas, they complain about no gas, yet traveled to town three times and never got a drop of fuel, what a bunch of fools.

    Kitchen cookin’ with the Brown woman and Snowflake sneezes at least 20 times and then touches the food without cleaning her hands…yuck !

    So they load the cow on the boat and the cow never looked happier to get the ef outta that horror show called Browntown. 

    Bear is sent to the Titanic to get siphon gas out of the generator on the boat. A portable generator, on the boat. Doesn’t the diesel engine have a generator built into it ?  Why is the Honda generator on the boat, I’m confused…

    So anyway, back to cutting wood with the deathtrap POS mill that Matt dreamed up, and we actually never see the thing cut any wood, and at the end there is like a dozen or so pieces of cut wood laying on the ground. No way they cut anyway near 5000 board feet of wood.

    Next week is the season finale and then the hour long specials about what we have just watched, repeated over and over…


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  13. Noah was showing Rhain around the dump last episode.... Didn't she come to the Browntown a couple episodes ago and visit Noah, before the big hauling job with the septic tanks and the plane tow ? I mean they sort of acted like it was the first time she was there...

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