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Posts posted by wanton87

  1. On 11/24/2020 at 10:17 AM, chessiegal said:

    Tom - the husband married to the older sister of a girl Wally was going out with. Plot was Ward and June were worried Wally would think married life was grand. Of course, Wally goes to the young couple's house for dinner and hears them squabbling, so all is well.

    I recall that My Three Sons had a similar episode titled: “Robbie and the little stranger.” To where Robbie was the recipient of said lesson. I only mention it because the girl that played the young married college girl in this episode, was none other than the girl that played Caroline Cunningham (Karen Green) in the LITB episode titled: Eddie’s Girl.

    It’s kind of fun to tie the relationship between such shows together.

    • Useful 1
  2. On 4/17/2020 at 6:16 PM, Winipo75 said:

    I think Perley Day did appear in the series.

    Ahh, okay. I was thinking of the books, so I must have missed that episode. Actually, I missed most of the later episodes, because I was in high school at that point. And when you’re in high school, you often have other things on the mind. I do have the complete series on DVD now, so I have no excuse for not watching them. Funny though, since I’ve had them, I haven’t even got through the first season.

    I can remember my teacher reading Little House In The Big Woods, to us kids (It was common for teachers in those days to read a chapter out a classic book, following lunch hour) and about a year or so later, the little house tv pilot premiered 😀

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  3. On 4/12/2020 at 4:22 PM, BigBingerBro said:

    Damn, Michael just had to insert his character into every great moment

    He also had to insert his bare chest into every, what could have been a great moment. We got it Chuck; you were proud of your physique. Didn’t they name a flower after him? Oh right 😆



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  4. 1 hour ago, Snow Apple said:

    Why didn't they just write it about one of Almanzo's other siblings?

    Yeah, there was a third brother that they could have used. Perley Day, or something along those lines? But he was young enough during the time-line of the farmer boy book, that he wasn’t even mentioned in the book. Huge plot holes in a story such as that, are annoying, and little house was notorious for this sort of thing.

    As a side note, that family must have hated its sons. Royal, Almanzo, Perley Day? Those are the kind of names you a name a kid whose ass you wish to see get kicked on a regular basis 😆

  5. I wonder why ML didn’t have the son, Dirk Blocker, star in some more episodes. The only other member of Bonanza that I can think of that guest starred in little house, was Mitch Vogel. And he was only in a few episodes.

    He must have been fond of Merlin Olson as well, since he created a show for him. Father Murphy wasn’t bad, and fans of little house would probably enjoy it as well. It wasn’t little house good, but decent enough that it’s still worth checking out, if you can find the episodes. My favorite character was that sinister little dude, that was always trying to screw over the orphanage 😁

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  6. On 1/18/2020 at 7:18 AM, BigBingerBro said:

    I'm sorry if this is slightly off-topic, but i can't seem to find a place to discuss funny closed caption mistakes.

    It’s all good. Since we lost our dedicated subforum, and are now reduced to this solitary thread, that’s the only option that you have now. I looked, and I didn’t see an option to change the header title, as we were able to do before, but that was when you were able to create new threads, so that’s probably why.

    I suppose another option, would be to just add some kind of a title at the top, such as:

    Season 1, episode 1: Harvest Of Friends.

    Then perhaps bold it, or something like that, to distinguish it from the previous conversation.

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  7. 10 hours ago, alegtostandon said:

    Was that before her Jenny Wilder days?

    You piqued my curiosity ALTSO, so I looked it up. She was in two episodes of Father Murphy in 1981 (The bear that bit me, parts one and two). I didn’t remember seeing her, or those episodes. She didn’t become part of the cast of little house until 1982, so this would have been pre-Jenny Wilder. I didn’t realize that she joined the cast of little house so late?

    Don’t forget, she was also in “Our House” following little house, but preceding 90210. That show also featured perpetually cranky old geezer, Wilford Brimley, who must have been born at 75 years old 😛 But apparently was fit enough at one time to be a bodyguard for Howard Hughes (The internet is a wonderful thing folks)


    On edit: Didn't see Snow Apple's reply until after I posted.

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  8. 1 hour ago, alegtostandon said:

    That was the article I had read before.  I had also seen some recycled storylines on a show called Father Murphy, I think,  had the guy whose wife,  Alice,  was killed in the blind school fire on LHOTP.  I am not sure if that was a ML show.

    Didn’t know that, so thanks for the added info. I actually did watch the Father Murphy series, but since I never really watched Bonanza, I wouldn’t likely have recognized the recycled plots. Yes, you are right. It was produced by ML, and starred Merlin Olsen, formerly Jonathan Garvey in little house. It also featured Moses Gunn, who also previously starred in little house.

    Here’s some trivia for you all. Catherine Cannon, who played Mae in Father Murphy, is married in real life to the guy that played Almanzo in little house. That same lady played the mother of one of the 90210 characters (I believe it was Donna?).

    That Father Murphy series isn’t half bad, and those that like little house, would probably like it as well. The bad guy in it, was this evil, Snidely Whiplash looking little dude, that basically excelled in these evil incarnate type of roles. Here he is. Most of you probably recognize him, if not by name, by image.

    Charles Tyner

    Charles Tyner-square-242.jpg

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  9. 11 minutes ago, Snow Apple said:

    Imgine my surprise and delight when I stumbled on an episode of Bonanza which had the same running joke.

    Right. There were more than a few episodes that ML recycled from Bonanza.


    Some of the episodes written by Michael Landon were recycled storylines from ones that he had written for Bonanza. Season two's "A Matter of Faith" was based on the Bonanza episode "A Matter of Circumstance"; season five's "Someone Please Love Me" was based on the Bonanza episode "A Dream To Dream"; season seven's "The Silent Cry" was based on the Bonanza episode "The Sound of Sadness"; season eight's "He Was Only Twelve" was based on the Bonanza episode "He Was Only Seven"; and season nine's "Little Lou" was based on the Bonanza episode "It's A Small World".


  10. 29 minutes ago, RedbirdNelly said:

    does anyone have the scoop on Albert being added?

    I seem to recall hearing mentioned that it was an attempt to appeal to more young male viewers, since the stories were told from a female centrist point of view. I’m male, but I liked the books growing up, mostly, because they’re one of the better documented pioneer stories out there. Of course, it wasn’t until later that I learned that much of the children’s books were fictionalized, and if you want the real scoop, you need to pick up the Pioneer Girl transcript.

    Interestingly, ML included the birth and death of baby Freddie, who was indeed a real life character (unlike Albert). But the real Laura left him out of the books altogether. I also find it kind of odd that in the books, Laura never once referred to Walnut Grove Minnesota by name, but rather “Plum Creek” Minnesota.

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  11. @smittykins. Yes, I believe it was the Pioneer Girl manuscript in which it was mentioned. I have it, but haven’t even read halfway through it yet, so I haven’t come to that part yet.

    @Snow Apple. It wasn’t until much later that I learned that the books; while based on the families real life, included a lot of made up events that Laura threw in, so that they would appeal more to children. Not so much fictional I suppose, as much as a lot of added filler, along with a lot of real life events being left out. A girl over at MovieChat posted that she read a book that mentioned that of the “3 Nellie’s”, one of them (I think it was the first one, Nellie Owens) was actually a nice girl that wanted to be on friendly terms with Laura. But Laura spurned her friendship.

  12. I think it might have been in this same thread? But someone here a while back, mentioned that the whole brown hair/eyes vs blond hair, blue eyes, competition between Mary and Laura, was entirely made up by Laura, for the purposes of the books. I believe that the person that posted this, mentioned the publication in which Laura revealed this, but the title escapes me?

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  13. 2 hours ago, AZChristian said:

    Maybe he's returned to his old horse-thieving habits.

    Interesting find. I knew that they were con artists, but I thought that it pretty much stopped there. It appears though, that they are in fact, genuine criminals, or at least were at one time (A bumbling, and less appealing version of Bonnie and Clyde if you will, minus the homicides, I think?) Just think, it wasn’t too long ago that people were still hung for this sort of thing. Next time someone tells you that the good old days weren't so good, you might find yourself reassessing that claim 😜

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  14. On 8/15/2019 at 6:09 PM, rmontro said:

    I'm concerned about animal cruelty with Bird.  If she keeps those cats trapped in that Birdhouse all summer, it's probably going to get suffocatingly hot in there.  I don't expect they're going to put an air conditioner in it. 

    Don’t worry rmontro. At the end of the shoot, the cat wrangler packs the felines up, and brings them back to their real accommodations. Which are undoubtedly 1st class, compared to anything that this band of preschool drop outs could provide for them 😄

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  15. Yeah, continuity was never this shows strong suit, but to be fair, that seemed to be typical of many shows of the time. I can’t say if newer shows are any better, as I don’t watch modern television.

    I like the show enough that I’m able to overlook it. I even liked the later seasons. I even liked (gasp) little house: a new beginning 😜 At least the few episodes that I have seen.

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  16. On 4/23/2019 at 6:31 PM, andidante said:

    I'm just wondering what happened to the podcast that Kim was doing. Has anyone heard why they stopped? 

    I had forgotten all about the podcasts until this post reminded me. I remember the last time I went to play some of the older files, the link was broken. Some of them were actually pretty entertaining though, and it would be nice to see it make a comeback.

  17. 1 hour ago, Prisonnurse said:

    My uncle was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer about the same time Ami was.   He is still alive, but barely.  

    Best of luck to your uncle PN. At the time that my father was diagnosed, the survival rate was around 50% over the first year (My father only lasted 7 months). However, since then, there have been at least one, or perhaps a few new drugs that have been approved by the FDA, that have extended the lives of lung cancer patients.

    My father did smoke, and for many years. Oddly enough, he had quit for almost 20 years prior to his diagnosis. But such habits have a way of coming back to haunt a person, as it did with my father.

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  18. Totally going from memory here, but I seem to recall that the kid that played Larry, moved to the mid-west or east coast, effectively ending his role on the show. Don’t remember what happened to Judy. Gilbert (Stephen Talbot, son of actor Lyle Talbot) stepped in where Larry left off. It seemed to me that Gilbert was an even bigger rat than Larry, and managed to get Beaver into even worse trouble.

    I also recall that the later episodes centered more around Wally and his friends. It seemed that puberty was an awkward stage in a young Mr Mather's life, and he had somewhat morphed into an awkward and goofy acting teen. Almost overnight, it seemed that his natural ability to act and recite cute kid lines, in a way that cute kids do, was gone. That was about the time that you noticed that the episodes shifted more over to Wally.

    Bit of Trivia: At one point, Ken Osmond (Eddie Haskell) and porn star John Holmes, were thought to be one in the same person (Which may or may not have been a good thing, depending on Mr Osmond’s success with the ladies 😜 ). I once saw some footage of Mr Holmes, and I can totally see how they could have been mistaken for one another. At that time, they looked very much the same, and he (Holmes) even had very similar sounding voice, with the same wise cracking “Eddie Haskell like” demeanor.

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  19. 11 hours ago, rmontro said:

    I have a suspicion that Billy might be overprotective of his daughters, to the point of keeping all potential boyfriends away from them.

    Perhaps rmontro, but if the boyfriend in question came from money, something tells me that Billy would warm up to the idea real quick. I think that marrying into the Brown family would probably be the same as it is in many non-western countries, in that you would be marrying into the entire family (And Billy's pocketbook) .

    So Noah is going to be spawning some offspring huh? I’m truly sorry to hear of this unfortunate turn of events. Way to reach for the stars there Rhain 😜

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  20. This was before my time here, but it’s my understanding that the little house topic was reduced to a single thread over at the television without pity site (The predecessor to this site as I recall) and that it was an immensely popular thread none the less. I came from IMDB, and we had a fairly active little house forum over there, and I was really sorry to see it go. The members from the IMDB little house forum went on to a variety of different sites, but those that didn’t disappear altogether following the closure of IMDB, either ended up here, IMDB 2, or at MovieChat. IMDB 2 has a single thread, but no one ever posts there. MovieChat has some activity, but very little. That site doesn’t seem to have much of a future either.

    I’m going through the little house series again, as I recently purchased the complete DVD set, so I’m hoping to be posting here more often as time goes on.

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  21. Season 1 Episode 24 Founder's Day

    Just watched this episode again the other day. And who do they have judging the pie contest? The one town resident that certainly doesn’t need any extra calories, Reverend Alden :D Give it to the malnourished mine worker with 6 kids, and let him take the remaining pies home (Which is how I suspect it might have gone down in real life).

    I must say, I’m generally not a big fan of Chuck (Charles). But he really shined in this episode. It was kind of classy the way that he explained to Laura that being younger, he had an unfair advantage over Mr Tyler (Played by Forrest Tucker) and was just evening the odds, without outright suggesting that he threw the contest.

    Not much to say today, and this is my first post since we have been reduced from a subforum to a thread. I hope this thread doesn’t die off as a result.

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