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Posts posted by tdanaher

  1. 20 hours ago, Lovecat said:

    I'm usually the last one to notice (or care about) Photoshopping or use of the "skinny filter," but holy crap is this a bad job!  Her whole torso is shifted over to her left (the right, as we look at it), making it look like her right hip juts out 8-10" further than her left.  And the stripe in the crosswalk is all jagged.  Fail.

    You are correct. This picture was taken outside her tourist base L’Hotel (what a way to demonstrate how fit you are, Whit, that you walked alllllll the way outside the building!). Note the circled area, especially the blue artifact to the right of the stripe on the pavement. I found this exact location on Google Street View. Note in the second picture that this blue artifact is missing, and that of the three paint squares which make up the stripe, only one is slightly offset.


    Screenshot_2019-12-18 Google Maps.jpg

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  2. 2. The black areas under her arms are solid black, and her torso sides are nearly straight. This is not explainable by lighting, because also note that her right arm casts a partial shadow from light to her right. Any light would also highlight any texture on the black background object.


    3. The two torsos she recently photographed outside are definitely not the flag shirt torso.



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  3. 34 minutes ago, SunnyBeBe said:

    I must say though, she does really seem to work out really hard.  With all that exertion, she must really consume a lot of calories to maintain her weight, because she does seem to have awesome muscle power for her size. When she's in the zone, she really appears to be focused.  The thing is....it appears that she loses that focus when the workout is over.  

    It's not an indication of being "focused" if she's only doing something for a minute or two.

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  4. 10 hours ago, 3girlsforus said:

    So it’s her second response to our comments that her hygiene is lacking. First we see her naked in the shower - see she bathes - and now in case we don’t believe that, she wants us to know her cat helps keep her clean. Poor cat.

    Um, Whit? You keep betraying that you’re using photoshop when you don’t notice that altering the parts you want to change also affects the parts you don’t. Example: your nose ring which normally goes into your nostril opening, suddenly doesn’t in this latest pic.0D52DD76-D012-42D5-AE2C-5C49A00441CA.jpeg.e22431c6cdfc50ef214bf48310d7cb10.jpeg38AF8EBF-FD2D-4A45-BC38-B9D4D1001D93.thumb.jpeg.de565c0b7260bd8741f24af696565c0f.jpeg

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  5. 40 minutes ago, 3girlsforus said:

    I still don’t understand why all this heavy weightlifting is her workout focus. She is too overweight to do any of it correctly. She’s going to get hurt. Frankly I’m surprised she hasn’t already. 

    Always, always, always, she will go for the thing that takes the least amount of time with the most amount of visual oomph. Always, always, always. 100%.

    • Love 9
  6. 50 minutes ago, ClareWalks said:

    I believe the limit is 1 minute, and she definitely cannot do that, it's practically a marathon ;)

    Edit to add: notice how every dance video ends with her pretending to forget the choreography? Yeah, we know you're exhausted, Whit. You are fooling no one.

    The whole video is 42 seconds long, she dances for only 40 of those seconds, and if you think about it, her alterations are right in line with the only kind of choreography she can tolerate at her size, which is walk, walk, arms, arms, butt wiggle, butt wiggle. She has no stamina to do the whole thing, certainly, and she absolutely cannot do the parts involving the actual fast skipping forward, the foot lifts off the ground to the back of the knee, and the hops where BOTH feet leave the ground for a distance of several inches. Oh, and the fast squat with the legs out to the side, sliding foot, and then quickly being upright.

    LOL at the part where Todd correctly throws his left leg out and up to the side, while Whit just moves her left foot on the ground to the side a little.

    • Love 4
  7. As much as her poodles want to scream “It’s just positioning,” no amount of positioning in the world explains why Whit’s head is blurrier than the guys in front of and behind her, why her legs from the knees down end up detached from her body above, why her right leg is blurred into oblivion while her left leg is in focus, and how she developed a thinner torso where her breasts stick out noticeably further than her abs a few days after her airplane trip showed the reverse.





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  8. Those sprints she says she does are all of about 44 steps round trip, 22 from one side of the room to the other. Boy, that's a small gym. That's as many steps as I take from my tiny NYC apartment front door through the entryway and to the living room windows. Can you truly be said to "sprint" when you're just walking across a living room?

    Edited to add: I slowed the video way down and counted.

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  9. 5 minutes ago, Mahamid Frauded Me said:

    I don't know about TLC springing for 1st class, maybe...I guess if I was a paying passenger in that compartment, I would want my money back if I had to listen to her talking/laughing at all. 

    I'm thinking that everyone else, Buddy, Babs, etc., got put into coach but Whit got the first-class seat treatment so she could fly in comfort at her size for such a long trip. I suspect this because she didn't take one of her usual selfies in her plane seat which she often does when she's in coach. It would be embarrassing even for her to show off her first class seat while not being able to include the rest of her entourage in the shot.

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  10. 2 hours ago, Emma C said:

    I think that is just the label of the shoe. Nothing fancy. Don't you think she would brag about her daily step count if she actually used a pedometer?

    Pachengala has it right. Although, actually, you can see that this filming season, whenever there’s activity (such as it is) involved, she has been wearing an activity-tracker watch, so she’s counting steps for sure.


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  11. On 8/16/2018 at 8:31 PM, Snafu said:


    A question for the athletically-experienced among us...are these things on the backs of her shoes some kind of pedometer accessories or such? They look like they’re objects and not mere shoe decorations, and that they have small readout screens. I know there are such things available though they’re usually much smaller. 


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  12. 1 hour ago, AZChristian said:

    I just realized that the annual "Coconut Fun Run" was last week in Honolulu.  I'm surprised that Twit didn't go back and do it again to show what great shape she's in after all the gym work this past year.


    Right! After all, if the Jiya dance-off was worth a rematch, why not another trip to exciting Hawaii? (Answer: Because TLC wasn't going to pony up the funds knowing how much it would fail yet again and with no possibility of spinning the results in Whit's favor in any way.)

    • Love 3
  13. 10 hours ago, Dot said:

    OMG. Apparently, we're gonna be treated to Twit rock-climbing in S-6. Maybe another challenge from Daddy?

    If I deserve to buy a few gallons of gasoline to pour on my drawers, so be it, but my first thought is that that second ladder on the floor, over on the left side, was used to help Whitney climb up to the height she's shown at on the rock pillar, because I can't see the woman who can't put on her own shoes because her stomach and thighs are in the way, being able to bend her legs in a far enough range of motion to defy gravity and push at least 350 pounds away from the earth using nothing but her hands and feet.

    • Love 14
  14. 19 minutes ago, tdanaher said:

    On Instagram, if you click on her face in the circle, you get her video stories. Otherwise, you just get the regular posts in that area below her profile text.



    OMG, sometimes the universe doesn’t hand you lemons, it hands you lemonade. (Edited to add: And Boom! That's what a real vandal would have done, not written in art-designed pink, but blacked out the "Girl Dance Cl" part!)


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  15. 12 minutes ago, SevenCostanza said:

    I'm not seeing a video. I wonder if she read your post and took it down?  I only see 2 still shots of the "vandalism"

    On Instagram, if you click on her face in the circle, you get her video stories. Otherwise, you just get the regular posts in that area below her profile text.



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  16. 9 hours ago, The Tex Kitten said:

    It was 100% the TLC producers. Every season there is a scripted villain and an actor mic-ed up and ready on cue to fat shame her. Pure formula.

    I note that on her Instagram video, you could see two TLC camera operators and a still camera operator photographing her making the announcement of this "vandalism." Also, it was so quick you could barely see him, but Buddy was there! What are the odds that all these TLC personnel, AND Tal, AND Buddy, all just HAPPENED to be in front of Whit's house when she discovered this artful graffiti overlaid on her mobile advertisement? Speaking of which, from Greensboro's Code of Ordinances...

    Sec. 16-162.

    It shall be unlawful to park a vehicle on a street for the primary purpose of:

    (2) Advertising, except religious and charitable advertising approved in writing by the governing body of the city.

    • Love 14
  17. 4 minutes ago, DC Gal in VA said:

    That was great Sir RaiderDuck OMS! What an amazing synopsis.

    The creepiest thing about this episode, except for those unbelievably hideous "laygs" on James, was that icky smile from Lisa. That smile gave me the chills. Boy oh boy, TLC was positively diabolical in saving  the big reveal of the real, evil, conniving Lisa until near the end.




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  18. 37 minutes ago, ZumbaTiger said:

    I recently re-watched "One K At A Time" (the episode when Whitney plays a cringeworthy martyr crawling the 8k) and some questions occurred to me about her "panic attacks".

     Also, I wanted to correct something I wrote in a previous post. I previously wrote that Todd said he runs several miles every day, but what he actually said in the episode was that he runs 8 miles several times a week.

    Todd has a social-media account through a service called Strava. He has very often uploaded to Strava his running statistics (the route he takes, speed, etc.) and it’s verifiable that he averages about a 9-minute mile, and has run several days  a week at around about 8 miles a day.

    What’s interesting to see is that Buddy also has a Strava account. He initially used it to track his miles either walking or biking way back in 2013, then he stopped using it, but he’s reactivated it as of February this year, where we find he has been living in Maryland, and he just moved back to the Greensboro area in May.

    I see in some of her pictures that Whitney wears an Apple watch so it would be easy for her to join the Strava fun with her friends and upload her exercise stats, but of course that would reveal how she has none.

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  19. 7 hours ago, Donut Bear said:

    Watch Whitney walk like a dedicated athlete.  She loves to speed walk with nature because she is SO fit and ready for anything.  (Never mind about that little 8k thingy in Hawaii)

    Keep in mind, Whit is a sprinter and always will be. She has never, at least within the context of the viral video onwards through the show and up to the present day, ever let herself be seen to do something for more than a few seconds, or at most close to two minutes (but even that's as rare as a dodo). In my opinion, this is going to be the crux of the new season. She's figured out how to leverage her weakness of needing an enormous amount of rest time doing nothing into making it look like she's become Super Fathlete. The weightlifting hits that sweet spot exactly. She can LOOK like she's turned her life around on the health front, while not actually doing so.


    1 hour ago, MegD said:

    Oh May 17th, she posted on Facebook that she was working with Will to lose the 100 lbs again. I think that's the show's next premise. She's been forced by the powers that be to cooperate or go the way of Ruby.

    That might be a misunderstanding, I think. It's not that she wants to lose 100 pounds, it seems that she's aiming to be able to lift 100 pounds, as in the weight workouts she's doing.

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